A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 106


Day three of the Tozes Defence.

The war has entered a white-hot state, and the sound of fighting and roaring on the city walls has never stopped as soon as the sun rises.

The pirates have obviously noticed that the time has dragged on for too long, and if it drags on, I am afraid there will be variables. The leader of the pirates, Basha, has already been ruthless, and he must swallow the city of Tozes to his mouth.

Therefore, before attacking the city today, he severely reprimanded all the pirates, and then stopped saving his strength, allowing tens of thousands of pirates to attack.

On this day, the ferocity and ruthlessness of the pirates were undoubtedly revealed.

Some people can even rush up against the boiling water, and even if they are scalded to the point of scalding their flesh, they can savagely climb up the wall and chop people down.

Those who were lit on fire also rushed up, hugged each other, and perished with each other.

As soon as the fierceness of the pirates broke out, they immediately suppressed the momentum of the defending side.

After all, the slaves who helped defend the city were not regular soldiers.

As soon as they saw the pirate rushing up with a ferocious face, many people began to tremble with their hands and feet, and their standing became unsteady.

The soldiers defending the city were almost forced to breathe by the fierce pirates.

Casualties began to expand.

One after another corpses were dragged down from the city wall.

One by one, the wounded were carried off the wall.

The originally blue-grey city wall was now stained with blood, and everywhere was splashed with bloodstains, stained on the blue bricks, and withered to black and red.

At first glance, the city wall full of black and red blood spots looked strange and terrifying.

This tragic battle made many slaves who were not mentally able to bear begin to fear, and they began to shrink back, unwilling to continue to resist, and even a few slaves had sneaked away from the city wall.

And as soon as they flinched, the pirates forced them in, and the more ferocious they were, the more casualties they had.

And the more casualties, the more frightening.

This created a vicious circle, with holes in the defensive line of the city wall, and then there were more and more points of defeat.

More and more pirates began to climb the wall, and their momentum increased greatly.

The soldiers of Tozes and the steadfast slaves are still clenching their teeth and resisting.

They have no way out.

The citizens of Tozes, their relatives and friends are behind them.

So, they are still holding on.

However, the arrows were almost exhausted, and the over-worn spears and the blades of the swords gradually became dull and curled.

The wear and tear of weapons is much more and faster than expected, and there is no time to replace them.

The wood is almost exhausted, the boiling water has no time to boil, and there is not much oil left.

The situation became increasingly critical.

At this moment, there was a bang, a loud noise, and a huge stone roared and slammed heavily on the city wall.

With a click, the blue bricks shattered, and a gap was smashed into the corner of the city wall.

In an instant, several pirates rushed in from that gap.

Seston was shocked when he saw this scene on the beacon tower in the distance.

He was about to command someone to block it, but before he could speak, a sturdy figure rushed up and chopped up the pirates who had turned up.

This young slave who led the team of slave gladiators had his tall body firmly blocked in the gap. One person was the guard, and one person could not open it.

While he was blocking the gap, a dozen slaves next to him rushed up, lifted stone and wooden boards, and blocked the gap.

Seth just breathed a sigh of relief when several boulders flew over in the air.

The sound of rumbling sounded, and they smashed on the city wall one after another, and in an instant they smashed several huge gaps in the city wall.

Countless pirates jumped over the gap and rushed to the city wall, knocking down the slaves who wanted to go up to block the gap, and guarding the gap so that their companions behind them could come up.

At this moment, it was like a flood that burst the embankment, and waves of pirates rushed from the breach.

The gap continued to expand, the flood water became more and more turbulent, and the soldiers near the gap were forced to retreat.

Like a festering wound, the rotting place expanded rapidly, eroding the city wall.

At the same time, on the coast outside the city walls, which belonged to the outer city, the three huge trebuchets that the pirates spent two days building were still rumbled and threw stones at the city wall.

One after another, it slammed into the corner or on the wall, and countless wall pits and cracks began to appear on the wall.

Seeing more and more cracks in the city wall being smashed open, countless pirates poured in from the cracks.

