A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 111


"Prince! Prince ah-ah-"

Standing on the deck of the bow, a chubby fat boy was jumping vigorously, waving his hands desperately at the city on the coast while jumping.

"I'm back! Prince! Did you see me?!"

The picture of a chubby meat ball bouncing on the bow of the boat, and the flesh all over it bouncing up and down, was really appalling, and General Vinier opened his mouth angrily when he couldn't watch it any longer.

"How can it be seen from this distance, it's useless if you wave your hand off."

As she spoke, she dragged the little fat man who had squeezed in front of her back.

"Don't make a mess, just go."

Tal, who was dragged down, backed away angrily.

General Vinier squinted and observed the scene ahead. There were only a few pirate ships near the harbor, and most of the pirate ships had already entered the spacious river channel in the outer city of Tozes.

She sneered, raised her hand and gestured to the flag-bearer on the watchtower, who nodded and started waving the flag to signal.

Elson's warship, which originally had a cone-shaped formation, quickly changed its formation and spread out to both sides, showing a tendency to fly on two wings.

The cone-head formation is to destroy the formation of the enemy fleet, but now most of the pirate ships have sailed into the river, and there is no formation at all, of course, it must be changed to a two-wing formation of containment.

At this moment, the scout on the watchtower suddenly shouted a warning.

She shouted: "Your Excellency, a large fleet is approaching us from the side!"

Vinyl was startled.

"Is it the support force of the pirates?"

she asked with a frown.

"No, no pirate flag... lion... it's the lion flag! It's Aaron Landis' navy!"

Vinier was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to cast an inquiring look at the little fat Tal.

This little fat man obviously said that his own navy was too late to rescue him, so he went to Elson for help, but Aaron Landis' navy arrived at about the same time as them.

Tarr didn't see the female general's questioning eyes, he stared at the large fleet that appeared from the horizon, his fat face was a little dazed.

It would take seven days for the reinforcements from Wangcheng to arrive in full, so how did they arrive within four days

However, he soon lost his mind to think about it, because the scout on the watchtower shouted again.

"Lord Vinier! The gate of Tozes City has been broken, and the pirate ship is entering the city!"

What? Tozes City is broken? !

When Tull heard this, he jumped in a hurry.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Go save people! The prince is in the city—"

"Understood, don't rush."

Hearing what her subordinate said, Vinier immediately came back to her senses.

Regardless of the affairs of Aaron Landis' own navy, the current situation is that his fleet is much closer to the city of Tozes, and the Aaron Landis fleet that has just emerged from the sea level will take a lot of time. to get close to here.

She stared steadily at the shore that was getting closer and closer to them.

"It's in time."

Now that Elson has sent troops, he will never return without success.

At this moment, the people on the city wall of Tozes, who had been shrouded in despair because the gate was smashed by the pirates, had already reacted, and they burst into cheers.

"That's Elson's battleship—"

"Our fleet is here too!"

"We're saved! We don't have to die!"

Someone cried out, but this time, it was ecstatic crying.

Someone with tears in their eyes retorted loudly.

"No! We won! We won!"

Yes, they won.

They made it through.

They successfully defended their city.

Countless Tozes were revelling, and the soldiers headed by Seth quickly recovered their calm after going through violent mood swings from despair to ecstasy, from hell to heaven.

Seth's eyes were wide open, and he shouted loudly as he ran to the inside of the city wall.

"Bump! Hit me to death!"

He stuck his head out from the high city wall and roared at the small warships moored on the river channel inside the gate.

When he was transferred to Shangcheng to suppress the rioting slaves, the large warships could not get in, so he could only drive all the small warships into the city.

After the battle of defending the city, these small warships were no longer useful, and they moored in the inner city river near the gate.

Just in case, there were still sailors in the warship.

"Bump me! All! Bump—"

Seth yelled like he was going crazy.

Both arms were raised, desperately singing the semaphore.

So, under his order, the dozens of small warships turned on their horses and rammed into the large warship that was passing through the smashed gate.

The hull of the huge warship that smashed through the gate was seventy to eighty meters long, and its own hull also crashed a lot, so the speed of passing through the thick gate was not fast.

