A Sword of Frost

Chapter 88: Night Exploration Maze


After the Night Wolf Witch Clan joined forces with the Red Crow Cult, the cult spread like a plague in the northwest, and now there are tens of thousands of believers standing in the mist. It's no wonder that the thirteen tribes are facing a big enemy. According to this trend, if they don't intervene again, they may really be quietly built a kingdom by Hao Meng and Fu Yao.

Most of the horrors of cults lie in their delusion of people's hearts. Once the rumors of "spiritual gods" and "immortal kingdoms" are dispelled, 90% of the imaginary grand buildings will collapse. The general situation is gone, and the alliance army is getting closer and closer to the barren grass dunes—the number is five times that of the Night Wolf Witch Clan, and the outcome seems to be no suspense.

Hao Meng asked: "What if Stonehenge is breached? The opponent has thundering artillery."

"There are 18 Thunderbolt Cannons in Daliang, and they are all located on the island border in the southeast, far away from the northwest." Fu said, "Besides, the Thunderbolt Cannons are huge, one can weigh several tons, and the sand and gravel in the desert are soft. Even if they rush to manufacture a new one, it will not be easy to ship it over.”

Hao Meng said: "Things always happen in case."

"There is no chance." Fu said, "Stonehenge will definitely be breached. Just relying on some mazes of stones to block the soldiers and horses of the Liang and Geteng tribes is tantamount to a dream."

Hao Meng's face suddenly darkened.

"Patriarch, don't worry." Fu continued to look into the distance, "After they break through Stonehenge, this good show will really start."

The long wind whipped up the noisy dust, which instantly blurred the faces of tens of thousands of believers below, and their eyes were also chaotic.

"Cough cough." Yun Yifeng covered his mouth and coughed.

Ji Yanran pulled up the cloak and wrapped him in her arms, blocking the oncoming wind and sand.

"It looks like a strong wind is going to blow up." Yin Zhu said, "Let everyone find shelter from the wind and rest there."

Yerteng sent someone to deliver an order, and he planned to go to Ji Yanran, but the attendant rushed to pass the message, saying that Miss Abi seemed to be ill again, and asked him to go and see quickly.

A sharp scream pierced through the yellow sand, and mixed with the wind whistle, it suddenly pierced the heart and trembled. Yun Yifeng asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"It's Miss Abi." Lin Ying walked over, "It is said that she has fallen ill again. When I came here just now, I saw Yerten calling many doctors over."

Yun Yifeng asked: "What about Senior Mei?"

"Mr. Mei is resting in the tent, and Yerten doesn't seem to intend to ask him to see a doctor." Lin Ying said, "As for the specific reason, I don't know, and it's hard to ask."

Ling Xing'er also heard the scream and was waiting anxiously outside the carriage. After getting along these few days, she has already regarded the other party as a friend, so she is naturally worried. But Yerten sent someone out, saying that Abi was fine and had fallen asleep, and asked her to visit again tomorrow.

"Wait first!" Ling Xing'er grabbed the maidservant who sent the message, "What is the disease? Why did you hide it? It's fine if you don't go to the military doctor in Daliang, but Senior Mei's medical skills are so good that even our sect master It can cure all kinds of strange poisons, so why don’t you ask him to show Sister Abi?”

The servant girl was shy, honest, and timid. She couldn't answer a series of questions after being asked a series of questions by the chivalrous girl. Carriage, looks like it's about to cry.

Ling Xing'er stomped her feet. Although she really wanted to go in and have a look, she also knew that the relationship between Daliang and the Ge Teng tribe was delicate, so she couldn't be rash, so she could only leave feeling depressed, and sat down by the fire, not wanting to say a word .

"When she got sick, she screamed so horribly. No wonder there were rumors outside that Abi was bewitched and haunted by evil spirits." Yun Yifeng comforted, "But don't worry too much, Yerten treats this concubine extremely Beloved, no matter what the cause is, he will definitely do his best to treat it. Among the three conditions he offered, isn't there the imperial physician from Daliang? Maybe there is some good medicine hidden in the palace, which can save Abi's life."

