A Sword of Frost

Chapter 20: long night


The cobweb silver bells rang crazily and piercingly just now, like a spell calling for death. For a top assassin, delaying his appearance until now is obviously a bit too late. He glanced at Jin Huan on the bed, not interested in the bandages all over his body and panicked eyes, and instead asked Yun Yifeng directly: "Did someone break in just now?"

"It's not like an outsider." Yun Yifeng replied, "The silver bell of the entire Snow Appreciation Pavilion was not triggered, and only the spider thread of the Moon View Pavilion was broken."

Mu Chengxue heard his overtones: "So the master of Yunmen is suspicious of me?"

Yun Yifeng didn't deny it: "At least I should explain why your Excellency didn't show up until now."

"Because I'm practicing." Mu Chengxue frowned slightly, as if dissatisfied with the suspicion imposed on her.

Ji Yanran asked: "What about the evidence?"

Mu Chengxue said stiffly: "No."

On the premise that there is no outsider intrusion in Shangxue Pavilion, the sentence "no" is obviously so weak that it has no support, but it seems to cover up. Ji Yanran's eyes were dark, and he held his right hand on the hilt calmly, Mu Chengxue then took two steps back, and only Yun Yifeng persuaded him at the side of the sword: "It's hard to say at the moment, if that Yue Zhihua is Hiding in the dark, waiting for the oriole to follow, while we are here killing each other, wouldn't it be a disadvantage."

Ji Yanran was not persuaded, and said coldly: "What if it is him?"

"At least wait for someone to wake up first, ask a few words before talking." Yun Yifeng patted his hand, stood beside the bed to support Jin Huan, and tried to call again, "Brother Jin?"

His voice was gentle and gentle, with a bit of caution, like a trickle of water flowing through the mountains, without any aggressiveness. Sure enough, Jin Huan calmed down a little because of this, his eyes "gurgled" around, looked at him blankly, and said vaguely: "Yun... Master Yunmen."

"It's good to wake up." Yun Yifeng put a cushion behind him, and was about to choose his words carefully, and continued to ask if he had seen the murderer clearly, but Jin Huan panicked again, and slashed at him without warning. Opening his voice and yelling in horror, regardless of his injuries, he was about to turn out of the window as he moved. If Yun Yifeng hadn't pulled it out in time, he would almost have fallen into the snow pit outside.

"Don't... don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Do not kill me."

His teeth chattered.

In this gloomy and snowy room, a single candle was already frighteningly beating, and a piercing pleading made the heart constrict even more. Yun Yifeng didn't pay attention, but Ji Yanran could see clearly that Jin Huan only started to become hysterical again after his eyes came into contact with Mu Chengxue.

Everything seems to be self-explanatory.

The long sword clanged out of its sheath, and Mu Chengxue struck almost at the same time as him.

"Hey!" Yun Yifeng slapped the round table with one hand, shook the candlesticks on the table, swirled like a meteor hammer and knocked the two sword tips, and snapped, "Speak up if you have something to say!"

"No need." Ji Yanran made a mistake, and a broken silver dart could be nailed to the pillar of the house. His eyes were fixed on Mu Chengxue like an eagle, and murderous aura spread in his eyes, "This is the dart I picked up in the courtyard just now." Arrived."

Although the dart was incomplete, it could still see an ice crystal imprint, which was Mu Chengxue's unique hidden weapon.

"This..." Yun Yifeng hesitated for a moment, and just as soon as he was distracted, the other two had already broken through the door. The frozen snow on the stone steps was pierced by sword energy, and exploded in mid-air like white fireworks. The cold wind blows into the room, Jin Huan curled up on the bed, his whole body trembling like chaff, he was still muttering something, but he could no longer hear clearly.

Ji Yanran's usual weapon is the red blood sword, which was left in the Mobei military camp. This time he came to the Northeast with only a star picking sword. Although he was not good at it, he did not lose any advantage. . His moves are majestic and majestic, seemingly rough, but they are able to restrain Mu Chengxue. If the opponent hadn't relied on his lightness and evasion in time, he might have been defeated already.

After nearly a hundred moves, Ji Yanran spotted a gap and dived like a harrier.

With a "boom", Mu Chengxue was beaten back two steps, and said with a sneer, "So you are the one who hides the most, businessman?"

"No matter what my identity is, it has nothing to do with you." Ji Yanran held the sword in one hand, "If you want to survive, you must honestly confess the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Go to Huangquan and ask!" Mu Chengxue's murderous intent was fully revealed, and he attacked again with a wave of his arm.

"I'm going to die... I'm going to die!"

The endless fighting sound woke Jin Huan, he fell out of bed in panic, opened Yun Yifeng's hand, crawled to the door, and stared at the two people in the courtyard.

"It's going to die, it's really going to die!"

