A Sword of Frost

Chapter 35: Carrots with puree


In Shiba Villa, Xu Qiuyi was walking around the room anxiously with her hands behind her back. When she heard footsteps outside, she hurriedly opened the door. She thought it was a servant who came to report the news, but she didn't expect it to be Mrs. Xu He entered the courtyard in a sedan chair, and the Buddhist beads that he used to hold in his hands disappeared somewhere, only his face was pale and his lips trembled slightly.

Xu Qiuyi vaguely realized something, his knees gave way, his legs were like two fine noodles that had been boiled, if he hadn't leaned his back against the door frame, he would have almost fallen to the ground in embarrassment.

The servant helped and dragged him back to the pear blossom wooden chair.

The room was dark and oppressive, dead silent.

From Xu Qiuyi's direction, one could just see a ray of light coming in from the carved wooden window, some fine dust danced silently like dumb butterflies, first slowly, then faster and faster, and finally turned into a vast A vast ocean of blood washed over the sky and covered the sky, and countless ghosts and ghosts appeared in front of him. Men, women, old and young all stretched out their swollen and pale hands to dig out their hearts. He was so startled that his whole body trembled, and the hot tea in his hand splashed all over his body. , but she didn't feel hot, she just said in a cold sweat, "Father, sister-in-law... hasn't sister-in-law come back yet?"

"I've already asked Mr. Zhang, but it's useless." Mrs. Xu said dryly, "Now that King Xiao is here, and what kind of Red Crow Cult is being brought up, I'm afraid the matter will not end here."

"Then how?" Xu Qiuyi asked urgently, "Brother has already left, leaving sister-in-law as a woman—"

"What else do you want to hide!" Old Master Xu's voice suddenly rose, and he slammed the purple clay pot in his hand at him, "It's time like this, and you still don't plan to tell me the truth!"

The servants outside the house were startled and looked at each other in blank dismay, all bowing their heads and not daring to speak. There is a young handyman who can't even hold the tray stably, his arms are trembling, and the tea set above him is also trembling. Knocking made people's hearts more and more empty.

Xu Qiuyi knelt on the ground and said in a low voice: "Father, don't be angry, your body is important."

Mrs. Xu's chest heaved violently. He was wearing a purple and black padded jacket. He looked like a fat-headed toad. He trembled and fumbled for three or four times before he finally picked up his teacup and took a sip of water: "Tell me, why do you have to save Yuan?" come out?"

Xu Qiuyi gritted her teeth and admitted: "That maid, I... I killed it together with my sister-in-law."

Old Mr. Xu heard it like thunder: "You killed it? Didn't your elder brother ruin him?"

Xu Qiuyi was sweating profusely: "That morning, I originally wanted to go to the cloth store to see the business, but then I suddenly remembered that I had something to do with my eldest brother, so I went to his residence. The front yard was empty, and the servants seemed to have not woken up yet. , I went to the backyard again.”

In the end, I heard the sound of beating and scolding coming from the firewood room in the backyard. Looking through the crack of the door, Yuan Shi was holding a wooden stick and was teaching the subordinates. The girl was lying on the ground, covered in blood, she looked almost dead. up.

Xu Qiuyi continued: "I was taken aback at the time, so I hurried in and wanted to stop her, but my sister-in-law cried and said that the girl was disrespectful, she seduced my elder brother and did something shameless, and she had to show her some color, and she said, Going to fight again. The girl was also awake at the time, desperately trying to crawl out, and still calling for help, it looked really scary."

Yuan Shi also lost her mind at that time, seeing that young girl who was naked and pitiful, her heart was full of anger, and she put all the neglect and neglect of Xu Qiuwang towards her for many years on this innocent maid. Sharply said: "Fourth! What are you still doing, drag this bitch back quickly!"

Old Mrs. Xu trembled angrily: "She asked you to drag it back, so you drag it back. Are you brainless?"

"I just want her to stop screaming, who knows that the girl from the Zhang family will be beaten to death in the end." Xu Qiuyi also felt weak all over, "Later, seeing that the situation was not good, I quickly slipped away. I asked a friend to go to the city to buy a bottle of corpse water, thinking that the cleaner the better, but I didn’t expect that the bone, the bone was not cleaned.” At the end, his voice was almost inaudible.

This series of events sounded both bloody and absurd. Mrs. Xu's eyes darkened, and after a long pause, he said: "Now that the Yuan family is in the mansion, I'm afraid they won't be able to get out. If she wants to drag you into the water , you must remember to bite to death and deny it, just say that you never knew about it, the two of them were the ones who murdered and turned into corpses, remember?"

"Yes, my son has remembered." Xu Qiuyi repeatedly agreed, got up from the ground with hands and feet, and slumped back to her chair.