"Is it that simple?" Ling Xing'er hugged her knees, "I always feel that there is a conspiracy behind it."

Yun Yifeng smiled and said: "I have really grown up and know how to analyze things. Tell me, what is behind it, what conspiracy?"

"Yerteng has set three conditions, and the prince has also set three conditions." Ling Xing'er said, "Among them, getting the Kedeng tribe to evacuate Qingmucuo can be done immediately, and Yerteng is indeed very fast. He ordered it, which is equivalent to that he has fulfilled one of the prince's conditions. If so, why don't you have to make an exchange, let the imperial doctor quickly send the medicinal materials? No mention of it, just drag it to the end of the war, and watch the sweetheart The reason for suffering."

After finishing speaking, I would like to add, of course, this matter is different from the blood ganoderma, the prince still cares about the sect master very much.

"Indeed." Yun Yifeng said, "Behind this incident, it is not as simple as seeing a doctor and saving lives."

"So, this kind of man with three wives and four concubines, no matter how much he loves on the surface, he is just greedy for beauty in his heart." Ling Xing'er said, "Once he is involved with power and ambition, then the beauty will only be in love with her." It could be a victim, there have been many such things throughout the ages."

"You are young, but you have a lot of emotions." Yun Yifeng patted her, "Okay, let's go eat something. Even if, as you said, Yerten really wants to use Abi to do something, then plan now It has not been implemented yet, and he should take good care of her, and she will be fine for the time being. If you keep pouting, the cook will come to hang up the oil bottle."

Ling Xing'er was still unhappy: "It would be great if all men were like the door master."

"That can't be done." Ji Yanran squatted beside her, and threw a piece of dry grass into the fire, "There must be only one person like your sect master in the sky and on the earth."

Ling Xing'er: "..."

I'm stingy, I won't tell you.

Yun Yifeng smiled and asked, "Have you finished your military affairs?"

"I checked around, and saw that the edge of the deserted grass and sand dunes was in front of me. Suddenly there was such a big wind and sand, and I always felt uncertain." Ji Yanran sat down, "Still reading the battle record?"

"Yes." Yun Yifeng held a book in his hand, which was a portable version that he personally transcribed after he got the Puchang manuscript in Zichuan Secret Map. First, I always have some thoughts about "father and family", and second, I also want to be familiar with military books, so that I can chat more about the battlefield situation with my sweetheart in the future.

A mechanism popped up in the sand a few days ago, so he looked it up carefully again, and found that the thing that shoots the crossbow should be called "Zjue", which means "a sharp sword that can penetrate wild beasts" in the Southwestern dialect. When Pu Chang was fighting in the Southwest, the ingenuity he learned from the locals was powerful, but it could only be used once after reloading the arrows, and it took a lot of effort to bury it. The enemy may not be able to step on it obediently, so it has not been promoted on a large scale, and it has only been deployed and controlled at the main roads of Xiongguan a few times.

Then the problem arises. Although Lu Guangyuan also fought in the desert, it was before the pacification of the southwest. That is to say, after Puchang learned this mechanism, the army never came to the northwest again. Then this decision buried in the sand, Where did it come from

Ji Yanran said: "General Lu has quite a few secrets. If, I mean, if he is really related to the rebels, it is possible that some battles have not been recorded."

"You're right." Yun Yifeng sighed, and put the book aside, "I really want to find someone who knows what happened back then."

Seeing that he seemed a little lonely, Ji Yanran hugged him into her arms, and said softly: "Didn't you tell me everything yourself? Ever since you met me, there have been many people and things related to your life experience, so maybe you will meet again in the future." To more, add up bit by bit, there will always be a day when the past can be revealed, don’t worry.”

Yun Yifeng leaned against his chest, pulled the cloak to cover her face.

This desert night is really cold.

And in this really cold night, people who have no sweetheart to hug and no internal strength to keep out the cold, such as King Pingle, are even more miserable. Although everyone took care of him and found him a tent that was the most sheltered from the wind, no matter how sheltered he was from the wind, he couldn't avoid the cold. No matter how close he was to the brazier, his hands and feet were cold, so he wished he could put on ten pairs of cotton boots.

