A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 107


The pirate leader, Basha, has fallen into a rage.

The city of Tozes, which I thought was easy to reach, had been attacked for more than two days. Seeing that the sun on the third day was about to fall, the city of Tozes was obviously crumbling. offensive.

Where is the problem

Basha thought anxiously.

The promised inner city should fail again and again, and until now, there is no more movement.

I thought that there were not enough people to defend the city of Tozes, but it was like a conjuration. Every day passed, the number of people who defended the city suddenly doubled.

What annoyed him the most was the sudden appearance of a knight whose force could be described as terrifying.

The knight stood at the top of the city wall, and with a swipe of arrows, he burned his three catapults to the ground.

You must know that small catapults are nothing more than small catapults. Such large catapults that can destroy city walls are war instruments closely supervised by the military of various countries.

Over the years, he has tried his best to get such three planes, and all of them were destroyed here.

His heart was bleeding as he watched those three large slings burn.

Basha was already furious at this moment.

The battle has already reached this point, and the pirates have also lost a lot. In any case, he has to capture the city of Tozes in order to make up for his losses.

Thinking of this, Basha no longer hesitated.

In addition to leaving a few fast boats to patrol and monitor, Basha took the lead and took the large pirate ships into the wide river in the outer city of Tozes.

A giant warship came to the nearest place to the city wall of Tozes.

The walls of Tozes have been covered in blood.

When watching the pirate ships coming in, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Everyone in Tozes City, listen to Lao Tzu!"

Basha stood on the observation deck of his giant warship, so high that it was almost as high as Seth on the city walls.

Below him, on the deck of the ship, stood a large row of nearly a hundred pirates.

Every time he roared, the nearly 100 pirates roared in unison, repeating his words together so that everyone on the opposite city wall could hear them clearly.

"Now give up your resistance, open the floodgate and let me in. As long as you are honest and obedient, I will only rob you of your money and women and leave!"

His tiny eyes narrowed and became thinner and thinner, revealing a sinister look in them.

"But if you continue to resist—"

"I swear here by Basha!"

He roared ferociously at his prey like a hungry wolf.

"Once Lao Tzu invades the city, no matter what you are, men, women and children, no matter what your mother's status, Lao Tzu will kill them all!"

"If you continue to resist, none of you want to live!"

"Pissed off Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu will slaughter the city!"

The roars of the pirates echoed in the air and echoed on the city walls.

The entire city wall was silent at this moment.


The words that echoed over the city made everyone tremble with fear at this moment, almost breathless.

And Basha's roar instantly made the pirates arrogant.

Basha's massacre is a signal and a promise.

That means that once Tozers is broken, they will be free from any restraints, and they will act recklessly, looting, arson, rape, and humiliation, and they can trample on everyone in this city.

Then before leaving, a fire set the city on fire.

"That's right! Kill all of you guys!"

Thinking of how people in this city would scream miserably under their own swords, begging for mercy and then being slashed to death by their own swords, the pirates were so excited that their eyes flashed red.

"Slaughter the city!"

"Snatch it all! Kill it all!"

"Hahahaha! Kill all the people in this city—"

"Hahaha, that's right, only the dead are the most obedient - let me die for them all -"

The howls of the pirates made everyone tremble.

The aura of the pirates, who were driven to madness, suppressed everyone in Tozes City in one fell swoop.

Arrows rained down from the pirate ship.

Small catapults on warships kept smashing rubble against the city walls.

With the support of the arrows and rubble from the warships, countless pirates climbed over the city wall and rushed towards everyone like a tide.

In just an instant, countless parts of the city wall fell into the hands of pirates.

The ocean formed by pirates surged up, pressing the soldiers to keep retreating.

The battle has been brutal.

Almost everyone standing on the city wall was covered in blood and had many scars on their bodies. They stood there, panting violently, with exhaustion on their faces.

The pirates attacked one after another, and they had been fighting to the death for a whole day.

Not to mention eating, not even breathing.

They were hungry and thirsty now, and the arms that had been wielding the bladed spears all day were heavy as if they were tied to stones, and it was difficult to lift them.

The city wall is no longer mottled with blood, because it has been completely red with blood. Dead bodies were all over the place, lying on the ground side by side. There are also many people with broken arms and smashed thighs lying on the ground, crying and wailing desperately.

This blood-stained city wall is like hell.

The defensive line on the city wall of Tozes is being pushed back a little bit.

Although the pirate ships have stopped shooting arrows and throwing stones, as countless pirates climbed up the city wall one after another, they have almost occupied a small half of the city wall.

Fierce pirates forced the defending soldiers to retreat.


Everyone thought so desperately.

Can't hold it anymore.

They have tried their best.

Everyone is exhausted.

They could no longer resist the pirates' offensive, and could only watch in despair as the city wall was swallowed up by the pirates who came up.

The situation has reached the point where it is completely irreversible.