It's like a flood from a levee full of holes. I'm afraid it won't be long before this flood will wash away the entire levee—

At this moment when Seth was burning with anxiety, suddenly, a figure in silver-white armor rushed into a gap.

The long sword was swung.

With one click, a pirate was split in half from the neck to the waist.

The body that was split in half fell to the ground, and the internal organs fell to the ground in pieces.

The tragic scene made the fierce pirates pause for a moment, then raised their heads and looked at the person who rushed over.

The long pure golden hair was tied in a bundle behind him and hung down on the silver-white armor.

The one-eyed knight held a long sword with a dignified expression, and his gaze was as sharp as a blade.

One second pause.

He killed among the pirates who were dozens of times his own.

Wherever he went, there was a bloody storm, and the long sword cut in the air was full of blood splattered traces.

The knight of the scorching sun, his bravery is praised by the world.

Here, no one is the enemy of his unity.

It was only a moment of effort. Under the awe-inspiring gazes of the stunned soldiers and slaves around, Kaihos had already wielded his sword and killed the dozens of pirates in front of the gap. Under his feet, a large area was covered with blood. Red corpse.

Standing in the gap, he stabbed the two pirates who were about to turn over with one sword, and kicked the two corpses down with one foot, then turned his head and shouted, "Block this place!"

The people who were shocked by the terrifying force value of Kaihos woke up, and immediately swarmed up and quickly blocked the gap.

Not only here, but in several other gaps, a dozen or so guards also wearing armor rushed up and chopped up the pirates who came up.

Those knights guarded the gap and let others take the opportunity to plug it.

The boulders in the sky are still being thrown.

Seeing that the gap in front of him was blocked, Kaihos jumped and jumped onto the gravel that blocked the gap.

Throwing the big sword down, he raised his hand and took down the strong bow on his back.

The knight of the scorching sun stood on the high stone pile of the city wall, his blond hair gleaming in the sun.

The strong bow in his hand has been drawn.

The bow was drawn by him like a full moon.

The grease-soaked rocket tip burned in the air, and then, with a humming sound, shot out.

Under the incredible eyes of the pirates in the distance, the rocket crossed a long arc like a gust of wind, and hit the slings on the coast heavily.

The oil wrapped on the underside of the arrow was splashed on the wood, and the flames ignited at once.

Even Basha, who was on the pirate ship, couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Just because he didn't want to be shot with a rocket, he deliberately placed the catapult out of the range of the bow and arrow.

He never imagined that someone could shoot such a long distance.

Believe it or not, there was a whizzing sound in the air, and the rockets shot one after another, and soon all the slings that the three pirates had built with great difficulty were ignited.

Because it was under the scorching sun, and it was made of wood, it burned very quickly when it was lit, and the fire was so violent that it was too late to water it.

A group of pirates jumped around anxiously, but they had no choice but to watch the three trebuchets turn to ashes.

"it is good!"

Seth cried out in excitement.

As expected of the famous Sun Knight!

Seth hurried over to meet Cayhoes, who had leaped vigorously from the rocks.

Cayhoes lowered his bow and picked up his sword again.

The blond knight was covered in blood at the moment, half of his silver-white armor was dyed red, and the long sword in his hand was dripping blood constantly.

"Lord Cayhorth, thanks to you, otherwise..."

Seth couldn't imagine what would happen next if it wasn't for Cayhoe and the knights who arrived in time to plug the gaps.

I'm afraid it's not far from the city.

"Your Highness asked me to help."

Cayhors replied.

Then, the knight raised his hand and poked his side with his thumb.

"Also, I met them on the way, and brought them along by the way."

As soon as Seth turned his head, he saw a dozen or so townspeople from Tozes walking up the city wall and walking towards him.

He subconsciously frowned.

He recognized that these were the more influential citizens in the city.

What are they here for? Any dissatisfaction? Is it because of the slave thing

He thought a little irritably in his heart, he was exhausted trying to resist the pirates, can these people hide at home honestly and not come out to annoy him

Just when Seth was anxious, those people came up to him.

"Lord Seth, we brought bows, arrows, swords and these weapons."

one person said.