Yun Yifeng lifted the curtain, saw the bloated person on the small bench at a glance, thought someone's quilt had become fine, and his expression froze for a while.

Li Jun wept bitterly: "It's really cold."

"So why come with me, why not stay comfortably in General Yancheng's mansion, there is no need to suffer this kind of punishment." Yun Yifeng sat beside him, "There is no way, but the prince said it will end within a month Fight, just bear with it."

Li Jun was crying when she heard the words, why would it take another month? After a while, he complained again: "Why didn't you scare me back then? Even if you got a rope and tied me forcibly in the general's mansion."

Yun Yifeng told the truth, didn't I think you were a spy at the beginning? Naturally, you have to take it with you to rest assured.

Li Jun: "..."

"Okay, okay, it's been frozen for a long time, and I can practice it." Yun Yifeng warmed up by the fire, "Where's Jiang Shaoxia?"

"Go ahead to spy on the news." Li Jun said, "He said that Stonehenge is strange, and wants to see what it is."

Along with Jiang Lingfei, there are several other masters of Qinggong. In fact, this job should be assigned to Yun Yifeng. After all, the master of Fengyumen is well-informed and knows the "Fengxi" light kungfu that other people don't know. He is more elusive than ghost shadows when he floats. However, His Royal Highness Xiao Wang was not willing to part with it - he remembered Akun's sentence "Maybe when, there will be a 'boom'" and he was so frightened that his flesh would jump. Yu Han sent Mizhen to spy at night, but he refused without thinking.

The rest of the tribal leaders tried to make sense of it: "The prince should put military affairs first."

Ji Yanran said coldly: "This king has spent half his life in the army of Liang, and has dedicated himself to it. Now even my wife wants to post it?"

So everyone was left in despair.

There was no moon that night, and the stars were very dimmed by the wind. Relying on the compass in their sleeves, the spy team managed to find the right direction, and climbed up a high hill with difficulty. At this time, there was a faint white in the east, and it was almost dawn. The strong wind that raged all night was finally driven away by the weak sunlight. After the yellow sand flying all over the sky fell silent, many huge black stone pillars appeared in the distance, like bamboo forests in the south, densely bursting out of the ground and growing all the way to the sky. If there are only three or four of these things standing in the wilderness, it should still have a sense of majesty and grandeur, but when there are too many, there will be a qualitative change. It is no longer majestic, but like a nest of flies just out of the nest. It looks dizzying.

Someone was shocked: "Where did Hao Meng get so many big rocks?"

"It doesn't matter where he got it from. The Night Wolf Witch Clan has been rooted in the grassy sand dunes for many years, and they can always find a way." Jiang Lingfei said, "The important thing is what he wants to use these stones for."

"It's nothing unusual to look at, isn't it going to be knocked down and used to hit people?"


A group of people discussed for a long time, but they didn't discuss the mysterious use of this big black pillar, and they didn't see anyone going in or out of it.

Jiang Lingfei said, "I'll go in and have a look."

The rest of the people were taken aback, so they just went in like this

"You wait here for me. If I haven't come back after two hours, you don't have to wait." Jiang Lingfei said, "You don't need to save me."

"Jiang Shaoxia." Someone persuaded, "This Stonehenge looks really weird. We agreed that we are only here to spy on the situation. Why should we risk it alone? Why not go back and inform the prince of the situation first, and then discuss the next step."

Jiang Lingfei shook his head: "It's not useful information to just take a look from a distance and confirm that there are hundreds of stone and wooden pillars standing on the wasteland. Don't worry, I have my own measure."

After finishing speaking, it was like a light swallow darting down a short slope, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Although everyone was anxious, there was nothing they could do, they could only wait obediently.

The pitch-black Stonehenge makes one's scalp tingle from a distance, but it's not unusual to see it up close. It's like entering a vast alien world in a ghost story. Jiang Lingfei walked inside for a long time, but he didn't understand where the "fascination" was. Finally, he simply picked the thickest pillar, touched it carefully from top to bottom, and finally found something. The place was hollowed out, temporarily stuffed with rags, and it was supposed to be filled with—explosives? Drugged? Or some other medicine, it will not be a good thing after all.