He grabbed the hem of Yun Yifeng's clothes again, and with a "stab", the force actually tore the fabric apart.

The wound on the chest also oozes blood again.

Mu Chengxue leaned back, seemingly wanting to avoid Ji Yanran's palm, but in the middle of it, she exerted force suddenly and turned to the other side.

Yun Yifeng reminded in time: "Be careful behind your back!"

Ji Yanran jumped up, dozens of poison darts brushed against his calf, and nailed to the tree with a "bang bang".

Mu Chengxue fights and retreats, the opponent clearly has the upper hand, not to mention there is Yun Yifeng who is watching the battle, he will only suffer if he loves to fight, so he made a feint and flew outwards, already optimistic about the route, but both As soon as his feet stepped on the eaves, a flying sword roared from behind, piercing his left chest from his right shoulder.

Blood spattered out, spreading a fishy mist in the air.

Jin Huan opened his mouth in a daze, as if he couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

Mu Chengxue shook twice in the air and hit the snow hard, like a white bird with its wings broken.

A dazzling red soon spread from under his body.

The world returned to silence, as if even the wind had stopped, and the only thing left was Jin Huan's heavy breathing.

Yun Yifeng's voice was troubled: "I told you, he may not be the one who did the murder."

Ji Yanran folded her sword back into its sheath: "It was he who made the first move."

Yun Yifeng still wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he thought of the current situation, and felt that it was meaningless. In the end, there was only a long sigh: "Forget it."

Mu Chengxue's body was randomly thrown in Baimei Pavilion.

And Jin Huan was taken into Piao Piao Pavilion.

The tasteless tea soup was boiling on the small stove, and there were dry laughter in my ears.



That's the crazy Jin Hwan.

Yun Yifeng actually regretted that he didn't cover this person's eyes in time, and after being injured and frightened, he was forced to witness Mu Chengxue's tragic death the whole time, which led to even more misbehavior and a complete idiot. Talking nonsense, and running around all day long, squatting at the window in the middle of the night and laughing miserably is a common occurrence, with a pale face illuminated by the silvery white moonlight, not much better than the red-clothed ghosts that scare little dolls among the people.

Ji Yanran handed him the teacup: "Still angry?"

"Not to mention." Yun Yifeng helped Jin Huan to sit up, "I just think you are a little too reckless."

Ji Yanran didn't make any excuses either, and just passed the tea soup in her hand to Jin Huan's mouth. The other party didn't appreciate it, knocked over the cup, and ran out with a smirk.

Yun Yifeng's headache was about to split: "Tell me, why did things turn out like this?"

"Go to sleep for a while, it's rare to stop." Ji Yanran said, "There are still some pickles left in the kitchen, I'll see if I can cook a bowl of noodles."

Yun Yifeng responded, got up and went back to the bedroom, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, just staring at the bed curtain in a daze.

It was snowing again outside.

The sky was dark, and Jin Huan stepped on the snow with one foot shallow and the other shallow, his legs were stiff, like a zombie.

He passed Meteor Pavilion, Guanyue Pavilion, Baimei Pavilion, and Xinuan Pavilion all the way. Every time he came to a courtyard, he knocked on the door, and said sillyly: "Come and eat!", then shook the wooden door twice, The "ding ding ding bang bang" sound of iron chains and copper rings, in the heavy sky light, is particularly life-threatening.

"No one, no one." Jin Huan let go of the door knocker, muttered regretfully, then turned his head and walked into the kitchen.

After Aunt Yu moved out, the place had been locked for a long time, and the snow in the yard almost blocked people from walking.

Jin Huan took two breaths of hot air into the palm of his hand, his face was livid from the cold, his eyes looked around the courtyard, and seeing some dry firewood under the linoleum, he reached out to dig it out, as if he wanted to light a fire to keep warm.

After pulling for a long time, a lump of heavy logs was finally thrown on the ground. Jin Huan's eyes were excited, and he smiled and went to hug another bigger one. A sharp pain.

The heat washed over the eyes, and the world suddenly turned red.

He was at a loss for a moment, not wanting to understand what happened. After being dazed for a long time, he raised his arm tremblingly and touched his forehead in disbelief.

Hands dripping bright red.

How many murderers are hidden in the Snow Appreciation Pavilion

This question made him chill, but also made him sober. He turned around in pain and fear, but only saw a vast expanse of flying snow.

Who exactly

who is it…


With this reluctance and bewilderment, he fell face up in the snow, his last breath was cut off by the strong wind.

The blood bubbling in the pure white was exactly the same as the red that spread under Mu Chengxue that day.

Yun Yifeng sat at the table, her breathing was a little short, and her body became hot and uncomfortable again.

He strutted to the window, opened the heavy curtain, and the cold wind immediately "whistled" in.

