A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 105


After bowing down to Prince Garland, the prime-aged slave stood up without saying a word, and directly picked up a man who had provoked trouble among the slaves not long ago.

When these people sneaked into the slave group and scurried around to incite the slaves to make trouble with their three-inch incorrupt tongues, he kept watching from the sidelines, silently keeping these people in his heart.

There were more than a dozen slaves who also did the same thing as him. Together with him, they took out all the provocateurs and handed them over to the city guard.

Although the ten or so slaves were not from a bad background, they were all capable people, and they had great appeal and influence among the slaves.

In this way, they showed their determination to the prince.

Came here, although Kaihos did not speak from beginning to end, but before leaving, he had an unexpected harvest. These troublemakers were obviously in the same group as the dozen or so people he had caught before.

So, he unceremoniously took over these guys and brought them back to interrogate them together.

At this point, the downline that a certain man finally bought in the city was almost wiped out.

After handing over the arrangement of these tens of thousands of slaves to a general, Gallan did not stop here, and turned around and returned to the executive government.

Just on the way back, Seth frowned and worried all the way.

As soon as he stepped into the executive government and the guards he followed stepped down, he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Prince, you want to free the slaves, this will cause many people's dissatisfaction, and those people will probably make trouble again in the city..."

He hesitated.

Throughout the ages, occasionally one or two people have raised the slogan of emancipating slaves.

However, none of these people were attacked by noble officials and big businessmen who were slave owners, and they ended up with a miserable end.

After all, for slave owners, slaves are their private wealth. If anyone dares to take their belongings from them, they will absolutely want to kill you madly.

Now, if the prince wants to liberate the slaves in Tozes City, he will definitely be strongly opposed by the masters of those slaves.

Garlan glanced at the worried Seth.

"I never said I was going to free slaves," he said.

"Ah? But? You clearly..."

Garland shook his head.

Although it is known from the history of the world where he came from, slavery will die sooner or later, but it is a long-term process, and it is not that the slaves can be freed immediately by shouting to free them.

In this world at this stage, as long as anyone shouts the slogan of emancipating slaves and abolishing slavery, that person will immediately become the public enemy of the world.

Everyone will attack him in groups and let him die without a place to be buried.

He wasn't going to do something so stupid.

"This is a special decision made under special circumstances."

Garland replied.

If under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the merchant nobles of Tozes to give up their slaves, even if he is a prince.

However, the current situation is-

The biggest slave owners, that is, the consuls, the main officials, and the big businessmen have all committed serious crimes, and their property will be confiscated sooner or later.

For the smaller slave owners, now that Tozes City is about to be captured by pirates, they are trembling like birds of prey.

"Do you think slaves are more important to those people, or their own lives?"

Garland said.

"Just tell them to give me all the slaves and they will survive. Do you think they will object?"

If they can exchange their slaves for their own safety and preserve the property in their city, they will beg Garland to accept their slaves, and they will be grateful to Garland.

Moreover, even if the matter spread after the war, other nobles would not be too sensitive about it.

Because they all know that this method is not universal, it is just a special response to defend the city.

Seth thought, the prince was right, and heaved a sigh of relief.

So, as soon as he thought about it, he immediately began to think about how to use these slaves in the war.

Thinking about it, he frowned.

"His Royal Highness, you just said that killing a pirate is considered credit, but in the war, most of those slaves can only assist from the side, and they are not necessarily able to kill the pirates by themselves. Come on, I'm afraid their credit calculation is a bit..."

"Oh, that's just what I said casually. It's just an analogy. As for how to calculate the specific battle merits, how much is equivalent to a pirate, that's all for you to arrange."


Seth choked at Garlan's light-hearted way of pushing the matter on himself.

The blond knight next to him also spoke up.

"If the prince has to decide everything, what do we have to do with our subordinates?"

Seth smiled wryly, but he had to admit that Keyhors was right.

Everything has to be decided by the prince and what he wants to do.

"I see," he said. "I'm going to discuss this with everyone now."

Although arranging those slaves is a very troublesome thing, I am afraid I have to work all night.

However, not only was he able to withdraw the nearly 1,000 soldiers guarding the slaves, but he also acquired tens of thousands of new manpower. It has to be said that the pressure on him at this moment has eased somewhat because he was worried about the lack of manpower not long ago.