When its stern was still in the lock before it could come out, Tozes' warships collided one after another.

Although Tozes' warships were much smaller than this giant warship, they slammed into each other desperately. The ship sank and died with it.

I saw dozens of small warships and the wreckage of the heavily damaged giant warships entangled in the huge gate of the city gate.

In this way, the gigantic warship that had been knocked out of water and was slowly sinking was unable to advance or retreat. Instead, it became an obstacle stuck in the gate, blocking the pirate ship following it.

Seeing the reinforcements coming from the sea, Basha was intent on rushing into the city to take the prince who was not light as a hostage. At this moment, he saw the giant warship that had broken through the gate sinking in the gate, blocking it. On the way, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Since it was impossible, he gritted his teeth and decisively ordered all the warships to rush out of the river in the outer city of Tozes at maximum speed and return to the sea.

Up to now, instead of being blocked by the reinforcements in the river to fight dogs, it is better to fight to the death in the sea, and maybe there is a possibility of breaking out of the siege and escaping.

However, when half of the pirate ships had just entered the bay, and half of them were blocked in the river before they could get out, Elson's warship, known for its speed, had already killed it.

They spread their wings, blocking the pirates in the bay.

When each other's warships approached, thick hooks and ropes flew over in the air, and all of them landed on the pirate's ship.

Immediately afterwards, countless Elson female warriors jumped up, stepped on the rope made of hook and rope, ran across the rope with agile and agile steps like a cheetah, and jumped onto the pirate ship.

For a time, the slender and fit figure of Elson's female warrior can be seen everywhere, with a heroic fighting posture.

They held war bows and shot the pirates who were trying to rush to death under the arrows.

When the quiver was empty, he took down the spear and round shield on his back, and mercilessly pierced the pirate's throat and heart with the spear.

Just when the battle between the female warrior Elson and the pirates was fierce, there was a loud bang, and a huge warship slammed into the hull of the outermost pirate ship with the metal head of a lion. The son smashed the pirate ship in the middle.

Aaron Landis' fleet is one step behind!

They are not as flexible and fast as Elson's warships, but they are more massive and heavy, especially the metal bumper equipped on the bow, which is extremely hard.

Just like a group of male lions, they slammed into the pirate ships without saying a word.

The pirate ships that were blocked in the bay simply couldn't avoid it, just like they blocked Tozes' fleet by the sea not long ago. Aaron Landis' heavy warship slammed into it fiercely, and he watched as his warship was smashed one after another, the hull was slanted, water began to leak, and it slowly sank.

The pirates who were in a frightened battle were naturally killed by the unattended Elson female warriors and lost their armor and armor.

For a time, the deck of the pirate ship was stained with the blood of the pirates, and the pirates wailed everywhere, screaming and begging for mercy.

Pirates have no discipline at all. Usually, Basha relies on his own prestige and everyone's fear of himself to command the pirates.

I saw those smashed ships, many pirates began to jump into the sea and swam desperately to the shore, trying to escape their lives, and many pirates went directly on the deck to the Elson girl who boarded the ship. Soldiers or Aaron Landis soldiers fell on their knees and surrendered.

The leader of the pirates, Basha, stood on his ship and watched the situation of his fleet being destroyed one after another. His eyes were red, his face was hideous, and his teeth were clenched to the point of rattling with frustration.

He couldn't figure it out.

Victory is clearly at hand.

Obviously, if he gave him a little more time, he would be able to successfully capture the city of Tozes and plunder and slaughter wantonly.

Obviously Tozes City should be the meat in his mouth—

Why is he the one who has become a total defeat now

No, that's not right.

It shouldn't be like this!

Basha always felt that this should not be the case.

Although he doesn't know why, he has a feeling somewhere... He should have been able to successfully break the city, become famous in the first battle, slaughter tens of thousands of city residents, and since then he will become famous and shock the sea. Then, he can carry the huge wealth of the city of Tozes and leave the waters of Aaron Landis in a carefree manner, and then rely on this wealth and great prestige to expand his fleet step by step, and finally become the leader of anyone in the sea. A terrifying existence that even countries dare not underestimate.

But now, it seems that fate has gone wrong somewhere...

