A Sword of Frost

Chapter 27: Brother Xu


Xu Qiuwang's body was parked in a side room in the backyard. Before the few people approached, they smelled a strong putrid smell.

Yun Yifeng frowned: "Isn't it going to be a while?"

"Yes." Zhang Guhe said, "The body was found in a dry well in the north garden of the villa. There is an empty house, and there are very few people passing by. If it weren't for the warmer weather these days, the sweeping servants could smell the smell." , I don’t know how long it will be there.”

Ji Yanran asked: "How long have you been dead?"

"According to Wu Zuo, it should have been more than ten days." Zhang Guhe said, "The walls of the dry well are rough, and there are many scratches on his head and face, but there is no blood spatter, and he was thrown into it after his death. .”

The Shibashan Village has a large family and hundreds of people live in it. The investigation of this case can be described as foggy and clueless. Because of the involvement of the Red Crow Sect, the entire villa was surrounded by officers and soldiers at this time, and no matter who came in or out, they had to communicate, which attracted the people to stop and speculate, not knowing what happened to the rich family. And Xu Qiuwang's house and study were almost searched to the bottom.

Yun Yifeng lifted the white cloth and examined the corpse carefully. The deceased showed no signs of poisoning. There were broken bones all over his body, and his skull was crushed. He should have died after being pushed down from a high altitude. break" is not an exaggeration.

Ji Yanran said: "If you really have something to do with the Red Crow Sect, is this a sacrifice or revenge?"

"Xu Qiuwang is so smart and capable, even if he really joined a cult, he should be fooling others, and he should never be a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered by himself." Yun Yifeng took off his gloves and washed his hands, "Besides, he just married a while ago I bought a concubine in the eighteenth room, and bought a new store to expand my business. Who can fool such a money-greedy old oil merchant into offering sacrifices? Don’t forget, my lord, although the Red Crow Sect is a cult, it can kill people. All based on one mouth, the congregation's mutilation of themselves is voluntary, and there has never been a precedent of force."

Ji Yanran smiled and said: "Look, I said that brother Huang spent a lot of money to hire the master of Yunmen, and it's not a loss at all."

Yun Yifeng was too lazy to talk to him: "Let's go, let's go to the study to see what Master Zhang has found out today."

There was a thick stack of confessions on the table. I heard that during the interrogation, the concubine was crying and the servants were confused, and no one could say anything. Xu Qiuwang went on a long trip in October. He wanted to visit the south. He planned to open several brocade shops next year. He did not bring much servants and money. Before he left, everything was as usual. He also said that he would return as soon as possible to celebrate the new year.

"Then it's even more impossible to offer sacrifices on your own initiative." Yun Yifeng said, "It's not for the purpose of robbing wealth. Killing people and breaking their legs and throwing them back home is likely to be revenge or a warning."

Ji Yanran asked: "Who is in charge of the villa at this time?"

"For the time being, Xu Qiuwang's regular wife, Mrs. Yuan, will take care of the house." Zhang Guhe replied, "Grandpa Xu has been reciting Buddhism on the mountain, and the remaining four sons only went home for the second year of junior high school, and then hurriedly went to various shops to inspect. The five brothers are on good terms, and after hearing the news, they should rush back to the villa in the shortest possible time."

The three of them were talking, and there was another noise outside the door. The yamen servant rushed to report, saying that Mrs. Xu had received the news for some reason and had already run down the mountain. convulsions.

"This... whoever informed Mrs. Xu, he is quite old, what's the trouble?" Zhang Guhe's head was like a fight, "My lord—"

"Let's go." Ji Yanran interrupted him, "Let's go and have a look too."

Old Mrs. Xu's bedroom was surrounded by a group of people. Inside the room, the doctor was seeing a doctor. He said that it was because of the stimulation that his body was fine and he would wake up after a short rest.

Mrs. Yuan was also standing outside the door, sternly asking who told the matter to the old man. The servant who was serving him knelt on the ground, and even said that he didn't know anything. He was decocting medicine in the kitchen in the morning. When I went down the mountain, I couldn't stop it in such a hurry, and I didn't have time to inform my family, so I had to borrow a sedan chair from the temple.

"Mother." A young man stood beside Yuan, persuading her, "You know grandpa's temper. Father couldn't stop him when he was alive, so why bother to punish the servant, let him get up first."

At this moment, someone saw Zhang Guhe and quickly reminded him in a low voice. Both Yuan Shi and the young man came over to salute, and looked at Ji Yanran and Yun Yifeng with hesitation on their faces: "Who are these two?"

"Oh, we are friends of Master Zhang." Ji Yanran said casually, "I heard that something happened here, so I came here to help handle the case."

He came to Wangxing City this time, although he didn't make much fanfare, he didn't cover up his whereabouts. How can a local gentry like the Xu family not hear about it? Unexpectedly, the other party did not intend to disclose their identities, so Yuan and the young man had no choice but to pretend not to know, feeling more and more anxious, not knowing what would happen in the future.

