A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 116


The fire of the abandoned temple burned for a whole night, and the crimson fire shone half of the sky of Tozes City, causing people in the city to look at them.

Fortunately, the abandoned temple was in a very remote place in the city, so it didn't cause panic in the city that had just calmed down. In addition, Seth took the initiative to control the ruling government that night, so the fact that Prince Gallan was kidnapped by the pirate remnants did not leak out, and the city residents only knew that there were a few pirate remnants fleeing in the city, so the soldiers were in the city. It was just a night of running around the city.

Early in the morning, they heard the news that the pirates had been killed, so they relaxed and smiled.

Compared with the ease and joy of the townspeople outside, the executive government was full of wounded.

When Garlan was taken out of the flames by Heimos, he was barely conscious, but soon fell asleep again.

He was already injured and had a fever, but he was forcibly taken away by pirates while he was sick, dragged and choked on dust in the fire. This toss made him even more ill.

After being rescued, he never woke up, and he had a high fever for a whole day and night. The red face was really scary, and it was so terrifying that Kaijos and others stayed by his side, not daring to close his eyes all day and night. .

Even Heimos, who was also badly injured, was startled when he saw Garland's high fever. He couldn't let it go. Mi Kuan is more than enough to sleep two people.

In this way, it is also convenient for the few doctors here to move around the two of them in this room, and there is no need to rush back and forth.

The doctor said that Heimos's two forearms were fine, just some burns, and they would heal soon, as long as he paid attention that there would not be any scars left. It's just, those two palms... The stone pillar was burned red and hot, and Heimos directly held it with his bare hands, which was equivalent to pressing his hand on a red-hot iron.

The palm was scalded to the point where the skin was ripped open and the flesh was blurred. Fortunately, because Heimos had practiced martial arts since he was a child, the calluses on his palm were quite thick, so the tendons and bones were not injured. The flexibility of the hand has any effect, but scarring on the palm is inevitable.

Because of the burns, Huymos also inevitably developed a low-grade fever.

Fortunately, the temperature is not high, and his body has always been strong, so even with a low fever, his consciousness is very clear. It is because he is conscious that he, as a wounded man, is just like Kaihos. Because of the nervousness and high fever, Garlan has not slept all day and night.

It was not until the next night passed, that the high fever of the comatose Garlan finally subsided slowly, and he returned to calm, and he was relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and looking at Garlan's slightly flushed peaceful sleeping face, Heimos, who had calmed down, did not hold on any longer, and closed his eyes and fell asleep in a relaxed manner.

It was an overwhelming flame.

Crimson, fiery, reflecting the entire dark sky.

He stood there, but flames surrounded him in all directions.

He has nowhere to run.

Beyond the crimson flames, a pair of vicious eyes stared at him.

Reflecting the flames, even the golden traces on the bottom of his eyes were dyed red, as if they were a pair of pure red eyes.

The eyes that stared at him were full of gloom, and there was a naked murderous aura rolling in their eyes.

It seemed that he would turn into a vicious beast anytime, anywhere, tearing apart his flesh and devouring him.

He couldn't move under the gaze of those terrifying golden red eyes.

The flames spread little by little, from far to near.

He watched helplessly as the flame slowly approached his side, and the spitting red tongue almost licked in front of his eyes.

Just as he was desperately waiting to be swallowed by the flames, suddenly, a hand suddenly stretched out from the burning flames.

A tall figure suddenly appeared from the fire.

He opened his eyes wide.

The man reached out to him.

The flames in the sky seemed to be blocked by that person.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes, the golden pupils slightly enlarged and contracted violently a few times.

His breathing was much quicker at this moment.

After a while, his slightly slack eyes slowly woke up because of the sudden awakening, and the memory before the coma came back to his mind little by little, he let out a long breath, and the whole person relaxed. .

However, when he turned his head a little, he was shocked again.

The face that was so familiar in both dreams and reality was right in front of me.

He was just startled when he realized that Heimos seemed to be asleep.

Heimos was lying on his back on the bed, but his face turned slightly to Garlan's side.

The fine strands of hair that were as pitch-black as the night sky were scattered on the snow-white pillow, and the contrast was obvious.

He closed his eyes. His eyelashes were not thick, but they were dark and slender, with distinct roots. They were so close together that Garlan could almost see the traces of the slender eyelashes moving slightly.

The corners of Heimos's eyes were slightly raised, and even if they were closed, the lines at the corners of his eyes showed a sharp feeling.

The sleeping young man has a handsome face that is as eye-catching as the evening sun.

Broken hair scattered on the straight bridge of the nose, and the brown skin glowed with a honey-like luster in the morning sun.

The thin lip line was like a blade, pursing tightly, making Heimos reveal a bit of a cold, hard, affectionate aura.

The lapis lazuli earrings on the ears reflect a cold luster.

