A Sword of Frost

Chapter 59: Poison into the heart


The death of Wang Wanshan caused quite an earthquake in the court.

First of all, Yuchi Chu, he was the first to discover the bloody murder scene, and he was also the first to be scared out of his wits. When he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, he was covered with the blood-stained blue satin bedding. Still not feeling well, instead I couldn’t even get up from the bed, I was in a trance all day long, and I could only mutter in my mouth why the old man who had always been upright suddenly became a murderer who murdered money and died in such a strange way Miserable, it shouldn't be.

"What should or shouldn't be." Madam complained while patting his back, "I don't think Wang Wanshan has a good heart at all. If it's an ordinary treasure map, it's fine. The secret map of Zichuan related to Lu Guangyuan, then Is it easy for us to get our hands on it? No wonder everyone in the court avoids him, and you are the only one who is careless and treats him as a good friend. Baba took the snack box to see."

In front of the house full of servants and maidservants, Yu Chichu was trained to shake his head sadly, and stopped talking.

Followed by Feng Xu, the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army. He was ordered by the emperor to protect the safety of the three kings, and he dared not slack off in the slightest. From the selection of the guards to the arrangement of the rotation time, he personally reviewed it several times to ensure that everything was safe before implementing it. Not to mention murderers, even a mouse would never want to sneak in—but something happened to Wang Wanshan.

He didn't believe that witchcraft could kill people, but he really couldn't find any other reason. All the guards insisted that there was indeed nothing unusual that afternoon.

It would be fine if one person neglected his duty, but a dozen elite soldiers neglected their duty together...

Could it be that there was no murderer at all, and that Mr. Wang committed suicide

Wei Lie of Dali Temple said: "There is no result yet."

As for when it will be found out, it's hard to say. Because His Highness King Xiao personally handled the case, but he didn't show up at all today.

Feng Xu: "..."

Feng Xu said: "But rumors are raging in the city, if we don't give the people an explanation as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will lead to more murderers pretending to be ghosts and imitating witchcraft to kill people."

"Even the emperor couldn't find the lord." Wei Lie whispered, "It is said that something happened to the master of Yunmen, and he vomited blood all over the yard this morning, which frightened the concubine."

At this moment, who else dares to come to invite him

Feng Xu could only sigh along with her.

And at this moment, Prince Xiao's mansion is indeed a bit chaotic.

Seven or eight handymen were carrying hot water, washing the blood splattered on the bluestone board, and they were secretly frightened, how much blood could this person have on his body, how could he stand up to vomiting like this. The little maids came out of the bedroom, there was blood in the wooden basin they were holding, blood was also on the white clothes they were holding, it was dazzling and bright red, some of them were timid, and they were so frightened that they wiped away their tears.

The imperial doctors stood guard in the front hall, trembling and frowning, and said to the old concubine: "I'm afraid it's... oh."

The word "啊" dragged on for three feet. I was afraid that others would not understand, so I added a sentence: "Master Yunmen has a strange poison in his body. Even he himself can't tell what it is. We really can't do anything about it."

Jiang Lingfei stood beside the old concubine, held her hand and patted it as comfort.

In the bedroom, Yun Yifeng was trapped in the thick pillow, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she finally opened her heavy eyelids.

The foreground in front of him was illusory, and the figures dangling one after another, finally stacked into the same one.

Ji Yanran held his hand, her voice hoarse: "You're awake."

"..." Yun Yifeng half sat up, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Not long, a few hours." Ji Yanran asked someone to lean against her chest, "Is it better?"

Yun Yifeng said: "I'm fine."

His chest was swollen and painful, and he had to be careful even when breathing. He didn't know whether it was cold or hot all over his body. It took him a long time to see the fine red dots on the back of his hand: "Did you find the ghost thorn?"

"The imperial doctor can't save you." Ji Yanran hugged her thin body in her arms, her voice became more and more cracked, "When I rushed over, there was blood everywhere in the yard, in the bedroom, on your bed, and on your clothes." He said I have already forgotten my mood at that time, I only remember the pale face of the person in my arms, I can't feel any beating pulse, and the cold and stiff hands.

"I know you hate him and don't want to see him." Ji Yanran's eyes were red, "I... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you." Yun Yifeng fumbled and held his arm, suppressing the sweet smell that came back from his throat. With poison in his veins and no blood ganoderma, he knew that he would die sooner or later, but he always thought that he could last another three to five years, but now it seems that he may not even be able to survive for a year.

Ji Yanran said again: "Qingyue is still decocting the medicine."

Yun Yifeng said: "Yes."

He knew what it was. When I was on the Wandering Isle, every time I got poisoned, every time I was dying, I would be pricked with a needle, and then poured a bowl of medicine with a glowing green color—the pain is pain, but at least it can continue to hang my life.

After thinking about it like this, he fell asleep again in a daze. Ji Yanran carefully supported him to lie down, tested his pulse for a while, and then opened the door and left the bedroom.

"My lord, how is he?" Ghost Cicada was waiting in the side hall, looking more anxious than anyone else - the kind of anxiousness that was going crazy, the teapot and teacup were smashed to pieces, and the chair was also scratched There are scratches.

