A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 14


After catching a cute little brother, King Camos easily resolved his subordinate's protest, nodded to Xie Muer and others, and said, "I'll leave it to you next."

After he finished speaking, he turned around, put his arms around the little brother who was sitting on his shoulders, and happily went out.

"Come here~~ Brother Wang will take you to eat delicious food~"

The corner of the mouth of the child sitting on his shoulder twitched.

Brother Wang, is that all you can say

Is there nothing else to say except 'Shi Mi will take you to a lollipop'

He guessed right, King Camos really can't do other tricks.

It was the first time for him to coax children or something. When he secretly coaxed small animals before, he had only tried the trick of coaxing them with food... Although he never succeeded. Even if he lured him with food in his hand, those little things would run away when they saw him. If he couldn't run away, those little animals would tremble when he approached, and they looked terribly afraid. The pitiful appearance made Camos feel a great sense of guilt, and finally had to give up.

It's ok.

If you don't like me, you don't like me.

Anyway, those little things are not as cute as my little brother~~~

Camos Wang, who had begun to become a brother-in-law and had his own beautifying filter, thought so happily, and then he felt a sudden pain in his head.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Seeing that King Camos had dealt with the opposition so strongly, Xie Muer and the other ministers, Garlan, who felt that the sky was falling for a while, gritted his teeth and tried to continue shouting in a dying struggle.

He sat on Camos' shoulders, and while shouting, he reached out and grabbed a strand of Camos' brown hair and pulled it hard.

That kind of disrespectful behavior that is simply outrageous made the hearts of the people around him twitch violently, and he almost didn't catch his breath.

Camus, King of Aaron Landis.

In the eyes of the people of Aaron Landis, it was a god-like existence, and it was to be worshipped.

Don't say anything else, even kneeling at his feet and kissing his toes would be a great honor for everyone.

Now, this child not only almost sat on the king's head, but also dared to tug at the hair on King Camos' noble head? !

O gods of Aaron Landis...

Although some people couldn't help but want to jump out and scold the disrespectful child, but...

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Camos, whose hair was tugged by Garlan, turned his head and asked with a laugh.

There was no trace of anger in those eyes and movements, and it was obvious that he didn't care about it. Instead, it was because Garlan took the initiative to talk to him and seemed very happy.

The few people who wanted to jump out and scold: "..."

They silently lowered their raised feet.

Forget it, as long as you are happy, Wang.

Everyone silently watched the scene in front of them.

They suddenly remembered that King Camos often rudely tugged at the mane of their holy beast lion, which made them look terrified.

But now, their Majesty was being ripped off by the little brother they chose, and they continued to watch with horror.

… how similar the scene is…

Should it be said that he is indeed the king's brother chosen by this unreasonable His Majesty? Although the appearance is very different, but in a certain way, there is a kind of mystery similar to His Majesty.

The surrounding audience watched in horror and emotional ups and downs, but Camos didn't think so.

Anyway, his skin is thick and fleshy, and it doesn't hurt to be dragged by his own little brother, and he even thinks that this is the expression of the other party's intimacy towards him. So, he grinned at Garlan without caring.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to eat, I want to watch this! This is more fun."

Garlan said quickly, trying his best to look at King Camos with a look of anticipation.

"Let's stay and watch, shall we?"

Although King Camos has now overwhelmed the audience and made a final decision... But he will never admit defeat easily!

He must pull out the flag that was pushed down by King Camos!

The reason why I asked King Kamos to stay is because he was still thinking about it.

he thinks.

As long as King Camos stayed to watch other people's tests and found a person with excellent aptitude, such as Heimos, maybe the impressed King Camos would give up him and choose that person.

As long as King Camos doesn't value him anymore, and he is persuaded by Xie Muer and the others, maybe they will let him go and stop letting him be the king's younger brother.

Well, it must be.

It must be so.

The abacus in Garlan's heart rattled.

But unfortunately, it didn't work out.