Unstoppable, Basha slashed the floor in front of him with the long knife in his hand as if venting his anger.

Who can tell him what went wrong? !

No matter how angry Basha was and how miserable the pirates in the bay were, the Tozes who stood on the city wall and watched all of them were excited and applauded loudly. Seeing that pirate ships were smashed and smashed, and countless pirates were killed, they only felt very happy, and they wished that all those pirates would die and be buried at the bottom of the sea.

In the frenzied cheers and cheers of the crowd, few people found that the young prince and his knights who had been standing with them on the city wall for a day and a night quietly left at this moment of carnival.

If the battle of the city wall by the seaside of Tozes City is described as swift and fierce, then the battlefield at the gate of Tozes City and the land can only be described as terrifying.

The pirate's body was hanging on the side of the ship, and the rounded eyes showing horror had not had time to close.

Not long ago, he was in a hurry to pull up the anchor, but as soon as he touched the rope, he was shot through the throat by an arrow, and lay on the side of the ship with his eyes closed.

There were several people who had suffered the same way as him, leaning against each other, blood dripping from them, staining the wooden sides of the boat red, and dripping into the river below.

At this moment, the entire deck of the ship still docked on the shore has been dyed red, with countless broken limbs and broken arms, piled up like mountains of mutilated corpses, blood flowing into a river, flowing along the sloping hull to one side, gathering together. into a small pool of blood.

Papa, the pitch-black boots stepped on this pool of blood, and blood splattered as the footsteps moved forward.

A knight in jet-black armor came from this pool of blood.

Not to mention the armor on his body, even his jet-black hair was dyed red by the blood splattered by the enemy, dripping down his light brown side cheeks into his neck.

Star-eyed and sword-brow, handsome and without Tao, but with a cold and suffocating aura.

The young man who stepped on the blood was like coming from the sea of blood in hell.

At the gate of the city on this side were three pirate warships, with a total of thousands of people. After Aaron Landis' cavalry rushed in like a black cloud and jumped onto the ship, they were all defeated.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, the pirates didn't even have time to resist, and they fell in pieces.

Many people saw that the situation was not good, knelt down and begged for mercy, bowed their heads and surrendered.

At this moment, the battle is over.

However, there were no prisoners.

Because all the pirates were killed cleanly, no matter how they screamed and begged for mercy, all the pirates, without exception, became bloody corpses.

That was the order given by the commander of the black cavalry, and there was no room for escape.

With a blood-red boot print, Heimos retracted his sword and jumped off the boat.

With a whistle, a reddish-brown horse ran in front of him.

Heimos turned on his horse, raised his hand, his blood-stained handsome face, and his golden-red eyes revealed a forbidding shimmer.

The fiery red golden lion flag rose high behind him and flew in the evening sky.

The merciless killing even made the soldiers guarding the city wall stunned and stunned on the spot. It was not until Heimos raised his hand that they responded, and quickly turned the wheel to slowly open the city gate of Tozes. .

When the city gates were completely opened, Heimos leaned over and urged him to get off his horse.

The reddish-brown horse had four hooves, and one horse was galloping into the city gate.

Behind him, the black cavalry followed closely and filed in.

On the ground they flew over, they left behind traces of blood flowers smashed by dripping blood beads, blood-red horseshoe pits, and the corpses of countless pirates...

The sky has darkened, the naval battle outside has come to an end, and the overall situation has been decided.

The lamp was lit in the room, Garlan was lying on the bed, the warm yellow light shone on his pale face, the long closed eyelashes cast a shallow shadow on his cheek, and the long golden hair was in the snow white. Spread out on the bed.

Although he closed his eyes, his brows were tightly wrinkled, as if he was holding back something.

Although it was finally time to rest, for some reason, Garlan didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

He was obviously exhausted, but he couldn't sleep.

The back hurts badly, and the head also throbbs badly, as if the nerves have been stretched for too long, and they are so stretched that they can't be loosened.

The room was quiet, and after a while, the boy opened his eyes, turned his head slightly, and looked out the window.

It was already night, the sky was dark, and a crescent moon in the night sky loomed in the clouds, casting a faint light.

He stared blankly at the night sky for a while, when suddenly, there were hurried footsteps outside.

