A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 109


Like a red-eyed gambler, Basha launched a night attack on Tozes in a rage.

Pirates are drifting on the sea, not under the jurisdiction of anyone, and not bound by any country. If they can't live in one place, it's a big deal to change to another place. However, the navy of the country they offend cannot cross the border and continue to hunt them down because of the restrictions on the sea area. . So, most of the pirates are enjoying themselves.

Basha came to Tozes City a few years ago and spent a long time here with his subordinates. He lived very comfortably. Seeing that the prey was already fat enough, he had begun to think about it, maybe in half a year or a year. slaughtered.

But not long ago, someone secretly contacted him and told him that he had a good opportunity to easily defeat the Tozes Navy. At the same time, they would also secretly assist in the city to help Basha capture Tozes City.

Basha thought, although it was a little early, it was rare to have such a good opportunity, and there were people who helped him save some energy. It was a good thing, so he agreed.

He didn't bother to ask who the spy from which country the other party was. Those countries on the land were intrigued and had a fart relationship with him as a pirate. .

At first, as he and the man had expected, they defeated the unsuspecting Tozes Navy in one fell swoop, and even captured Tozes Navy Commander Taka with ease.

The collapse of the navy made the greedy but useless officials in the city want to abandon the city and flee.

Originally, Basha thought that in such a situation, Tozes City was at your fingertips. It's like a piece of fat lying defenseless in front of a hungry wolf, as long as he opens his mouth, he can swallow it.

However, when the pirate opened his sharp teeth and bit down, he suddenly shattered his front teeth.

The fat that I thought was delicious turned out to be a stone.

What makes Basha dizzy and irritated the most is that every time Tozes City seems to be able to fall down with more effort, but for some reason, it is just a little bit worse, making it stand firm.

It was obviously crumbling, but no matter how much he invested in the force, it was just a little bit worse - it was in jeopardy several times, like it would collapse in the next second, and he was just holding on to his last breath.

The pirates were battered in the face of a city that seemed to be doomed at any moment.

That mouthful of meat was hanging in front of me, and people were drooling with gluttony.

In this way, like a gambler, Basha red-eyed and kept throwing his forces into it.

When he reacted, he realized that he had already suffered a considerable loss, and that he had been riding a tiger before he knew it.

If he does not capture the city of Tozes, not to mention that his losses will be irreparable, and the illustrious reputation he has managed to accumulate at sea will also be destroyed in one fell swoop - this is absolutely unbearable for the pirates who are famous for their reputation.

Up to now, the gambler became ruthless, gritted his teeth and decided to throw all his chassis in one breath.

Even if he attacked the city overnight, no matter how much the loss was, he would kill all those who resisted him in this damn city—and also, the Prince Aaron Landis, who had sabotaged his plans again and again, to his sword. Down!

He was going to cut off the prince's head and make it into his collection to show everyone later.

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be vented!

Midnight has passed, and there are still several hours before the sun rises. In this originally silent time, in the dark night with rain, countless pirates sneaked under the city wall and began to climb up lightly. climb.

The moonlight and starlight were both blocked by thick rain clouds, the hazy rain curtain obscured people's sight, and the rustling rain covered their movements.

This rainy night provided them with the perfect opportunity.

As long as they climb up the city wall, they can kill each other by surprise, and maybe they can occupy the city wall in one fell swoop.

Just when the group of pirates at the beginning had already climbed most of the way, a light suddenly swayed above the city wall, and a group of soldiers on duty at night carried lanterns to check whether the lights on the city wall had been extinguished by the rain, and dispersed by the way. Look around for any unusual movement.

Among them, a soldier took a light probe and looked outside the city wall.

He was looking at it casually like a routine, but this one glance made him wide-eyed.

The next second, he took out his whistle and blew it hard, and the sharp whistle rang through the entire city wall.

"Night Attack!!!"

With the heart-wrenching shouts of the soldiers, the city walls that had been in silence suddenly became noisy.

But in a quarter of an hour, the calm water in the night boiled.

All the lights in Tozes City were on, and countless soldiers who were sleeping in their clothes in the small house below the city wall were woken up by the sound of the assembled horn, and hurried out of the small house.

In an instant, the city was full of people, and countless soldiers rushed to the city wall in a hurry.

At this moment, the soldiers who were in charge of the vigil on the city wall that night had already fought to the death with the pirates who climbed up the city wall first. Both sides were desperately fighting, and there were not many people. It just depends on who beats who first and who gets the support of their companions first. .

The slaves moved more slowly, but the well-trained soldiers had already rushed to the battlefield.

Most of the soldiers on the vigil had already been sacrificed in the battle with the pirates at the front. Fortunately, the soldiers who had arrived took up the neutral position in time and resisted the violent attack of the pirates.

In the dark night, in the rain curtain, it seems that there is no end to anything.

They braved the rain, panting and fighting with the pirates that kept coming up.

Time passed bit by bit, and their physical strength was also exhausted bit by bit.

Especially in this gloomy night, it is easy to make people feel hopeless.

They don't know how much time has passed, and they don't know how long they will continue to fight.

Subconsciously, many soldiers turned their attention to a city wall during the battle.

Where the blond figure once stood.

