A Sword of Frost

Chapter 89: Useful place


The bead string was a gift from Li Jun. At that time, Yun Yifeng thought it was clear and lovely, the gemstones were like raindrops in the wind, it felt heavy to the touch, and it smelled lightly fragrant, so she wore it on her hand as a rare item, played with it twice in her free time, and did not treat it once thing.

As for where Li Jun was found. After waking up, he tremblingly said: "I, I, I met a businessman a few days ago, saw that this gem was very beautiful, and thought that the master of Yunmen would like it, so I just bought it."

Ji Yanran's eyes were cold: "Speak clearly!"

There was no one else around, and King Pingle had no way to ask for help, so he had to be brave, and continued to look under His Highness Xiao Wang's murderous gaze: "It was half a month ago, when we were resting near Crescent Lake, we encountered a Irrigated caravan."

It is rare to meet people who are not in the army in the desert, and they are still selling goods, so Li Jun committed the old problem of a playboy again, going forward to pick and choose to buy some novelty gadgets to relieve boredom. The gem bead string was presented by the other party on his own initiative, saying that it is a rare beauty's tears. If worn close to the body, it can calm the mind, prolong life, and have the effect of detoxification.

Hearing that it can detoxify, and seeing that the color is clear and pure, not as red and green as the ordinary orbs, Li Jun readily paid the silver and gave it to Yun Yifeng as a gift. At that time, both of them were only concerned about the transparency of the color, looking at the sun for a long time, they still thought it was beautiful, but they didn't realize that there was such a disgusting thing hidden inside.

"It's absolutely true." He first raised his hand to swear, and then asked with a mournful face, "Is Master Yunmen alright?"

Ji Yanran's teeth itch with hatred, but he couldn't do anything about this messy bag, so he just walked away angrily.

Li Jun squatted on the ground weakly, raised her hand and patted her head hard, this brain, alas!

The march of the army cannot be delayed by one person. Therefore, Yun Yifeng was placed in a carriage. Although it was not as spacious as a tent, he could still lie down with his hands and feet stretched out.

Plum Bamboo Song comforted me for the eighteenth time: "After sucking enough blood, these nematodes will return to the crystal nest to sleep, and will not become active again until night falls. They will never stay in the body and be reluctant to come out. Master Yunmen Don't worry."

That's hard to say. Yun Yifeng was worried, what if one or two of them didn't know the way.

Mei Zhusong's saliva was almost dry, and he failed to wash those hair nematodes from his brain, so he was quite helpless. Fortunately, Ji Yanran came at this time, so he hurriedly returned the person to him, got out of the carriage and went to drink water.

Yun Yifeng sat up a little: "What did you ask?"

"I guess there is no so-called passing caravan at all, but someone pretending to be a salesman to sell the beads to Li Jun, and the ultimate target is you." Ji Yanran said, "That hype, what detoxification, clearing away heat and strengthening the body tout , almost clearly putting the intention on the table."

"It's impossible to guard against." Yun Yifeng sighed, and admitted his mistake honestly, "I will never accept gifts from others again." If you want to accept gifts from only the prince, even though they are ugly, the yellow willows and willows are red and purple. The hidden weapon of poison is strong, what is dew in the wind and rain, it is beautiful and elegant, but the psychological shadow left behind will probably last for three years.

Seeing his depressed face, drooping his head, like the wilted eggplant beaten by Shuang, Ji Yanran was also angry, smiling and distressed, holding his face with both hands and asking: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"Itchy and weak, but Senior Mei said I was just thinking wildly, just calm down." Yun Yifeng put his forehead on his shoulder, "It's okay." And it's not that he didn't suffer from it when he was on Lost Winging Island in the South China Sea. The torture by poisonous insects means getting up and doing things after sleeping for a few days. This time I was unconscious, and it didn't hurt, but rather squeamish.

After thinking about it for a long time, it seems that there is only one reason, it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. No matter how sick or painful or painful before, I had to grit my teeth alone and bear it hard, no one would care about hurting the spring and autumn, but now it is different, with the care and worry of my sweetheart, no matter how hard the bones are poured into iron, the bones are also crisp. He wanted to lie down under the quilt with his limbs weak, and hum a few words of grievance like ordinary patients, so that he could complain, look in his eyes, and have a moment of tenderness and kisses.

"Those people, could they be Hao Meng and Fu Yu?" Yun Yifeng asked, "Otherwise, in this vast desert, it seems that there is no other enemy to be found. Although Yerten has a delicate relationship with us, once he came The two parties still need to cooperate, and secondly, if I die, the third condition of exchanging the blood ganoderma with the prince will become an empty dream, so it should not be him in terms of emotion and reason."