"This is what everyone gathered together. If it is not enough, we will go back and continue to gather together."

Seth was stunned for a moment, walked to the edge of the city wall and looked down, only to see that there were people standing under the city wall.

The neighing of the horses sounded from time to time, and hundreds of carriages were parked below. The carriages were full of supplies, and many of them were piled with arrows, spears, machetes, long swords and other sharp weapons.

After thinking about it, he understood that every family in Tozes has such a small amount of weapons to prevent thieves and robbers, and some wealthy merchants with guards have more weapons in reserve.

Another person continued: "I heard that there is not enough oil and wood here, so everyone donated what they had at home."

Some citizens even dismantled all the wooden doors of their homes and chopped them into firewood.

"Your Excellency, I am a member of the City Chinese Medicine Physician's Union. All of us are here. The casualties are so great. I guess there are not enough people to treat the wounded here, so we are here to help."

"Yes, and the blacksmiths, carpenters, and coppersmiths in the city are here. Please give us the broken weapons to repair."

Seth's eyes swept across the dark crowd below and was startled.

"Why are there so many women?" he said to the representatives of the citizens. "Hurry up and let them go back. It's not safe here."

"They came by themselves, and they said they were part of Tozes too."

"Yes, Lord Seth, some of them are no less powerful than men, and they can do what men can do. Even if they are not strong enough, they can take care of the wounded under the city walls, deliver water and food to everyone, and wash bandages. some type of."

"That's right, my lord, we can do all the things like sharpening knives, boiling water, moving stones, and transporting the wounded! As long as it's something we can do, everyone will work hard to do it!"

"We can't just wait at home."

"Anyway, if the pirates come in, they will die. We would rather work hard together!"

Seth stood on the city wall, lowered his head, and glanced at the countless Tozes citizens below the city wall.

No one shouted, everyone stood there silently, looking up at him with open eyes.

Many people have weapons in their hands, and some even have axes for chopping wood and hoes for farming.

It's not that these citizens don't feel scared, some even tremble with fear, and tears in the corners of their eyes, but everyone stays here firmly.

Because behind them are their homes, their relatives, and their children, they have nowhere to go.

The so-called united will, probably this is the case.

Looking at the eager and determined eyes of everyone, Seth suddenly felt a little hot in the corners of his eyes, and an indescribable feeling welled up from the bottom of his heart.

He turned his head and took a deep breath.

"I see," he said.

The battlefield has no time for him to waste, he said quickly.

"You immediately go down and organize people to send arrows and the like up."

"Go and boil the water, and the oil, and bring it to a boil."

He was not polite at all.

"I will arrange for slaves to send down those blunt and broken blades, and you arrange for people to repair them as soon as possible."

"You can collect as many materials as you can. Get more and be quick."

Seth's rude words made those people look happy. They immediately ran down the city wall, returned to the citizens, and began to organize and arrange people to do different things with their prestige.

The crowd was surging, and under the leadership of the leader, they dispersed and worked hard to start their own work.

With the help of the powerful force of the knights of Kaijos, and the help of the entire city of Tozes, the scale of victory that almost collapsed once again eased up a little bit, and reluctantly continued to stalemate with the pirates.

Human nature is complex.

Garlan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the city wall that was fighting like a bloodline from a distance.

There are greedy people and there are honest people.

There are corrupt souls, and there are noble beings.

There are consuls and officials who choose to leave their responsibilities behind and flee.

There are also soldiers who choose to stay.

Also, human nature is not constant.

That choice is often a matter of one thought.

Just like those citizens who almost destroyed Tozes City the night before, but now they are doing their best to contribute all their strength to protect the city.

The boy watched the scene quietly.

On the city wall, no matter what identity, whether it is a soldier, a slave, a merchant, or a craftsman.

Whether it's a man or a woman.

All people of different identities, skin colors, and genders come together at this moment to form an invisible solid wall.

Fear, conspiracy, selfishness, calculation... At this moment, everything no longer matters.

At this moment, there is no so-called high or low, expensive or inferior.

All people have only one desire in common.

Defend Tozes.

Keep your home.