A Sword of Frost

Chapter 26: Childish nursery rhymes


On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the army dispatched from Qingzhou arrived as scheduled, and together with Lin Ying escorted the national treasure relic to the north.

The people in Wangxing City only know that the army is coming and going, but they don't know what happened. Anyway, this peaceful and prosperous world doesn't know how to fight, so just come, don't delay the New Year.

Feishuang Jiao let out a long hiss, and stopped firmly on the spot, rubbing the turf down with its four hooves, and the sand and soil splashed, majestic and majestic.

Yun Yifeng looked at the empty village entrance and asked, "Where's the butcher dish?"

Ji Yanran resolutely shirked responsibility: "Old Zhang said."

Old Zhang’s name is Zhang Facai, he is the owner of the inn, and he is kind and talkative. When he heard that the two of them were going to spend the Lantern Festival in Wangxing City, he immediately recommended him enthusiastically, saying that Lijia Village will hold a pig slaughtering feast today, which is really lively. Ah, a shed was set up at the entrance of the village, and the tables, chairs and benches were arranged so that you could not see the end at a glance. There were seven dishes and eight bowls, all from the pig's head to the pig's tail. The pig's trotters were bright red and bright. Last meal.

So the majestic Prince Liang and the master of the Fengyumen rode their horses with great interest to "just happen".

But bad luck, not exactly.

Ji Yanran was still complaining: "How can this old Zhang talk nonsense? He also lied to us that there is a pig-killing feast in Lijia Village."

"Yes, there are." A group of little dolls from the village happened to run by, and they laughed and shouted after hearing it, "But Lijia Village is far away from here. When you go there, they should have finished eating."

Yun Yifeng was taken aback: "Then where is this?"

The little baby replied while running: "This is Liu's Village, Li's Village is in the east of the city, and this is the west of the city."

Yun Yifeng asked for the way when he came, and he blocked a random person on the street.

From the looks of it now, that person was probably also confused, pointing casually.

The number one intelligence expert in Jianghu asked where the Li family village was, but he got it wrong.

The Cloud Gate Master fell into a long silence and self-doubt.

Ji Yanran comforted in time: "Liu Family Village is also fine, let's go, let's find a rich family to make a living."

After a while, Ji Yanran coaxed again: "After returning to the city, if we see that random guide again, we will beat him up."

Yun Yifeng said unwillingly: "Yes."

Feishuangjiao walked briskly, strolling into the village with the two of them on his back. Although the pig-killing feast was not in time, it happened to be the time for dinner. Smoke was rising from the chimneys of every household. There must always be good wine and good food during the Chinese New Year. The hosts were more enthusiastic than each other. Wanting to rest his feet, he hurriedly let him into the house and added two more sets of bowls and chopsticks.

During the dinner, there was a dish of roast duck that was delicious, Yun Yifeng still couldn't get enough of it and said: "If Auntie is willing to sell it in Wangxing City, I will definitely make a lot of money."

"I'm too old to do it anymore." The aunt waved her hand and said, "If you like it, there are three more in the kitchen. Take one home."

"Why are there three more? The three are gone long ago. They were bought yesterday." The uncle on the other side reminded her, "Did you forget? As for the servant of the wealthy Mr. Xu's family, you even took money from him."

After he said it, the aunt remembered that there was such a thing. She patted her head and said that she only recorded the entry but not the exit. If you think about it, it’s not rare if you have more.”

The meal was homely and warm, and the host refused to accept the money. Just then, the grandson of the family ran in with a group of playmates, and the two of them took the broken silver as lucky money and distributed it to the group of dolls.

"The two gentlemen are too polite." The aunt tidied up the table, then smiled and asked the two to sit down for a while, and then left after drinking the red dates and rice wine.

There is a hanging chair in the yard, it will creak and make noises when you sleep on it, Yun Yifeng will lie down after eating and drinking, and will be drowsy by the sun, and there are a group of dolls around him who don’t feel noisy, listening to the upside down The nursery rhymes, on the contrary, are more hypnotic.