The next moment, the door was pushed open with a creak.

Garlan turned his head subconsciously, and his eyes met those golden red eyes.

The young man standing at the door was breathing a little too quickly, with the coolness of the night on his body.

The black hair was wet, with water dripping from the ends of the hair, and there was still water vapor on his body that had not been wiped clean.

Heimos stood there, looking fixedly at Garlan, and then walked up quickly.

A strong bloody smell wafted from the nostrils.

His body was clean, as were his clothes. Obviously, he washed it hastily before coming here and changed his clothes, but he couldn't wash away the thick bloody smell.

Garlan propped up his upper body and sat up on the bed.

His eyes curved happily, and he smiled at Huymos.

"You came so fast." He smiled. "I thought I would have to wait for you for at least two days."

Heimos didn't answer and walked over quickly.

Leaning over and half-kneeling by the bed, he looked up at Garlan.

The young man sat quietly on the bed, looking down at Heimos in confusion, his complexion was pale, but there were still two abnormal blushes on his cheeks.

The bloodless lips were slightly open, and the breathing was a little short.

His clothes were loose now, revealing the snow-white bandages tightly wrapped around his slender shoulders, and his long blond hair fell from his shoulders.

Even though his physical condition was extremely poor, only a pair of golden eyes were still as bright as usual, and they never dimmed even in the dark.

But it's just such a contrast that people can't help but feel distressed at a glance.

"Because you were waiting for me."

Heimos said.

Because I know you are waiting for me.

So no matter what method is used, I will rush to your side.

Garland stared at him blankly and blinked slightly.

Those slender eyelashes trembled slightly like the wings of a butterfly under the warm yellow light.

"I am coming."

Heimos reached out and took Garlan's arms.

"Don't be afraid."

"I'm here," he said.

The boy's eyes seemed to be sluggish for a moment, and then his lips pursed a little bit.

He sipped so hard that it almost became a straight line, so tight that the corners of his lips seemed to be trembling slightly.

He's actually been restless all the time.

He was actually scared all the time.

He was never a fearless hero.

He was so afraid of death.

But he couldn't look uneasy, he couldn't let others know that he was afraid.

During these few nights, when he was alone, he was lying on the bed and huddled into a ball.

Panic kept the nightmares coming.

Countless times, he woke up in nightmares.

In his dream, he saw the blood in the city of Tozes, and countless grievances wailed at his feet.

Every time he woke up from a nightmare, he was in a panic, and his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't sleep all night.

He doesn't know the ending.

He didn't know if Tozes could hold out.

But after dawn, in front of Seth, in front of the Tozes, or even in front of his guardian knight Kaijos, he could not show the slightest weakness.

Because he is the backbone of everyone in Tozes.

Everyone can be disturbed.

Only he can't.

Everyone can be afraid.

Only he can't.

Everyone can despair and give up.

Only he can't.

He was the prince of Aaron Landis.

But now, in front of this person, it's ok.

Garlan leaned deeply, his forehead resting on Heimos' shoulder.

Long blond hair fell from his side cheeks, blocking his face.

His hands tightly clasped Heimos's arms, so tight that his knuckles turned white.

His tense shoulders twitched uncontrollably, as if shaking.

His face rested on Heimos's shoulder, and the clothes on that shoulder oozeed wet traces a little.

This young man who was standing on the battlefield was trembling in Heimos' arms at this moment.

He had died four times at the hands of this man anyway.

No matter how ugly, no matter how ugly, no matter how cowardly, Heimos has seen them all.

Therefore, even if this weakness is exposed in front of Heimos now, it is no big deal.

… is not it

[Because you are waiting for me.]

I've been scared to death.

[Don't be afraid, I am here.]


In the middle of the night, the one-eyed knight came in a hurry, walked quickly through the corridor, and gently opened the door.

When he looked up, he was startled.

Heimos, who was sitting beside the bed, raised his head and looked over with golden red eyes.

He looked at Kaihos, raised his hand, and put his index finger to his lips.

The boy who was hugged by him fell asleep in his arms, quietly, with peaceful and stable eyes.

The warm yellow light fell, and the long golden hair slipped from Heimos' brown arm.