A Sword of Frost

Chapter 87: I coax you


At midnight, the soldiers outside the camp were changing guards, their voices were blown intermittently by the wind, and when they fell into Ji Yanran's ears, only the words "be careful" and "old nest" remained. He could probably guess what they were talking about. In half a month, after crossing the desert ahead, he would reach the edge of the grassy dunes, which was the old den of the Night Wolf Witch Clan.

For him, this is not a difficult battle. Daliang united with thirteen tribes to destroy a cult, and the strength is still more than enough. Comparatively speaking, he cares more about Yerten, who is ambitious and clings to his weakness. This time, even Aoki Cuo, who has been stalemate for a long time, is willing to make concessions. What is hidden behind it? What do you want, I'm afraid...

Ji Yanran closed her eyes, trying to get rid of the noisy voices in her mind. The strong wind outside was roaring more and more violently. Even if a brazier was lit in the tent, the cold could not be dispelled, but this was only autumn. When winter came, it would be called real dripping ice, which was even more dry and unbearable than the blizzard on Misty Peak. During the day, Akun reminded that it is best to end the war within two months and return to Yancheng before it snows. Just like invisible explosives, it is uncertain when the primer will be ignited, and it will explode with a "boom".

Thinking of this, Ji Yanran frowned, and the drowsiness disappeared more and more without a trace. He was just about to lift the quilt to get up, but suddenly a gust of wind blew by the bed, and in the blink of an eye, there was another person in his arms.

With a little chill after bathing, the soft and thin body.

Yun Yifeng lay on his chest, and asked lazily: "Is the prince planning to draw his sword?"

Ji Yanran's hand was still under the pillow, he let go of the hilt of his sword, and calmly replied: "No."

Yun Yifeng smiled: "This move is called 'Feng Xi', and it is the best lightness skill in the Jianghu. It is not shameful not to discover it."

Having said that, as a husband, it is still very inappropriate for him not to be aware of his sweetheart.

So Ji Yanran hugged him in her arms, kissed him tenderly, and pinched his chin again: "It stands to reason that you shouldn't be coming back on this day, you stayed up all night and rushed?"

"Things are going well, and I want to see you sooner." Yun Yifeng said, "And there is an unexpected harvest. We brought back a young man. It is said that his elder brother pretended to be a believer to go out to kill him a few months ago. Into the barren grass sand dunes, if you are still alive, maybe you can help us."

"I'll go talk to him tomorrow." Ji Yanran stroked his hair, "This trip went well, what about your body?"

"It's okay." Yun Yifeng said, "Xing'er took good care of me, and Brother Jiang and King Pingle, a large group of people stared at me every day, and I didn't even have a chance to get tired."

"Then you should have a good rest." Ji Yanran patted him on the back, "Go to sleep, I will coax you."

"I'm coaxing you", the voice is low and hoarse, Yun Yifeng really seems to have been relieved of his strength, the exhaustion of driving for several days suddenly grows wildly, entangled his hands and feet in the dark night, making him weak , There is a familiar aroma between the pillow and quilt, it seems that you can sleep forever if you close your eyes. The wind was still howling, and the brazier was still the same, but the two of them lay on the same bed, and the cold disappeared.

Because of his special status, Gegen lived with Jiang Lingfei for the time being—a King Pingle who forced his way in next to him and felt that an assassin would kidnap him in the next moment. There were three beds in the small tent, sleeping three tall men, one of whom was still snoring loudly. Li Jun was so noisy that she couldn't sleep, so she sat up halfway, chatting with Jiang Lingfei without saying a word, feeling that you and I have such a noble status, a prince of Liang, a future leader of the martial arts, and now he has been reduced to the point where he has to fight with this The snoring demons live together—

"Wait." Jiang Lingfei interrupted, "What is 'future martial arts leader'? What have you heard?"