The uncle went to the village to visit, and the aunt cooked rice wine and went to the next door to help dry smoked bacon. Ji Yanran said with emotion: "If Daliang has such a good scene everywhere, then it will be called the real prosperous world."

"Is the northwest still in chaos?" Yun Yifeng asked him.

"With the army guarding it, it is not considered chaos, and the people also have the confidence to sow in spring, and they are not afraid of being homeless in autumn." Ji Yanran said, "However, it may take a long time to be as prosperous and prosperous as Wangxing City, ten years , twenty years, fifty years."

Yun Yifeng poured half a bowl of wine for him: "But there is always something to look forward to, huh?"

"Yes." Ji Yanran smiled, "One day, the people at the border will be like this, looking forward to real stability and peace."

After a while, Yun Yifeng said again: "Can I ask the prince something?"

Ji Yanran nodded: "Say."

"Why do those people force the prince to rebel?" Yun Yifeng sat up a little bit, "The emperor is like a wise king, and the prince is also a fierce general. Listen to the meaning of the concubine's words. You get along with him quite well on weekdays. What is the person behind the scenes?" Do they want to provoke a dispute between snipe and clam and benefit themselves, or..." He lowered his voice and almost whispered into the other's ear, "Or do they really want to embrace the prince and proclaim him emperor? After all, the prince is in charge of the country, but the throne is not It's someone else sitting, no matter how good the relationship between the two brothers is, with the imperial power and military power in the middle, there will always be some fear, and the concubine has never returned to the grassland to visit relatives for more than 20 years, and has stayed in the royal city for the sake of Make the emperor feel more at ease?"

Ji Yanran only felt that his ears were hot and humid, so he pinched his neck and pulled him away: "Do you suspect that the mastermind behind the scenes is mine?"

"I can't guarantee it's the old department back then. They were born and died together, so that's why the prince is even more unwilling." Yun Yifeng sat back cross-legged, "First stir up the conflict, and when the time comes, the knife will be on the neck, even if the prince is not willing to go to the wall again." If you are confused, you can only grit your teeth and fight for your life."

Ji Yanran said: "Paste on the wall?"

Yun Yifeng has a good attitude: "Let's make an analogy, let's make an analogy." It has nothing to do with mud, you are a good yellow mud!

"I don't have such subordinates." Ji Yanran shook her head, "Since I'm a brother who was born and died together, I naturally know what I want. Not only am I not interested in the throne, but I'm not even willing to be a general. The sky will run away."

"Is that so..." Yun Yifeng hooked his shoulders, "It's worthless."

Ji Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are quite courageous, don't let others hear this."

Yun Yifeng agreed, and lay back with her arms under her pillow. A group of little dolls are still dancing around, talking about falling off a cliff and breaking their legs, how pitiful it is to have a round belly. Although the content is really unreasonable, the voice is clear and tender, and it sounds catchy.

On this day, the two returned to the city in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Although there is no magnificent sunset glow in summer, there is a trace of crimson hanging on the dark blue sky, lingering and lingering, emitting a golden light.

In the early morning of the next day, Yun Yifeng was standing in front of the candy shop, still concentrating on waiting for the jujube pastry to come out of the oven, when a group of people ran past behind him.

"What's wrong?" he asked in surprise.

Ji Yanran casually grabbed a passerby.

"Someone's been killed." The man said, "Master Xu from Shiba Villa went out to do business in October last year, but he couldn't make it back during Chinese New Year. He thought he was delayed on the way. Who knew he would be killed. It's really pitiful."

The owner of the candy shop is obviously very familiar with this Master Xu, and immediately poked out half of his head from the shop: "Who killed it? Is it the newly married concubine?"

"I don't know, I'm going to see it now." A passer-by said, "I heard that the scene was very miserable, Master Zhang has rushed over with his assistant."

