A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 117


Although the high fever has subsided, Garlan's body is still very weak, so for the next few days, he can only obediently lie in bed and rest.

And Heimos was originally because of his nervousness and fever, so he stayed in the same room and slept on the same bed. It stands to reason that since Gallan's dangerous period has passed, he should also go back to his temporary residence, but Heimos never mentioned this, and still stayed in the same room with Gallan.

Garland couldn't help but want to say this, but every time he glanced at Heimos's bandaged hands, he swallowed the words abruptly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Heimos is like a tantrum child, and he has to let him feed the medicine, otherwise he will not drink it.

Garland really had nothing to do with him.

At noon that day, Garland was eating.

Although he was still a little weak, he was really not used to eating in bed, and it didn't take much effort to get up anyway, so he sat at the table to eat lunch.

At the moment, he was stuffing a baby fist-sized loaf of minced meat into his mouth.

As soon as he took a bite, the minced meat powder scattered around the corner of his mouth, and he subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked it.

So the red tip of the tongue licked and licked on the pink lips.

Garland was so happy to eat that he didn't notice that someone sitting beside him was staring intently at him.

Heimos was only burnt on his hand. Due to his strong body, the low-grade fever at the beginning had long since subsided, so it was just that his hand was inconvenient, and he no longer needed to lie in bed and rest for a long time.

In the past two days, he also often went out to deal with the follow-up matters of Tozes City with Kaijos, Seth and other generals.

But every time I drink medicine or rest at night, I will come back.

Before Garlan had lunch, he had just let Garlan feed him medicine. When he was in a good mood, he sat next to him and watched Garlan eat, and watched the tip of his red tongue stick out from time to time to lick it. When the corner of his lips twitched, his heart was itching so badly that he wished he could grab the twitching little tongue and suck it hard.

Although countless images of himself ruthlessly abusing the tip of his tongue that had been bitten by him had flashed through his mind, Huymos' face was still indifferent, and he could not see the slightest emotion, even looking at Garlan. Lonely, as if he was just casually watching the young man beside him eating.

Just after swallowing a minced meat powder bun, he thought it tasted good. He picked up another Garlan who took a bite and glanced aside inadvertently, and saw Heimos looking at him.

His eyes seemed to be staring at his mouth.

He looked at Heimos, then at the bun he had just taken a bite from.

He asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Heimos didn't answer, but he suddenly got up when he was sitting.

Then, lean over.

Before Garlan could react, Heimos was already leaning over.

Garlan watched the handsome profile fall from his eyes, and the fine black hair with coolness scattered on his hand.

The jet-black hair fell on the fair skin, forming a sharp contrast.

The slender eyelashes drooped down, casting light shadows on the brown face.

The thin lips of the half-drooping young man directly bit the bun he was still holding in his hand.

The lip fit right into the little notch he bit out.

Then, swallow.

Seeing that his cold lips were about to touch his finger holding the bun, Garlan subconsciously released his hand, which just matched Heimos's swallowing action.

He watched helplessly as Heimos swallowed the small loaf of bread he had eaten.

Garlan opened his mouth, he wanted to say, I have eaten this, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I felt that it had been eaten by Heimos.

But if he didn't say it, he felt inexplicably suffocated.

When he was thinking about whether to say it or not, Heimos, who had chewed and swallowed half of the bun, looked up at him.

The golden red eyes are like the sunset in the sky, and the sharp corners of the slightly raised eyes reveal a dangerous allure.

Heimos looked at him and said, "More."

What the hell

Are you a three year old child

Garland, who subconsciously wanted to complain about Heimos, just opened his mouth, and suddenly saw Heimos raise a hand and put it on the table beside him.

There was no bandage on his forearm, revealing the burn marks that were healing, and the hands were still wrapped in bandages, and the brown wrist with burn marks was a piece of snow white.

Somewhat dazzlingly white.

As soon as he saw Heimos's hand, the boy felt guilty.

So he obediently picked up another bun.

Heimos glanced at him, the corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and then, leaning over, he took Garlan's hand and bit the bread in small bites.

He ate slowly, and even when he was being fed, his attitude was somewhat calm and graceful.

He lowered his eyes, his slender eyelashes concealing the gleam of pleasure in his eyes.

After Heimos finished eating the bun slowly, he looked up at Garlan again.