Even if this person is in a deep sleep, it gives people a feeling of danger like a lurking beast, but that dangerous aura adds an inexplicable allure to him.

Garlan looked at the man who was sleeping beside him.

His eyes froze for a moment.

He remembered the moment when this person suddenly appeared in front of his eyes in the sea of fire.

[Don't be afraid, I am here.]

When the burnt finger rubbed the corner of his eye, he heard his heart beating violently.

Because the man who broke into the sea of fire and came to him jumped.

Maybe it was because he was in the sea of fire at that time, too hot, too hot for him to think.

Made him feel weird at that moment.

Looking at the sleeping handsome face beside him, Garlan unconsciously reached out his hand and touched that face.

The skin touched by the fingertips is quite flexible, and the heat is transmitted from the fingertips.

Probably feeling that something was touching him, Heimos's eyes moved slightly.

Garlan suddenly retracted his hand subconsciously, staring nervously at Heimos' moving eyes without daring to take a breath.

Fortunately, Heimos did not wake up.

Garlan breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hand on his head all of a sudden.


he thinks.

In that situation, his heartbeat at that time probably belonged to the suspension bridge effect.

After all, when he tried to touch Heimos's face just now, even if he was facing that handsome face, he didn't feel anything... At most, he felt very grateful, plus a little incredible.

Yes, incredible.

After all, when he first came to this world, it was Heimos who set fire to death with his own hands.

Although he was already ill and unconscious at that time, and he choked into the thick smoke and quickly passed out, he did not feel the pain of being burned by the flames.

But the flames surrounded him, and the fear of approaching him a little bit was still deeply imprinted in his memory.

Also, just a second before he passed out completely, he looked at the terrifying golden-red eyes full of malevolence outside Huohai.

But now, just when he had accepted his fate to meet the result of dying in the fire again, it was the person who once burned him to death broke into the sea of fire and rescued him.

He knew it was so dangerous, but he had to save him.

It looks like... Heimos said he liked him, was he serious

... How does it feel that fate seems to have turned in a strange direction

"Your Highness, you are finally awake."

A voice interrupted Garlan's thoughts in a trance.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw his guardian knight Kaihos walked over quickly, holding a bowl of pitch-black soup in his hand, which was still steaming, obviously it had just been boiled.

Seeing Garlan looking at him, a smile appeared on Kaihos' face.

Although he stayed by Gallan's side for two days and two nights without sleep, when he smiled with his dark circles under his eyes, he was still so handsome that the maids and doctors in the room blushed.

It's a pity that the handsome blond knight was full of eyes at the moment, only the little prince who finally woke up after waiting for a long time.

Garlan looked at Kaihos's dark circles and blinked.

"Have I slept for a long time?"

Kaihos hummed, stretched out his hand to help Garlan sit up, and then picked up the soup medicine that was placed on the table just now, it seemed that he wanted to use a spoon to feed Garlan to drink the medicine.

...that's an exaggeration.

Garland was embarrassed, shook his head quickly, and then stretched out his hands to take the soup bowl from Kaihos.

Head up and drink.

I'm dying!

Garlan, who drank it in one breath, was choked up by the bitter taste that remained in his mouth.

It's like this when you drink it. If it's fed by a spoonful of a spoonful, it won't be hard to die

So he couldn't figure it out all the time, even if he was ill, why should someone give it a spoonful of such a bitter medicine? Not without my own hands...

… and many more.


Garland suddenly remembered.

In the sea of fire, the scene of Heimos's hands immersed in the flames.

Also, the smell of burnt flesh permeating the tip of the nose...

The hand of Heimos!

He turned his head suddenly, Heimos was still asleep, and he saw the two hands that Heimos put on his side at a glance.

His heart beat violently.

The snow-white bandage wrapped around Heimos's hand, from the arm down to the fingertips, was snow-white and snow-white, showing an extreme contrast with the brown skin exposed on the upper arm.

At this moment, Garlan's mind flashed across the arm of Heimos that had always been tightly wrapped in snow-white bandages in previous lifetimes.

The tragic scene seemed to appear before his eyes again.

Everything seems to be back in the past—

He panicked instantly, and reached out to touch the bandaged hand, but he didn't dare to touch it, and he was in a dilemma in mid-air for a while.

Garland was so flustered that he was at a loss for a while.

Probably because his expression was too flustered, Kaijos, who was beside him, stretched out his hand, took his hand that was frozen in mid-air, and supported his shoulder with the other.

Kaijos whispered to him: "It's all right, Your Highness, Prince Heimos is all right, don't worry."

Garlan glanced back at Kaihos.

Kai Huston was startled.

The boy's face was full of panic, and there was an inexplicable look of helplessness in his golden eyes that he had never seen before.