"Isn't it?" Li Jun looked at him wonderingly, "The storyteller in the teahouse often mentioned that Jiang's family is the first family of martial arts, and the third young master is a rare martial art genius in this world, and then they boasted a lot, Naturally, it involves the battle for the leader." This position has always been the number one in the world, not to mention that Jiangnan Dou and Li Qinghai have feuds, all kinds of past and past events add up, can they be able to launch a young master of the Jiang family who wields the sword? It is a passionate story of breaking through the rivers and lakes and finally becoming famous.

"Scholars are just talking nonsense and cheating money. I'm not interested in the leader of the martial arts." Jiang Lingfei rested his arms on his pillow and said calmly, "I just want to return to the royal city as soon as possible, and continue to be a rich kid who can stretch out his clothes and open his mouth for food."

Is this a coincidence? Li Jun thought hehe, I also thought about such a day.

Let's play together, play together.

And in just a few days, rumors about the "New Immortal Kingdom" have spread to one tribe after another along with the herdsmen and the wind. That night, more than a hundred people saw with their own eyes, the handsome men and women like gods, wearing gorgeous clothes, drinking the best wine, singing and dancing beside the snow-white tents and bonfires, and they also brought a lot of good news, The wind and sand can be cured, and the drought can also be relieved. After peace, there will even be a business road leading to the westernmost ocean. The road is as long as a rainbow in the sky.

Naturally, at the same time, there was also a deception of spirits and gods. Those evil ghosts who wear masks to catch people everywhere, and the real life in the grassy sand dunes - there is no savior, only ambition, whips and hard work day and night. In order to guard against the instigation or massacre by the ghost-faced man again, more and more people chose to gather together. Many small tribes gathered into large villages. The young people polished their spears and bows and guarded their homes together.

The northwest wind is still blowing, and keeps blowing, blowing the truth to the ears of more people, until the last wavering person also chooses to stay in his homeland and pick up a knife and gun to fight against the robbers.

The morning sun dispelled the chill and spread warmth on the body.

Yun Yifeng came out of the tent and stretched his soft muscles and bones. He slept so comfortably last night. He was warm from his toes to his cheeks. Wrapped in a sleeping bag, he looked like a white...not very fat... After struggling to leave the tender village, she changed into a white dress after washing, and transformed into a decent and beautiful big butterfly again.

Ji Yanran was working with Yerten to ask Gegen about the Night Wolf Witch Clan and his brother, and he hasn't returned yet. Yun Yifeng went to the kitchen alone to pick up some naan bread, walked around while eating, chatted with people everywhere, and helped pack a tent luggage, looking idle and enthusiastic. The soldiers all respected him. On the one hand, this respect was naturally because of His Royal Highness Xiao Wang, and on the other hand, because Feng Yumen had indeed helped a lot. Compared with the dignified and prominent ladies, there is such a... princess with high martial arts skills , which also seems to work fine.

The master of Yunmen didn't know yet that he just had such an astonishing new title, and he was still walking through the eyes of everyone, very comfortable and happy. After eating the last bite of cake, he planned to go to the main tent to see Ji Yanran, but as soon as he turned around, a person walked up to him. The blue dress, the green eyes, the figure is petite and light.

"Miss Abi." Yun Yifeng greeted warmly, and then asked casually, "Are you going to find the chief? Just right, we will go together."

But Abi stopped in her tracks and just stared at him. Her green eyes were shining in the sunlight, more like a seductive fairy.

There should be no soul-hunting technique in Jianghu, even if there is, it should be supplemented with medicine or formation, and there is absolutely no reason to lose the soul just by looking at it. So Yun Yifeng didn't dodge, but deliberately met her eyes, wanting to see what the other party was going to do. When the two sides stared at each other, they seemed to be playing "we are all puppets". In short, no one wanted to move first. The soldiers passing by saw it, and they were all very strange. What... why

Yun Yifeng's eyes are actually beautiful too, with fine eyelashes and pupils like the dark night sky, the flashing light is like fine stars, containing a thin layer of water mist, which just rightly fades the too sharp eyebrows, and when he smiles, it is even more beautiful. A little more approachable. An ordinary little girl, if she is stared at by such a pair of eyes, her heart would already be beating like a drum, and her face would be flushed, but Abi was not. In the eyes, something was pulled out abruptly, or something was put together.

