A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 27


In the early morning, in an inconspicuous house in the city of Wijnal, a middle-aged man with a rich and potbellied body had already got up.

It is located in a civilian area but close to the wealthy area in the city. Most of the people living here are wealthy businessmen who have only gotten rich for one or two generations. They are richer than ordinary people, but their families are also passed down by those wealthy people who have been passed down from generation to generation. Nobles look down on it.

In this flood, this group of people suffered the most. Most of their houses were washed away, and most of their wealth, which was not bad, was also lost, and even all of it was wiped out, so that their fairly prosperous life suddenly disappeared. into distress. In addition, the officials of Wijnal City have been slow to rescue the flood. Therefore, this group of people, as well as some civilians, chose to leave Wijnal City and go to other nearby cities to seek life.

At this moment, there are two rooms that are still in good condition in this house whose half has been swept away by the water. The rich middle-aged man lightly knocked on the door of one of them.

After a while, with a creak, the door opened, and a blond child appeared at the door, looking up at the man with his head up.

The middle-aged man bowed his head slightly, appearing a little restrained, and whispered, "His Royal Highness..."

"Call me Gal."

The child looked at him with big golden amber eyes.

"Yes, it is."

The rich man coughed uncomfortably, replied, and then stood up straight.

He said, "Gal, it's time for us to go."

This man is not an ordinary civilian. He is a hidden member of the Ombudsman Office.

This time the problem of Wijnal City was also the news that he and several colleagues tried their best to secretly send out the news. Most of the news that Xie Muer and others have been waiting for these days is also learned from them.

However, what he didn't think about was that King Camos actually came in person, and what frightened him the most was that, in order to rescue those children who didn't know where to go, a prince as noble as Gallan would risk his life.

However, although he was too panicked, this man must have certain abilities if he could be spotted by the Supervision Bureau and developed into a downline. When Garland said that, he coughed and controlled his expression, then reached out and held the hand that Garland stretched out to him, holding his 'little nephew', with two carrying The burdened servant left.

He looks like one of the very ordinary wealthy businessmen who went bankrupt because of the flood. With his nephew, the only two servants and property left, he wants to leave the flood-stricken city of Wijnal and plan to go to another place. A city starts life again.

When the man led his 'little nephew' out of the room, a dark shadow flashed from the open door, and a person appeared at the door, looking at the back of the gradually receding child through the crack of the door.

The boy stood there quietly, most of his face hidden in the shadows. Those golden-red eyes were hidden in the shadows behind the door, making it difficult to see the look in the eyes of the boy who was looking at the leaving child at the moment, only the light from the crack of the door fell on the bridge of his straight nose. , landed on his thin lips, which were tightly pursed, giving people an unusually sharp feeling.

"Prince, we should go."

There were other people in the room, and one of them stepped forward and said so to Heimos in a low voice.

"We have to get to Ayr before them."

Eyre Town is a central town not far from Wijnal City. It is not big, but it is quite prosperous because it is located in the main traffic road. From Wijnal City, it only takes half a day to ride a horse. arrive.

Especially during this time, there were frequent thieves on the road from Wijnal City to other cities, so many bankrupt wealthy businessmen and commoners who planned to leave Wijnal City chose to gather in that small town to form a group. The large group then pools money together to hire the town escort or some wandering rangers to escort them to other cities.

But even so, many small teams were attacked by thieves on their way out of Ayr to other cities.

By the time Heimos and his group arrived outside the town of Ayr, the town was already full of people, and almost all of them escaped. At first glance, the temporary tents were densely packed, and many poor people slept in the open air with a few bundles of straw.

The crowd is bustling and noisy, and if you get closer, you will feel that there is a constant buzzing in your ears, and you have to speak loudly to the people around you to hear it.

They got a little farther from there, found the agreed marked spot, dismounted behind a big tree, and was greeted immediately by someone.

"Where's King Camos?"

asked Heimos.

"Wang went ahead to investigate first, and Lord Xie Mu'er is arranging the people to follow along the road."

Heimos hummed and stopped talking.

The steed has been taken away by his subordinates and tied aside for feeding. The young man crossed his chest with his arms, leaned against the thick tree behind him, leaned slightly, and put one long black boot on the other.

He lowered his head, and his drooping black forehead hair covered his drooping eyes, revealing only the half of his face below the tip of his nose. The sunlight at noon was extremely bright, and through the dense canopy of trees, speckled light and shadow fell on his jet-black hair. As the branches and leaves swayed, the light spots also swayed on the handsome face of the lower half of the young man.

Heimos, who was quietly waiting against the tree, looked calm and calm, but the force with which his fingers wearing brown-black leather finger cots grabbed his arm sockets had completely exposed the youth. Anxiety at the moment.

After waiting for a while, he looked up at the sky and suddenly frowned. Although they would have come on horseback, it would be faster, but it was already noon, so it stands to reason that Gallan and the others should have arrived.

It's not here yet, it's not quite right.