A homicide occurred during Chinese New Year, and it happened in Shiba Villa, a first-class wealthy family. The news spread quickly, and within half an hour, the city was already full of storms. Yun Yifeng was sitting at the table in the inn, and the surrounding tea guests were discussing the matter. They couldn't agree on what happened. Some people said that Mr. Xu's hands and feet were chopped off by his enemies and thrown into the well, while others said that he was conspired with by his concubine to be an adulterer. Murdering for money or killing one's life, what's more, it is simply said that the yang energy was sucked dry by the painted skin goblin, and the whole person was scorched like dead wood, which would shatter when broken.

"It's a pity." The tea guests lamented one after another, "The people living in the Shiba Villa are all kind people."

Ji Yanran said: "If you think it's noisy, let's change the place."

"Eighteen Villas, I've also heard of it." Yun Yifeng said, "For the rich and benevolent, he has done a lot of things to build bridges and pave roads, and he has donated to Buddhist temples and charitable halls."

"That's really a good man who has no reward." Ji Yanran poured water for him, "What else do you know about this villa, why not write it down and hand it over to Zhang Guhe, so that he can investigate and close the case as soon as possible."

Yun Yifeng looked at him: "My lord will really take advantage of my Fengyumen."

Ji Yanran was very self-conscious: "I understand, the rules of the world are to pay money first."

Yun Yifeng smiled and said: "I'm afraid I can't accept this business, an ordinary local wealthy family, no one has ever bought news, Feng Yumen doesn't know much.

The two were talking, but a subordinate hurried up from the stairs and whispered in Ji Yanran's ear: "My lord, Mr. Zhang is here, and he is waiting in the room, as if something urgent happened."

Yun Yifeng looked at him and frowned slightly.

At this time, I am afraid that it has something to do with the eighteen villas.

Zhang Guhe took his master with him, and both of them paced back and forth in the room, explaining quite vividly what is meant by "difficulty sitting and standing". , black ink bumps and bloody handprints, let alone what the content is, just looking at it makes you panic.

It was found from the body of the deceased in Shiba Villa, and it was sealed in a wax pill. Zhang Guhe knew at a glance that this was definitely not an ordinary murder case, so he rushed to find Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran asked: "The Red Crow Sect?"

"Yes." Zhang Guhe said, "Xiaguan once followed the Lord Wang of Dali Temple and handled the case of the Red Crow Sect together, so he can recognize this curse at a glance."

Twenty years ago, the Red Crow Sect flourished in Daliang. The teachings appeared gentle, loving, stable and happy, but inside they were promiscuous, filthy, bloody and filthy, causing countless people to go insane and their families ruined. It took the court five years to clear the Its complete extermination did not pay a small price. I thought that the last inch of embers had been extinguished, but I didn't expect it to reappear today.

Ji Yanran asked again: "What is the family history of the Xu family in Shiba Villa?"

"Businessman." Zhang Guhe replied, "The name of the deceased was Xu Qiuwang, he was the helm of the Xu family, he was generous and cautious, he had no flaws other than lust, he really didn't look like he had joined a cult."

"It's also possible that someone framed it." Ji Yanran said, "But no matter what it is, since the red crow sect's spell has appeared, my lord should report it to the court as soon as possible according to the law."

After Zhang Guhe left, Yun Yifeng asked: "Why, won't your lord go to see Shiba Villa?"

"Of course I want to go." Ji Yanran said, "But we have to wait for the government to deliver all the files about the Xu family. You and I should first find out the details of the Eighteen Villas, and then it's not too late to go."

Yun Yifeng paused for a moment: "You and me?"

Ji Yanran was quite calm: "Yes."

Ji Yanran added another sentence: "Master Yunmen only needs to collect money from the court according to the quoted price. It's okay for the lion to open his mouth. If the emperor refuses, I will personally take you to blackmail him in the future."

His Royal Highness King Xiao had a lot of calculations, if he could take the master of the Fengyumen with him in the case of investigation, he would save a lot of worry and effort. And Yun Yifeng thought about it again and again, and felt that he was always free, so he ran to the Shiba Villa, and he could go to the treasury to pick things up later, which seemed to be a good deal.

Besides, as the saying goes, come and come.

So he said: "Yes."

Ji Yanran was quite satisfied.

