A Sword of Frost

Chapter 31: There was a scream


In the dimly lit garden, the secret guards of the palace were guarding an elderly woman. She had gray hair and expensive clothes, with a panicked expression on her face, and her hands were tightly clenched, revealing the fear in her heart—but This fear obviously did not originate from the panic of being held hostage by a stranger, otherwise, as long as you raise your voice, martial artists full of houses will rush to help. Since she chose to remain silent, it meant that she also wanted to meet these two guests from home.

Yun Yifeng asked: "What's going on?"

"Just now, when we were talking with the owner of Pavilion You, someone wandered outside and hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to come in but didn't dare to come in." Ji Yanran said, "If I guessed correctly, this person should be Mrs. You, right?"

The woman replied anxiously, seeing that his tone was gentle and his manner was unrestrained and suave, as if he was very reasonable, and remembering that her daughter was still in that tormenting devil's den, she no longer cared about her fear and worries, and said hastily: "The two are His Royal Highness King Xiao and Master Yunmen?"

Ji Yanran nodded: "Yes, but Mrs. You doesn't need to be polite, time is limited, let's talk about things directly."

"Yes, yes." Mrs. You regained her composure and mourned, "I want to ask you two to help me save Yan'er, she is very sick, but the medicine prescribed by the doctor Xu's family hired I don't know what's going on, but the diagnosis made her more and more weak. I wanted to take her back to stay for a while, but the master and her brothers refused, I was really afraid that Yan'er would not be able to make it through." She As he spoke, he couldn't help crying again, bent over and was about to kneel, "Please help me, my lord and Master Yunmen."

The secret guard of the palace had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed her by the arm. Ji Yanran asked: "Master You is unwilling to bring his daughter back?"

"Yes, for a while he said that Xu's family is rich and powerful, and they hired the best doctors. At the same time, he said that Yan'er was weak and couldn't bear to move around. He made excuses one after another, and he didn't know that he was forced by Xu Qiuyi. What kind of ecstasy soup, you don't even care about your own flesh and blood." Mrs. You resented, "Then the Xu family is not a good person. During the years when Yan'er was married to fill the house, she didn't have a good day. Are you going to tell me your life?"

Ji Yanran and Yun Yifeng looked at each other, and continued to probe: "Have you not had a good day? But the servants in Xu Qiuyi's courtyard all said that his husband and wife respect each other as guests, and they have been married for so many years, and they have never even had a dispute. Extremely."

"There was no argument, it's because Xu Qiuyi has a ghost in his heart." Madam You gritted her teeth, "He is a complete useless person!"

On the night of their wedding, You Yan'er had a strange and serious illness. She lay on the bed for three full months. After that, she recovered from her illness intermittently. It was useless to hire a doctor. An exorcist It's useless to ask for one thing. After so many years of exhaustion, most of his energy and energy have already been emptied. At his prime age, he looks even more haggard and old than Xu Qiuyi, who is a year older than her.

Yun Yifeng said: "A useless person?"

"We have been married for so many years, but he has never touched Yan'er." Mrs. You wiped her tears, "At the beginning, Yan'er thought he was pity on her poor health, but later on... Forget it, just say it now These are useless, lord, master of Yunmen, there are evil spirits in that villa, screaming so shrillly, Yan'er was so scared that she couldn't sleep all night, I just have such a daughter, I really can't bear her to suffer like this anymore. "


Both of them were taken aback for a moment, they never thought that they could ask such a thing. Worried that people would notice if it took too long, so after a few words of comfort, he sent someone to send Mrs. You back to her residence.

A misty rain fell in Wangxing City.

Wu Suosi had already returned to the inn ahead of time, and the secret guards of the palace only brought over an oiled paper umbrella, and then retreated far away without disturbing the two of them.

Yun Yifeng asked: "Where does the prince want to go?"

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to walk in this street." Ji Yanran whispered, "At least we have to wait for Lao Wu to go to sleep before you and I go back to the inn, so we don't have to chatter."

Yun Yifeng responded casually, and stretched out his hand to the oil-paper umbrella to catch a few thin drops of rain, allowing the wet chill to soak the palm prints. During the day, the long street, which was so noisy and crowded that it was almost impossible to walk, was washed away by the night and it was extremely quiet. After the hawking stopped, only the patter of rain was left in my ears, circling and circling on the ground. The splashing ripples also took away the boredom and melancholy that had accumulated in my heart for many days.

Not long after, Ji Yanran pulled his arm back and wiped it carefully with his sleeve: "Don't cause poisonous hair again, do you want to go back?"