Just when he was a little stunned by Garlan's eyes, Garlan, who was in panic, had already reached out and grabbed him, looking up at him eagerly.

"Kaijos, Heimos's hand... is his hand... is... ruined? Also, his arm... no, not just the arm, is it somewhere else... yes... is there a lot of places in his body? All burnt? Also, and… that, there…”

His fingers tightly clasped Kaijos's arm, resisting the sense of panic surging from the bottom of his heart.

Going around in circles, fate seems to have returned to its original point.

Everything he did seemed to be in vain.

Heimos burns again, again because of him.

So, will it continue to develop like the previous generations

Heimos hated him again.

Then, he and Heimos faced each other again.

at last…

If it's all doomed, what's the point of what he's done over the years

Cayhoes didn't know if that was his own delusion.

He always felt that the current prince looked like he was afraid of something invisible.

Also, why did the prince just take one look and decide that Heimos had more than just burned his hand, and that Heimos was seriously burned

"No, prince, don't worry."

Seeing Garlan's panic-stricken appearance, Kaihos temporarily suppressed his confusion.

He comforted Garlan softly: "Prince Heimos's injury is not as serious as you think, he just burned his hand, the doctor said that it is only the skin, not the bones, and it will not have any effect. "

After listening to Kaihos's words, Garlan seemed to calm down a bit. He hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Will there be scars on that arm? Is it serious?"

He remembered that in previous lives, Heimos always wrapped his scarred hand tightly with bandages, and he must have been very concerned about the scars on his body.

"The doctor said that if you take good care of the wound, the arm will not be, but there will definitely be scars on the palm or fingers."

"It will leave scars..."

Hearing Kaihos say that, Garlan frowned.

"Do you mind?"

Suddenly a voice came from the side.

"Well..." Gallan replied dully, "Isn't it ugly with scars?"

Heimos certainly didn't like scars on his body, otherwise he wouldn't always have been covered with bandages in previous lives.

As soon as he finished answering, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Although Kaihos was in front of him, the voice just now came from behind him.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, but only halfway through, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from behind him, wrapping his entire body in his arms.

Suddenly falling into another person's arms, Garlan instinctively wanted to struggle, but when he saw the snow-white bandages around his arms, his body froze and he didn't dare to move.

Turning his head to look, sure enough, he met a pair of golden red eyes that narrowed slightly and stared at him.


He weakly and whispered the name of Heimos.

Heimos, who didn't know when he woke up, wrapped it in his arms unceremoniously, raised his eyebrows on his handsome face, and squinted at him.

"You think my scars are ugly?"

"No, I didn't." Garlan quickly explained, "I'm just worried that you will be unsightly because of your scars, and you will feel uncomfortable."

Heimos snorted softly.

"It's not a woman, what scars do I care about?"

"… "

You obviously cared a lot about it in the past few lives.

Garlan held his breath, but it was difficult to say this sentence.

However, being manipulated by Heimos like this, the panic that had been pouring out since he saw the bandages on Heimos's hand slowly disappeared.

He looked sideways into Heimos' eyes, and Heimos was looking down at him.

He suddenly lowered his head and pressed his forehead to his forehead.

He froze for a moment, and then heard Heimos say something.

"It's not burned."

Heimos's words seemed to be talking to himself, but Heimos's eyes were looking at him from beginning to end.

Those golden red eyes were slightly bent, reflecting his figure, and a little smile appeared.

The eyes that looked at him were only soft, and there was a shimmer of light in the bottom of his eyes, which seemed extremely bright.

… is not the same as in previous generations.

Whether it is him or Heimos, they are no longer the same as in previous lives.

Looking at those eyes softly, Garlan's heart suddenly calmed down.

He looked at Heimos and whispered, "Does your hand hurt?"

The corners of the pale thin lips raised, Heimos seemed to be about to speak, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Kaihos by the bed.

"Prince Heimos, since you are also awake, it is just right that your soup is ready."

Seeing his prince obediently being held in his arms by Heimos, Kaihos felt a little unhappy in his heart. Just as the doctor girl came with the boiled soup, he took the opportunity to interrupt Heimos.

Heimos let go of his hand, glanced to the side, and saw that the doctor girl had bent over and knelt beside the bed with the decoction, scooping up a spoonful of the decoction and bringing it over.

He turned his head to the side, avoiding the silver spoon that was about to reach his mouth.

"No need, take it."

He says.


Heimos glanced at Garlan.

"It's too bitter to drink."

He said in a willful tone.

Garland: "..."

here we go again.

"He, Prince Heimos... The doctor ordered, you, you must be on time... drink, drink medicine..."

The doctor girl who was kneeling beside said tremblingly.

"You poured out the medicine and turned around and said I had already drank it."

"This, how is this possible..."

The poor doctor girl was about to cry while holding the decoction.

Kaihos next to him couldn't stand it any longer.