But at this moment, the pillar-like figure that gave them strength was not there.

After taking a look, they withdrew their eyes in disappointment, and their mood became even lower.

"The prince is here!"

Suddenly a loud shout, although it was on the extremely noisy battlefield, but this shout, one after another, was like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis in an instant, rushing from the center to all directions.

Countless people turned their heads to look subconsciously, including those pirates.

In the hazy night, many people can't see clearly, but only the golden hair under the light shines into everyone's eyes very brightly.

Just like a shot of a shot in the heart, the Tozes people's emotions rose up, and their bodies poured out infinite power.

They turned around and fought the pirates desperately again.

On the city wall at that place, the blond prince, under the guard of the knights, stepped on the city wall again.

The lights were dim, and the rainy night was blurry, making it hard to see his face.

Most of the boy's face was pale and bloodless, as if all the redness was converging on his crimson cheeks.

It was an abnormal red.

He stepped forward, walking steadily.

Every time he took a step, he pulled his arm, pulled the flesh on his back, and the arrow wound throbbed violently.

No one could see the snow-white bandages under his clothes.

No one could feel the hotness of his breath.

The One-Eyed Knight followed closely behind him, his fists clenched tightly by his side.

Garlan's face was calm, and he swallowed the twitching pain in his back every time he took a step into his tight lips.

He stood on the city wall and drew his long sword.

"follow me."

He said that the three words are still simple and clear.

He rushed towards the pirate opposite.

The soldiers who came around shouted loudly and followed behind him recklessly.

After a night of fighting, the sky gradually brightened.

The pirates showed no sign of retreating.

Then, little by little time passed, and before I knew it, it was already afternoon.

The fourth day of the Battle of Tozes is also coming to an end.

The reinforcements are still missing.

The rain was still falling, and the thick bloody smell accompanied by the smell of rain lingered on this bloody city wall.

Countless corpses were piled up at the foot of the city wall, and because they had been piled up for too long, they had begun to give off a smell of decay. Similarly, there are countless corpses soaked in the black and red blood pools on the city wall, exuding an unpleasant smell.

The pirates slowly retreated again.

At the moment when the pirates retreated, almost all of the soldiers, whose nerves were about to tighten to the limit, fell on the ground full of mud and blood, gasping for breath.

They were also covered in mud and blood, and everyone looked miserable.

After waving it countless times, the bladed spear, which was already too heavy for them at this moment, was put aside, and their hands were shaking slightly when holding the water bladder to fill.

Almost exhausted.


From late last night to this afternoon, for a whole day, there was almost no time to rest. The attacks of pirates were like a tide, one after another, bombarding the city like a storm.

They couldn't even remember how many waves of pirates they had fought back.

Countless times the line of defense was in jeopardy.

Countless times they thought it was impossible.

But countless times they just gritted their teeth and held it up.

The high-intensity fierce battle almost paralyzed everyone's brains. They just held on to this breath, they just relied on that belief in their chests.

In this way, he has endured in extremely dangerous environments time and time again.

At this moment, in the rare breathing gap, almost invariably, everyone's eyes are turned in one direction.

From the middle of the night to the present, the figure of the young man with long golden hair has been standing in the rain curtain from beginning to end, standing on the city wall, standing in the sight of everyone.

Like a flag that never falls, it embodies the beliefs of all Tozes.

The prince is still there.

they thought.

Their prince was still standing there, with them.

Everyone thought so, gritted their teeth and held their last breath.

Together with the prince, they will fight to the last minute—

It rained so hard that everything around was wet.

It was the fourth day, and if Elson agreed to send troops, reinforcements should arrive by noon at the latest.

But by now, the afternoon was almost over, and the Elson Navy was still nowhere to be found.


Where are you

Garlan was so dizzy that he leaned against the city wall and closed his eyes, as if he was taking a nap, but he was actually using this to relieve his dizziness.

The dizziness came over and over again, each time getting worse than the last.

He was soaked all over, and his hair was soaked in water, and it was wet against his head, making his head heavier.

He felt that his entire body was immersed in ice water, and the chill penetrated into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow, and the ice was bone-chilling.

But the blood in his body seemed to have boiled, it was so hot that it made his body seem to be burning with fire.

Inside and outside the body, the bitter taste of this ice and fire double heaven made him almost faint.

It's just that every time he was about to faint, he twisted his arm fiercely and used pain to stimulate himself to stay awake.

The arms covered by the cloak were already covered with bruises, which looked extremely terrifying.

At this moment, he was completely groggy.

His back was throbbing so badly, the arrow wound had already been torn apart in the violent movement, and he could even feel the warm blood oozing out there soaking through his clothes a little bit.

Every breath seemed to be burned by flames, and the breath was astonishingly hot.

… It would be nice if it could simply fall down.

Leaning against the city wall, Garlan, breathing rapidly, his consciousness became increasingly blurred, thinking in a trance.

Give up everything, just fall down, lose consciousness, leave everything behind.

He doesn't have to endure this pain any longer.

He can relax a lot.

But no.

The crimson-cheeked boy opened his eyes and stood up straight.

The breath he exhaled as he breathed quickly formed a mist in the icy rain curtain.

Anyone can fall, but he cannot.

He can't.