A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 24


In the government affairs hall, on the high platform, King Camos, who was sitting on the throne, spread out the parchment handed over by his subordinates on the table.

His eyes swept across the paper, and he frowned.

"The situation in Vernal City is more serious?"

A middle-aged minister standing on the lower side bowed slightly and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I was the one who neglected my duty. I…"

The minister seemed to want to say something to plead guilty, but was interrupted by the raised hand of King Camos.

"I don't want to hear that right now."

The young king said so.

"Tell me, the real situation of Wiener City now."

The courtiers below looked at each other and bowed their heads again.

"Since there was an early flood in the city of Vernal due to the flood season, according to your order, I have dispatched the food and medicines for disaster relief as soon as possible."

The oldest of the ministers said, "But at the moment, the results are not good."

"Yes, it is said that there are countless casualties among the people in Wiener City, and many people are still missing."

A medical officer spoke up.

"King Camos, I received a report from the medical officer in the city of Venar that the situation is very unsatisfactory, the plague is showing signs of emerging, and the medicine is very scarce." He said, "Please prepare a large amount of food and medicine from the nearby city as soon as possible. Medicines are over."

Another sheriff spoke up.

"I also received a report that it is said that a large number of thieves are haunted near the city of Vinal, and many women and children have been taken away, and the people living in the city are panicked because of this. The lord of the city of Vinal asks you to give an order to dispatch the army."

The golden-brown eyes narrowed slightly, which was a precursor to the fury of the beast.

However, King Aaron Landis, who was sitting on the throne, just squinted his eyes, and did not show an angry expression. His eyes swept over the ministers in front of him, with a look of unknown meaning. .


Camos said in a very calm tone.

"You go down."

After listening to the requests of the ministers, King Camos, who did not give any solution, got up and left directly under the gaze of everyone.

That night, at dinner time, King Camos, who was eating in his own bedroom, invited Xie Muer to find out about Prince Gallan's recent studies.

The bedroom is full of trusted confidants of Camos, and here, he can speak his plans without any scruples.

"Ximuer, get ready, I'm going to Vernal City."

Stuffing a piece of barbecued meat with sauce into his mouth, Camos gave a secret order to Ximuer while chewing.

It was an understatement, as if it was as easy and simple as telling Xi Muer what I'm going to eat tonight.

The high priest of Shamash frowned.

But knowing King Camos, he didn't plan to dissuade him. Anyway, it was useless to persuade him.

With this king's temper, when he saw him so calm in the daytime, Xie Muer had already vaguely guessed King Camos' plan.

"Yes, Your Majesty, how many bodyguards do you plan to bring?"

King Camos touched his chin.

"Eight hundred... No, five hundred cavalry is almost the same."

He is going to sneak in secretly, and it is easy to be discovered by people who bring too much.

He said, "Find a few excuses and arrange for five hundred horsemen to leave the city in batches within three days and gather outside the city."


Every day for dinner, King Camos asked Garlan to accompany him to dinner, and today was no exception.

However, the conversation between Kamos and Ximuel obviously did not conceal Gallan's intention, and Gallan listened from the beginning to the end next to him.

"Brother Wang, are you going to Wiener City?"

He couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Do you want to go?"

"… "

King Camos' playful tone silenced the child.

Although it is said that Garland has been reborn several times in this world, in fact, in order to guard against Heimos, Garland has been closely guarded by his subordinates, and he spends most of his time in the palace. Even Wangcheng has only been to a limited number of times.

It can be said that he has not even been out of the Wangcheng.

Thinking of this, he whispered: "...I want to go."

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, raised his head and said it again.

This time, he raised his voice.

"Brother Wang, I want to go."

The talking blond child raised his head, a small face full of anticipation, and big eyes like amber gems looked at King Camos eagerly.

The young Wang smiled and rubbed his eyes and looked at his little brother's head.

"Okay," he said, "Brother Wang will take you there."

"King Camos!"

Camos promised to be simple, and the priest next to him was not calm.

"We're not going to play! Maybe there's going to be a war!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'm here, what are you afraid of?"

