A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 29


All things religion.

Gallan is not very familiar with this cult that was annihilated by King Kamos.

Because in the past few rebirths, this church has been wiped out by King Camos, and there is nothing left. Therefore, he does not know much about the teaching of all things.

The reason why I still know a little bit is because when Xie Muer was teaching him, he had mentioned this religion of all things to him.

The religion of all things takes Aaron Landis as the center station, making waves and doing things in the whole Aaron Landis.

This church claims to serve the mother of all things, Tim Yat, who created the world. They proclaimed to the world that one day, the mother of all things will come to the earth again, and all things in this world, including human beings, will finally become one again.

Because the iconic symbol of this religion is very special, Garland has a deep impression.

A blood-red circle, in which the runes of water, which symbolizes life, and the runes, which symbolize destruction and war, are intertwined, and both turn blood-red, and the whole circle is upside down.

It is said that this means the fusion of all things.

Before, because I didn't know much about the sect of all things, I didn't feel much emotion, but now that I saw what this cult did with my own eyes, Gallan immediately hated it to the core.

Not only with human sacrifices, but also with children.

Look at the believers kneeling and worshiping, they can actually watch a child's throat cut in front of them, bleeding to death, and even show an incomparably fanatical look at him, and a look of eagerness for more. .

This is simply a group of terminally ill, incurable scum!

Garland gritted his teeth.

Perhaps, there is no such thing as human nature for the mad believers of these cults.

The wheels creaked, throwing the frenzied cries of the fanatics behind.

Garlan lay in the cage of the carriage with his eyes closed, gritted his teeth and clenched his fingers.

hold back.

He tried to relax his breath, constantly admonishing himself.

He must not be discovered by others, only if he holds back, will he not be alarmed by the grass, and will wait until Brother Wang and the others find him and completely destroy this bloody den that killed innocent children!

The carriage wobbled for a while and then stopped.

The wooden door of the cage was opened, and the children in the cage were taken out one by one and stuffed into the cells here.

It was a huge rocky cliff, with several deep caves sunk into the bottom of the mountain wall. The caves were large and small, and the openings of the caves were blocked by thick wooden railings, forming a natural mountain wall cage.

The doors of the two largest caves were opened, and Garlan's group of children were thrown into the two caves separately. Then, those 'thieves' all left here.

After a while, after confirming that all those people were gone and there was no sound outside, Garlan, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

The moonlight revealed that the wooden fence fell on his face, and he glanced outside the wooden fence out of the corner of his eye.

It was quiet outside the prison, only the trees rustled slightly in the night wind. Several torches were hung on the mountain wall outside, and the red firelight flashed, illuminating the backs of several guards standing in the distance.

Garlan put his hands on the ground and slowly got up.

He knelt on the ground and looked up into the distance.

The eerie altar that I passed by just now was a little far away, blocked by dense woods and tall rocks, and could not be seen at all.

But Garlan stared silently in that direction, and without blinking, his eyes looked like sharp swords through the woods and rocks towards the place where sin and madness were being staged.

The bright moonlight fell into the golden eyes, as if molten golden amber was flowing in it.

At this moment, the child's eyes in the darkness were terrifyingly bright.

The fiery red morning sun jumped out of the horizon, illuminating the still faint light on the earth.

Kelly rubbed her eyes and woke up. Because she had just woken up, she was still in a trance, kneeling on the ground and looking to the side in a daze.

She saw the little brother named Gal sitting against the edge of the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, with one hand on his bent knee and the other on his straight leg, his head turned sideways, as if he was looking out at something.

A few rays of sunlight in the early morning fell into Gal's eyes, and Kerry felt in a trance that those golden eyes were brighter than the sunlight.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that at this moment, Gal, with eyes brighter than the sun, gave her a feeling that she was not like a child.

"… Gal?"

She whimpered uncertainly.

Looking sideways at the blond child in the distance, he turned back, looked at her, froze for a moment, and then smiled at her.

The soft blond hair is scattered on the milky white cheeks, and the big eyes are curved into the arc of the crescent moon, and the smile is so cute that it seems to be sweet to the bottom of my heart.

Kelly scratched her head.

Maybe she was drowsy.

No matter how you look at it, Gal is an innocent and lovely child.

"Gal, you slept last night... eh?!"

Kelly let out an exclamation, and she realized that they had changed places.

They were not in that gloomy underground cage, but at some point in time, they moved to this open-air cave on the mountain wall.

"This, where is this place? Why are we here?!"

"It's noisy."

A irritable voice came, and Kerry followed the sound and saw that it was a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy who was about her age.