Ji Yanran neatly tidied up his broken hair: "Wuyu has no grievances or enmities with you, he should not deal with you, but the master of Fengyumen."

Yun Yifeng was thoughtful: "According to this, he is worried that I will know something, or see something that will destroy his plan... that Stonehenge?"

Ji Yanran said: "Ling Fei has already returned. He said that there are hundreds of stone pillars standing in the barren hills. They are so tall that they are densely packed. Many curved holes have been cut out of them and filled with rags. Have you ever heard of this thing? "

Yun Yifeng shook his head: "I've only heard of the maze of boulders. Hundreds of years ago, there was indeed a precedent for trapping an army, but I've never seen a formation that first dug a hole and then stuffed it with rags. I'm afraid you overestimated me."

"Then don't think about it, let's take a good rest." Ji Yanran patted his body, originally planning to say that wearing the bead strings for half a month, at least he would lose too much blood, and he needed to eat and sleep more to take care of him. But he was afraid of scaring him again, so he just said, "I'll accompany you."

Yun Yifeng leaned on his chest, and said with a guilty conscience: "Am I adding to the chaos in my busy schedule?"

"It was Li Jun who made the mess in his busy schedule, but he has learned his lesson this time, and he should not hold up messy things in front of your eyes again." Ji Yanran said, "From now on, I will find whatever you want."

"I don't want anything anymore." Yun Yifeng hugged him and closed his eyes sullenly.

Ji Yanran smiled, stroking his back with her palm, until the person in her arms fell asleep, and then pressed the quilt for him, got up and left the carriage.

In half a day, the army will be pressed to the edge of the barren grass sand dunes. According to the number of people on both sides, this should be an unbeatable battle without any suspense. Perhaps because no one knew the purpose of those huge black pillars, even Yerten was a little uncertain.

This area is not a desert, but a piece of barren and white hard land, where there are no lush aquatic plants and food, only sparse ground vines, and occasionally a few dark clumps emerge, like dysentery on a bald man's head, which is very noisy Heart. The only advantage is that there is dew at night, so I don't have to dry my throat sorely.

Ji Yanran wrapped Yun Yifeng in a cloak, and brought over a bowl of hot soup. At this time, the army is cooking, and the smoke rises into the air, spreading out in the sunset. If you ignore the noise in your ears and just look up at the sky, you will feel that you are in the grassland at this time. When the sun goes down, the housewives in the tent are chatting and laughing with each other, cooking tea and rice.

"What are you thinking?" Ji Yanran asked.

"Book of War." Yun Yifeng held the soup bowl and sipped it, "Although I can't command the battle now, I can still recite General Lu's battle record by heart. That is, when the army is the loosest, it is necessary to choose this formation for a surprise attack."

Before he finished speaking, as if to confirm his crow's mouth, a horn really sounded from a distance—it should be a horn, right? The voice was deep and deep, and the ending dragged on endlessly, becoming softer and softer at the end, like a spider's thread, getting into the ears and entangled in the heart, making people feel anxious and bored.

But the weird voice was not over yet, another round of chattering and whispering, this time it was like the daughter's family was talking, first giggling, then whimpering When I got up, the sound was blown intermittently by the wind, and the more people wanted to hear it, the more they couldn't hear it clearly.

With a sound of "crash", some soldiers dropped their bowls, stood up and walked towards the source of the sound, as if they wanted to see and listen to what happened. Once someone took the lead, the rest of the people followed as if they had just woken up from a dream. All of a sudden, tens of thousands of soldiers sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. The brush moves neatly towards the same place.

This scene happened so fast.

Jiang Lingfei was the first to react. He was taking a nap in a sheltered place when he suddenly heard a faint voice of a woman singing. At first, he thought he had dreamed back to Sizhufang and Gentle Township. As a result, I suddenly woke up and looked up, oh, I saw a group of people approaching in darkness, those soldiers of the big beams, and the warriors of the thirteen tribes, you push me, I chase you, the pace is getting faster and faster. Quickly, at the back, almost desperately started running towards the direction of the sound.

"Stop them!" Ji Yanran yelled from behind.

Ancestor, how can I stop the thousands of troops? Jiang Lingfei felt chills in his heart, and didn't care about thinking about it anymore. He whistled and called Xiaohong, jumped on his horse and rushed to the front. He drew his sword and yelled "stop", "cover your ears", etc., but no one listened Going in, her eyes were still fixed on the ground, and she rushed forward like a puppet. Xiaohong was also frightened, and ran forward with Jiang Lingfei on her back, for fear that he would be trampled to death by the flow of people.