A thick cloud covered the bleak sun, and it grew darker.

The father and son sat for a long time without anyone speaking first.

Mrs. Xu was still thinking about the horror ballad.

The fourth child and the ewe, whose blood flowed like a river, could that ewe refer to Yuan Shi

Yun Yifeng stood in the courtyard: "My lord!"

Wu Suosi quickly appeared at the fence on the second floor, smiling all over his face and said, "Master Yunmen is hungry again?"

Yun Yifeng: "..."

Yun Yifeng said: "I have something to say to the prince."

Ji Yanran came out in a robe, rewarded Old Wu with a chestnut, sent him to the back kitchen, and asked Xiao Er to bring a pot of red dates and wolfberry tea. Yun Yifeng sat at the table and said: "Why, the lord is reluctant to part with your snow-covered green?"

"You have been feeling cold and sleepy for the past two days, drink more hot food." Ji Yanran handed him the cup, "What do you want to say?"

Yun Yifeng didn't expect him to be so careful, instead he was slightly stunned, until he was urged again, and then he came back to his senses: "The disciples of Fengyumen just found out that the corpse water was made by Xu Qiuyi's confidant in the afternoon of the sixth day of June. A servant named A Yuan went to the black market to buy it. Yuan did not lie. Also, not long after Xu Qiuyi returned to the villa this time, this A Yuan suddenly paid a monthly payment in advance and said that he would go back to his hometown. Unexpectedly, he contracted a disease and died on the way. .”

Ji Yanran frowned.

"Yes, you heard it right." Yun Yifeng held hot tea, "He is dead."

According to Yuan's confession in the court, Xu Qiuyi only participated in the "transformation of corpses". , Or sit in prison for a few days, and it is far from his turn to pay for his life and be exiled. There is really no reason to kill people because of this.

Unless it's to hide more crimes.

The three elder brothers died strangely, and horror nursery rhymes spread everywhere in the city. Xu Qiuyi must have been under extreme fear at the time. He may have guessed something, so he designed to get rid of A Yuan—that is his confidant, and he must know a lot of his secrets.

Yun Yifeng said: "If the prince doesn't act again, I'm afraid that the insiders in Shiba Villa will be killed one by one."

"It makes sense." Ji Yanran put down the teacup, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Yun Yifeng asked.

Ji Yanran casually took off her coat, revealing her sturdy upper body, and her trousers were loosely hung around her waist. She stood by the cabinet and rummaged through her clothes: "Let's go to eighteen... What are you holding here?"

Yun Yifeng sat on the chair, raised a round mirror with one hand, put it in front of his eyes to look carefully, and answered casually: "Old Wu gave me the Western stuff."

Ji Yanran paused: "I guess Old Wu wants you to go outside to see the scenery."

"It's the first time I use it, I have no experience." Yun Yifeng forced himself to be confident, and said again, "The prince has a lot of injuries."

"Warning and fighting, there is no one who is not injured." Ji Yanran was amused by him, "Have you seen enough? If I have seen enough, I will get dressed."

Yun Yifeng put down the small round mirror, and replied calmly: "Barely."

After a while, he asked again: "By the way, you just said where we are going?"

Ji Yanran said: "Eighteen Villa."

"Go and investigate Xu Qiuyi?" Yun Yifeng watched him change his clothes, "Or take this opportunity to thoroughly investigate the entire Xu family?"

"If Xu Qiuyi really committed a lot of evil deeds, Ah Yuan must not be the only one who knows about it. Just like what you said just now, if you don't hurry up, more people will probably die strangely." Ji Yanran said, "Even if he ends up in the end If the ending is really a river of blood, then we must first explain all the problems clearly, the people in Wangxing City, it is time to see the truth!"

That afternoon, Mrs. Xu was still chanting scriptures in the Buddhist hall. Suddenly, a servant came to report in a panic, saying that Mr. Zhang had come again with soldiers and horses, and was guarding the front yard in a dark crowd, fearing that something serious would happen.

"Only Lord Zhang?" Mrs. Xu stood up, "Where is King Xiao?"

"The lord is here too." The servant replied tremblingly, "This time I didn't even conceal my identity, I just wore a python robe and rode on a tall silver horse, my eyes were so cold, it was really scary."

Old Mrs. Xu felt weak when he heard this, and finally climbed onto the sedan chair. He has been building bridges and paving roads in Wangxing City for so many years, in order to build a good relationship with local officials. If something happens to his family in the future, he can leave a leeway, but he didn't expect that when something happened, there would be another Ji Yanran—that is The commander-in-chief of Daliang's 800,000 soldiers and horses, I heard that he kills people without blinking an eye, and if he falls into his hands, how many days can he live

After thinking about it all the way, when he reached the front hall, his back was in a cold sweat, and he couldn't speak well. Zhang Guhe was also taken aback by his pale face, the master hurried forward to support him: "Master Xu, what's the matter, hurry up and sit down."