"Let's wait a while." Yun Yifeng found a shelter from the rain, sat down and rested, "I like the rain here very much."

Ji Yanran also sat beside him, pulled the cloak to wrap him up: "The rain here can only be regarded as quiet at best."

Yun Yifeng turned her head and continued to listen to him.

I heard him say that the Northwest Desert is actually not as dry as people think, especially in Yancheng, where there are several hearty torrential rains every year. Lightning also tears the sky, and a series of rumbling thunders blow down. , with the wild wind blowing from the depths of the sky, the crackling rain and hail almost smashed through the house.

But if you go to the south of the Yangtze River, it will be another scene. The spring rain is endless, making the bluestone road wet and slippery, and thin green moss grows in the cracks. The grass is long and the warbler is flying, and the stamens are delicate and beautiful. The distant mountains and near the water are misty and soft. If you stretch out your hand and hold it, a puddle of water can be wrung out in the wind.

There is also the bustling Wangcheng, if it rains on the day of the market, the storage road will be blocked.

In addition, in the middle of Sichuan, the rain falling on the top of Emei Peak can wash out the fragrance of tea gardens throughout the season.

There is still white smoke in the mountains and rippling water in the lake, Yun Yifeng looked at him with a smile: "This is the night that the prince talked the most since we met."

"This isn't gossip." Ji Yanran leaned back, supporting herself with her arms, "I've been thinking, when there is no war, I'll go to Jiangnan to find a house, bring my mother by my side, and feel at ease every day Live the life of ordinary people."

Yun Yifeng looked at him for a while, then said, "Yes."

"Go back?" Ji Yanran asked.

Yun Yifeng said: "Wait a little longer."

"Are you really not going back?"


"It will be cold late at night, if you get poisoned, you can't blame me."



After a while, he said again: "Then you get closer to me."

This time Yun Yifeng was obedient, she moved over and sat next to him.

The light rain is still falling lingeringly.

Swish, Swish.


Yun Yifeng closed her eyes, originally she just wanted to listen to the light rain in early spring, but she fell asleep without knowing it.

Ji Yanran picked him up horizontally and took him all the way back to the inn.

He has been protecting it with a cloak, but it didn't let the person in his arms get too much rain.

According to Mrs. You, You Yan'er seems to have suffered a lot of grievances in the Xu family, and now she is dying of illness, and she may have a lot of things in her heart that she wants to confess to her family. The only problem now is how this group of big men can quietly appear in You's room without disturbing others.

Yun Yifeng said: "I don't know what her attitude is now, and it is not good for us to reveal her identity rashly."

Wu Suosi suggested: "Why don't you change your face first? Pretend to be a girl and say that Mrs. You sent you."

Ji Yanran ordered: "You are easy."

Wu Suosi was in a complicated mood: "It's easy to be easy, but I don't look like it when I put on three catties of powder." What's more, You Shi is not in good health. By the bed, I'm afraid I'll faint from shock.

Ji Yanran stared at Old Wu for a while, and felt that this unshaven face was indeed beyond words, so she turned her gaze to Yun Yifeng again.

With a slender figure, beautiful appearance, and fair skin, it seems that you don't even need a mask, just change your clothes and you can... cough.

Yun Yifeng said: "My lord, don't worry, leave this matter to Fengyumen."

Really willing? Ji Yanran didn't expect him to be so forthright, but he was slightly taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he said generously: "Whatever hairpin and ring jewelry the sect master needs, feel free to ask Lao Wu, and buy the most expensive one!"

Wu Suosi felt a little distressed when he heard that, he only used this thing once, Master Yunmen didn't like to wear skirts, so why waste money, I think the cheap ones in the street shops are very good, colorful and pleasing to the eye.

However, half an hour later, when Yun Yifeng's room door opened again, and a beautiful girl with a good figure walked out, Old Wu immediately changed his mind! It is easy to become like this, not to mention buying some dresses and jewelry, even if the prince wants to buy a building, it is not impossible to discuss. He leaned forward, carefully looked at the pair of big watery eyes and the small bridge of the nose, then moved his gaze all the way down, and finally stopped on the two looming lumps on his chest, and said in surprise: "This thing... what is it?" Very realistic.

Ji Yanran: "..."

The girl didn't change her expression, and threw a punch.

Yun Yifeng came out of the room, and only had time to say "Hugh—" before Old Wu was "unreasonable" to the corner.

Ji Yanran praised: "The girl is very skilled."

"It's easy to say." The other party clasped his fists and said softly, "Ling Xing'er of Xiafengmen, I have met the prince!"