The boy was originally in the inner part of the cave, but when he came out now, the sun was shining on his face, but it looked gloomy.

He stared at Kerry, with a very bad look, with a deep sarcasm.

"Anyway, you're going to die soon. Where do you care where you stay?"

"Dead...die? What do you mean by that!"

Kelly was stunned.

"That's what it means, when you get here, you just wait for the day to die."

The boy sneered and turned his eyes to Garland sitting at the door of the prison. He looked at Garland a few times, showing a look of schadenfreude in contempt.

"Looking at your weak chicken, it's either from an official's family or a rich businessman, right? Don't make a fuss when you get here, it's all meat on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered."

There was a deep sarcasm in his words.

"Young master, it seems that you are going to die with us pariahs."

"What did you say!"

Kerry, who was still kneeling on the ground, stood up suddenly, the hair on her whole body exploded, like a female beast protecting her calf.

"You say it again! Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!"

Kerry's aggressive look made the boy take a step back subconsciously, as if he was a little afraid of her, but he insisted on showing that I'm not afraid of you.

He sneered: "What's the use of you pleasing him now? Anyway, he is the same as us, and he is going to die."

After speaking, probably because he was afraid that Kerry would really rush over, he turned around and walked quickly into the depths of the cell, sinking into the shadows.

Kerry, who was so angry at the mean-spoken boy, really couldn't help rushing over, but was stopped by an old voice.

"Forget it, Kelly."


"That kid was right... ugh, I... we're not going to live much longer."

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Hey, I thought those thieves arrested children just to sell them, but I didn't expect it to be the religion of all things."

When the name was mentioned, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the old man.

He has lived for a long time and experienced a lot, and he has naturally heard of this church that was prosperous in Aaron Landis for more than ten years and then destroyed by King Camos.

"This evil church has arrested so many children, I am afraid it is for sacrifice."

The old man looked sadly at the granddaughter in front of him with cloudy eyes.

He woke up first, and had already learned some truth from the mouths of these frightened children here.

He knew that before they were transported here, every day, a child would be pulled out, standing on the altar made by the church as a sacrifice, dredging blood and dying.

The truth learned from the mouths of the older, sensible older children made the old man feel only horrified and shivered. If what those children said is true, then, so far, thirty or forty children have been drained of blood on that altar.

"Grandpa is old... Half of his body is buried in the ground, and he will die when he dies, but you, Gal, and so many children... You are all still young, and you can live a long time."

Having said that, the old man was already kneeling on the ground in tears, hugging Kerry tightly.

Thinking of those children curled up in the corner, shivering with fear, and their numb eyes, thinking that the granddaughter in his arms will become like those children in the future, like a walking corpse, and will even be dragged to the altar alive. Dry blood, he was heartbroken.

"The goddamn church—these unconscionable things—"

Afraid of being heard by outsiders, he didn't dare to make too much noise, but just lowered his voice and let out a low whine.

At this moment, a person flashed in his mind.

The one who guards all the people of Aaron Landis is like a hero descended from the gods.

"King, King Camos, God of Aaron Landis, can you hear us? Can you hear the cry of your people?"

"Please, if you can hear, at least, save these innocent children, please..."

"grandfather… "

The little girl didn't quite understand it yet, but she could feel the pain when the old man held her. No matter how tough she was, she was still a child after all, so she couldn't help crying.

The old man hugged the little girl in his arms tightly, his eyes full of despair, and he was already crying.

The cry suddenly infected other children, and the children who had just been transported just like them also cried. Others, who had been here for a while, looked at them numbly with eyes that had dried up from tears.

Garlan stood silently on the side, looking at the old man who was crying in despair, looking at Kerry who couldn't help crying along with the old man, and those who sat on the ground with a blank expression and didn't know when. Children who will be dragged to the altar.

Then, he turned his head and looked outside the cage.

His eyes crossed the dense woods and leaped to the endless sky.

Brother Camos.

You said you'd find me, I'm waiting for you, you'll come, right

and also…

...and Heimos, although you are my enemy, but I know that you never speak your mind.

So, Heimos, come to me quickly.

hurry up.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another day passed, and the sun slanted westward and sank below the horizon.

Several people came over and lit the torches outside the cage. The red light illuminated the pale faces of the children in the cave on the mountain wall.

Many children began to shrink into the cave, shivering. They all know what these people's arrival means—meaning they are likely to be the next casualties.

As soon as the visitor said a few words outside, a tall guard in leather armor walked towards the cell on Garlan's side.