After the mother and son left, Yun Yifeng said: "In the deep house compound, human relations are also indifferent." Not long after Xu Qiuwang's body was found, the son on the other side was able to say "Father was alive" without changing his face, and so did Yuan's. The majesty is greater than the grief, and the eyes are not red and swollen at all. Ji Yanran heard it from the side, and reminded him: "Then Xu Qiuwang has eighteen concubines alone, plus countless accompanying maids, how can there be any affection between husband and wife, instead of waiting for other concubines to take the opportunity to separate, it is better The most important thing is to take the power back into your hands as soon as possible and stabilize your position."

Yun Yifeng glanced at him: "You have quite a lot of experience."

"It's a lot to see." Ji Yanran whispered in his ear, "There are only eighteen rooms here at most. Compared with the harem, it's nothing like a big witch."

Yun Yifeng thought about it, and he was right.

Compared with the royal family, this is nothing.

"Of course, I won't marry so many in the future." Ji Yanran added in time for some unknown purpose.

Yun Yifeng's eyelids twitched, and he said with admiration: "In this messy environment, the prince is still in the mood to talk about his life's major events, which is considered to be a unique taste. That's all, let's go into the house, then the old lady seems to have woken up."

The old man with white beard and hair was lying on the bed, still trembling all over. Zhang Guhe persuaded from the side: "The old man still needs to take care of his health."

"Master Zhang." The old master Xu fumbled and held his hand tremblingly, "You must avenge Qiu Wang, he died so poorly, he will be framed after death, and have something to do with the Red Crow Sect Mr. Zhang, I... I swear, it is absolutely impossible for Qiu Wang to do such a foolish thing."

"Yes, I know." Zhang Guhe comforted him patiently, and respected him very much. After all, many of the roads and charitable halls in the city over the years were donated and built by Shiba Villa. After a while, seeing that the other party's mood seemed to have stabilized a little, he asked tentatively just now, "Who did the old man hear the news from?"

"It's a young monk with strange eyes and a red birthmark on his hand." Mr. Xu recalled, tremblingly said, "I was reciting scriptures, but he slipped in from nowhere, he just whispered in my ear This matter, I ran through the back door again. I was like a thunderbolt at that time, and I didn't bother to take a closer look."

A strange little monk.

Ji Yanran and Yun Yifeng thought at the same time, maybe the murderer sent them to report on purpose.

After Mrs. Xu took the medicine, he fell asleep again not long after. It was almost late at night, although the Yuan family had arranged a courtyard in the villa, Ji Yanran and Yun Yifeng didn't want to live in this house full of crying, they still went back to the inn.

"It's almost time." Ji Yanran said, "After the medicine bath, you should rest earlier."

"En." Yun Yifeng nodded, "Then let's go to Shiba Villa tomorrow."

Before returning to the room, Ji Yanran checked his pulse as usual.

"How?" Yun Yifeng asked.

His Royal Highness Xiao Wang was very serious, and replied: "Smooth and powerful, like pearls... oh."

Yun Yifeng smiled and kicked him, driving him back to the next door.

Xiao Er quickly brought hot water for medicinal bathing.

Ji Yanran did not go back to her room, but leaned on the corridor with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The subordinates of the palace "passed by" three times back and forth, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered in his ear: "My lord, you have been staring at the door of the master of Yunmen, do you really want to go in?"

Ji Yanran's head burst into a shudder: "Get lost!"

He was originally thinking about the things of the Red Crow Sect, but he was quite absorbed in thinking about it. As a result, when he was interrupted by his subordinates, he couldn't concentrate anymore. He couldn't hear it in his ears, but it was the sound of bathing water in the opposite room.

Ji Yanran took a deep breath and hooked her fingers: "You, come here."

The subordinate Dian Dian ran forward: "What is your order?"

"Go and help Lao Zhang chop all the firewood in the inn."


That night, many people in Wangxing City could not sleep well, partly because of the sound of chanting sutras from Shiba Villa, and thinking of the strange rumors about Xu Qiuwang's death, they were afraid; partly because of sighs and sympathy, I feel that God is unfair, good people are not rewarded, how could such a generous rich businessman like Xu Dashan encounter such a thing.

Tossing and turning, the sky was also faintly white.

Yun Yifeng was woken up by the sound outside the window, didn't want to get up, wrapped in the quilt and was stunned for a while, the noise in his ears became more and more clear, it was a group of people discussing about starving ghosts and exorcising demons and asking for a celestial master.

Ji Yanran knocked on the door: "Are you awake?"

Yun Yifeng agreed and sat up from the bed.

"An accident happened to the Xu family again." Ji Yanran said, "This time it's Xu Qiuwang's younger brother, Xu Qiusheng. Zhang Guhe sent someone over early in the morning, saying that he seemed to be bewitched."

"Bewitched? Isn't he out of town?" Yun Yifeng was surprised.

"I'm back." Ji Yanran said helplessly, "It is said that they were carried back."

