A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 103


"What did you say? Prince?!"

The man who had been drinking tea leisurely in the house and watching the drizzle outside the window suddenly stood up.

The teacup in his hand slammed against the table with a slamming sound.

Just a moment ago, the pleasure that he had everything under his control was fanned away in an instant, and the man's face was rather ugly.

Not only was the success a failure, but many of those who had been bribed by him and lurking in the crowd suddenly disappeared.

The man had a gloomy face.

It was clear that everything was within easy reach, and the city was completely over just before the door. Unexpectedly, it was messed up by the prince who suddenly appeared.

Obviously, his status is noble, but he wants to stay in this dangerous city.

That prince is mentally ill.

he thought unpleasantly.

Wait for me! I must fix this city.

The man said fiercely in his heart.

No matter how bad the man's mood is, the matter has become a foregone conclusion, and the people gathered in the square have left one after another and returned to their homes.

Before leaving, many people turned their heads and bowed to apologize to the soldiers who had been torn apart and scolded by them just now.

They remembered what the prince said just now, that these soldiers who were unwilling to escape with the consul stayed behind to live and die with the city of Tozes, as well as their crazy behavior just now. Nah.

Those soldiers who were guarding the gate of the ruling government had been scolded one by one with their faces ashen, and they were also torn apart by everyone, but now their faces have eased.

They nodded to the citizens who apologized to them, and then continued to stand at the gate in the drizzle, guarding the ruling government.

In the dark night, the soldiers' waists were straight.

As long as they think of what His Royal Highness said just now, they feel infinite energy in their bodies, and they feel proud from the bottom of their hearts.

On the coast outside the city, Basha, the pirate leader who had been paying attention to the situation in the city, saw a faint message in the dark night sky.

His originally lazy expression turned gloomy in an instant, a ruthless look appeared in the small slits in his eyes, and he hummed heavily from his nose.

Useless things.

With this thought in his heart, he stood up and impatiently kicked away the noisy subordinates surrounding him.

"Okay, let me go back and lie down honestly."

He said in an unpleasant tone.

"Tomorrow morning, continue to attack the city."

After saying that, he threw his hands away.

The pirates who were still waiting for the boss to speak and attacked at night looked left and right, then dispersed, each went back to the ground.

In the dark night, the city of Tozes finally regained its calm. Gallan did not return to the guest room of the tower next to the executive government, but randomly found a room in the executive government near the government affairs hall and stayed there.

In this case, it would be more convenient for the generals of Seth to report their affairs to him.

Not long after he arrived in the room, there was a knock on the door.

Then, the blond knight stepped forward.

Garlan looked at his guardian knight, inexplicably a little guilty.

He asked, "Are you mad? Cayhorth."

Kaihos raised his eyes and met Garlan's.

The young man who was still calm in the face of thousands of excited city citizens on the square just now, looked at him with his head slightly tilted like a child in trouble.

Just seeing the look in the boy's eyes, Kaihos's heart softened.

He raised his hand and rubbed the soft blonde hair.

"Your Highness, as I said, I am your knight."

He looked softly at his prince.

"So, please don't have any scruples and continue to implement your will."

"And I will always be by your side."

even death.

Swallowing the last words back in his throat, Kaijos smiled at his prince, and then began to talk about the dozen or so people who had been caught.

Because of the tight time, he just hurriedly interrogated.

"It is clear that they are indeed instructed by others, but they can't tell who they are. Most of them just accept the other party's property and do things for the other party."

"I sent someone to look for the place they said. It's already empty. It's probably moved."

"The only thing I know now is that they don't have many members, and now more than half of them are in our hands. And they don't have much loyalty to that person. It's okay to just spread rumors, and they really want to do something terrible. … would not do it.”

"As long as the city people calm down and are not bewitched by them, they can't make waves."

Kaihos finished reporting, and then continued.

"His Royal Highness, regarding what you said to Seth and the others that there will be reinforcements in four days, what are you going to do? It's always not good to deceive them like this."

"It's not cheating."

"However, it is absolutely impossible for the reinforcements from Wangcheng to arrive within four days."

"Kaijos, didn't you notice that there was someone missing from my side?"


When Garlan said this, Kaihos immediately reacted.

By the way, where did Tal go

He usually wanders around His Highness, but he disappeared all afternoon

Because things happened one after another, and the little fat man didn't have much sense of existence, he actually forgot about him.