Zhang Guhe's work efficiency has always been high, and this time the Red Crow Sect was involved, so he dared not slack off, so he sent someone to send the case file that afternoon, including the details of Shiba Villa, without missing a single point.

Yun Yifeng went through it roughly, and there is no doubt about the history of the Xu family's fortune. It is the story of an ordinary shopkeeper walking around the streets, making his business bigger and bigger, and finally buying a house and land and becoming a landlord. Mrs. Xu had 18 benevolent people to help him before he started a family. The 18th Villa was named after this, in order to remind future generations to be grateful and to do good deeds on a daily basis. The deceased, Xu Qiuwang, was his eldest son, in his forties, who had been the real manager of the villa in recent years. He also had four younger brothers who were in charge of various companies. On weekdays, brothers and friends were respectful and harmonious.

Ji Yanran said: "What do you think, Master Yunmen?"

"The reason why the Red Crow Sect can confuse people's hearts is because it has captured the 'greed' in human nature." Yun Yifeng said, "You don't need to work in the fields, and you don't need to study hard for a Ph. D. You can get rich just by asking God to burn incense Dagui, coupled with the high-level talk of the leader, will naturally convince those lazy people to believe it. But Xu Qiuwang shouldn't be. He is a businessman, and he is a very shrewd businessman. There is no shortage of food and clothing at home. If you say that you have everything, since you have nothing to ask for, why do you still believe in this mess?"

"It seems that you and I really have to go to Shiba Villa." Ji Yanran closed the file, "He died in a miserable state, his leg bones were beaten to pieces, even if it wasn't a cult, he didn't look like an ordinary seeker of revenge."

Yun Yifeng got a headache when he heard it: "These people, why don't they stop for the Chinese New Year?"

The Eighteenth Villa is not far from the inn, just a few streets across. Zhang Guhe heard the transmission, and hurried out to greet him: "My lord, the master of the Yunmen."

"Have you found anything?" Ji Yanran asked while walking.

"It has been passed on to Xu Qiuwang's eighteen wives and concubines, and the personal servants and maids have also been interrogated one by one. No one has ever heard of the Red Crow Sect." Zhang Guhe said, "Mr. , I was afraid that I would not be able to bear the stimulation, so I didn’t tell him for the time being.”

Yun Yifeng thought to himself, eighteen wives and concubines.

I really don't feel tired.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the villa was in chaos because of an accident, and no one came to light the lanterns under the corridor. Yun Yifeng hadn't walked a few steps, and suddenly heard a burst of crying, in this cold and windy day, sobbing, especially ear-piercing.

"Who's there?" Zhang Guhe was also taken aback, and asked sharply.

The crying stopped abruptly, and after a long time, a small shadow stood up in the corner.

It was a little girl of seven or eight years old, she was dressed like a servant's child, timid.

"You little baby." Zhang Guhe breathed a sigh of relief, "It's getting dark, why don't you go home?"

"I... my mother scolded me." The little girl twitched, "I don't want to go back."

Yun Yifeng took out a silk handkerchief from her sleeve, wiped away her tears, and said softly: "Tell me, why did your mother scold you?"

"When I sang ballads, my mother beat me, saying that something happened to the master, and I was still singing about my broken leg. If the housekeeper heard it, I would be kicked out of the house." The little girl said aggrievedly, "But everyone in the city I'm singing, and I'm not the only one."

"It's that nursery rhyme about herding sheep? I heard it in the village today, and it was made up in a mess. It's really disturbing, so don't sing it in the future." Yun Yifeng reminded, "If you don't go home again, your mother will die. I'm worried."

The little girl agreed, wiped her face again, and returned the handkerchief.

"Give it to you." Yun Yifeng stood up and said with a smile, "Go back quickly."

The little girl agreed vaguely, looked up at him, and thought, this big brother is really tall and good-looking.

The silk handkerchief in my hand is soft and fragrant, like the petals in the morning.

She looked at her dirty clothes and hands, and then thought of the spotless white sleeves that brushed past her eyes just now, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It's time to take a shower tonight.

"Hi, girl."

Suddenly someone called her from behind.