A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 21


"The night before..."

Garlan was sitting next to King Kamos holding little Nega, teasing the little milk lion with a half-baked piece of meat, when he suddenly heard Kamos ask him something.

"Did you sleep well?"

King Camos asked him so.

Garland's heart suddenly tightened.

The night before yesterday, when he secretly ran to find Heimos, and tossed it back in the middle of the night.

Why did Brother Camos suddenly ask this? Does he know what

While thinking nervously in his heart, Garlan raised his head with a small innocent expression.


He tilted his head and looked at Camos with the eyes of "I don't understand what you are talking about, brother."

That small expression made King Camos laugh, raised his hand and rubbed his head.

"It's nothing, I saw that you were a little sluggish at the grand ceremony yesterday, as if you didn't sleep well." He smiled and said, "What? Did you suddenly change places so you couldn't sleep well?"

That's what it was saying.

Garland breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, he was really sleepy at yesterday's ceremony. After all, he spent most of the night at Heimos the night before, and he didn't sleep for a long time when he returned, because he was called by the maid early in the morning because he was preparing for the ceremony. wake up.

"Well, it's a little bit, but it was much better last night." Looking up at King Camos with a small face, Garland said, "It's alright, Brother Wang, I'll get used to it soon. "

"Oh, all right."

King Camos said, rubbing the fluffy little head again, and then returned to the political affairs in his hands.

After a while, and seeing that it was almost noon, Garland stood up with the little lion in his arms.

Although the little Nega can already eat the meat, but after all, it is not full moon yet, and it has not yet been weaned. This is the time for it to feed, so Gallan wants to send it back to the conservatory.

When he got to the conservatory, he put the little lion on the ground and turned to leave.

The little lion purred, grabbed his shoes, and refused to let him go.

Garlan pointed to his little brothers and sisters who were already licking their tongues in the milky white milk basin, and said, "If you don't go, there will be no more."

The little lion was holding Garlan's shoelaces, and looked at the milk that was already fragrant with small eyes the size of beans. He shook his head, looked at the milk tray, and then at Garlan. The whole lion looked tangled. no.

The tangled little expression made Garlan laugh, and he knelt down and nodded his head.

"Hurry up and drink, I'll come and play with you tomorrow."

Seeming to understand what Gallan said, little Nega let out a whimper, loosened the straps of Gallan's shoes, strode forward on her four short legs, and ran to the milk basin, and then took a big gulp. It seemed that he was afraid that his group of brothers and sisters had finished drinking his own, and then robbed it - anyway, it often did.

Seeing Nega concentrate on drinking milk, Gallan hurriedly took the opportunity to go out.

He stood outside the conservatory, looked up at the sky, thought about it, did not go back to Camos, but walked in the other direction. Of course, the attendant who wanted to follow him was also driven back by him, and he was not allowed to follow.

When he trotted to the room he had been to the night before, he saw several guards guarding the door, and it seemed that these people would still pretend to be more or less during the day.

Probably thanks to his appearance at the grand ceremony yesterday, those guards obviously knew him, and when they saw Garlan, they all stood up nervously and bowed their heads to Garlan. salute.

Garland entered the door easily, and no one stopped him at all.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the familiar figure of Heimos sitting at the stone table under a big tree in the small courtyard.

When the child ran in, the boy who was eating raised his eyes, glanced at the small figure out of the corner of his eyes, then lowered his eyes and continued to eat slowly.

That expression, as if not seeing each other at all.

Garlan stepped on the bluestone pavement and ran over, and then unceremoniously climbed onto the stone bench—yes, he was climbing, he was too short, the stone bench was about to reach his shoulders, and he could only climb with both hands. On the top, the two short legs kicked a few times below, and then climbed up and sat down.

Heimos sat there, and continued to slowly tear off a piece of bread, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed slowly, as if he hadn't seen Garlan's movements.

It's just that although he didn't change his face, the corner of his eyes drifted uncontrollably towards the child.

Looking at the cute little boy trying to climb up, he felt a little itchy in his heart, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to get up and pick up the child and put it on the stool.

Garlan, who climbed up and sat firmly, put his small arms on the table and glanced at it. There were ordinary foods such as bread, barbecued meat, and porridge on the table. For Garland, who accompanies King Camos to the imperial feast every day, these foods are really rudimentary.

However, he was not so kind to improve the food for his mortal enemy.

Is it more convenient to kill the mortal enemy by raising him tall and strong

As he thought so, he took out a thumb-sized white pill from his arms, pinched it with his fingers, and held it up to Heimos with a smile.

"what is this?"

The teenager glanced at it, and continued to tear off a piece of roast meat and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Poison." Garlan said to Heimos in a defiant tone, "What? Do you dare to eat it?"