"Girl?" Yun Yifeng waved his hand in front of her, "Are you okay?"

As soon as Abi grabbed his wrist, she pulled him in front of her, and continued to stare at him.

The distance between the two was already very close, and the people around were startled, and wanted to step forward to stop them, but they heard someone announce that His Royal Highness Xiao Wang and the chieftain were coming.

Yun Yifeng turned his head, with an innocent expression, I am not, I am not, you listen to my explanation.

Ji Yanran frowned slightly, and asked Yerten: "What's going on?"

"Maybe...Abi remembered something." Yerten hesitated and said, not knowing whether to separate the two, "Her memory is intermittent, she doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't know where she came from." Where did you come from? May I take the liberty to ask about the life experience of Master Yunmen?"

"Yun'er's life experience is very bitter." Ji Yanran said, "But it should have nothing to do with foreigners."

The strength in Abi's hands gradually weakened, she seemed to remember nothing, and seemed to remember something, and finally only sighed blankly and softly.

Yeerting took her hand and took her away.

The surrounding soldiers also dispersed, only Yun Yifeng was still standing there, completely unaware of what happened, and asked Ji Yanran in a daze: "Is this my bewitching, or is it Abi's bewitching?"

"It has nothing to do with Zhongxie." Ji Yanran said, "Yerteng said that he picked up Abi in the cold sand and snow. He was injured and lost his memory at the time, and he never recovered. That's why I saw you just now and remembered some old people. Old things."

"Seeing me, remembering my old friend?" Yun Yifeng said in surprise, "I've never seen her before."

After thinking about it, I was even more surprised: "Xing'er was still saying two days ago that I sometimes look like Abi, could it be..."

But he didn't dare to continue, and it was impossible. Abi's appearance was so strange and beautiful that he was not from Daliang, and he was the son of Pu Xianfeng—but there seemed to be no evidence for this. But appearance cannot be faked, Yun Yifeng pulled his face vigorously and asked, "Do I look like a foreigner?"

"It doesn't look like much." Ji Yanran took his hand down, "Perhaps her old friends are just like you, beautiful and immortal, not like ordinary people, that's why they are touched, maybe."

Beautiful and immortal, not like ordinary people.

Yun Yifeng was in a good mood: "A few more compliments."

Ji Yanran checked his pinched red arm, and kissed again: "No more boasting, let's do it on the bed."

Yun Yifeng laughed, tapped his chest, and tsk tsk: "Just talking but not practicing, His Royal Highness Xiao Wang."

Ji Yanran wrapped his arms around his waist, brought him into her arms, and couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't know what's good, I love your body."

"It's just that the prince will feel distressed if he is sure, so I have the courage to not know what is good." Yun Yifeng put his arms on his shoulders, raised his eyebrows, "If at some point I don't feel distressed, and I take a whip every day, then I will keep it. Honestly, without saying a word, pointing east and not west.”

Ji Yanran smiled, bowed her head and kissed him.

So that afternoon, the whole army knew about it, because Miss Abi pulled the hand of Master Yunmen, and the prince became so jealous that he didn't even go back to the tent, and started kissing while standing outside, even saying that he would whip him.

Ling Xing'er: "..."

Ling Xing'er put her hands on her hips and said, "This is impossible!"

"What's wrong, listen to those gossips." Yun Yifeng tapped the emerald flower with the handle of the horsewhip, signaling it to trot a few steps and walk alongside Ling Xing'er, "I was busy a few days ago and didn't bother to ask, tell me now , what happened to you and Qingyue?"

"The door master just remembered now." Ling Xing'er muttered.

Yun Yifeng knew he had neglected his duty, so he cleared his throat and said, "Well, no matter whether it's Qingyue's fault or not, I'll reprimand him for you."