The night passed and the sun rose.

At dawn, the pirates confidently began to attack the city of Tozes.

Judging from yesterday's battle situation, the manpower to defend the city in Tozes City is seriously insufficient, and the defense lines on the city wall are in jeopardy everywhere, and there are loopholes everywhere.

So today, the leader of the pirates, Basha, decided to send more troops to attack the city, crushing the city in one fell swoop.

However, when the pirates nearly twice as many as yesterday attacked them again, they were shocked to find that the number of soldiers guarding the city was several times higher than yesterday.

The loopholes that were originally understaffed were all blocked up today.

As soon as he saw the situation on the city wall today, Basha's face immediately became ugly.

Especially when he heard the retired subordinates say that most of the newly added people had marks on their bodies, and when they seemed to be slaves, his face turned blue.

That trash in town!

He cursed fiercely in his heart.

Then, he gritted his teeth and waved his hand to let the pirates under his command press him crazily.


The longer it drags on, the more dangerous it will be, and he must take down Tozes as soon as possible.

Seth, who was standing on the city wall, kept yelling and commanding everywhere.

Now that the manpower is much more abundant, the battle lines on the city walls are no longer as precarious as they used to be.

The slaves, who were divided into nearly a hundred teams, were assigned to various places. Their main task was to stop the pirates from climbing up, push the ladders away, stab the pirates who climbed up with spears, and pour boiling water and oil on the pirates on the city wall. torches.

It was the well-trained soldiers who really fought against the pirates who seized the opportunity to climb up.

But the slaves were not worried, because each slave team had a team leader leading them, telling them that even if they didn't kill the pirates themselves, the team leader would record their credit.

The most conspicuous among the slaves is a slave team of less than 100 people.

The slaves in that team were all big-bodied, stout, and powerful—most of them were slave gladiators.

These slave gladiators slaughtered from the dead were far tougher than ordinary soldiers.

This team was led by the young slave who spoke to Garlan yesterday, and they kept on moving around the city wall in one breath. Wherever the battle was fierce and where there were many pirates who climbed up, they would kill them. They seemed to have inexhaustible strength. Like, they can be seen everywhere.

Every time they killed a pirate, they would cut off the piece of skin with the pirate tattoo on the pirate's arm, and put the bloody human skin into the bag at the waist as a proof of their military exploits.

Therefore, although the pirates attacked today are twice as many as yesterday, and they are more vicious than yesterday, but because of these tens of thousands of slaves who assisted in defending the city and the group of powerful slave gladiators, the battle situation has changed from yesterday's one-sided to one-sided. It's almost flat.

The two sides were deadlocked on the battlefield.

And this is enough to make Seth and other generals overjoyed.

After all, everyone thought they couldn't last a day, but now they have lasted two days.

There are still two days.

they thought.

In two days, the reinforcements that the prince said will come.

They are desperate to survive these two days!

The interior of Tozes is still very quiet.

In the upstairs room of the ruling government, Garlan stood by the window, watching the battlefield from afar.

The moist sea breeze blowing from the sea blew up his long blond hair hanging down his side, and there was a faint smell of blood from the city wall in the wind.

Even the screams, roars, and screams faintly came from the wind and entered his ears.

Garlan raised his eyes, looked away from the battlefield of the city wall, and looked at the endless sea.

His eyes seemed to pass through the sea, to a distant place.

What I can do, I have done.


It's up to you next.

You must bring Elson's reinforcements back.

On the other side, Tarr, who was thinking about Gallan, had already arrived on Elson Island in a dusty manner.

On the afternoon of the pirate siege, he failed to persuade Garland to leave, but was instead given an important mission by Garland.

When he was ordered in danger, he was a little panicked and had no confidence in this important task.

But when the prince said he believed he would do it, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

Even if he risked his life, he would not betray the prince's trust!

At that time, before the pirates had time to encircle and block the city gate on land, he broke through the city gate under the protection of dozens of personal guards.

Then, he ran all the way, made a big circle on the land, and rode for a whole night. It was only when the sky was bright that he rushed to the small port of the nearest fishing town, hired a small speedboat, and hurriedly set out to sea.

After sailing at sea for a day and a night, Taal and his party finally arrived at the only port open to the public on Elson Island.