"The pulse is stable." Ji Yanran said, "You'd better ensure that the bowl of medicine works."

"It works, it works, but it can't be used for a long time." The ghost stabbed anxiously, "It used to be able to control it for a year, but now it can control the poison in the heart, at most it can be controlled for half a year, three months, or even shorter. Only the blood ganoderma can detoxify, the prince is so concerned about it, why is he not willing to look for it? Do you want to watch him die!"

"From today onwards, you are not allowed to step out of the palace." Ji Yanran looked at him coldly, "If something happens to Yun'er, I will cut you alive."

"I won't go, of course I won't go." Gui Ting's voice was sharp, "I'm going, and there is no blood ganoderma, he is going to die, he can't die, he can't die!"

Wu Suosi stood aside, his heart tightened when he heard this, what kind of shit doctor is this, he is clearly a lunatic.

What is even more disturbing is that the life of the master of Yunmen is now in the hands of this lunatic.

No one knows what will happen in the future.

Thunder rumbled in the sky, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Although it is almost summer, the heat is not felt at all. The yard is full of green and green, and it is still shivering with cold after standing for a long time.

In the evening, Li Jing came to Prince Xiao's mansion in person.

"Brother Huang." Ji Yanran said apologetically, "Today—"

"It's okay, I know." Li Jing interrupted him, "How is Master Yun's body?"

"The heart was damaged, and I almost didn't survive it." Ji Yanran said, "The hospital is helpless. The ghost stab said that if there is no blood ganoderma, it can only last half a year at most."

"The world is so big, you can definitely find it." Li Jing said a few words of relief, and then probed, "If you can't get away from the case of Wang Wanshan in the near future, can you leave it to Wei Lie?"

"It's about the secret map of Zichuan, and it's not appropriate to hand it over to others." Ji Yanran said, "The dark guards have been watching Yuchi Chu, and haven't found anyone he's in contact with for the time being."

The news that Mu Chengxue used it to exchange mink back then was that someone had approached him to buy Wang Wanshan's life at a sky-high price.

A fourth-rank official of the imperial court has some achievements and a good character, but it seems far from worth the price. To put it more bluntly, Wang Wanshan didn't have expert guards around him, so he could just find a martial artist for a few hundred taels of silver, so why bother looking for No. 1 in the world? The only explanation is that the other party needs to do it without anyone noticing.

And the deal failed in the end, not because the killer was dissatisfied with the price, but because the killer's mink happened to be full of food in those few days, listless, vomiting and venting, lying motionless on his stomach. So the buyer couldn't even knock on the door, so he was covered with a cloth towel reeking of urine, and walked away in desperation.

So Yun Yifeng ordered Qingyue to secretly stare at Wang Wanshan to see who would attack him, and sure enough, not long after, Yuchichu arrived. That day, after pretending to knock on the door twice, he rushed in, seemingly concerned about his condition, but in fact, the moment he lifted the bed curtain, he used the mechanism in his sleeve to pop out the ice blade and shot it into Wang Wanshan's chest.

Or to be more precise, it pierced the blood bag that Qingyue stuffed in early in the morning. The witch's curse was to pierce the heart with a knife. Yun Yifeng specially prepared a soft armor of gold silk, and wrapped Wang Wanshan tightly when he was unconscious.

As for the reason why Yu Chichu took the risk to kill, was it because Wang Wanshan really had a secret, or because he wanted to divert his attention and hide the other real "Master Wang", and whether there was someone else behind him, and who else was his in the DPRK? It's hard to say about the same party at the moment, so Ji Yanran didn't startle the snake, but just ordered people to keep an eye on Yuchi Chu.

"Then it's hard work for you." Li Jing patted him on the shoulder, "As for the blood ganoderma, I have also sent people to various border ministries to see if I can find knowledgeable people. Don't get too angry."

Ji Yanran nodded: "Thank you, Brother Huang."

After sending Li Jing away, he returned to the backyard, and saw Yun Yifeng leaning against the head of the bed, looking out of the window in a daze at the tree shadows.

"My lord." Ling Xing'er put down the food box, "This is the sect master's second round of medicine."

"Let's hang it out first." Ji Yanran said, "You've been tired all day, so go back and rest earlier."

"Yes." Ling Xing'er reminded, "Then the prince must watch the door master, and don't let him fall down secretly."

Yun Yifeng couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, and after she left, he said to Ji Yanran: "Listen to her nonsense, I have never poured medicine, and I can close my eyes and pour it down in one breath no matter how bitter it is."

"Brother Huang came just now." Ji Yanran sat by the bed, "I cared about you, and asked a few questions about Yu Chichu."

"My current body can't help the prince much." Yun Yifeng thought for a while, "The people from the Fengyumen can use it."

"Take care of your body, and you're helping me." Ji Yanran looked at him again, "Are you really not angry about the ghost stab?"

Yun Yifeng was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Ji Yanran held his hand and kissed it on her lips: "After you are fully raised, we have some debts, and we will settle with him slowly."