In fact, it is a good pill, a special medicine for the treatment of bruises and internal congestion. The doctor gave him two and told him to take it for two days. He thought about the terrifying injury that Heimos had on his body. He wanted to ask for another one, but he heard from the doctor that this pill was very precious and very rare. In the past, it was only used by King Camos alone. It was King Camos who authorized him to use it, and Garlan dismissed the idea.

This one, he secretly saved his weight today. After all, in all fairness, he is actually okay, and Heimos's injury is much worse than him.

However, even though he brought it over and gave it directly to his mortal enemy, he was still a little unwilling.

So when Heimos asked, on a whim, he deliberately said it was poison, intending to scare the other party, and when Heimos changed his face, he could mock Heimos unceremoniously.

After laughing, he mercifully handed him the pill.


Good, that's how it has to be.

Just when Garlan was still thinking about Heimos' humiliating appearance, the boy who had been sitting there suddenly got up and came towards him.

Then, when Heimos bent, leaned over, and lowered his head, his delicate black hair fell on Garlan's fingers.

The young man's thin lips slid into Garlan's fingers.

Rolling the tip of his tongue, he rolled the round pill into his mouth.

Throat swallowed, he just like that, swallowed the pill down his throat with Garlan's hand.

After swallowing the pill in one gulp, Heimos straightened up, his understated expression was as if he had done something very ordinary just now, and by the way, he raised his hand and patted the stunned Garlan. With his head, he turned around and went out with the dinner plate he had finished eating.

Everything happened too fast, and it was probably only a second after Heimos got up and swallowed the pill.

Garland, who was startled by Heimos's sudden behavior, stared at Heimos in a daze, until the back of the other party disappeared from sight, and he finally reacted.

He jumped off the stool suddenly, and with a frowning expression, he began to shake his hands vigorously.

Ahh! saliva-

That guy's saliva got on his fingers!

Hey Moss, don't you think it's dirty when you touch someone else's finger directly?—

Garland, who wanted to put Heimos together, but was turned back by the other party, slipped back with a gloomy face, but as soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw King Kamos, who was sitting there dealing with government affairs, rushing at him. wave.

So the child is even more depressed.

He blinked, thinking about how to fudge Brother Wang's question, and ran over with an obedient expression on his face.

He stood in front of Camos and looked up at Camos obediently.

However, King Camos didn't seem to have any plans to ask him where he was just now, he just looked down at him, raised his eyebrows, and spoke.

"Open your mouth," Camos said.


Garlan snorted, not understanding what King Camos wanted to do, but he opened his mouth obediently.

As soon as his mouth was opened, King Camos raised his hand and threw a small white pill into his mouth, and the unsuspecting Garlan swallowed it subconsciously.

When he reacted, he felt miserable.

Because the little pill he swallowed just now looks familiar, really familiar...

Seeing that Garlan swallowed, Camos showed a satisfied look.

"You can ask for whatever you want in the future, remember, you are my brother, the prince of Aaron Landis, you can have whatever you want - but you should eat it yourself, you must eat it, understand? "

He said, raised his hand and patted Garlan's head.

"Okay, let's rest."

Garlan didn't dare to deny King Camos' words, and nodded obediently.

He had vaguely felt that King Camos knew everything about what happened in this palace. Those things he thought were secretly done by himself and others didn't know about, in fact, King Camos saw all of them, but he didn't care, so he let him go and didn't expose him.

And this time after he saved his medicine to Heimos, King Camos pointed it out and told him that he could do whatever he wanted, but only if what he did would not harm himself.

After leaving King Camos, Garlan went to the side hall to sleep.

After all, this body is still a child, and it is easy to get sleepy. It is necessary to take a nap at a designated time every day, otherwise, it will be listless in the afternoon.

He stretched his limbs to the soft big bed, and before he could count sixty sheep, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

what is that…

… black water…

It's so bright, the sun is so bright that it stabs people to the point of being unable to open their eyes... The fiery red sun...

A lot of people... screaming, messy, so noisy, the eardrums are about to burst...

A lot of people are yelling, it's so annoying...


red fire

That fiery red light is not sunlight.

is the flame.

Crimson flames.

Ah... that flame is burning, burning!

from where? What are you burning? This burnt stench...

...is human.

It's human! ! !

The child who was awakened by the nightmare suddenly rolled over and sat up, gasping for breath with his mouth open, his forehead dripping with cold sweat.

what is that

What did he dream about

He had dreamed—no, he had seen it, in a dream so real, he had seen—

The man surrounded by flames...

The whole body was ignited and burned by fire, and the whole body was swallowed up by the flames, exuding the stench of burning flesh, the boy who was struggling in the flames...

… is it Huymos? ! ! !