Soon, he regretted it.

The sun was shining brightly, and the teenagers were sweating like rain in the training ground.

Under the bright sunlight, the black-haired boy stood firmly on the ground, his golden-red pupils stared ahead, and a strong bow was drawn in his hand like a full moon.

As soon as the fingers were loosened, there was only a buzzing sound, and a sharp arrow galloped out, hitting the center of the opposite target with a bang.

All ten arrows shot hit the bullseye. Heimos calmly put down the longbow in his hand, then raised his head and glanced behind him.

Obliquely behind him is the grandstand of this large training ground, with huge columns supporting the arched roof.

Inside the wide stand, the ground is covered with a goose-yellow cushion, and a long snow-white cloth is spread on it. Fresh and tender fruits are placed in a transparent glass plate, and delicate desserts with fragrant aromas are embellished in the malachite plate. Filled with white cloth.

The beautiful maid stood beside her, holding a thin gold fan made of peacock feathers, and gently beating the fan. The young squire knelt respectfully to one side, holding a jade box with ice cubes in his hands, so that his master could have access to it at any time.

Camos sat cross-legged on the cushion and looked in a good mood. He stretched out his hand and picked up a cherry. The cherry had just been fished out of the ice water, and it was dripping with water. It was big and bright red. At a glance, it was full of juice, tender and delicious.

Holding the cold cherry, he smiled and sent it to the child beside him. The younger brother Wang, whom he had just met, was sitting beside him. It was probably too hot at noon, and he looked a little slack. When he handed the fruit over, the fluffy little head that had been hanging down without any energy lifted up, looked at him with big amber eyes, then glanced at the big cherry that was handed to him, and took a sip. lip.

After about a few seconds of hesitation, the child opened, took a bite of the cherry in Kammos' finger, and then took another bite.

Those little pale pink lips moved with every movement, and were dyed moist by the juice oozing from the cherry. The baby's fat cheeks are also moving because of chewing, which makes people want to poke them.

#My king brother is super cute~~~#

After successfully feeding his little brother, King Camos, who was instantly satisfied, was in a very good mood.

As for the little devils out there who are soaked in the scorching midday sun and sweating like rain

He thinks they don't exist.

Those little devils have thin arms and thin legs, their bows can't be pulled stably, and they are riding shocks like playing a family. They are not even as good as an ordinary soldier under his command... There is nothing to see.

Outside, under the scorching sun, the teenagers who were desperately trying to show their abilities in front of the heroes they longed for in order to win the favor of King Camos stared at this side, dizzy from the sun, their clothes soaked with sweat, and they were unlucky. The object of longing is too lazy to glance at them.

So, the teenagers who were left aside by Kamos, one by one, full of resentment toward the hero who won their favor without effort, and now they are sitting comfortably on the cool stand of the cool hall watching their sweaty little boys The child stared.

Although it was the hottest time at noon, Gallan clearly felt the chill formed by the gathering of countless grievances, which made him restless.

His Royal Highness, who was envied, envied and hated by everyone within three hours of becoming the younger brother, felt that he had no way of refuting it.

People are fighting to the death down below, and he is enjoying himself comfortably here.

This will change each other's positions, and he will be full of resentment.

... Although in fact he didn't want to sit here at all, and he didn't want to be loved by King Camos at all.

But probably no one will believe this sentence, and I am afraid that people will point at the nose and scold it for being cheap and good.

Garland thought bitterly.

He looked up in the direction where Heimos was, and it happened that Heimos, who had just finished shooting arrows, also turned around and glanced in his direction.

At that glance, Garlan's heart thumped, only to feel a chill on the back of his neck, and quickly looked away.

He thought with a guilty conscience, Heimos is probably very upset with himself now, right? You see, he glared at me just now, he must be very dissatisfied with me.

Maybe, Heimos's thoughts of killing himself started at this time

Just as Garlan was thinking about it, another carefully peeled yellow-orange-orange pulp was handed to him.