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Ling Xing'er said, "It was the Zichuan secret map, and the whole world was chasing and killing the sect master. Instead of thinking of a way, the senior brother wanted to write a nonsense letter to expel the sect master. Storm door."

Yun Yifeng first corrected her sternly, the girl can't say "shit".

He wondered again: "I taught him to write that notification letter, you should have read the letter, why do you blame Shang Qingyue?"

"But... but it's not a last resort, can't you even wait a few more days? You see, if I procrastinate, I will procrastinate and find a solution?" Ling Xing'er said sullenly, "I just think, Brother seems to be quite... quite..."

Yun Yifeng said: "Do you really want to be the master of Fengyumen?"

Ling Xing'er defaulted.

Yun Yifeng smiled: "I've seen it a long time ago, but it's not a bad thing."

"Why isn't it a bad thing?" Ling Xing'er retorted, if she wants to be the sect master, the next step is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? Otherwise, how can it be done

Yun Yifeng had a headache, and realized the difficulty of raising children in advance, and began to reason patiently. Wanting to be the head of the sect, and being eager to take the position of the head of the sect are two different things.

I founded Fengyumen in the first place because of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, and secondly because I wanted to have a home and get rid of the shadow of ghost thorns. Although it developed well later on, it still couldn't do it wholeheartedly and let the sect flourish. It was just dragging its sick body around, and Qingyue was different. He was young, cautious, careful, and had quite thorough plans for the future. In all fairness, except Apart from his lack of experience, he is indeed more suitable to be the sect master than himself.

Yun Yifeng said: "Besides, every time something happened to me, Qingyue desperately protected me, and ran all over the rivers and lakes to find medicinal materials. If he really wanted to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, why bother? As a result, he was clearly sincere, You just did something I told him to do, and you got angry, and you ran to the northwest without saying a word, leaving him alone to worry?"

Ling Xing'er was at a loss for words, and it took a long time before she said stiffly: "Didn't you agree that no matter whose fault it is, you will reprimand me?"

"Yes, yes, reprimand." Yun Yifeng said, "In this way, when you get married in the future, I will only give you your dowry. As for Qingyue's dowry, let him earn it himself, and I will not give you a single coin."

"Who wants to get married!" Ling Xing'er blushed even more at what he said, and ran forward as soon as she flicked the rein.

Ji Yanran said from behind: "Just think about other people's dowry, what about your own?"

"Huh?" Yun Yifeng thought for a while, "No, I have already made up my mind that I will not bring anything in the future and live in the palace empty-handed." There is nothing you can do if you don't agree, this matter has been settled.

Ji Yanran smiled and pulled his rein: "Just now I chatted with Yerten, and he said that Abi still didn't remember anything after going back. He also said that if you agree, he would like Xing'er to accompany him more. With Abby, they seem to like each other very much."

"The girl's family is close, so I don't need my consent." Yun Yifeng said, "But judging by the posture, Yerten is really nice to Abi."

"He regards her as an elf in the sand and snow, a treasure bestowed by heaven." Ji Yanran said, "To Daliang, he is indeed an annoying opponent, but it doesn't affect him from becoming a good man who cares about women at the same time."

"Before I met the prince, I never thought about my life experience." Yun Yifeng said, "But do you think it's strange that after meeting the prince, many people and many things popped up inexplicably, as if all It has something to do with my life experience." Like a traveler who has been hungry for a long time, a sumptuous feast suddenly appears in front of him, and he doesn't know which bowl to eat.

"It's called destiny." Ji Yanran asked, "Is that good or not?"

"It's good." Yun Yifeng smiled, "It's all good to meet the prince."

Li Jun had just trotted over on the horse, when she heard this affectionate sentence, she quickly tightened the reins and turned around to run away.

Ji Yanran said: "He's quite interesting."

"About the past between King Pingle and Young Master Liao," Yun Yifeng probed, "Is the prince planning to let it go like this?"