Elson Country does not allow men to enter the country, this port is specially reserved for foreign trade. However, due to the hostility or ignorance of the countries around it, this trading port is not prosperous, with sparse shops, not many people, and only a few merchant ships parked in the port for trading.

It was close to noon when Tal arrived on the island. As soon as Tal got ashore, he started to go directly to the manager of the port and asked to see the queen. He was considered to be mentally ill, and he was thrown out of the spot.

It was not until Tarr showed the silver-white earring that the female administrator saw the unique pattern of the Elson country, and then she reported the matter to the top with suspicion.

After Tal waited anxiously outside for more than an hour, the news finally came from above.

A team of Elson female soldiers came out and brought him in alone, and the other guards could only stay in the port.

Elson is a small island nation consisting of a large Elson Island and adjacent small archipelagos.

The palace where the queen lives is not grand and huge, with a delicate shape, and the interior decoration is also exquisite and beautiful everywhere. Since the palace was built, only dozens of men have been able to enter it. However, Tal, who had this rare opportunity, was in no mood to visit the palace, and his chubby body circled in the reception room, waiting anxiously.

There was a sound of brisk footsteps, and the door was pushed open.

General Elson in light purple leather armor appeared in front of Tarr.

She looked disappointed as soon as she saw Tal.

When the female warrior below reported that Aaron Landis had a messenger coming, she thought it was the blond knight she was thinking about.

However, as soon as they returned to Elson Island with the little princess on the front feet, the little fat man followed.

Looking at his anxious look, he didn't know what was going on.

"General Vinier, I don't know about my request to see the queen..."

Vinier nodded and said, "Come with me, the Queen is very grateful to you for helping the little princess and agreeing to summon you."

Following the General Elson to the palace hall, Tarr finally saw Queen Elson.

The queen is tall and slender, not wearing any gorgeous long dress, but a strong suit, with a long sword on her waist, a long cloak draped behind her, and a bit of awe-inspiring majesty between her brows.

With her arms outstretched, she sat on the throne boldly, with a valiant appearance and radiant energy. At first glance, it made people think that this was the outstanding demeanor of the legendary Elson female warrior.

And the queen's speech was also crisp and clear, pointing straight to the center.

"Emissary of Aaron Landis, I am deeply grateful for your help to my daughter."

she asked bluntly.

"You came so eagerly to see me, is it because you have encountered difficulties and need my help?"

Seeing that Queen Elson spoke so readily, Tarr stopped beating around the bush and quickly explained the current situation in Tozes City.

Then, he explained to the queen that the prince asked Elson to send a navy to rescue the city of Tozes.

Queen Elson pondered for a while, then shook her head.

"Feel sorry."

"I have no choice but to refuse Prince Aaron Landis' request," she said.

"Her Majesty the Queen—"

"Messenger of Aaron Landis, I am very grateful to your prince for saving my daughter. If I were a mother, in order to repay the prince's kindness, I would not hesitate to go to the battlefield for him. "

The queen interrupted Tarr's words, and looked at Tarr with a burning gaze, her eyes bright.

Her voice and words were as determined and determined as her face.

"However, as Elson's Queen, I cannot send my Elson's soldiers to the battlefield just because of the kindness of Prince Aaron Landis for saving my daughter."

"However, Your Majesty, if the city of Tozes falls, hundreds of thousands of people in the city will be slaughtered by pirates."

Tarr said eagerly.

"Even if I ask you to have mercy on the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in that city..."

"The mission of Elson's soldiers is to protect Elson's people. Their existence is not for my personal favor or feelings to die in battle - let alone sacrifice their lives for the people of other countries."

Queen Elson again flatly refused.

It can be seen that the queen is a tough and decisive person.

Once she made a decision, there was no turning back.

"Emissary of Aaron Landis, if you are willing to stay in Elson, or the prince is willing to come to Elson, I will protect your safety."

"However, there is no need to mention the matter of letting our army go to sea to rescue Tozes City."

The last word fell, and the queen got up.

With a flick of the cloak behind him, he simply turned and left.

Tarr stood there with his mouth open, but was speechless. He could only helplessly watch Queen Elson's back as he was about to disappear in front of his eyes.

If Elson's reinforcements can't be brought back to Tozes, then, Prince... Prince He will...

He remembered the trusting look in the prince's eyes when he sent him away.

At this moment, Tarr felt an unprecedented despair.