Tarr was indeed very timid, but it would be unbelievable to say that he left Garlan and ran away from Kaijos.

Over the years, he knew very well how deadly the little fat man was to Garlan.

That guy simply worshipped Garlan as his own god, and even if he died, he would definitely hold onto the prince's thigh with snot and tears all over his face.

"Whether we can wait for reinforcements in four days is up to him."

"You mean... ?"

"I asked a few guards to protect him, and broke out of the city before the pirates encircled in the afternoon." Garland said, "He took the token and went to the Elson country for help."

"Token? The earring that the little princess gave you?"

"Yes." Garlan nodded, "they are the only ones who are close enough to contact us as soon as possible, who can rescue us within four days, and who have a naval force strong enough to fight against pirates. And not long ago, we To some extent, it can be regarded as a good relationship with them.”

He said: "As long as the Elson Navy can come to rescue Tozes City, we will be able to hold out until the reinforcements from King City arrive."

Kaijos remembered the way the little fat man used to swirl around Garlan to flatter, and frowned.

"His Royal Highness, such an important matter... It is too reluctant to let Tarr as an envoy to a country. Besides, although Elson is not recognized, it is a country after all, even if there is a little kindness, but let a country send troops to rescue other countries. City is a very difficult thing. With Tal's abilities, I'm afraid he won't be able to complete your task at all..."

"Do not."

Garlan interrupted Cayhorth, saying, "He can do it."

The prince's bright golden eyes looked at his knight.

"I trust Tal as much as I trust you."

There was a long silence.

Then the one-eyed knight bowed his head and saluted his prince.

"I understand, Your Highness."

He says,

"Now, it's late at night, please rest well"

From tomorrow onwards, Tozes City will be in its most difficult predicament.

The night passed, and many people in Tozes couldn't sleep all night.

I don't know how many people are praying that the night will never pass and the sun will never rise.

However, no matter how much they prayed, the sun still slowly rose from the horizon.

Almost in the early morning, fierce shouts of killing sounded on the city walls.

The tall and spacious city wall was already full of people, and the soldiers of Tozes were already waiting on the city wall.

Under the command of their respective captains, they firmly guard the city walls they are responsible for.

Pushing aside the wooden ladder, the pirates who climbed the wooden ladder fell from the sky screaming.

Splash oil on climbing pirates, drop torches, and burn those pirates into fireballs.

They tried their best to defend the city wall, but compared to the pirates who were several times their number, their number was really not enough, especially the pirates had the support of warships.

Countless arrows poured only from the warships, forcing the warriors to crouch and hide under the city walls.

Some pirate ships also had small trebuchets, which kept throwing stones over the city walls, smashing holes one after another.

In this case, pirates soon climbed the city wall and slashed fiercely with their knives.

The warriors began to fight hard against the pirates who climbed the wall, however, this would lead to more pirates climbing the wall.

The battlefield on the city wall near the sea is in jeopardy everywhere.

Nearly a thousand soldiers, led by the commander of the war, Seth, were cruising on the city walls, rushing up whenever they saw danger.

Under the bloody battle of the soldiers, although they encountered danger several times, they managed to survive the day.

Seeing that the sun was about to fall into the horizon, although the pirates were unwilling, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops and retreated again.

As soon as the pirates retreated, many warriors slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

Sweat, blood and dust mixed with dust made them all embarrassed.

They sat beside the corpse of their companion, with sad expressions on their faces, but they were too tired to speak.

After a long time, they supported each other and managed to walk down the city wall.

In the evening, Seth, who had not eaten all day, and several other generals had ugly expressions on their faces.

"Your Highness, the casualty statistics have come out."

He said with a heavy expression, "The number of casualties among soldiers has reached almost half."

Originally, all the city guards in the city plus the navy under his command, and even the reserve team, all the soldiers totaled seven or eight thousand people, and nearly a thousand people were lost on the first day of battle.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, I am incompetent. The pirates have the cover of warships, which is too bad for us."

Seth gritted his teeth.

Kaihos, who had finished reading the documents, opened his mouth.

"According to today's situation, if it goes on like this, let alone another three days, I'm afraid it won't last tomorrow."

He frowned.

"Even if I go up with all my personal guards, the number of people is too small to be of any help."