"Prince Heimos, although I know you are very healthy, but since you are injured, you should drink medicine and get better faster."

Heimos didn't say a word, his eyes rolled and fell on the boy beside him.

Garland was taken aback by him.

Heimos still didn't speak, just looked at him.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning was revealed in his eyes.

Kaijos, who was the first to understand the meaning in Heimos's eyes, twitched his mouth, walked over, and took the decoction from the hand of the woman who was about to cry.

"Prince Heimos, since you don't like being fed by women, you might as well let me do it."

He smiled and scooped a spoonful of the soup medicine and stretched it out.

"Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Heimos didn't even bother to look at the one-eyed knight who seemed to be coaxing a child. Those golden red eyes looked at Garlan quietly and faintly.

Garland held on at first, pretending not to understand.

But Heimos just stared at him stubbornly, even if he turned his face away, he could feel the hot gaze.

alright, you win.

The young man sighed in his heart and conceded defeat.

He stretched out his hand to Kaihos.

"Give it to me, Cayhorth."

"But, Your Highness..."

"Give it to me, the medicine will be cold."

The blond knight reluctantly handed the medicine bowl to his prince and stood aside.

Garlan stirred the silver spoon in the pitch-black soup a few times. It was the first time he was feeding someone else when he was so big—the other was the same Heimos, which made him feel uncomfortable, but glanced at the His hands were wrapped in snow-white bandages, and his heart softened.

Those hands were wounded for him.

With a raised hand, he raised the silver spoon and brought it to Heimos' mouth.

Heimos glanced at him, the corners of his lips curved, and he lowered his head and drank the medicine in the silver spoon.

At that glance, Garlan's face was inexplicably hot. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that the appearance of himself and Heimos seemed to be too intimate.

Heimos is the patient.

He was just taking care of the sick.

To save his injured patient.

He persuaded himself so, and continued to feed the medicine spoon by spoon.

After slowly getting used to it, the discomfort in his heart slowly disappeared.

He looked at Heimos quietly and obediently drinking the medicine, and suddenly he was a little puzzled.

Heimos clearly hates bitterness, and this soup is so bitter that he smacking his lips just now when he swallowed it in one breath... Isn't it more bitter to drink it one by one like now

Why does Heimos look like he's drinking sugar water

On the way Garlan wondered, the bowl of soup and medicine bottomed out before he knew it.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he seemed to see a look of regret in Heimos' eyes.

Shaking his head, expelling this strange illusion from his mind, he handed the empty bowl sideways to Kejos beside the bed.

Kaihos took two empty soup bowls to the door and handed them over to the maid.

And Garlan sat on the bed and looked at Kaihos.

Inside the bed, Heimos was also sitting.

Garland was leaning sideways, his back to him.

He stared at the boy's back without blinking, and involuntarily licked the corner of his lips with the tip of his tongue.

If Garlan turned back now, he would be startled by his eyes.

Hot, scorching, like it wants to devour everything.

A bitter taste hit the taste buds.

It is the bitter taste that Heimos hates most.

But at this moment, he felt a sense of dissatisfaction.

not enough.

A voice deep within his body was telling him so.

Far from enough.

The boy sat sideways on the bed, his long blond hair rolled up and slid down the side of his shoulders.

The loose top reveals the slender back of the neck.

On the fair skin of the back of the neck, there are pink traces like cherry blossom petals dotted on it.

It was a long time ago, the burn marks left by Garlan as a child to protect him.

He still remembered the moment when the charcoal fire fell from the sky under the dark night sky.

His eyes were attracted by the pink cherry color on the back of Garlan's neck. He couldn't tell why, but Heimos had an inexplicable throbbing that wanted to touch the trace.

… but the hands were wrapped in bandages.

He thought, but his eyes were still fixed on that place.

Then, he leaned over, leaned over, and lowered his head slightly.

The tip of the red tongue gently licked the trace of pink cherry.

He clearly felt that the boy's body trembled violently at this moment as if it had been stimulated a lot.

"Uh... um!!"

Kaihos, who was handing the medicine bowl to the maid, suddenly heard a voice behind him.

The voice seemed to be frightened and screamed out, but it was forcibly suppressed halfway, and the whimper was swallowed abruptly.

That was the voice of Prince Garlan.

He turned around subconsciously and looked at Garlan.

He saw Garlan covering his mouth with his hands and blushing.


"No, it's fine, I accidentally pulled on the wound, it hurts a bit."

"Please be careful, it will be troublesome if the arrow wound cracks again."

"Um… sorry, I'll pay attention."

Just as Garlan tried his best to pretend to be nonchalant and talk to Kaihos, the culprit who caused him to make that strange voice hid behind him, licked the corners of his slightly curved lips, and looked contented.

It seems that it is very sensitive.

someone thought so.