"Others too."

He looked at Garland and said.

And after feeding the medicine, the teenager who is now in charge of feeding has broken the jar.

It's all hello anyway, what's the big deal.

Since Heimos is such a big man and the guy who is also known as the black knight of hell shamelessly asks for food, what does he care about.

Garlan grabbed a few small olives from the fruit bowl in a hurry.

The olives were green, each about the size of a human thumb.

Garlan just grabbed a handful, stretched his hand directly in front of Heimos, held the olive fruit, and held it in front of Heimos without moving.

Eyes raised slightly, looking at Heimos like a provocation.

Heimos glanced at Garland and saw the young man raising his eyebrows, his expression remained the same, still his calm look.

But he suddenly leaned over and bowed his head.

The finely chopped forehead hair fell on Garlan's wrist. He lowered his head and took a bite. He took an olive fruit, chewed it a few times, swallowed it, and lowered his head to bite another.

Garlan was stunned for a while at first, but he didn't expect that Heimos would just bow his head and bite from his hand without caring.

When he reacted, half of the olives in his hand had been eaten.

And Heimos just lowered his head again at this time, and the broken hair swept across his wrist, itching.

He looked at the big man with his head down and eating the fruit with his hands, and the way his dark head was moving in front of him. The dangerous aura around Heimos was all restrained and disappeared at this moment, and his appearance and demeanor seemed too well-behaved.

Garlan suddenly felt that Heimos was now like a big dog lying on the ground obediently with its head lowered and licking and eating in the hands of its owner.

When he thought about it, he couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at the head that was moving in front of him, the more he looked, the more he looked, he simply stretched out his other hand and touched the black hair that was in front of him.

Well, although the hair was black, it felt as smooth as velvet.

Feels good.

Garlan thought to himself, and touched again.

He touched him like this, and Heimos naturally looked up at him and his eyes fell on his face.

Garlan retracted his hand and looked at him with a smile.

"why are you laughing?"

asked Heimos.

"… nothing."

How dare Garland say that he just thought he was feeding a big dog.

If Heimos knew that he saw him as a big dog, he would be angry.


The golden red eyes narrowed slightly, staring at him, revealing a dangerous sharp breath.

Garlan couldn't bear it, thought for a while, and whispered, "It's nothing... I just think it's a bit like Nega."

He added: "Because Nega especially likes me to feed him like this."

Garlan thought about it, comparing Heimos to a lion, shouldn't Heimos be too angry

He planned well, but he didn't know that his thoughts were simply seen through by the other party.

Garland didn't say anything, and Heimos could probably guess what Garland thought of himself.

He stared at Garland for a while, then suddenly smiled.

He didn't continue to ask, and the expression didn't look angry, but just glanced down at Garlan's hand.

Garland just grabbed a handful of olives to feed him, and he was almost done, only one left in his palm.

Holding the fruit in that hand, it still maintained the posture of reaching out in front of him.

At that glance, he saw this emerald green olive roll rolling in the young man's white palm.

Heimos bowed his head again.

Garlan thought that Heimos just wanted to bite the last olive fruit in his palm, so he didn't hide.

He watched Heimos bow his head down, and he could vaguely feel the warm breath of the other party's breath in his palm, but he was itching to think whether to touch Heimos' head again.

Because it feels like the hair of Nerga, it is soft, fluffy, and as smooth as silk, it feels very comfortable.

Suddenly, the palm of my hand suddenly became hot.

Something moist and warm licked across his palm.

The itchy touch was transmitted from the sensitive skin of the palm, and an inexplicable feeling of numbness oozes out.

Garlan froze for a moment, then suddenly retracted his hand like an electric shock.

The last olive fruit in my palm fell to the ground at once.

He clenched his hands, his cheeks instantly flushed, and he glared at someone.

"You're a dog, why are you always licking and licking?"

he said angrily.

That day, too, he suddenly licked the back of his neck and startled him, making him make such a strange noise, and he hasn't settled with him yet!

Heimos raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you think so just now?"

Garland choked.

The boy who really thought about it that much suddenly felt guilty.

He murmured softly, "That can't be... Don't you feel dirty?"

Heimos replied: "I don't dislike it."

Garland: "..."

Just when Garlan was speechless, Heimos leaned over again.

He said, "Actually, I don't mind if you think so."

