A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 114


Basha and his men have been lurking in the dark passage for a long time.

He is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, waiting patiently and quietly for the opportunity to come.

In the battle in the evening two days ago, his fleet was beaten to pieces, and countless pirates raised their hands and surrendered. But when he saw that something could not be done, he made a decisive decision, took a dozen of his henchmen and changed into the old clothes of poor citizens, abandoned the boat and jumped into the sea to escape.

Before escaping, they also ordered the pirate warships in the distance to break out desperately, attracting everyone's attention.

In the end, two or three warships managed to break through and escape. Everyone thought he was on those ships, so they chased after them one after another. But no one thought that Basha actually did the opposite. As a poor civilian, he sneaked into the city while people were busy after the war.

How could he run away with his tail tucked like a lost dog

This pirate leader with great ambitions to become a powerful presence in all directions on this sea sneered in his heart.

Don't think that your fleet is defeated now that it is routed.

You know, the one who has the last laugh is the winner.

After he captured the former Tozes Admiral Taka, he tortured him, completely shattered the guy's proud spine, and forced him to confess everything unreservedly.

One of the things Taka said caught Basha's attention, which is why Basha was determined to sneak into the city.

Taka said that in order to facilitate the smuggling of important slaves, hide large sums of money, and secretly communicate with the consul, his brother and the consul secretly built a tunnel under the executive government, one straight to his brother's house, and the other to the consul. Go down to the ruins somewhere in the city.

Taka also said that the prince lived in the executive government.

So, Basha had a plan in mind.

Instead of running away in a dreadful way like he is now, he was defeated and never had a chance to turn over again... He would rather risk his life once.

You know, pirates have always been outlaws.

Rather than living a lifeless life in the future, he would rather give his life and risk a gamble!

As long as he wins the bet, he can turn it all over!

After sneaking into the city, Basha and his party, under the leadership of Taka, sneaked into the secret passage, and soon entered the underground of the executive government.

What made Basha excited was that among the exits in the executive government room, there was just one exit at the prince's current residence.

It was like God was helping him.

He and his subordinates waited patiently for a long time at the exit of the secret passage, and finally waited until there was no one else in the room, so they immediately filed out and took the sick prince unconscious and kidnapped.

At this moment, the group of people has climbed out of the narrow section to a wider section.

Everyone buried their heads and walked quickly, but except for Taka, who was tied up, with a mourning face, the faces of the other pirates were full of excitement.

As Basha walked, he kept looking sideways at the burlap sack he was carrying. When he thought about who was in that sack, he felt extremely happy.

Even a prince as noble as a country has not yet fallen into his hands.

The narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and Basha thought in a good mood.

As long as this prince is in his hands, everyone in Tozes is at his mercy.

he pondered.

First, the army had to release all captured pirates.

Of course, all the ships must be handed over... It's a pity that there are not enough manpower to drive them all away, but it doesn't matter, the ones that can't be taken away will be burned on the spot.

Then, get them to hand over enough possessions and women...

A fierce light flashed in Basha's eyes.

However, even if the Tozes fulfilled all his demands, he would not return the prince who had done him good deeds.

You know, it's all because of this brat that you ended up in such a miserable end!

Otherwise, Tozes City would have been in his pocket long ago.

At that time, when he left with all his belongings, he would cut off the head of Prince Aaron Landis mercilessly in front of everyone.

He wants to let everyone know that if he dares to oppose him, he will end up!

Not long after the pirates took the prince away, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the quiet room. The footsteps were chaotic, and it was obvious that there were more than one person.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and the dark boots stepped into the room first.

The next second, the boots slammed.

There was no one in the empty room.

In the snow-white bed, there was no blond boy who should have been sleeping on it.

The doctors who followed in the door looked around in astonishment, but did not find the prince.

what happened

They wondered, and looked at each other.