Xie Muer: "..."

Although I wanted to respond, I didn't know how to respond.

Indeed, there are people like King Kamos, who are as powerful as lions, plus the guards of the hundreds of brave and fighting kings, in Aaron Landis, they do not need to fear anyone.

"Men, there will always be a day when I will go to the battlefield. Although Gallan is still young, as the prince of Aaron Landis, it is time to experience it."

"...In that case, King Camos, how about you bring Prince Heimos to experience as well?"

Both princes of Aaron Landis needed to grow up as quickly as possible.

Therefore, Xie Muer will not miss any opportunity to let the princes grow up.

King Camos smacked his mouth with a tut. From the expression he knew he was reluctant, but he scratched his brown hair and nodded.

Xie Muer said: "That's right, the reasons are ready-made. King Camos, you take your two king brothers to hunt on the Wang's ranch."

"Okay." Camos responded simply, "Just say that to the outside world."

"Also, if you travel lightly, the five hundred cavalry can't wear armor, preferably leather armor..."

Camos and Xi Muer were still discussing the details, and Garlan over there was no longer in the mood to listen.

After being reborn several times, he has always stayed in the royal city. Under the protection of his subordinates, he has never stepped out of the royal city.

He is the king's younger brother under one person and more than ten thousand people, but occasionally, he will have the feeling that he is imprisoned in the cage of this huge royal city.

That might be one of the reasons why he wanted to escape this royal city in this life.

In any case, this time, he was finally able to set foot on the land outside the royal city for the first time.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Since the female officer serving Garlan knew that Garlan was going to hunt with King Camos to the royal pasture and took him there for a period of time, she was busy packing up the belongings of the two carriages and came out.

Then Xie Muer took a look and chopped up the two carriages. He only asked Garlan to pack a few simple clothes and bring a small burden.

Garlan cautiously put in the underwear he had asked the maid to make for him, and then, under the worried eyes of the middle-aged female officer, carried a small burden and followed Xi Muer.

The priest of Shamash has also changed out of his white robes and put on a riding suit that is easy to move around. His shoulders, chest, waist and other vital parts are covered with brown and black leather armor.

When they got there, they heard the neighing of the horses one after another. Thousands of cavalrymen stood in the military field, each comforting their horses. .

As soon as Garlan arrived, the tall figure of King Camos greeted him.

He laughed and picked up Garland in one hand, let him sit on his arm, and stuffed Garland with something in the other hand.

Garlan looked down and found that King Camos had stuffed him with a white candy cube.

"Brother Wang, I just finished breakfast..."

"Hahaha, it's not for you, take it."

After Camos finished speaking, he took a big step and took Garlan to a horse in a few steps.

It was a tall and dark horse, and its dark fur was like satin, shining black in the sunlight. The mane and tail on its neck are honey-like golden brown, and when blown by the wind, they sparkle like waves, and even have a little metallic luster.

It was an extremely beautiful horse, and at the same time, it was also very majestic. The shape of the tendons on the slender legs is extremely distinct, and the muscles on the chest are clearly textured and bulged slightly, giving people a very full and strong feeling.

Among the many horses, it is so outstanding that everyone's first glance falls on it.

At this moment, in the continuous neighing of horses, it stood there quietly, leisurely, giving people a feeling of aristocratic calm and noble but inaccessible.

King Camos walked over with Garland in his arms, and the steed immediately turned its head alertly. After seeing Camos, it returned to its leisurely appearance.


Camos touched its mane, then pointed to Garlan in his arms.

Dark Horse snorted lightly, leaned over, and smelled Garlan, as if he wanted to remember his scent. But when Garland reached out and tried to touch it, it shook its head and avoided Garland's hand.

The tall horse raised his head and looked down at the child in front of him, as if he was judging something. Its body and momentum are much taller than ordinary horses, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Garlan blinked, smiled condescendingly at his horse, and then stretched out his hand.

The white candy cube in his hand melted a little because he had been holding it, and it gave off a sweet smell at the moment.