The camp was already in a mess, pots and stoves rolled around, and even the war horses were restless. Soldiers with better concentration and not bewitched by the magic sound dragged their sleeping bags out of their bags in a hurry, twisted cotton and camel hair into small balls, and chased after them to plug their comrades' ears, but the effect was minimal. There are not a few people who blocked the opponent's way and scuffled into a ball.

In such a situation, if the army of the Yelang Wu Clan came out at this time, they would have no chance of winning. Yun Yifeng's back was numb, and he took Cuihua to go to the front to block it, but the erratic voice suddenly changed its tone, no longer like a woman whimpering and whispering, but like a siren's voice, suddenly sharp !

The soldiers in charge of protecting Li Jun were also affected. He covered his ears with one hand, struggled to drag the quilt with the other hand, and tried to cover Li Jun's head, but was pushed suddenly by the other party. The ghost screamed and ran out of the tent.

"Pingle King!"

Li Jun ran recklessly, like a wild bear, but she was very brave. But it’s better not to be brave than to be brave. He was confused and didn’t know what he was doing, so he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he desperately wanted to find the person who kept crying and laughing. Squeeze to death, or hammer to death, or whatever. He was wheezing, exhausted, yet unable to stop, finally exhausted, with red eyes, he grabbed the person around him, opened his mouth and bit it hard.

Yun Yifeng punched him unconscious, threw him into a broken tent by the roadside, and continued galloping on his horse.

The situation is worse than Li Jun, and there are as many as 10,000 people. Stimulated by that sharp voice, the soldiers who were chasing each other and running forward became more and more restless in their hearts. One by one, they were like firecrackers filled with explosives, and they were about to explode with a slight push.

Yun Yifeng climbed up a high hill, and was terrified to see it. At this time, the setting sun was like blood, and in the endless desert, tens of thousands of soldiers were driven mad by the magic sound, and began to fight and attack each other, like crazy and irrational beasts. He was previously worried that the army of the Night Wolf Witch Clan would take advantage of the chaos, but now that he sees where the other side is needed, he probably made up his mind from the very beginning to let the alliance army kill each other.

Jiang Lingfei suddenly shouted not far away: "Bring your thunder piano and follow me!"

Yun Yifeng reacted suddenly, touched Cuihua's side, and the small but loud wolf-chasing xylophone was always packed in the cloth pocket! With a flick of his whip, he drove the horse under his crotch to chase after him.

Xiaohong led the way, Cuihua followed closely, one red and one ink two lights and shadows, flashed across the barren hills like a thunderbolt of lightning, and rushed towards Stonehenge without looking back.

Fortunately, the wind gradually weakened at this time, and the piercing magic sound also subsided a little. The sober soldiers took the opportunity to catch up, plugged the ears of some of them, and took the wounded aside.

Yerteng was still in shock, and he and Yin Zhu chased after Ji Yanran: "What the hell is this?"

"Desperate Soul Sound." Mei Zhusong also came from the other end, "When I was studying ghost stories in my early years, I occasionally saw them in books, but they used stone flutes as instruments, and the witches set up an altar to play them. Bewitching, I have never heard of something like this that can transmit sound for tens of miles through the wind."

"It's not a way to go on like this." Yinzhu said, "The weather at night is unpredictable, and it won't be long before there will be strong winds again." Now there is at least half a round of red sun, if it is completely dark later, so much People get agitated, I'm afraid there will be bigger troubles.

"Yun'er and Ling Fei have already passed away." Ji Yanran said, "The order goes on, ordering the soldiers to plug their ears and rest in place."

Yinzhu suggested: "It's better to order the retreat first, and discuss the next step after the lost sound array is broken."

"It's useless." Yerten shook his head, "No matter how fast a war horse runs, it can't escape the sound from a high place, unless it can escape a hundred miles overnight. Besides, if you retreat without fighting, there will be no morale for fighting in the future. "

Yinzhu said anxiously: "Yes—"

"Master Yunmen and Jiang Shaoxia have already gone to break the formation." Yerteng glanced at Ji Yanran, "There are a lot of talents in the big beam, and those two are the best in martial arts. We just wait for the good news."

What he said sounded like a compliment, but inside it was 100% shirking responsibility. There was nothing he could do about the weird sound that came out of nowhere. After Stonehenge was broken, it would be best if it could be broken, but if it couldn't be broken, the Alliance army really retreated in a panic, and when the news spread, it was also Daliang's responsibility and had nothing to do with the thirteen tribes.