Heimos took a few steps and rushed to the bedside, stretched out his hand and lifted the quilt, there was still heat in the quilt, apparently Garlan was still lying here a few minutes ago.

A slight breeze came from behind him, and he turned back suddenly, seeing that the wooden window that he had closed with his own hands not long ago to prevent the wind from leaking was now wide open.

His breathing stopped for a second at this moment, and even his body stopped for a second.

"What's the matter? Why are you all around here?"

A loud voice came from outside, and the blond knight stretched out his hand to push aside the doctor and maid who were chatting at the door, and strode in.

A middle-aged man with dark complexion and rough skin and an extremely burly figure came in behind him. The man's muscular upper arm had a tattoo representing his slave status.

"Prince Heimos?"

As soon as he saw the scene in the room, Kaihos, who had brought that special aged slave to see Garlan, was stunned.

He walked over quickly.

"What's wrong? Isn't His Highness Gallan resting here?"

Heimos ignored him, he stood beside the bed, his face was gloomy, and he exuded a terrible aura.

Before Kejos reached the bed, he turned sharply and took a few steps to the wide open window.

At a glance, at the edge of the window, a strip of torn cloth hung on the hook corner, fluttering in the wind. As soon as he reached out, he pulled the cloth strip down and took it in his hand to examine it carefully.

Cayhoes had followed to the window.

Seeing the current situation and Heimos's actions, his heart sank terribly.

He glanced at the strip of cloth in Heimos's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Has Your Highness been kidnapped? Is it a pirate remnant?"

Heimos didn't answer, just clenched the cloth in his hand tightly, and a violent blue vein was faintly visible on the back of his hand.

The gaze from those golden red eyes staring out the window was extremely terrifying.

He turned around abruptly and shouted sharply at the black armored knights who had heard the sound and were already standing at the door.

"Immediately the whole city is under martial law! Close the gates! No one is allowed in or out!"

Kejos followed closely behind him.

"We search separately!"

The knights outside the door nodded solemnly, and immediately dispersed. They stayed outside the door, but didn't realize that someone had sneaked into the room and took the prince away. It was their dereliction of duty.

If they didn't know that the most urgent thing at the moment was to find the prince, they would directly plead guilty at this moment.

As soon as the mature slave man who followed Kaihos entered the door, he showed a puzzled look. He sniffed hard with his nose, as if he could smell some odor remaining in the air. Then, he walked around the house, and his sharp eyes like a beast swept the whole house from beginning to end.

Finally, his eyes fell to one place.

When Heimos and Kaijos were about to rush out of the room, he spoke to stop them.

"Sir, if you rush out like this, the prince will be taken away."

His words brought Huymos and Kejos to an abrupt halt.

The two turned their heads at the same time and looked at him.

The man didn't talk nonsense either, grabbed a chair and slammed it. The wooden chair shattered, leaving only one of the chair legs in his hand.

The man walked quickly to the fireplace and poked the inside of the fireplace with his wooden legs.

After poking a few times, it was a dull sound at first, and then suddenly there was a crisp sound. It was obvious that the place where the legs of the chair hit was not a solid brick made of bricks, and it seemed to be empty inside.

Sure enough, the man thought.

Cleaning dusty fireplaces was generally a slave job, and he did it many times before he became a gladiator.

When he came in to take a look just now, he felt that something was wrong with the fireplace, as if it was too clean, and there was no filth over the years.

The next second, he exerted more force, the room banged loudly, and the secret door in that place was smashed open by his brute force, revealing a half-person-high passage.

The man didn't say a word, bowed his head and bent down and climbed in.

The situation of the ruling government was handed over to Seth, who came in a hurry. Heimos and Kaihos went straight into the dark passage with their knights.

Seeing the various traces left in the secret passage, everyone's heart tightened. It seems that the prince must have been taken away from here by those pirate remnants. Immediately, they quickened their pace to catch up.

It was only halfway through that I encountered a problem again. The dark passage forked in the middle, leading to two directions respectively.