Jiang Lingfei patted the pillar, turned around and went back to the sand dunes: "Let's go, go back to the camp."

Seeing him return safely, the hearts of the rest of the people finally dropped, but after listening to the situation in Stonehenge, they couldn't figure out why Hao Meng was digging holes in the pillars, what kind of fool? Will it make dynamite bloom in the sky? It's not right to be addicted to drugs. It's so windy, can everything disappear

But in any case, at least this trip was not fruitless. There are countless high-ranking people in the military. If you go back and ask, you may be able to find the answer.

In the faint sky, the army was packing up and preparing to move on. Ji Yanran still went to the army early in the morning, Yun Yifeng was lazy and squinted for a while, and when Li Jun found him, he was still looking for clothes sleepily.

"I picked up two meatloaf for you." Li Jun handed over the plate like a treasure, and dressed him attentively, "Let's discuss something. If the third young master Jiang is not coming back tonight, can I squeeze with you?" ?”

Yun Yifeng yawned: "Okay, you go and talk to the prince."

Li Jun was crying, how dare I, you have to do this kind of thing yourself.

Yun Yifeng looked at his big face in front of her, it was white and greasy, and she tried to force a smile, her chest suddenly throbbed.

Li Jun was hit even harder. You don't have to put on an expression of wanting to vomit if you don't want to

Yun Yifeng pushed him away, and wanted to touch the veil under the pillow, but it was too late, a mouthful of blood sprayed on the ground, splashing bright red.

Li Jun didn't expect things to develop in this way, so he was out of his wits and supported him: "What's wrong with you, I'm going to find my seventh brother!"

"Don't go!" Yun Yifeng held his wrist, and the white joints were raised, almost piercing through the thin flesh. He was a little dazed by the pain, so that even his brain became dull, he was only in the "buzzing" tinnitus, thinking in a daze, why these days have been good, but he said that the poisonous hair is the poisonous hair, and it still comes like this Ferocious and mighty, he almost thought that he had vomited out his heart with that mouthful of blood just now.

Fortunately, my chest was still beating "bang bang", fortunately.

He couldn't tell how long it took, but he finally recovered a bit, and said weakly: "Don't tell the prince, first help me bury the blood on the ground, and bury it clean."

"Are you sure?" Li Jun helped him to sit by the bed, and wanted to pour a cup of hot tea, but the pot was cold. Seeing that he was still grinding, Yun Yifeng felt helpless, and urged: "Quick!"

Li Jun saw this kind of scene for the first time, and didn't know what to do, so she had to follow what he said, and touched a shovel from outside to bury the blood. He said again: "Sit down for a while, I'll get you a pot of hot tea, and then secretly invite Mr. Mei over, and promise not to let Seventh Brother know."

Yun Yifeng nodded: "Thank you." After Li Jun left, he tried his pulse again, and it was not as fast and slow as the previous few times, without any trace, just too weak.

Unbelievable, it was chosen at such a time. Yun Yifeng sighed deeply, and leaned against the head of the bed somewhat annoyed, hoping that after Senior Huimei came, he could think of a way to procrastinate for a while.

Ji Yanran was talking with the lieutenant, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Li Jun sneaking around, looking like a thief, with a lot of dirt on his body, so he sent someone to pass him in front of him: "What happened?"

"Nothing happened." King Pingle replied, pretending to look around.

Ji Yanran looked at him without saying a word.

What kind of look is that... It was created with blood and life on the battlefield. Even a murderous gangster would be terrified at a glance, not to mention King Pingle, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and thinks he is a fool. Breaking down, he said in a crying voice: "Master Yunmen vomited blood just now, I just buried him and now I am going to see Mr. Mei."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yanran disappeared like the wind.

Li Jun was out of breath, and sat down on the sand, unable to get up for a long time.

When His Royal Highness Xiao Wang stepped into the tent, the Master of Yunmen was wearing an inner garment, holding a pile of blood-stained robes in his arms, standing in front of the box, seriously thinking whether to hide it or just dig a hole on the spot buried.

