A Sword of Frost

Chapter 82: Form a covenant


Mei Zhusong waved his hands: "Actually, it's not a coincidence. After I heard the news, I deliberately came to Yancheng to look for the prince. It happened that the camel of Ma Yuanwai's family was sick, so I helped to take a look."

Ji Yanran probed: "The news that Akun heard has something to do with the Night Wolf Witch Clan?"

"Night wolf is just one of the reasons. Besides, I also want to see the effect of Jilian's medicine." Mei Zhusong cast his gaze over and said with a smile, "Look at Master Yunmen's skills in the teahouse yesterday, like You have already recovered a lot, can you let the old man take your pulse again?"

"Naturally." Yun Yifeng stretched out his wrist, and said gratefully, "I really want to thank you, senior, otherwise I'm afraid I'm still lying in the palace, and I wouldn't have the strength to follow the prince to the northwest."

Seeing that the old veterinarian was really able to diagnose the pulse, the butler didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly invited everyone back to the front hall, while he trotted to the backyard to report to the master. The horseman didn't sleep well, and he was dizzy at the moment. After hearing what he said, it was even more cloudy. The veterinarian at home had just taken care of the camel, and then treated the master of Yunmen again. How could the prince agree? Worried about encountering a liar, he hurried over to check on the crutches.

In the front hall, Mei Zhusong withdrew his hand and said: "The pulse condition is stable, and it should be fine in the short term. But the Gu poison is still unresolved. Until the blood ganoderma is found, you should not be careless, and you must take good care of it."

Yun Yifeng nodded: "I remember, thank you senior."

Lin Ying said: "This time Yerten came to the door to make a deal with the prince with the blood ganoderma, and wanted to unite the Black Jiaoying and other tribes in the desert to wipe out the Yelang Wu tribe together."

Li Jun also interjected, and gave a general description of the appearance of the blood ganoderma, and said that when the imperial doctor in the palace saw it, it would have rotted into water, so no one could tell the truth from the fake.

"I have never seen blood ganoderma, and there are only a few lines of records in ancient books, I am afraid I can't help you." Mei Zhusong said, "But the night wolf witch clan is gradually growing, it is true, Even the Qingyang Grassland of Yerten has been slaughtered three times, not to mention the other small tribes. If there is no way to stop it, I am afraid that the entire desert, Gobi, and grassland will be covered with black shadows in the future."

Jiang Lingfei was puzzled: "When I came to the northwest, I heard about the Night Wolf Witch Clan. At that time, they just took advantage of the night to steal and plunder, no different from ordinary bandits. After a few years, they have grown to such a scale? What else? Don't tell me, where did you get the manpower?"

"It's the Red Crow Cult in the Central Plains." Mei Zhusong said, "If the Night Wolf Witch Clan is the claws of murder, then they are the heart of the evil wolf."

At that time, the Red Crow Sect was encircled and suppressed by the imperial court and the Martial Arts League, and they hid like bereaved dogs. After a few years of incognito, a small number of members fled to the sparsely populated northwest, and encountered the Night Wolf Witch Clan in the depths of the desert. .

"At that time, the night wolf was just an ordinary robber. Although it was fierce and cruel, it didn't become a big deal after all." Mei Zhusong said, "The Red Crow Cult is different. They know how to confuse people, so they quickly reached an agreement with the Wu Clan. A covenant, united as one."

Most of the herdsmen are simple-minded. They follow the tradition left by their ancestors. They drive cattle and sheep to live in water and grass. They sing to the sun in the morning and dance around the bonfire at night. Their hearts are clearer than the water in the green lake, so they also It is easier to be stained with other colors. Under the planning and arrangement of the Red Crow Sect, the people of the Night Wolf Witch Clan often pretend to be lonely herdsmen, and collapse exhausted in front of the tent, begging for a bowl of water. Unsuspecting of him, the simple people opened their doors one after another, and helped the poor man to his bed—and put the devil on his bed.

"They created the Spiritual God religion by themselves, grasping the fear and greed in human nature, preaching that the end is coming, and that only those who believe in the Spiritual God can live forever, and they also said that everyone is born guilty, and this sin requires the blood of others Only then can it be cleaned up." Mei Zhusong said, "So during that time, a large number of herdsmen abandoned their homes and flocked to the Night Wolf Witch Clan like a tide, and were trained to be ghost-faced killers. When something goes wrong, it's too late."