Old Mrs. Xu leaped forward: "Caomin ginseng, see His Royal Highness Xiao Wang."

"You don't need to be too polite, old man, let's sit down first." Ji Yanran waved his hand, and then asked, "Where is Master Xu Si?"

"Qiuyi has been staying at the residence, afraid that the nursery rhyme 'Blood Flows into a River' will come true, so she dare not go out." Old Master Xu probed, "Did the lord find out anything?"

Ji Yanran said: "The investigation did not find anything, but the Yuan family confessed to the fourth treasurer Xu, according to the law, Mr. Zhang still has to interrogate."

"Yes." The master also said aside, "Old Master Xu, don't need to panic too much, the prince is concerned about the safety of Fourth Master Xu, and worried that he will be targeted by female killers when he arrives in the mansion, so he came to Shiba Villa in person. "

Mrs. Xu thanked her again and again, and then sent someone to call Xu Qiuyi. He didn't expect Yuan's tone to be so tight, he knew that this would happen sooner or later, so although he was panicked, he didn't feel helpless. Not long after, Xu Qiuyi was hurriedly brought here, and when he heard that Yuan had confessed himself, he knelt on the ground without saying a word, kowtowed and confessed: "Yes, I was infatuated and dragged the girl from the Zhang family back from the door. , Let her be beaten to death by my sister-in-law."

He admitted it so readily, regardless of other people for the time being, Mrs. Xu was so startled that he almost jumped out of his chair, how did he discuss it in the morning, how did he warn him, and he agreed to push everything to the boss to keep him innocent , but whether this confused son is bewitched or has taken the wrong medicine, why doesn't he seem to remember at all

Zhang Guhe was also taken aback when he heard that, earlier Yuan only confessed that the corpse water was given by Xu Qiuyi, but he didn't say that he was responsible for the murder, so he slapped the table heavily: "What have you done, what are you doing?" Don't invite it!"

Ji Yanran glanced at Yun Yifeng, what does it mean to pull out a carrot and bring out the mud? According to this posture, the entire Xu family may be connected to the same vine.

Xu Qiuyi knelt in the living room, confessed one by one that she helped Yuan's murder and body, and then said: "At that time, I just wanted to drag her back, let my sister-in-law beat her a few more times to vent her anger, and the matter would be over, but I didn't want to The girl died in a blink of an eye, I was terrified, and after returning home, I kept thinking that it would be great if there was no such person in the world, so I sent Ah Yuan to the city, bought a bottle of corpse-resolving water and came back. "

Old Mrs. Xu tilted his body and passed out limply.

Crazy, he thought, before falling completely into darkness.

Everyone is crazy.

Because the murderer of the nursery rhyme "Blood Flows into a River" has not been caught yet, Zhang Guhe did not escort Xu Qiuyi back to the government prison, but still let him return to his residence.

The garrison brought by Ji Yanran was also scattered throughout the villa, completely replacing the nursing home of the Xu family.

It is not so much protection as surveillance.

As the twilight fell, Yun Yifeng clasped his hands in a chic way: "Farewell."

"Hey, where are you going?" Ji Yanran stopped him.

"Go back to the inn." Yun Yifeng replied, "This Eighteenth Villa is weird and bloody, and it's not much different from the Snow Pavilion on Misty Peak. I don't want to sleep."

Ji Yanran was silent for a while, and asked, "What about me?"

"My lord has done his best, so naturally he has to lead troops to garrison." Yun Yifeng brushed off his sleeves, "Let's go first."

"Stop!" Ji Yanran grabbed his wrist and pulled him in front of her, "I hired you with money, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Yun Yifeng was very inexplicable: "The prince hired me for money, not bought me. Fengyumen gave you information and clues. You don't care where I sleep at night... Hey, old Wu!"

"Old Wu is not here, let's go eat." Ji Yanran dragged him forward, "Let's go somewhere together."

Yun Yifeng staggered, feeling as if his arm was tied with an iron hoop, and it hurt even if he couldn't break free, and his heart became even more resentful. The secret guards of the palace watched from a distance, and were very surprised. What is the prince doing? Why is it like a bandit robbing his wife? He is unreasonable and complacent. He didn't see that the master of Yunmen was already unable to walk steadily. , afraid of being beaten.

"Hi." The dark guard said, "Look quickly, the Feiluan Sword has been drawn out."

Another hidden guard quickly suggested: "Then let's stay away!"