Judging from the traces in the dark passages, there are traces of people leaving on both passages.

There is really no time to think carefully now, and there is no room for mistakes. Heimos and Kaihos simply divided into two paths, and one of them picked a path and hurriedly chased down.

After a long journey in the dark passage, Basha, who has always been meticulous, deliberately divided three or four subordinates at the fork, and asked them to tie Taka to the dark passage leading to Taka's brother's house in the upper city.

Although he thinks that it will take a while for the secret passage to be discovered, but if it is discovered, it can delay or reduce the pursuit of troops to some extent.

He got in from the entrance of the dark passage in the remote ruins of the lower city, and left two henchmen to guard the entrance, and ordered them to do two more things while they were there.

Now that the prince has been successfully kidnapped, he naturally has to go out from there.

At the end of the secret passage, the entrance to the secret passage was blocked by two wooden boards. Basha squatted in the corner and tapped the wooden board one after another. He sent out the agreed code with the knocking sound. At the same time, his hand clenched the waist Scimitar, tensed up and ready to go, posing an attacking stance ready to explode at any time.

Not long after, another kind of password percussion sounded outside, which was the password that he and his subordinates had agreed upon in advance.

He breathed a sigh of relief and put down the machete.

Soon, the wooden door was opened, and fire came in from outside.

It was already dark, and it was already dark outside. The two men arranged by Basha were waiting at the door with torches.

The two of them were relieved when they saw Basha coming out with their companions.

Basha climbed out of the secret passage with the four behind him.

Because they were so tense and rushed all the way, several people were sweating profusely and panting, especially the pirate with the sack on his back, who was so tired that his forehead was soaked with sweat.

He put the sack on his back and sat on the ground, panting heavily.

Basha wanted to confirm whether the prince was still in a coma, and was a little worried that he would be suffocated by the sack, so he stepped forward, tore open the sack, and let it out.

The boy who was released lay on the ground with his head tilted slightly, revealing his slender and white side neck.

The long golden hair was scattered all over the ground, like melted gold dripping down the ground.

The light of the torch reflected on the tender and fair skin, and the burning redness added an indescribable temptation to the fair skin.

The loose clothes fell loosely, revealing half of the shoulders with graceful lines, and the arc of the slumped collarbone was very attractive.

The young man closed his eyes, his pale pink lips parted slightly, and he breathed rapidly.

The thin red skin oozes fine sweat, he frowns, with a look that is a bit hard to bear, the butterfly-like eyelashes tremble from time to time, and the tip of the eyelashes inexplicably swept across the person. deep in my heart.

The surrounding air seemed to be still for a moment. Several pirates kept their eyes and breathed for a while, and even Basha was silent for a moment.

After a while, the pirate with the torch swallowed and spoke in a low voice.

"Boss, this little prince... it's so beautiful."


Basha gave the talking pirate a slap in the head and said sternly.

"Come on, don't rest. If those guys find out that this prince is gone, and the whole city is under martial law, it will be very difficult for us to go out."

While instructing a pirate guarding the entrance of the dark passage to carry the prince on his back, he urged those pirates who were resting on the ground to get up and travel at night.

Under his sharp urging, the few pirates who had rested for less than a few minutes stood up.

A pirate was bending over and reaching out, intending to carry the prince who was still in a coma on his back.

The other pirate holding a torch turned around and found a rope beside the secret passage, which was arranged according to the boss's instructions when the two of them were guarding the secret passage.

He drew out his machete, intending to cut the taut rope.

Basha looked up at a distant place in the night, and in front of it was a huge area of ruins. It was the remains of the temple. The broken hall was still standing, and the broken pillars collapsed. Few boards and fabrics are scattered.

Go around the ruins and rush to the river not far away, there will be a fast boat waiting to pick him up.

As long as he takes this prince hostage aboard...

The startling glance under the firelight flashed in his mind, and he felt a little warm in his heart.