The golden red eyes stared deeply at Garlan, and Heimos's voice was calm and low, as if he was talking about something extremely serious.

But what he said was completely different from his expression and voice at the moment.

"But since I've been treated as that kind of pet, I should do something similar to please my master... isn't it?"

Garlan stared dumbfounded as Heimos' handsome face got closer and closer.

"Wait... wait, you..."

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to push him away, but Heimos's bandaged hand was beside him, so he didn't dare to use force.

The man pressed down from top to bottom, with great pressure, the falling shadow almost shrouded him.

Seeing that face is about to come closer, I don't know what to do.

"His Royal Highness Garland, are you finished with your meal?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the voice of the blond knight came in.

Heimos clicked his tongue, moved his body back, and sat back.

And Gallan, who had escaped the catastrophe, recovered, and while shouting to let Kaihos come in, he reached out and grabbed a small piece of bread to hide his embarrassment, and shoved it into Heimos's mouth.

He didn't think much about it, he just wanted to gag Heimos's mouth, and when the provincial Caijos came in, he said some strange things.

As soon as Kaihos, who was allowed to enter the door, saw the scene where his little prince was feeding Prince Heimos, he subconsciously frowned.

Then, he spoke to Garlan calmly: "Prince, I have disturbed your meal."

He turned his eyes to Heimos: "However, there is something that requires Prince Heimos to come over."

Heimos swallowed the bun in his mouth, and without saying much, got up and went out.

Watching him leave, Garlan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to eat the lunch he had only half eaten, and his relieved expression was seen by Kaihos who turned back before leaving.

After walking for a while, standing in the corridor, the blond knight spoke.

"Prince Heimos, everything must be done in moderation." He said, "Although you did save His Highness, but you always used this kindness to command His Highness, and you did it."

Thinking of how Prince Heimos deliberately used Gallan to be soft-hearted, and deliberately asked Gallan to take care of him, accommodate him, and obey him, Kaihos was a little unhappy.

"Prince Heimos, you are too narrow-minded to ask for such favors."

Heimos, who was standing by the wall, sneered.

"Kaihos, do you remember what you said to me when Gallan was scalded by charcoal fire to protect me?" he said lazily, "you said those words to remind me of Gal, didn't you? Lan is to protect my injury, so let me remember this kindness and protect him well in the future?"

"At that time, did your behavior count as asking for favor?"

Kaihos was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, at that time, he deliberately provoked Heimos with aggressive tactics, just as Heimos said.

"It doesn't matter."

"Because I approve of your actions," said Heimos.

He looked at his bandaged hands, a dangerous smile on his lips.

"If you have chips, you should use them wisely, right?"

He said with a smile, with a natural demeanor.

Even if he was taking advantage of Garlan's guilt, he didn't care.

Since Garland was very concerned about his injury, he used his injury to get close to him.

He obviously has such a good bargaining chip and advantage, but he gave it up because he wanted to pretend to be a good person... How could he do such a stupid thing.

Besides, he never thought he was a good thing.

He has few things he wants and cares about, but he will do whatever it takes to get the only person he wants.

The brief conversation between the two ended, and Heimos turned back to the room.

Kaihos didn't say anything, and walked back with him.

He looked at the back of Heimos, then glanced behind him, and after seeing a figure approaching from a distance, he raised a playful smile.

Garland had finished eating, and when he saw them coming back together, he got up and walked towards them.

"It's over so soon?"

he asks.

Kaihos hummed, he suddenly smiled and said to Gallan: "His Royal Highness, in fact, I'm here now because Tarr wants to bring someone here, let me tell you in advance."

"Huh? Speaking of which, I haven't seen Tarr for a few days..."

Just as Garlan was halfway through his words, there was a sound of rapid footsteps outside, and it seemed that someone was running quickly from the corridor.

Not long after, the half-closed door was slammed open, and a small figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Then, he rushed straight towards Garlan.

"Brother Garland!"

Accompanied by a clear child's voice, Elson's little princess who ran all the way rushed over happily and hugged Garlan.

She was not tall, she slammed into Garland's arms, and her arms were just enough to wrap around Garland's waist.

Mmmm, Brother Garlan's waist is so thin.

She hugged Garlan's waist happily, while the little princess thought, she secretly touched the boy's slender waist with her small hands.