The courtyard is very quiet, and the kitchen is also dark. The person who said to cook pickled vegetable noodles has gone to nowhere.

Yun Yifeng rubbed the center of his brows, pushed the door and wanted to find it, but Ji Yanran just came in from outside the courtyard.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Me?" Yun Yifeng was puzzled, "Go to the kitchen."

Ji Yanran looked at him.

In the sudden dead silence, Yun Yifeng unconsciously shook his right hand, and soon realized something.

"What happened to Jin Huan?"

Ji Yanran said: "I was stabbed through the skull with a poisonous knife and died in the kitchen."

Yun Yifeng hesitated to speak, and continued to ask after a while: "What else do you want to say?"

"I want to say that in this Snow Appreciation Pavilion, maybe there is really another person hiding." Ji Yanran and him staggered their eyes, "Be more careful in the future."

Yun Yifeng said: "Maybe?"

Ji Yanran pretended not to understand what he meant, turned around and went into the kitchen, leaving only one sentence scattered in the night.

"If it is really Yue Zhihua, then his kung fu is not low."

Yun Yifeng frowned slightly, and stood in the wind and snow for a long time before returning to the front hall alone.

Two bowls of pickled vegetable noodles and a lamp of oily beans made my stomach cramp.

Ji Yanran carefully looked at his pale complexion, and asked, "Have you got poisoned again?"

"It's okay, just adjust your breathing." Yun Yifeng put down the bowl and chopsticks, "You and I... There must be someone guarding the Piao Piao Pavilion, lest Yue Zhihua sneak attack in the middle of the night."

Ji Yanran nodded and didn't say any more.

This is the longest night I have ever experienced since going up the mountain.

Yun Yifeng tried to meditate and adjust his breath, but he couldn't calm down for a long time. The dizziness of hot and cold is familiar, and the pain of thousands of ants biting the bones is also familiar. It stands to reason that I have been tortured by the disease for so many years, and I should have been familiar with it long ago—in fact, in many previous episodes , He did come here like this, but for some reason, this time he felt extraordinarily difficult.

Either it is because the poison is getting worse day by day, or it is because someone has taken good care of it in the previous two times, so this body has also learned to be lazy and slippery. To be served lightly again, use the gentle and gentle internal force to wash all the limbs and bones, and then wring out the warm handkerchief to wipe off all the stickiness, so that the whole body is refreshed and happy.

Yun Yifeng tightened the bed curtain tightly with one hand, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and it was rare for him to want to curse.

After staying like this for a whole night, until the belly of the fish was exposed in the east, the remaining poison on the body was gone, and people couldn't wait to fall asleep.

It really hurts.

He thought deeply.

If you can just sleep forever and never wake up from the big dream, you will be... blessed.

The next morning, it was rare to see sunshine.

Yun Yifeng moved his sore muscles and bones, pushed away the quilt and sat up.

Surrounded by endless dreams throughout the night, he was a little dizzy and did not wake up. He stared at the short candle beside the bed for a long time before his mind regained clarity. He walked barefoot to the table and wanted to pour a cup of herbal tea, but heard There were footsteps outside.

"Early in the morning, where did you go?" He tied up his hair casually, pushed the door out of the bedroom.

Ji Yanran was standing in the courtyard, holding a corpse in his hand.

Yue Zhihua's body.

It was dry and hideous, most of her hair had fallen out, and the blood scabs on her body had turned pitch black, as if she had been dead for a while.

Yun Yifeng was taken aback: "Where did you find it?"

"On the beam of the utility room." Ji Yanran said, "It's very hidden. If the roof hadn't been crushed by the snow, it might not be able to fall out in a few years."

Yun Yifeng said: "Really."

His voice was very soft, rather than questioning, it was more like adjusting the unspeakable delicate situation at this moment.

Everyone died, including Yue Zhihua.

The poisoned sharp blade in Jin Huan's skull became an unexplainable mystery.

Unless a third person falls from the sky, otherwise...

Ji Yanran stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the room." Yun Yifeng replied with his back turned to him, "Put on clothes."

Ji Yanran followed in, stood at the door and said, "I plan to search the entire Snow Appreciation Pavilion again. Before that, the door owner can stay in Piao Piao Pavilion with peace of mind, don't go anywhere."

Yun Yifeng sneered: "If you say doubt, I can also doubt the prince, why are you the only one to search?"

"You know, it can't be me." Ji Yanran was displeased with his frivolous attitude, and said forcefully, "It's about the Buddhist bead relic, if it is really lost, no one can afford it."

"Didn't you go to Xinuan Pavilion to look for it before? Let alone relics, I don't even have a single valuable pearl." Yun Yifeng fastened his belt, raised his head and said, "Besides, I'm from the rivers and lakes, and I don't belong to you. This lord is in charge of whether the country of Liang is prosperous or not—hey!"