For a while, everyone fell into silence.

Make bricks without straw.

No matter how powerful a general is, if he has no soldiers at hand, he can't do anything.


Garland spoke suddenly.


"You said there should be 8,000 soldiers, but on the battlefield today, I don't see that many."

"Yes, Your Highness, there are more than a thousand city guards who are responsible for guarding those slaves in the wood factory in the west of the city."

"Slave?" Garlan was stunned. "Didn't you say last time that you have already dealt with all the rioting slaves in the upper city?"

"The rioting slaves have indeed been dealt with, but, Your Highness, the slaves who did not participate in the riots in the upper city and all the slaves in the lower city added up to tens of thousands of people." Seth said, "We must send troops to guard it. Those slaves, otherwise, in case when the pirates attack the city, the tens of thousands of slaves will be in chaos again, and we will be completely finished."

Garlan stopped talking, he sat there, lowered his eyes, and thought for a long time.

After a long time, he pursed his lips, as if he had made up his mind.

Looking up, he stood up.

"Seth, take me to where those slaves are held."

"Huh? Why do you..."

"Going right now."

Garland said firmly.

There is a large area in the west of the city of Tozes, which is a large wood factory.

Of course, it's now stopped.

Yesterday afternoon, Seth transformed this place into a simple large open-air cell, drove most of Tozes' slaves here, and sent nearly a thousand city guards to guard them outside.

He ordered that any slave who dared to take a step here would be executed on the spot.

Many slaves didn't know anything about Shangcheng, and they were driven to the wooden fence for no reason. They saw pirates attacking the city from a distance, and the smoke was everywhere, and they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

The slaves stayed here for two days and one night. No one gave them food, and they were all starving. Fortunately, it rained last night and could drink a few mouthfuls of rainwater.

In the daytime today, listening to the sound of fighting in the distance and seeing the unkind eyes of the city guards, they huddled together and became more and more nervous.

They were really hungry.

Word began to spread among them secretly that the citizens of Tozes were worried that they would riot again and would gather them all together and kill them all.

Several people were arguing, saying that they were all dead anyway, and it was better to fight than to starve to death or be killed.

One day passed, and by evening, the slaves who had not eaten for two days were already starving and dizzy.

Hunger made the panic in the hearts of the slaves come out little by little.

Are those people going to let them starve to death

The few people who sneaked in secretly pretending to be slaves saw that it was effective, and became more active. They encouraged them, saying that there were tens of thousands of them, and the city guards were only more than 1,000 people. Everyone went together, otherwise they would have to wait for death and so on. if.

It's just that no matter how hard they push, the habit of being slaves a long time ago and the suppression of Shangcheng not long ago made this group of slaves dare not do anything for the time being, and continued to endure it as usual.

However, the dissatisfaction inevitably fermented gradually.

No one knows how big this dissatisfaction will be brewing and when it will erupt.

It was still dark, and suddenly, the starving slaves smelled the fragrance of rice porridge.

The wooden gates that had been closed for two days were opened, and several cars were pushed in. The aroma of porridge wafted out from the huge tanks on the wooden car.

They subconsciously swarmed up, but before they could squeeze in, they were pushed back by the city guard.

The city guards shouted and told them to line up, and then distributed the porridge to them with a low-quality gourd scoop, and each person could receive a rough buckwheat cake.

The extremely hungry slaves almost devoured the food, and when they had something to eat, their dissatisfaction dissipated a lot, and they didn't pay any attention to the scolding guys.

The slaves who were patronizing and eating didn't see it. Not far away, behind the city guard, there was a group of people watching them.

Seth smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness, when is this, do you still have time to worry about whether these slaves have enough to eat?"

Garland glanced at him.

"Didn't you say that there are not enough guards in the city?"

"It's not enough, but what does this have to do with these slaves..."

Halfway through the words, Seth stopped abruptly, as if he understood something.

"No! No, Your Highness!"

He objected vehemently.

"This group of slaves can't be trusted! You know, the slaves in Shangcheng rioted not long ago! Although the slaves here did not participate, they are also slaves, and maybe they will have the same thoughts, how can you—"

"The purpose of those slave riots was to want freedom, wasn't it?"

Garlan's eyes swept lightly over the tens of thousands of slaves.

"Okay, I'll set them free," he said.