He raised his eyes, glanced at King Camos who was looking at him with a smile, opened his mouth helplessly, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and nibbled at the big mango with his brother's hand.

He nibbled hard, but he didn't notice that the dark-haired boy in the distance was still looking at him in this direction.

Heimos looked at the child with an innocent look, and then watched King Camos feeding the child fruit with a smile. Under his black hair wet with sweat, his golden red eyes narrowed slightly. a bit.

As a king, he arbitrarily chose a younger brother who was obviously unsuitable as his successor.

Moreover, King Camos' attitude towards the child was too much, to the point of being weird.

He recognized the exploits of King Camos, and did not deny his valor and power.

But did the king have some unknown hobby

Like... some kind of disgusting...

Heimos thought deeply and slowly lowered the longbow in his hand.

He looked up again, and the blond child looked defenseless against King Camos.

Maybe he was thinking too much.

The most likely truth is that King Camos doesn't want to have a king at all.

This kid was chosen because he was the weakest one and could well become a pawn in King Camos' hand and a shield.

Either way, that kid is pathetic.

He looked at the innocent little face from a distance and thought.

After he succeeds in surpassing others and becomes the king's younger brother, if he can protect him, he should protect the child a little.

Just when Garlan was fed a bunch of fruit by King Kamos and his stomach swelled up, Ximul came.

Even under the scorching sun, the priest of the sun god Shamash is well-groomed and has no sweat on his forehead. He stands calmly in the blazing sun, as if he can't feel the heat at all. .

He walked up to the stand, stopped at the edge of the cushion, and stood there, bowing slightly, holding a piece of parchment in both hands to King Camos.

King Camos, who was sitting lazily on the cushion, stretched out his hand and took the parchment at random.

Garlan rubbed his swollen belly, leaned in, grabbed King Camos' strong arm, squeezed his little head over, and watched with Camos.

King Camos leaned on him and smiled, but he didn't care, but Xie Muer, who was standing beside him, frowned.

In the future, I have to train the prince's etiquette well.

Xie Muer thought so in his heart, and then opened his mouth to report.

"These are the four most outstanding." He said, "They have their own strengths in knowledge, riding, bow and arrow, martial arts, judgment, etc., so please decide."

Garlan glanced at the parchment, and unsurprisingly, saw the name of Heimos among them. He suddenly had an urge to rely on King Camos' favor and let him remove Heimos from it.

Once and for all.

But when he opened his mouth, he still remained silent.

King Camos loves him, but it doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants. He is only a seven or eight-year-old child now, and everyone will only take what he says as a child's joke, and will not take it seriously at all.

Moreover, Garlan had a hunch.

Heimos is destined to become another king's brother, just as he tried to avoid it, but was finally found by King Kammos.

What is destined can only be changed by those who are strong enough to surpass it - just like the future Heimos.

And now, he obviously doesn't have the ability.

King Camos' eyes swept over the parchment at will, and he threw the piece of paper to Xie Muer without hesitation.

Xie Muer, who has long been accustomed to King Camos' casualness, took the paper and put it in the hands of his subordinates behind him.

He said: "Which one of them is qualified to become the king's younger brother, King Camos, please decide."

"troublesome… "

Sitting lazily bent over with his knees crossed, resting his chin in one hand, the young Wang muttered impatiently.

However, in a blink of an eye, when he saw the little brother next to him tilting his head and looking over, he immediately straightened his back, put his hands on his knees, and assumed a tall and mighty sitting posture.

Um! He had to show his little brother the image of his mighty, tall, wise and powerful figure who came from a brother-in-law!

King Camos raised his hand, touched his chin with a little stubble, and made a decision.

"Throw those to the arena."

Simple and clear, he said.

"See who can knock the others down, and bring the guy who can stand last to see me."

Xie Muer: "..."

Garland: "..."

Simple and crude.

Okay, it's very camos.