As soon as the dark horse, who was still pretending with his head held high, smelled this smell, he couldn't hold it any longer. He glanced at Garland with his big eyes and hesitated a little when he saw the child holding the candy smiling sweetly at him. After a while, he lowered his head and started licking the candy bar in Gallan's hand.

Camos smiled and nodded to Garland, indicating that he did a good job.

After Tucker licked the candy cube clean, Camos put Garlan on the back of the dark horse with both hands.

The dark horse turned his head and glanced at King Camos, standing still.

The king of the horses, who refused to let anyone ride on his back except King Camos, seemed to agree with Camos' behavior, turned his head, and shook his beautiful honey-colored mane.

Camos laughed.

With both hands propped up, he jumped up onto the horse's back, pulling the reins with both hands.

The pitch-black horse raised its hooves and let out a long neigh, like a roar of a dragon and a tiger, suppressing the neighing of all the horses present.

"Set off!"

King Camos shouted loudly, resounding through the sky.

The next second, the black horse under him rushed out like an arrow from the string, taking the lead.

Behind him, thousands of cavalry followed.

The horses galloped across the ground, rolling up thick smoke and shaking the ground.

What the ministers know is that King Camos took the two princes to the royal pasture to hunt.

That was an event that King Camos often held, and this time it was to teach the two princes, so it was more normal, so everyone didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, King Camos went with 3,000 cavalry, just outside the city of Wang, not very far, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the king and the two princes.

But what they didn't know was that after King Camos led the three thousand one confidants to the royal pasture, he sneaked out with the two princes, Shemuer, and five hundred cavalry.

Leaving the remaining 2,500 cavalry in the pasture, guarding the four directions closely, creating the illusion that he is still hunting.

In this way, King Camos took five hundred cavalry along the remote road, avoiding people's eyes and eyes along the way, and set off towards the city of Venar.

Naturally, Garlan was taken by Camos and sat in front of Camos.

In fact, he can ride a horse, but everyone agrees that he is too young, and he can't find a horse for him to ride, so Garland honestly pretends not to. Camos took the ride with him.

He sat in front of Camos and drove all the way, and he ate a day's ashes.

By the time the team that found a creek as a temporary camp at night finally stopped, Garlan was already disheartened. He felt that he didn't even need to eat dinner, because he was full all the way.

Therefore, as soon as Garlan was taken off his horse by Kamos, he didn't care about anything else, so he hurriedly ran towards the small stream not far away.

As soon as he gets to the stream - well, he knows.

The one who came to wash by the stream one step ahead of him was naturally the priest Shamash, who was obsessed with cleanliness. At this moment, Xie Muer is squatting by the stream, carefully wiping the dust on his face with a small square towel.

Garlan squatted down beside him. He didn't bring any handkerchiefs, so he just poured water on his face with his hands.

The cool water splashed on his face, it was cool, and while washing away the dust, it also took away the heat in his heart, which made Garlan feel a lot more comfortable.

Ah, the butt hurts.

While washing his face, Garlan thought so.

He had been on horseback for a whole day, and if his brother hadn't specially put a cushion on him, he felt that he would probably have to lie on his stomach at the end of the day.

Drops of water dripped from his cheeks, Garlan raised his hand and wiped his face at will with the back of his hand, shaking off a series of water droplets, and then got up.

"Your Highness."

As soon as he stood up, someone was calling him beside him.

When Garlan turned his head, he saw Xi Muer holding a wet handkerchief in his hand, looking at him.

"Please come here, Your Highness."

The child stared at Xie Muer, who was staring at him, and at the wet handkerchief in the other's hand.

He raised his hand and waved, he wanted to refuse.

"No... No need, Xie Mu'er."

Unfortunately, Gallan's refusal was useless. Shemuer grabbed him, bent down, and then carefully wiped his hair, temples, auricles, the corners of his eyes, the side of his nose, etc. with a wet handkerchief. .

Then, he held Garlan's hand without allowing the opponent to refuse, and wiped the fingers of those two little hands clean.

When the square veil in Xie Mu'er's hand became gray, the little prince of Aaron Landis also changed from a little gray child back to his original white and tender appearance.