"Li Jun's words are reasonable. That incident may or may not be related to him. Without more evidence, I really can't do anything." Ji Yanran said, "But I think he has a very close relationship with you. good."

"Prince Pingle has a good personality, and he is quite clever." Yun Yifeng said, "And there is a more important point. The emperor likes big pastel vats full of butterflies, and the prince likes gaudy yellow and willow green. What does Le Wang like?"

"Why do I like goose yellow and willow green?" His Royal Highness Xiao Wang explained, "I bought it for you."

Yun Yifeng: "..."

Forget it, I suddenly don't really feel like talking.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what does he like?" Ji Yanran conceded.

Yun Yifeng spread out his palm, a clear gemstone, exquisite and lovely, like rain in the wind, dew between flowers, tears of beauty. Just as he was about to explain what it was, Ji Yanran suddenly rushed towards him.

Cuihua was frightened and stopped, raised her head to the sky and let out a hiss. Ji Yanran held her in her arms and rolled to the ground together. Hundreds of arrows shot out from the sand, like a dense rain of deadly iron.

Li Jun panicked and said, "Ah!"

Jiang Lingfei knocked down the arrow with a backhanded sword, and threw Li Jun to a safe place. Looking at the army again, it was already in a mess. Many people were injured and were screaming on the ground.

It happened so suddenly that the people at both ends didn't even realize what was going on. The rain of arrows was over, and no enemy troops came out. It should be that there were only hidden weapons buried in the sand.

The military doctor and Mei Zhusong both came to check, the arrows had been poisoned, the situation was not good. The injured soldiers received medical treatment on the spot, and Yun Yifeng took Ji Yanran to check him three or four times to confirm that he was not injured before he was relieved.

"In such a place that is not too far away, why did Fufu bury a hidden weapon?" Ling Xing'er asked, "And he didn't shoot early or late, but when the prince and the door master came over, he was suddenly triggered. Er Teng's army is fine, how could it be unmanned?"

This matter is indeed strange, but Yerten was also baffled when faced with the questioning: "I have offered to join forces with Daliang, and now I am almost at the barren grass dunes, but suddenly I shot cold arrows at His Highness King Xiao. How is this good for the war? ?”

That's hard to say. Ling Xing'er thought silently, you don't look like a good person anyway.

After Lin Ying checked, she frowned and said, "My lord, this seems to be something from a long time ago."

Ji Yanran asked: "How long?"

Lin Ying looked up at him, hesitating: "Like General Lu at that time."

Yerten snorted coldly and sneered: "After investigating for a long time, it turned out that it was your own people who did the trick."

The arrow bears the black wolf brand, which is indeed Lu Guangyuan's mark. The whole mechanism was also dug out carefully, and there was a new crack in the middle. According to everyone's speculation, it should be due to the continuous trampling of the army, and just when Ji Yanran passed by, it broke completely, triggering the arrow.

Lin Ying said: "General Lu also fought in the northwest, maybe he accidentally dropped this mechanism during the march, and was buried by the wind and sand later."

"How about the poison on the arrow?" Ji Yanran asked.

"Returning to the lord, although this poison can instantly paralyze the body, it is not fatal." The military doctor said, "It can also be cured, but it will take a little longer, about ten days."

Ji Yanran nodded: "Thank you."

Dozens of soldiers were injured before the battle even started, and Ji Yanran also had a headache because of this indescribable reason. Although this kind of thing should be just a coincidence, he still sent a team of people to explore the road first, and after checking all the marching routes, the army can pass through.

In this way, it was delayed a few days longer than the original plan, but it was okay, because now almost every herdsman knew that the so-called spirit gods and fairy kingdoms were liars. It is gone, and the only life left is to sit and grind stones every day. The ghost-masked men sent out will no longer receive the honorable treatment of the envoys of the gods, and become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

In the barren sand dunes, Hao Meng climbed up to the high platform, looked at the dark crowd below, and said indifferently: "It seems that your army and mine are only these people."