The control of the human brain is hundreds of times more terrifying than the wooden shackles and iron chains that bind the hands and feet. The night wolf witches have become ghost-like shadows. They seem to be everywhere, constantly appearing in various identities and faces. Little by little it is eating away at the land. And what's even more ominous, recently, other gangsters have been attracted by them, and they voluntarily defected to join. Therefore, the present night wolf clan has long been the paradise of all "evil" in the world. They formed a dark hurricane, and wherever they went, not a single blade of grass grew.

"Speaking of this with the lord, I also have my own selfishness." Mei Zhusong sighed, "If the Yelang Wu clan spreads further to the east, the Qianlun Grassland will not be spared. I am also among the tribes that want to join hands with the lord this time. tribe."

Li Jun was dumbfounded when she heard this, it was too frightening.

"That is indeed a group of vicious people." Just as he was talking, the horseman also came in from the outside, bowed and said, "I have seen the prince."

"Excuse me." Ji Yanran personally supported him, and asked again, "Could it be that the caravan from the Ma Mansion also met the wolf witch clan overnight?"

"These people don't dare to stretch their claws to the girder." The horseman sat on the chair outside, "But my caravan has seen the consequences of them with their own eyes. Dozens of tents were burned to ashes, and the ground was full of old people. Corpses, they took young strong men and women, and young children."

Yun Yifeng clenched his fist slightly.

"Even if it's Daliang's caravan, many of them don't dare to travel far anymore, and only do some small business nearby." The horseman said, "Who knows when those people will go crazy? The Red Crow Cult once disturbed Daliang. It was bloody, I experienced that era, they are more terrible dirty things than evil spirits."

Ji Yanran nodded: "If this group of people really threatened Daliang, the Heijiao Camp would certainly not sit idly by, but during this period of time, it is right for the caravan not to travel far, I will make a decision as soon as possible, and invite the horsemen In order to appease everyone in the Chamber of Commerce, the imperial court will try to make up for everyone's losses in the future."

"Yes, the prince can rest assured about this." The horseman said, "We all know what to do."

After leaving Ma Mansion, Jiang Lingfei asked, "Do you want to fight?"

Ji Yanran said: "Hit."

For Daliang, the Red Crow Cult teaming up with the Night Wolf Witch Clan is a more serious threat than it was twenty years ago. And he also had a deeper worry, if Daliang left them alone, leading to the end of the road, these big tribes finally chose to join forces with the Red Crow Sect to form a new force, that would be the real big trouble.

Li Jun pondered for a while: "If this battle must be fought, wouldn't the blood ganoderma be for nothing?"

"According to my understanding of Yerten, his purpose may not be that simple." Ji Yanran said, "Let's see what he will say four days later."

Mei Zhusong also lived in the General's Mansion with everyone. Although he can't detoxify the poison of the Gu King for the time being, it is more than enough for Yun Yifeng to take good care of his body by injecting needles and boiling medicine. With a doctor at home, Ji Yanran felt more at ease. When she was resting at night, she hugged him and looked at him for a long time, and asked, "Why did you eat so much tonight?"

Yun Yifeng: "..."

Farewell, I'm going back to Fengyumen first.

Ji Yanran smiled and hugged him tightly: "I'm serious, Akun just gave you an injection, but I didn't say it would still be appetizing."

"Since there is going to be a war, I naturally have to make my body stronger." Yun Yifeng leaned in his arms, "I can help you."

"You don't need to do anything." Ji Yanran lowered her head, "Stay well in the barracks, just stay by my side."

Yun Yifeng grabbed a strand of his hair: "My lord has kept a martial arts master for nothing, but he didn't use it. It's a shame."

Ji Yanran held his waist, easily pinned him down, and stretched out her hand to scratch him. Yun Yifeng hid with a smile, and the two of them made a fuss on the bed, shaking the wooden bed "creaking" continuously, as if it was about to fall apart, the guards outside the window looked solemn, moved out silently, and moved again , and moved again.

This errand is not good...

Li Jun asked eagerly, "Am I going to fight too?"

Sitting on the roof, Jiang Lingfei asked him, "Does King Pingle want to go?"

Of course not! Li Jun was about to shed tears, with his little boxing skills, it would take a lot of effort to fight a goose, let alone a war.

Jiang Lingfei said: "In that case, King Pingle should stay in the general's residence."

Li Jun climbed up the ladder: "Then what if uncle sends someone to tie me up?"

Jiang Lingfei glanced at him: "With all due respect, you don't seem to be that valuable."