Strange things happened to the two heads of the family. Even the old man Xu, who was eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha, was tricked down the mountain by someone with a heart, and he was forced to witness all the tragedies happening with his own eyes. Judging from this posture, the Xu family's future life may not be peaceful.

The local big households had troubles one after another, Zhang Guhe naturally couldn't go anywhere easily. When the two arrived at Shiba Villa, he had already invited all the famous doctors in the city to Xu's family, and they were treating Xu Qiusheng's strange overeating disease. According to what the followers said, recently they have been discussing with the villagers in the nearby villages about planting in spring. Therefore, when the second shopkeeper had to eat three or four bowls for a meal at the beginning, no one cared about it, but in the past few days, Xu Qiusheng's appetite has become more and more amazing. What he wanted was not to talk about business, but to buy braised duck everywhere, which was not enough for him to eat alone. Seeing that his stomach was already swollen and round, but his mouth was still screaming hungry, the servants were surprised that something was wrong, and quickly lifted him up return.

"Aiyo... Aiyo..." Xu Qiusheng lay on the bed, moaning endlessly.

Ji Yanran asked: "Master Zhang, does this have anything to do with the Red Crow Sect?"

"I haven't noticed it for the time being." Zhang Guhe said, "But Xu Qiusheng has always been the healthiest of the five brothers, and he has never had a cold on weekdays, so his family members said that this is not a strange disease, but that he was killed by him. Possessed by a starving ghost, he is trying to get a mage to exorcise him."

"What didn't the doctor diagnose?" Ji Yanran asked again.

"There is no result yet." Zhang Guhe sighed, "Xu Qiusheng seems to be stupid. He stares blankly and only knows that he is hungry. His wife and children don't recognize him. If he continues to eat like this, I'm afraid he will really die."

"Let me go and have a look." Yun Yifeng said.

"You know how to see a doctor?" Ji Yanran was a little surprised.

Yun Yifeng rolled up his sleeves and said, "I will do a drug test."

Running into a hungry ghost is really nonsensical. Although there is bulimia, the patient is not so crazy. Xu Qiusheng's state at this time can only be explained by poisoning.

Ji Yanran also followed in.

Yun Yifeng was taken aback by the swollen abdomen of the man on the bed, and then held his wrist to test his pulse, which was quite different from ordinary people.

"What do you think?" He asked the doctor behind him.

"This... is poisoned." One of the young doctors replied.

Yun Yifeng nodded: "What else?"

"The most urgent thing is to empty the stomach first, but Xu Erye eats too much, the stomach has already lost its function, vomiting and diarrhea are useless, and we are helpless."

"Try acupuncture and moxibustion." Yun Yifeng said, "If this drags on, he will only die."

The young doctor hesitated and said, "But if something happens..."

"As long as you are cured properly, nothing will happen to you." Yun Yifeng said, "If you are afraid of something going wrong, and no one dares to do it for a long time, the life of shopkeeper Xu Er may be handed over to the exorcist."

"... cure, we cure!" Several doctors gritted their teeth and took the initiative to stand up, "Master Xu Er is a very kind person, how can we delay the opportunity by looking forward and backward."

Yun Yifeng gave up the seat beside the bed: "Thank you for your hard work."

Ji Yanran accompanied him out of the bedroom and asked, "What poison?"

Yun Yifeng replied: "Kaihuo San, there is no antidote, and there is no need for an antidote. After inducing vomiting, tie it up and boil it for more than ten days. The poison will dissipate and you will be cured."

Ji Yanran commented truthfully: "This name sounds like... that kind of medicine."

Yun Yifeng glanced at him, and said sincerely: "The poison maker thinks that being able to eat and drink all the time is happiness, so he named it this way. What aspect does the prince refer to when he says happiness?"

Ji Yanran said without changing his face: "After eating, I couldn't wait. All I could think about was to hang my head on the beam, stab my buttocks, study hard, and practice martial arts diligently, that's all."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

"Really." Ji Yanran said, "I just like to study happily."

Master Yunmen deeply felt that no matter what this person said in the future, he would have to think about it for three days before deciding whether to believe it or not.

The doctor inside the house has already begun to administer needles for Xu Qiusheng, and outside the house, Yun Yifeng is sitting on a soft stool, still thinking about Xu Qiuwang and Xu Qiusheng. This was obviously a conspiracy against the Xu family, one died tragically with a broken leg, one was poisoned and overeat, and the remaining three brothers... He frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Broken legs, overeating.

five brothers.

go home.

With a bang in his head, he stood up abruptly from his chair: "That nursery rhyme!"

"I've already sent someone to look for the child in this villa." Ji Yanran sat opposite him, propping his chin with one hand, "We'll be there soon."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

"Sit down." Ji Yanran signaled, "Your body is not fully healed yet, you need to bask in the sun for a while."

Yun Yifeng said unwillingly: "When did you find out?"

"Just now, when you were in a daze." Ji Yanran smiled, "Here, the little ones are here."

The author has something to say: Xiao Wang: I love learning.jpg