She has a beautiful appearance, but she is not like ordinary girls in red and green. Her dresses are all dark colors, and she speaks crisply. She has a neat and chivalrous demeanor.

"Xing'er has been staying near Wangxing City recently, so I sent her to come." Yun Yifeng said, "Tonight, I will go to check on You Shi's tone to see if she wants to go home, especially the midnight ghosts. Ask what's going on."

"Yes, disciple understands." Ling Xing'er took the order, but couldn't help asking, "Master, where is Senior Brother Qingyue?"

"Still in Wangcheng." Yun Yifeng smiled, "After finishing this matter, I will let you go to reunite with him."

After Ling Xing'er left, Ji Yanran sighed with emotion, the master of Yunmen really does not let his wealth flow to outsiders.

"What?" Yun Yifeng raised his eyelids, "Your Highness has an idea?"

"There is nothing else in the Heijiao camp. The bachelor has a lot of them. As the commander, I have to occupy them for them first." Ji Yanran spoke confidently, and then hugged his shoulders, "Are there any others in the Fengyumen?" good girl?"

Yun Yifeng refused bluntly, don't even think about it.

What kind of place is the Northwest Army Camp

Ji Yanran did not give up and said: "Where is the suffering, besides there is no war now, the sky is high and the land is vast and happy, if you don't believe me, you can ask Old Wu, Old Wu...don't cover your nose!"

Wu Suosi burst into tears, otherwise forget it, the people from Fengyumen are too fierce, we really can't beat them.

That night, Ling Xing'er sneaked into Youshi's bedroom and stunned the maid with a silver needle. The small light in the bedroom was still on, and the woman was leaning against the bed, weeping in secret, suppressing the thin sobs in her throat.

Ling Xing'er was silent, covered her mouth and nose behind her, and said in a low voice: "Sister, don't be afraid, I am sent by Mrs. You!"

Ji Yanran and Yun Yifeng are drinking tea in the inn, and it is the snow-topped cold green tea that is rare to buy for a couple of dollars, which is more bitter and fragrant than the Piaoxue tea in the palace.

Yun Yifeng felt that Ji Yanran was really an interesting person. Usually careless, obviously he doesn't care about clothing, board and lodging, he can lie on the ground all night wrapped in a blanket, but he still wants to drink the most expensive tea and wine, the bed is covered with snow satin brocade quilt, and before going to bed, he wants to drink the most expensive tea and the most expensive wine. Bathing incense, how to toss how to come. It's like being dutiful and playing a hedonistic royal -- and playing it badly and exhaustingly.

Ji Yanran asked: "What's the matter? Keep looking at me."

"It's nothing." Yun Yifeng stretched out his finger, and tapped lightly on his shoulder, "Fengyumen not only sells information, but also sells the wind and rain in the city. As long as he is willing to pay money, the prince will be able to bathe in the snow-topped cold emerald in the future."

Ji Yanran: "..."

Ji Yanran smiled and said, "Thank you."

Ling Xing'er came in from the window, covered in rain, with her hair sticking to her forehead, looking a little embarrassed.

"Why is it so wet, go to the next door and wipe it off." Yun Yifeng stood up.

Ling Xing'er threw a line of baggage in the air: "Then I'll wash my face first."

Yun Yifeng caught it accurately: "What is this?"

Ling Xing'er replied, "Half a leg."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

It was half a woman's leg bone. Ling Xing'er found it in a dry well in the backyard of the shopkeeper Xu Qiuwang.

"Youshi is indeed seriously ill." Ling Xing'er said, "She trusts me very much, and feels that her life is not long, so she said a lot of things. When Xu Qiuyi married her back home, she really just wanted to marry her for a display. I have already resigned to my fate, I feel that at least I have enough food and clothing, and the two of them look respectful to each other, and others are envious, so it is not a bad idea to live the rest of my life like this."

Yun Yifeng asked: "Doesn't she think that Xu Qiuyi poisoned her behind her back?"

"She thinks, but she really can't find a reason for him to do this." Ling Xing'er said, "But I guessed it."

Yun Yifeng thought for a while: "Is it related to that ghost cry?"

Ling Xing'er said: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the sect master."

Youshi's health has always been poor, perhaps it is Xu Qiuyi's way of gaining "self-esteem". A husband in the prime of his life guards his sick wife wholeheartedly. The two are loving and harmonious. Even if there was nothing to show, it was because of Youshi's weak and delicate body, so he definitely wouldn't remind people of Xu Qiuyi.

Yun Yifeng continued: "Originally, such days could continue forever, but Xu Qiuyi never thought that one day Youshi would hear a ghost cry."

To make him kill in pain, that ghost must be hiding a big secret.