Seeing that the city is about to break down—

Even Seth, the commander, began to despair at this moment.

The grim-faced pirate slashed, and the spear in the hands of the young soldier was slashed out. The huge shock caused him to stagger a few steps and fell to the ground.

The soldier who fell to the ground gasped violently.

He felt that his arm was as heavy as a stone, and he couldn't lift it no matter how hard he tried.

He sat on the blood-stained ground, staring out of the corner of his eyes at the corpses with stumps and broken legs.

He would be one of them soon, he thought.

He thought, after all, he still failed to hold Tozes, failed to protect his parents in the city.

The pirate's sharp sword had already slashed down at his head.

I'm sorry, Dad, Mom.

The soldier meditated silently in his heart.

The blade was reflected in his desperate pupils, from far to near—

A bright light flashed in the sky.

The pirate who was slashed by the knife suddenly stiffened, and then fell heavily towards one side.

As the sturdy body of the pirate fell, a figure was reflected in the soldier's enlarged pupils.

The blond hair as bright as sunlight seemed to dye the light into his dull eyes.

A young man in a strong suit stood in front of him with a blood-stained sword, and his cloak unfolded behind him.

The crimson Shamash's rune was like a cluster of burning crimson flames on the boy's fair forehead.

The pirate killed by the boy's sword fell at the boy's feet.

"King... prince..."

The young soldier subconsciously stuttered and shouted.

The next second, he screamed again.

"His Royal Highness Prince-?!"

His exclamation instantly startled everyone nearby who heard it.

Countless eyes came over and landed here.

The young soldier was still in a state of embarrassment as he fell to the ground.

He raised his head and stared blankly at the prince who was standing in front of him and extended his hand to him.

At this moment, he felt his heart beating violently, and his mind was in a trance for a while, unable to figure out whether what was in front of him was reality or a dream.

Dizzy, he raised his hand and grabbed the blood-stained hand that was reaching out to him.

The hand grabbed him, clenched tightly, and pulled him off the ground.

The strength from the hand is a very real touch.

More and more people gathered and flocked to Garlan's side.


Kaijos shouted anxiously, pushing aside the crowd and rushing to Garlan's side.

"How do you—"

He said, "It's too dangerous here, please leave now!"

Garlan glanced at Kaihos, then he turned around and raised the snow-white long sword in his hand again.

"Follow me."

He said concisely.

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards the group of pirates who were killed on the opposite side.

Cayhoes was startled and hurriedly followed.

The surrounding soldiers, who were still retreating just now, were flushed and excitedly swarmed up.

They brandished their weapons and rushed after the prince almost madly, slashing the group of pirates to pieces with terrifying momentum.

From this point, the soldiers of Tozes started to riot, and more and more voices came out.

"It's the prince..."

"The prince is here."

"It's really His Royal Highness!"

"Why is he here?"

"It's too dangerous here!"

"What? The prince also climbed the city wall?"

Like a tsunami, the fact that Prince Gallan had also entered the battlefield spread across the entire city wall in just a quarter of an hour.

Like a shot in the arm, the soldier who had been sluggish just a moment ago was bursting with momentum.

Their prince is here, on this battlefield!

The prince is fighting with them!

The descendants of the gods of Aaron Landis are with them now—

The will of the gods is with them—

An indescribable force rushed into the body that was still exhausted just now. It was an invisible force.

It is unclear whether it was inspired, or given by will, or more likely by the power given to them by the gods.

At this moment, they felt as if they had inexhaustible energy.

The soldiers were not afraid of death and rushed to the enemy, all of them looking like crazy.

At this moment, they looked like they were desperate, desperately fighting with the pirates like crazy.

Under this volcanic eruption-like morale, the soldiers of Tozes madly drove the pirates who had occupied the small half of the city wall off the city wall in one fell swoop.

The walls of Tozes were taken back.

They actually took back the city wall that was about to fall—

Unable to restrain, countless people shouted and cheered loudly.

For a time, the cheers from the entire Tozes city wall were like a tsunami, and the pirates who were driven off the city wall were stunned for a while.

Basha stood on the boat and looked at a city wall in astonishment.

A blond boy stood there, too far away, he couldn't see the boy's face, but the boy's long golden hair was extremely bright in the sunlight.

Countless people surrounded the boy, and all the people on the city wall moved in the direction of the blond boy, giving out deafening cheers.

With a wave of his hand, someone brought Taka up.

Taka, who was thrown at Basha's feet like a puddle of mud, raised his head, but within a few days, he lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became haggard.

Obviously, he was tortured a lot.

He looked at Basha with a difficult, clumsy smile on his face.

Basha didn't bother to look at him, raised his hand and pointed at the blond boy on the city wall.

"Tell me, who is that?"

He could see clearly that the city wall was about to be taken down. It was the appearance of that young man who made Tozes' soldiers suddenly burst into a terrifying aura, fighting like crazy, and drove them down again.