Ji Yanran withdrew her hand: "I offended you."

Yun Yifeng froze and did not move, gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable, untie my acupuncture points!"

"It's freezing outside, the door owner should stay in the warm pavilion obediently." Ji Yanran pushed him to sit beside the bed, "In the evening, I will come back to feed myself."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

Ji Yanran turned and left the bedroom.

He was considerate and careful, and even closed the door deliberately, and lowered the thick curtain to protect the people inside from the wind and snow.

Yun Yifeng sat by the bed, originally wanted to imitate the thugs in the market by cursing a few words to have fun, but heard the footsteps of the other party getting farther and farther away, and soon disappeared without a trace, if there is no voice of Mr. Also scold in vain.

It's not worth it, and I might have a sore throat from roaring.

So he swallowed the words again, thinking of other ideas in his mind.

The two large acupoints on the chest were sealed, although they were tingling and numb, but if they could bear the force and exercise, it was not impossible to break open.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and tried to move back.

The body swayed slightly, and the acupoints could not be released, but knocked the half candle on the head of the bed into the quilt.

The light gauze bed curtain is like dry firewood, wrapped in wax oil, and burns instantly.

Yun Yifeng: "... no more?"

Seeing that the flames had reached his ass, the master of Fengyumen closed his eyes, no longer caring about protecting his delicate voice, he raised his head and roared vigorously, "Help!"

The voice hovered above the Piao Piao Pavilion for a long time.

Blown away by the wind again.

Ji Yanran checked all the spider silk and silver bells, and did not return to the residence until dark.

There is a burnt smell in the air, which becomes more obvious as you walk forward.

Ominous, spooky.

Like a thin thread strangling the heart.

He followed closely and pushed open the thick door heavily.

The choking hot smoke rushed towards the face, making people unable to open their eyes.

Charred wooden beams shrouded in blue-gray smoke, and the entire main house was burnt to ruins.

"Master Yunmen!" Ji Yanran didn't care about the lingering fire, and rushed in to find someone, but was blocked by a hot bluestone that roared down.

The feet trembled faintly, and the girder that had been devoured by the fire finally couldn't bear the weight, and the whole piece collapsed.

For a moment, sparks filled the air, bricks and tiles splashed, and the muffled sound was like an invisible knife, disrupting the world.

Ji Yanran was forced to retreat again and again.

But the wind roared more and more violently.

It blows those dancing fires, like a beast sticking out its greedy red tongue, and licks every inch of burning wood residue until the dusk sinks, and then it turns into the last wisp of smoke contentedly and disappears from sight between.

Ji Yanran stood in front of the scorched soil, without saying a word for a long time.

The wind disperses, the moon rises, and the galaxy dims.

The dumbbells on the eaves of the white jade pagoda swayed in a silent elegy, sending away all the souls who died in vain.

At midnight, sporadic torches were scattered on the mountain road, slowly climbing towards the Misty Peak, and it was not until dawn that they arrived at the Snow Pavilion.

The leader is Yue Mingwei.

He didn't care about the whereabouts of the rest of the guests, nor did he ask why the Piao Piao Pavilion had become charred, he just saluted respectfully: "See you, my lord."

"You are finally willing to show up." Ji Yanran looked at him coldly.

"It's not me, it's all arranged by the master." Yue Mingwei didn't care about this tough attitude, but became more humble, "I also ask the prince to go down the mountain first, and then discuss it."

Ji Yanran looked at him: "Master Yue has buried thunderstorms all over the mountains, how do we go down the mountain?"

Yue Mingwei explained with a smile: "I took the prince with me personally, so naturally the explosives would not be triggered."

Ji Yanran raised her eyebrows, and asked back: "Master Yue thinks, this king will still trust you?"

"This..." Yue Mingwei fell into hesitation. His mission on this trip was to take Ji Yanran away, and conflicts were inevitable. After thinking for a while, he beckoned to his followers and whispered something in his ear.

After the other party took the order, he hurried down the mountain. Half an hour later, there was a series of rumbling noises from the mountain road, and all the explosives were ignited together. The power of the kerosene was infinite, and the howl of snow it brought out was earth-shattering. Even the people in the cold mist city were panicked. They all looked at the black mist and stopped to guess what happened outside the city.

Eardrums swelled, Yue Mingwei shook his head, and just felt a little better.

He continued to apologize and said with a smile: "My lord, please."

Ji Yanran snorted coldly, and walked out with a flick of her sleeves.

The attendants of the Yue family threw the fire oil they brought on the wooden building indiscriminately.

Flames blazed up.

This bloody villa, which was burdened with countless murders, was finally completely reduced to ashes at dawn.

The sky was dim.