"That's hard to say." Li Jun was not angry, and sat down next to him, "Jiang Shaoxia, think about it, after the Red Crow Sect and the Night Wolf Witch Clan have swallowed up the desert and grassland, the goal should be Daliang Right? Then do they really need a cowardly prince who can be used as a puppet to convince the people more?"

Jiang Lingfei moved back calmly: "So King Pingle wants to follow us?"

"In the future, I will rely on Jiang Shaoxia to take care of me." Li Jun said cheekily, "I promise to be obedient and not run around."

Jiang Lingfei: "..."

You will climb up the pole.

In fact, Li Jun really wanted to give some things to express his sincerity. But the other party is the third young master of Jiangmen. If he wants money, power and beauty, he is afraid that he only needs to hook his fingers. It is really not his turn to give it to him, so he can only continue to smile honestly and expectantly until finally Jiang Lingfei can't stand it anymore and takes it by himself. Take the sword and go.

Li Jun watched him affectionately with her sleeves in her hands, then we can make a deal!

A few days later, Yerten arrived at the general's mansion on time at the appointed time. He was not at all surprised by Ji Yanran's decision. After all, according to the development momentum of the Night Wolf Witch Clan, it would be a matter of time before they threatened Daliang. Before the other party became a big player, it would be the wisest choice to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

"This is the covenant, and the other thirteen tribes have signed it." Yerten spread out the parchment, "Only His Royal Highness Xiao Wang is missing."

Li Jun suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

Everyone turned their attention. Ji Yanran frowned slightly, Yun Yifeng was slightly suspicious, and Yerteng was a blatant threat.

Li Jun bravely said, "Let me read this covenant book first."

Yerten's face was gloomy: "You are not qualified to speak here."

Li Jun swallowed dryly, and was just about to push her head back, when Ji Yanran said coldly: "He is my brother Wang, please be careful next time when the leader speaks."

Yun Yifeng was surprised, and Li Jun was even more stunned. He was so shocked by the word "Brother Wang" that he couldn't speak for a long time. After he realized it, he was so moved that he almost shed tears. I will definitely go through all kinds of troubles for you... No, I will personally arrange a grand marriage for you, marriage.

Yelten threw the covenant book over in the air.

Li Jun calmed down for a while, and acted like a prince of Liang, and opened it for a closer look.

It is written in foreign language, which is incomprehensible.

Yerten sat aside and sneered: "It's upside down."

Li Jun: "..."

"Since the leader is here to sign the covenant, it should be written in both languages. I, Daliang, have always paid attention to etiquette. Naturally, King Pingle can't understand such rude and rude behavior." Yun Yifeng pulled the parchment over. Being arrogant in the open, only daring to ridicule in secret, and complacently thinking that he took advantage of the behavior, it is no different from a five-year-old child spitting behind his back. Presumably the leader disdains doing such a thing, I am afraid it is a momentary negligence, It doesn't matter, it will take at least half a month for the army to go out, and during this time, enough leaders can draw up a new covenant, and ask the more than ten tribe leaders to sign it again, and then send it to the prince."

The corner of Ji Yanran's mouth raised, and she leaned back on the chair, feeling quite comfortable.

Yerten sized up the person in front of him: "The master of Fengyumen really has sharp teeth."

Yun Yifeng said: "The leader wants to say again, people in the Jianghu have no right to interfere in the military affairs of both sides?"

"Of course not. No one in the world knows the relationship between His Royal Highness King Xiao and Master Yunmen." Yerten stood up, "I will redraft this covenant, and leave."

"Wait a moment!"

Yerten was displeased: "What's the matter with King Pingle?"

Li Jun said loudly: "Write the matter of the blood ganoderma too!" This was the purpose of his interruption just now, once interrupted, he almost forgot.

Jiang Lingfei looked at him with admiration, and he was quite thoughtful.

Yerten's complexion really changed, as if hesitating.

Li Jun was keenly aware of this point, look, this old traitor is indeed a liar!

Ji Yanran's tone was slightly cold: "What, fake?"

"Really." Yerten said, "I have never lied about this matter. But the Night Wolf Witch Clan is also a clear threat to Daliang. In addition to the Red Crow Sect, His Royal Highness Xiao Wang was originally responsible. Take action to destroy it. If you want to exchange for blood ganoderma like this, as far as I am concerned, it is a loss-making business."

"Then how can you hand over the blood ganoderma?" Li Jun asked, "Could it be that you still want to use this as a threat to eat us for the rest of your life?"

"Of course not." Yerteng said, "How about this, His Royal Highness King Xiao promised me three conditions, if all can be fulfilled, I will hand over the blood ganoderma, and destroying the night wolf witch clan will be the first thing."