Immediately, the children in the prison holes in other directions were relieved, while the prison hole on Garlan's side was instantly silent, the air seemed to freeze at this moment, and fear was written on every child's face. Some people even sobbed softly.

With a creak, the wooden door was opened, and the guard walked in with a nonchalant look on his face, glanced casually, and walked to the left.

He doesn't have any goals, he just randomly grabs a hapless kid out. Anyway, it was pitch-black in the cell, and he couldn't see it clearly, so it was the one he planned to catch.

And the direction he was heading was exactly where the gloomy boy who mocked Kerry in the morning and now came to trouble Kerry and Garlan again.

A deep fear flashed in the boy's eyes, and then, his eyes flashed, and his eyes suddenly revealed a bit of viciousness.

Garlan just looked up and saw the fierceness in the boy's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the boy suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed, pushing Kerry who was beside him to a stagger, and fell towards the man who was approaching.

The boy's movements were so fast and sudden that everyone couldn't react, and they didn't even see his small movements.

Only Gallan noticed, almost reflexively, he reached out and grabbed Kerry, who had stumbled forward, and pulled her back with force—

But in order to exert his strength, he had to take a step forward.

It just so happened that it was so unfortunate that the ground of this prison was originally uneven, and the foot he stepped on happened to be a slightly larger pit.

So, Kerry was dragged back by him at once, and he stepped into the pit with one foot, and suddenly the whole person staggered forward and fell out.

Just like that, he bumped into the leather-armored man who was walking towards him.

And the guard who was planning to catch a random messenger saw that a child took the initiative to bump into it. It was good to dare, and there was no need to waste energy. He grabbed the child and walked out.

Garlan couldn't resist the man's strength, and was forcibly grabbed and staggered out.

He glanced back and saw Kerry's unbelievable staring at him, and the sullen boy's smug, smug look.


Just as Garlan was pulled out of the cell, as soon as the wooden door was closed, he heard Kerry's cry.

The little girl rushed over, grabbed the wooden pole of the prison door, reached out to him from the crack in tears, and kept calling his name. And the man who was holding him was probably used to this kind of thing, so he didn't bother to turn his head, and continued to hold Garlan and walked forward.


"Grandpa! It was for me—Gal was captured because of me! He took the initiative to go for me—"

"Alas... Gal is a good boy..."

No, you have misunderstood.

I'm not really taking the initiative.

I'm not that great.

I was really just unlucky and accidentally stepped on a pit and fell forward—

Hearing the conversation coming from behind, Garlan, who felt unlucky, thought so.

It seems that I can't wait for Brother Wang and the others to save people.

So, you shouldn't be able to use this ability, be a hero, look, take your own life into it, right

When the kid who was being dragged away felt regretful in his heart, suddenly, the guard who was dragging him stopped.

Garlan looked up and found a man in a good robe who was a little puffy stopped in front of them. The fat man said a few words, then lowered his head and stared at him hard.

Garlan didn't know what was going on. He raised his head and stared at the fat man with his big eyes in confusion.

So in the dark night, I saw the weak and lovely child looking up, with pale golden hair wrapped around a small face the size of a palm, with snow-white skin, red lips and white teeth, and big jewel-like golden eyes, reflecting the firelight It's very beautiful, and the fat man can't be satisfied with it.

"Go get another one."

The fat man said, "This is for me."

This fat man's status seemed to be higher than the guard holding Garlan. The guard didn't say anything, gave Garlan to the fat man, and then turned around to catch the child again.

The fat man looked left and right at the child he got, and became more and more satisfied.

He took the child and walked back to the cave near the mountain wall. Kerry, who was crying sadly, saw Garlan coming back, and her eyes widened.

The fat man looked around, found a relatively small empty cell, and pushed Garlan into it.

He originally planned to close the door directly, but after thinking about it, he turned around and took a piece of food from the guard and sent it to Garlan before locking the wooden door.

He smiled and said to the child in the small cell, "It's delicious, eat more."

After saying that, the fat man turned around and left.

Fortunately, he saw it... Look what those idiots did? To actually sacrifice such a high-quality thing.

It's just a waste of money!

The fat man who turned around and walked murmured in his heart.

The small appearance of that child, that beautiful little face, he had never seen such a high-level thing in his life. If this is sold to noble ladies with special hobbies... No, noble men can also, and they will definitely make a lot of money. With that money, you can buy as many slave children as you want.

Well, you have to take good care of him, and it will be more valuable if you take care of him.

The fat man thought happily in his heart and walked away.

Garland, who was brought back inexplicably and locked in a small cell alone: "???"

The little prince looked bewildered at the plate of food that the fat man had stuffed him with.

What happened