At that time, I was in a hurry to bind people, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Now, when I look at it, the little prince is really good-looking.

He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful person.

Although it was decided not to return the prince, it seemed a bit too wasteful to cut off such a beautiful boy's head.

Basha thought.

Anyway, he has always been male and female.

It's better to hide this little prince, train him well, and let him become his own ban...

Just when Basha was smugly fantasizing about the future in which he led countless pirates, drove countless pirate warships, and took the beautiful boy prince to the sea, suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

A sense of crisis suddenly came to my mind.

Basha instinctively hides.

With a swoosh, a sharp arrow deflected past his back, but it still pierced his body fiercely, penetrating his chest all at once.

There were several screams next to him, followed by the sound of a heavy body falling to the ground.

He avoided this fatal arrow, but his subordinates did not have his ability and luck, and were shot through the throat and heart by sharp arrows shot from the dark passage.

As soon as Basha turned around, he saw that his subordinates had fallen to the ground, their eyes widened, their pupils dilated, and there was no breath.

All were killed by one arrow.

His pupils contracted violently, and he subconsciously looked into the dark passage where the sharp arrow was shot.

In the dark dark passage, in the faint firelight, a pair of golden-red eyes looked from a distance with a sinister aura.

There was a cold light in the bottom of his eyes, which was extremely intimidating.

That look made him, a vicious pirate, jump for a moment.

But after that shock, Basha's fierceness as a pirate was completely inspired.

His face was hideous, and he was actually facing several arrows that were shot, and let the arrows pierce his shoulders and legs-he desperately slammed the wooden door at the entrance of the dark passage.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he slashed heavily with the machete in his hand, cutting off the rope that his men didn't have time to cut.

With a loud bang, the gravel piled up above the sloping underpass fell with a bang, burying the underpass all at once.

Basha was holding a machete and gasping and standing at the entrance of the secret passage, with several arrows stuck on his body, one of which even penetrated his chest.

He stood in the dark, looking at the underpass blocked by gravel, looking at the corpses of his subordinates, and listening to the sound of the crash coming from the buried underpass.

Lost the bet.

He gritted his teeth.

He lost the bet again.

His eyes turned to the boy who was still lying on the ground in a drowsy state.

His eyes were ferocious, and his face was even more ferocious.

Basha made an extremely terrifying and crazy decision at this moment.

He bent down to pick up a torch that had fallen on the ground, then bent down again and carried Garlan on his shoulders.

Then, with all his strength, he staggered toward the ruins of the temple not far away.

Behind him, in the entrance of the dark passage blocked by gravel, the dull sound of impact kept ringing in the night.

On the road he walked, a drop of blood fell to the ground.

Step by step, with his last breath, Basha carried Garlan into the depths of the ruined hall of the temple.

There were bloodstains all over the road.

His burly body was swaying all the way, as if it would fall down anytime, anywhere. But he gritted his teeth and held his breath.

His teeth were so clenched that the muscles in his face began to twitch and twitch.

After detouring several times in the ruins of the temple, and walking to the depths of the ruins, Basha put Gallan down.

Then, he walked back step by step.

Walking around outside the ruins, he smelled the faint smell of oil in the air.

He grinned.

That's what he asked the two men who stayed behind to sprinkle oil around the ruins, and when they escaped, set it on fire to distract the attention of the pursuers.

Basha stands at the entrance of the ruins hall.

Blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth.

He stood there grinning, and threw the torch in his hand on the pile of discarded wood.

With a bang, the oil-stained wood suddenly burst into flames, and the flames spread in all directions in an instant.

In just a few minutes, the ruined hall burst into flames.

In the dark night, crimson flames surrounded Basha in the ruins.

He stood in the flames, laughing hysterically and frantically.

I lost.

You don't even want to win!

I want all of you to just watch your prince accompany me, the goddamn pirate, to the flames!