While thinking about this, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the road. However, just as he glanced at it, a riot suddenly broke out near the road near the town.

Heimos felt his heart beat violently for no reason, and he ran in that direction quickly. The cavalrymen who were also waiting beside them looked at each other and chased after them.

The avenue at the entrance of Ayr Town was a mess at the moment, some people screamed other people's names, some people cried, some people made a hysterical mess. Heimos grabbed a few people to inquire, and finally learned from one person that two or three groups of people who came here from Wiener City today were attacked by thieves on their way there.

Because in the past, thieves would only attack passers-by outside of Eyre Town and far away from Wiennal City, no one expected that this time, the thieves would actually go deep into the city to attack people who were fleeing. Now the gate is in a mess. In addition to some people who were injured by thieves and hurriedly calling for doctors, some people who escaped by chance are still crying about their abducted finances and relatives, and some people are begging others to save their own. relatives and friends.

Throwing away the man in his hand, Heimos rushed over with three steps and two steps, his eyes constantly searching in the chaotic crowd.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered the scene not long ago, watching Garlan almost fall off the high platform in front of his eyes, and he felt a little flustered.

At this moment, a wealthy middle-aged man who looked very embarrassed tried his best to clear the crowd and stumbled towards Heimos. He seemed to have been running for a long time, the cloth wrapped around his head oozing blood, and he was gasping for breath, his face was sweaty, and his face was full of panic.

When Heimos saw that the man was alone, his heart suddenly froze.

He reached out and grabbed the man who was staggering towards him, and asked in a low voice.

"Where's Garland?!"

The man gave him a panicked look, as if he wanted to kneel down at him, but he held back.

"Gal... no, king, prince he..."

His mouth was trembling when he spoke, and his voice trembled even more.

"...He...was taken away by thieves!"

The boy's pupils shrank violently for a moment under the fierce sunlight.

Consciousness is dizzy, making people feel extremely heavy. Between being half awake and half asleep, someone seemed to be slapping his face gently, and a thin voice was shouting something.

His face was patted lightly again, the voice became anxious, his drowsy consciousness began to wake up vaguely, and he could feel a dazzling light jumping in front of his eyes.

Garlan struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and the world in front of him gradually changed from blurred to clear. Someone bowed his head above his head, blocking the slightly dazzling red firelight.

"Ah, are you awake?"

It was a young child's voice, with surprise, the long flaxen ponytail hung down, and the tip of the hair fell on his cheek, scratching him a little.

Just as he sat up with his arms up, he saw the little girl kneeling beside him shouting inside.

"Grandpa! Awake- little brother is awake! Come and see-"

Garlan, who was sitting on the ground, was still a little stunned. At this moment, an extremely unfamiliar place appeared in front of him. He felt himself sitting on the cold stone ground, and the fingers on the ground could feel a little wet.

He turned his head and looked around, it was a small stone house, dark and damp. Under the weak light of the oil lamp hanging on the wall, I could see countless mottled cracks on the blackened stone wall, as well as moss that covered most of the wall.

A rusty iron gate stood not far away, arched, and outside was a narrow corridor. The opposite is also an arched rusty iron door. The fire is too weak to see inside, and only a few children can be vaguely seen shrinking at the door...


Garlan's eyes widened suddenly, and he got up and ran towards the iron gate.

Standing at the iron railing, he grasped the rusted iron rod and looked out. Looking around, he could see that there were gloomy stone prisons along the corridor, and many children were locked in it.

He finally remembered what happened not long ago. He and the man who pretended to be his elder were on the way to Ayr Town. There were about thirty or forty people in the company. When they were about to arrive at Ayr Town, suddenly a group of Riders rushed out.

He saw with his own eyes that the leader slashed the person who tried to resist with a knife to the ground, and the man beside him grabbed his hand in panic and tried to escape, but was knocked out by a rushing horse, and he was killed by The man on the horse picked it up and fainted.

It seems that he has been kidnapped by those fake thieves.

Grabbing the rusted iron, Garlan frowned as he thought.

Kind of sucks that the plan was disrupted.

Because those 'thieves' have always only robbed outside the city of Vernal, the brothers and the others have arranged manpower on the periphery, but now... Damn, I didn't expect those 'thieves' to have unscrupulously directly entered the city and robbed !


Just when Garlan was anxious, a hoarse old voice sounded behind him.

He turned around and saw a thin old man walking towards him, supported by the little girl with the flaxen ponytail just now.

At the same time, he also found that in the stone cell he was in, there were also four or five children huddled in the shadows.

It was probably Garlan's startled appearance that misunderstood the old man, thinking that the child was frightened, and looked at Garlan with sympathy and helplessness in his eyes.

This child looks white and tender. With that weak appearance, you can tell at a glance that he has been pampered and grown up since he was a child. He has never suffered any hardships. Now he is suddenly caught by these damn thieves, and maybe his relatives...

Thinking of this, the old man sighed, but still tried his best to speak to Garlan in a kind tone.

"Child, don't be afraid."