The brazier had already been extinguished, and the air in the morning was as cold as ice. It happened that in this kind of weather, the person who had just vomited blood was still wearing thin clothes, with bare feet and soft shoes, standing on the ground stupidly. in a daze. Ji Yanran felt pain in her heart, and gritted her teeth to suppress her anger. She took off the cloak and tied it around his shoulders, then pulled off the quilt and wrapped it again, hugged her in her arms and didn't speak for a long time.

Yun Yifeng: "..."

The door curtain was quietly opened by a small corner, and Li Jun was worried, and was squatting on the ground to peep. Yun Yifeng glanced over coldly, King Pingle's legs softened, and he wanted to cry again, I can't stand it, the seventh brother wants to kill someone!

"Why did you hide it from me?" Ji Yanran asked.

Yun Yifeng immediately said: "I was wrong, and I will never dare again, really."

He said it without thinking, and it sounded extremely unbelievable, and Ji Yanran didn't believe it at all. He pinched his chin and looked at the pale face carefully, feeling unconcealable panic and bewilderment. This was not an emotion that a general should have before going to battle, but he couldn't restrain it. are trembling.

Yun Yifeng felt a little regretful, and asked him in a low voice: "Are you angry?"

Ji Yanran said: "I'm angry with myself."

Yun Yifeng hugged his waist, buried his face in the other's chest, and said sullenly: "Then you should be angry with me, don't be angry with yourself, I can't bear it."

Ji Yanran's throat was dry, and her heart seemed to be filled with various emotions, but she couldn't utter a word. In the end, she just lowered her head and kissed the cold hair.

When Mei Zhusong arrived, Yun Yifeng had already changed his clothes, was lying on the bed drinking tea, and seemed to be in good spirits.

"This...how can you vomit blood." Mei Zhusong was puzzled, "The daily pulse is normal, and the effect of Jilian's medicine should not fade."

Li Jun stood aside and interjected: "But I did vomit, and I vomited a lot."

Ji Yanran's face became more and more gloomy, Yun Yifeng secretly had a headache, can I ask you to talk less.

Mei Zhusong checked his pulse for him, and asked back and forth for a long time, but he couldn't find out the reason for vomiting blood. Although the march was hard work, I took good care of it all the way, so I shouldn't have done it. He frowned, so furrowed that even Yun Yifeng couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to accept the mistake: "Maybe it's because I went to bed too late these days, and I'll be fine if I take a good rest in the future."

Mei Zhusong sighed: "Then I'll prescribe some calming medicine, Master Yunmen should pay more attention to his body in the future." As he said, he supported Yun Yifeng to lie down, but he accidentally saw his wrist slipping. The beads under the string suddenly changed: "Where did this come from?"

"..." Yun Yifeng glanced at Li Jun, and asked hesitantly, "Is there a problem?"

"This thing is a nest of poisonous insects!" Mei Zhusong didn't care about explaining, untied the transparent bead string, lit a fire and burned it again, only heard a "beep", and the transparent hard shell exploded in response. There are tens of thousands of hair-like transparent nematodes rushing out, twisted and burned to ashes.

Rain in the wind, dew in the flowers, tears of beauty.

Yun Yifeng's scalp is numb, and the hairs all over his body are about to stand up. How dare he wear it next to his body all the time, is it such a thing

"No wonder you suddenly become weak." Mei Zhusong said in fear, "These nematodes live in the nest during the day, and sneak into the body to suck blood to survive at night. Even the warriors of the grassland can't stand it, let alone the master of the cloud gate. Heal."

The more Yun Yifeng listened, the more creepy she became, and even her back began to itch, feeling that hundreds of nematodes were probably left on her body. Ji Yanran held him in her arms, patted him comfortingly, then turned her head and looked aside coldly.

With a sound of "dong", King Pingle rolled his eyes and fell straight backwards.

This time I was really scared and fainted.

The author has something to say: "Rain in the wind, dew in the flowers, tears of beauty" was mentioned at the end of the last chapter. The next chapter explains where it comes from, =3=.