You are so beautiful, if you want to be the emperor, do you want my seventh brother to usurp the throne for you? Li Jun only thought about this in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it, but her eyes became more and more aggressive, and she almost woke up Yerten with a pot of horse urine.

Ji Yanran asked: "What about the other two things?"

"Second thing, I also want to ask Daliang for some medicinal materials. Abi is sick and needs Daliang's imperial physician." Yerteng glanced at Bitong's concubine beside him, "His Royal Highness Xiao Wang also has someone he loves. You won't refuse my request, will you?"

Ji Yanran said: "The third thing."

Yerten said frankly, "I haven't made up my mind yet."

Li Jun's eyes widened, she was still shameless.

"I really didn't think about it, and I don't know how long it will take to think about it." Yerten said, "But I don't want to give up this rare opportunity for nothing. Why don't we just write it down in the covenant? The third requirement is absolutely I won't provoke any wars, only the prince owes me a favor in private, it has nothing to do with Daliang, the army, or the people, how about it?"

Jiang Lingfei sneered: "Your Excellency is really not at a disadvantage."

"Over the years, the lord has caused my kudzu department to suffer a lot, and I still have lingering fears when I think about it today." Yerten lowered his posture, "My last request is not so much for threatening, but for self-protection. If we meet each other on a narrow road in the future, we may be able to save our lives with this."

"I promise you." Ji Yanran said, "But in exchange, Daliang also has a request. The leader will exchange three for one, which is not a loss."

"Throwing away the Great Wolf Witch Clan, it should be two for two." Yerten corrected him, and said, "My lord, please tell me."

"Let your army withdraw from Qingmucuo, admit that the south of the Great Lake is owned by Daliang, and end years of disputes." Ji Yanran said, "Write the three conditions into the covenant of the ministries, and let them hang out in the open. If the news spreads to Brother Huang In my ears, I am a big loser. If I can't hand over some beautiful things, I'm afraid I will become a laughing stock of others. Qingmucuo is my bottom line, and there is no possibility of retreat. If the leader does not agree, Daliang will also have a way to gather The other thirteen tribes will be isolated by that time. Of course, you can also choose to cooperate with the Night Wolf Witch tribe. This is indeed tricky for me, but it is nothing more than a harder fight and exhausting each other. But no one wants to bite anyone."

Jiang Lingfei leaned against the door and reminded leisurely: "There are thousands of miles of fertile land behind the beam, and there is a steady stream of army supplies. The leader must think clearly whether to return the lake reluctantly, or to defect to the Red Crow Sect and follow those gangs." The brainwashed fools wept bitterly together, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the spirit god."

Li Jun: "Pfft."

Yerteng glanced at Jiang Lingfei dissatisfied: "Who are you?"

"Do you want to introduce everyone in the room one by one?" Jiang Lingfei stood up straight and said calmly, "Our prince promised straightforwardly, can the leader learn a lesson, don't be silly? Hesitate for a moment , I'm afraid that the Red Crow Cult will recruit another group of people and become more arrogant and complacent."

Yerten gritted his teeth: "Okay, I agree to this condition!"

"After ten days, Daliang's army will be assembled." Ji Yanran said, "At that time, all the leaders are invited to come to Yancheng to sign the covenant and be witnesses."

Another wind blew up during the night.

"It's time to make you a new cloak." Ji Yanran held his shoulders, "After autumn, the nights in the desert will be bitingly cold, no different from midwinter, so don't freeze."

"I will take care of myself." Yun Yifeng closed the window, "By the way, I chatted with Senior Mei later, he said that something happened to Yerten's concubine, but it didn't look like he was sick, because he never found out. Doctor, on the contrary, he recruited many people to exorcise the demon."

Ji Yanran said: "Bewitched?"

"But why call Daliang's imperial physician by name?" Yun Yifeng couldn't figure it out, and said again, "If it involves the imperial palace, don't be careless."

"I have a sense of proportion." Ji Yanran said, "The most urgent task is to work together to wipe out the Night Wolf Witch Clan."

"I know you have a sense of proportion, but I still have to remind you not to do wrong things for the blood ganoderma." Yun Yifeng squeezed his face with both hands, "I'm fine now, really."

"How good is it?" Ji Yanran kissed him on the forehead, then picked him up with one hand, "Go, take it off and check."

Yun Yifeng slapped him with a smile: "Hi!"

The guards outside the window exchanged glances with each other, knowing each other and moving away.

long night...