Taka froze for a moment, and Basha kicked him impatiently, and he answered quickly.

"Prince, that's prince."

He said quickly, "He is the younger brother of King Camos, the prince of Aaron Landis."

Prince of Aaron Landis

Basha's eyes suddenly lit up.

Pirates are floating on the sea, and they are home to the world, never afraid of countries on land.

In the sea, there are many pirate forces from all sides. Pirates of different forces fight for strength and prestige.

The reason why Basha is famous among pirates is because he once killed a general of a great power, which made him famous.

And now, the prince of a kingdom is in front of his eyes.

Aaron Landis is a famous power, if he can kill the prince of Aaron Landis - then there will be no one in this sea to match his prestige!

Thinking of this, Basha was very excited.

"Kill it!"

He shouted loudly, giving orders to his subordinates.

"Rush up and kill that prince!"

The pirates who received the leader's order immediately swarmed towards the city wall where Garlan was located.

Basha waved his hand again and ordered all the archers on the pirate ship approaching the city wall to point in that direction.

He stood on the deck, his tiny eyes staring at the prey that would make him famous, his eyes full of greed and murderous intent.

"My dear prince..."

He said, licking his lips that were a little hot with excitement.

"Take it as your bad luck, and use your corpse to pave the way for my rise in the sea."

Before the Tozes soldiers who had defended the city wall had time to cheer for too long, the pirates who had just been driven off the city wall by them attacked again.

However, this time the siege was a little different from before.

The pirates seemed to be aiming at Prince Garlan who appeared on the city wall, and swarmed towards the city wall, and even the rain of arrows shot from the ship was almost concentrated there.

The pressure on the soldiers guarding other sections of the city wall was greatly reduced, and all the pressure was transferred to a certain city wall.

Garlan was on that section of the city wall, and he continued to fight with the others. He was like a magnet, attracting pirates to rush forward one after another.

For a time, the city wall where he was standing was like a boat swaying in the storm.

Kaihos has called back all the nearly 100 personal guards who have been scattered, and is focused on guarding Garlan.

It is precisely because of their existence that the precarious city wall under the fierce impact of the pirates can be firmly guarded.

Wave after wave of arrows rained, densely packed.

This piece of city wall is almost full of arrows, and the ground inside the city wall is full of arrows that have been knocked down.

There were too many arrows, and if they were not careful, they would be hit. Even among the powerful knights, a dozen or so people were injured by arrows and were hurriedly carried down for healing.

Seth hurried over.

He bitterly persuaded Garlan to go down the city wall to ensure his safety, but Garlan only said one sentence, and he was speechless.

Garland smiled at Seth.

He said lightly: "Do you believe me or not, it won't be long before the city wall falls?"

Seth was speechless for a moment and could only leave in a huff.


All the morale on the battlefield now is brought by the prince standing here.

As soon as Garlan left, this morale would leak at any time.

And it was precisely because he understood this that Kaihos did not continue to mention the matter of letting Garlan leave, but he took his subordinates to grit his teeth and stayed by the prince's side.

The next moment, Kaihos once again swung his sword to fend off a wave of arrows.

"Your Highness..."

At this moment, the blood-soaked knight also gasped violently.

"You are being watched."

"Ok, I know."

Garlan, who had just killed a pirate with his sword, took a few steps back and stood shoulder to shoulder with Kaihos.

He was panting more than Kejhos, and his face was pale, and he seemed a little unsteady, standing vacantly against Kejhos.

A light-colored cloak was draped behind him, covering most of his body, but most of the cloak had been stained red by the splashes of blood, so it was impossible to tell whose blood it was.

"I made the bait, and there was a lot less pressure elsewhere. He stared at me, and he could hold off for a while longer."

Garlan said with a pale face.

The fine sweat continued to seep from his forehead, and the wet blond hair was clinging to his bloodless cheeks.

He seemed to be holding back something, took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

Suddenly, he stumbled and almost fell. Kaihos beside him slashed to death a pirate rushing towards him, turned around suddenly, and reached out his hand to support Garlan.

"Your Highness, you need to rest..."

The words stopped abruptly in the middle, and Kaihos' pupils suddenly enlarged.

In order to help Garlan who almost fell, he put his hand into the cloak behind Garlan.

At this moment, his hand was on Garlan's back, and his fingertips were full of warm, wet touches, and the warm liquid almost stained the entire back of the boy's clothes.

The tip of his index finger even touched the broken arrow.

Broken Arrow's black iron tip sank deeply into the back of the boy's flesh and blood.

"Your Highness?"

Kaijos looked at Garlan in disbelief, his fingertips shaking uncontrollably when he touched the broken arrow.

"Don't say it."

Garland said.

He looked at his knight, terribly pale.

The pink lips seemed to have gradually lost their blood.

He said, "Kayhors, don't say anything."