He coaxed the blond child in a low voice, the child looked up at him with open eyes, a small face the size of a palm wrapped in golden velvet hair. The appearance makes people feel both cute and pitiful.

"It's alright, it's alright now."

The old man comforted him.

The little girl next to her took the initiative to hold Garlan's hand, as if she was coaxing him.

"Brother, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

As soon as this little brother was thrown in, she felt that this was the cutest child she had ever encountered when she was so grown up.

She originally hated those dirty and bullying boys, but when the little boy looked at her, those big eyes were like gems, which made her feel so soft.

She whispered to the frightened brother.

"Sister is with you, don't be afraid."

The cell was so dark that neither grandfather nor grandson could see the corner of the child's mouth twitched.

Ah, I am a child.

A poor frightened child.

After repeating these two sentences to himself several times in his stomach, Garlan felt much better.

"This is... where?"

After thinking for a while, Garlan asked in a low voice.

He spoke softly, sounding like he was scared.

"Why, those people want to arrest me? Are you also arrested?"

The old man sighed, stretched out his dry hand, held Garlan's hand, led him to the depths of the cell, took him to the corner of the wall with the oil lamp hanging, and patted Garlan's head to let him sit .

Because the old man felt that children would not be so afraid when there was light.

"Son, where are you from?"

Garlan, who sat down, hesitated for a moment, and replied softly.

"My uncle and I live in the city of Wiener. My parents sent me here and told me to read and write with my uncle."

He said, "Later, later, there was a lot of water, a lot of water, and my uncle said that he would take me back to my parents, and he took me out this morning, and then, and then met a lot of people, they arrested me, and then I arrived Here it is."

Listening to the child's stammering words, the old man, who thought the child was just scared, had no doubts at all, just shook his head and sighed.

"These bloody thieves."

"Brother, we were also caught. All the children here were caught by those thieves."

The little girl with a ponytail continued, with an angry expression on her face.

"It's been two days and one night since my grandfather and I were arrested! It's been two days since my grandfather and I were arrested!"

She wanted to say something else, but suddenly there were a few clangs, and the iron railing was hit a few times.

"time to eat."

An impatient voice sounded, and the man who was beating the iron railing with an iron rod put in a few small basins the size of a palm, and then walked to the next cell.

The few children who were curled up in the shadows all ran over quickly at this moment, each took a small basin, bowed their heads and began to gobble up.

Before Garlan could react, the little girl beside him had already rushed over like a tiger descending the mountain with a terrifying aura. He picked up two small pots and ran back. When the little girl came back, Garland was still stunned.

"Here you, brother, something to eat."

Handing one of the small pots to Garlan, the little girl took the one left in her hand and looked at the old man with a bad expression.

"Grandpa..." she said, both angry and sad, "they didn't prepare your share."

The old man sighed and touched her head.

The little girl stopped talking, and sensible and the old man slowly shared this little bit of food.

In the two days after being arrested, those people would give them food regularly and quantitatively, but they never gave it to her grandfather, as if they didn't care about her grandfather's life or death.

In the past two days, she shared her portion with her grandfather, but the portion was originally small, and now two people have to share it, she is already too hungry.

This little bit now is not enough for her to fill her stomach, and eating it is the same as not eating.

When she finished eating, she saw that the little brother was still holding the small pot and didn't move. The smell of the food inside made her gulped, and there was an urge to grab it.

But she held back, swallowing her saliva to persuade the other party to eat quickly.

"Eat, brother, there are only two meals a day. If you don't eat, you will be hungry by noon tomorrow, so hurry up and eat."

Holding the bowl in his hand, it looks like gruel, but it has a slightly rancid taste, and there is a dark, weedy food floating in the air, looking at the person who persuades him to eat it while staring hard at the gruel in his hand and drooling. Little girl, Garlan was a little dumbfounded.

Ah, I can't eat it.

He thought so, looking at the girl's greedy appearance, and the skinny old man, reaching out and handing over the bowl of porridge.

"For you to eat."

"No, no, I can't eat my brother's food."

The little girl shook her head vigorously as she swallowed, and the ponytail was thrown into the air by her.

"I just ate a lot with my uncle not long ago, and now I'm not hungry at all. Here's it for you."

"Really? Can I really eat-"

"Well, let's eat with grandpa."

The blond child said, showing a smile that was too cute for a little girl.

"Thank you, brother."

After taking the bowl that Gallan handed over, the little girl was so grateful, she suddenly leaned in and kissed Gallan's cheek fiercely.

"Sister will repay you!"

She said, "You give me this bowl of porridge today, and when we all go out, I will support you for the rest of my life!"

After she said that, she ignored Garland, who was stunned by her kiss, and ran to her grandfather with food in a hurry.

Garland: "???"


and many more.

I always felt this bridge was very familiar.


Isn't this the common plot of the Son of Destiny (the protagonist) in the novel to accept the harem

So after being reborn several times, at this moment, has the aura of his Son of Destiny finally started to work