Looking at the little brother who was wiped clean by him, the priest who was obsessed with obsessive-compulsive disorder nodded with satisfaction.

... Anyway, Gallan had given up struggling halfway through and was at the mercy of Xie Muer.

The familiar haha laughter sounded beside him, and it was King Camos who also came to wash by the stream.

He looked at his cute little brother who had been wiped clean, and for the first time in his life, he was very satisfied with Xie Muer's cleanliness.

He strode over, picked up little Garlan, and habitually put his face in and rubbed his little brother's soft cheeks.


Being stabbed by the rough stubble of King Camos, Gallan resisted and did not shout.

After rubbing his little brother, the satisfied Kamos put down Garland, and then squatted by the stream, just like Garland just now, casually holding water with his hands and splashing it on his face, and then using his hands hard A few rubs on your face are like washing your face.

Xie Mu'er stood by and watched, suddenly frowned, and asked, "Did you come out without shaving today?"

He saw that there were a lot of cyan stubble on King Camos' chin, some of which were uneven, one had and one did not, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Seems to be."

Camos touched his chin, and he did have a stick, but he didn't care.

"Why do men shave so cleanly? A little beard is good."

As he said that, he touched his chin again.

"Just don't shave it in the future, or keep it, it's even more powerful."

Xie Muer did not say a word.

Anyway, it is useless for anyone to persuade King Camos to decide what to do. If he wants to grow a beard, let him grow it.

Wait, so that's why you will have a thick beard and hairy face in the future, brother Camos

Garlan just wanted to understand this matter, and when he couldn't help complaining in his heart, he suddenly saw a familiar figure walking towards him not far away.

The black-haired boy was like a black wolf that appeared silently from the woods, walking to him without making a sound.

"So you are there."

Garlan said in surprise, "I didn't see you this morning, so I thought you didn't come with me."

"I was assigned to a flank of cavalry to move with them."

Heimos replied.

He looked down at Garland, frowned suddenly, then stretched out his hand, pinched Garland's chin, raised the little face, and stared at Garland's face without blinking. .

Garlan was caught off guard by his chin and raised his face, and when he reacted, he immediately slapped Heimos's hand away.

"what are you doing?"

he said unhappily.

The young man's golden red eyes moved, revealing a thoughtful look. Heimos didn't answer Garlan's words, but turned to look at King Camos on the side.

Over there, King Camos has almost finished washing his face, and he wiped his face with a big hand, shaking off the water droplets.

Then, he looked at Garlan again and stretched out his hand.

"Come on, Gallan, Brother Wang will take you to eat barbecue, haha, Brother Wang will bake it for you."

Just when King Camos stretched out his hand to pick up Garland and rubbed his little brother's little face by the way, an arm suddenly stretched out and stopped in front of Garland.

Garlan froze for a moment and looked at Heimos standing in front of him in astonishment.

"Please stop this behavior."

Looking at the boy who stopped in front of Garlan, King Camos was unhappy.

"Hey, kid, don't go too far."

"Heimos... what are you doing..."

Garland couldn't help but speak.

Facing King Camos, the boy who was a little shorter than the other party did not flinch and continued to confront Camos.

"Your actions hurt Garland, don't you know?"


"His face is covered with red marks from your beard, can't you see it?"

"… "

Camos subconsciously looked at Garlan's face.

On the child's soft cheeks, there were several clear red marks rubbed by hard objects, which were especially conspicuous on the white and tender skin.

Suddenly, King Camos frowned.

"Hey, Xie Muer."


"Give me the razor blade!"

Others are not necessarily, but Camos knows that Xie Muer will definitely carry that thing with him.

Xie Muer: "...Yes."

The high priest passed the thin blade the size of half a palm expressionlessly, and then continued to watch King Camos hurriedly squatting by the stream with the blade and shaving.


beard? The majesty of men

Bah, how can my little brother be important!

Just as King Camos was busy shaving, the little brother next to him fell into deep contemplation.

So, in this way, will the future king brother lose his fluffy beard