A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 3


The hem of the clothes lifted upwards swayed in the breeze, and after a second of sluggishness, Garlan suddenly turned over and sat up. Even though the uneven pebbles on the ground made his legs hurt, he knelt on the ground with his thighs clenched tightly, his hands pressed firmly on the hem of his clothes to block the key parts, and his little face was flushed red all over. .

Why is it so embarrassing to die in front of this guy!

With such a wailing cry in his heart, Garlan only felt that his entire face was about to become hot. He pursed his lips and lowered his head, wishing he could bury his head in his thighs, not daring to look up at the expression of the man in front of him at the moment.

Hurry up, hurry up, stay away from me, the farther the better.

He was talking so desperately in his heart, staring at the two feet standing in front of him out of the corner of his eyes, just begging the other party to get out of the way and not let himself continue to be so embarrassed.

However, that person just couldn't hear his heart, and his legs were stuck in the same place as if they had taken root, standing in front of him, motionless.

Garlan buried his head and blushed, but he could feel Heimos staring at him.

He gritted his teeth with hatred, and he couldn't make a sound to tell that guy to get out of the way, so he could only slander in his heart.

So you really don't know how to watch the atmosphere since you were a child - you are so embarrassed watching the scene, what are you doing here? Not so far, so far!

I remember that you are not a person who likes to watch the fun, right? Standing still and deliberately embarrassing me, right

Just when Garlan guessed the thoughts of the young Heimos with the greatest malice, and at the same time was too embarrassed to know what to do, the feet in his sight staring at the ground finally moved.

Go, go, go, go.

Garlan, who was talking in his heart, just breathed a sigh of relief, and the next second, his heart suddenly hung high again. Because he saw that the feet did not turn around and leave, but stepped forward.

blah blah blah-

you, you, what do you want to do—

Garlan, who was reluctant to look up because he felt too embarrassed, saw Heimos approaching him, and his vigilance and guard against this person finally made him feel embarrassed, and suddenly looked up at the person who wanted to what to do.

As soon as he raised his head, before he could focus his vision, his arm was already caught by the other's outstretched hands.

The man was pulling hard, but before he could react, he was lifted from the ground by the man at once.

Garlan stood where he was, raised his head and looked at the man with wide eyes.

He saw a face that he couldn't tell whether he was familiar or unfamiliar, but it was definitely a face that was very different from the one he remembered.

The person who picked him up was only a young boy of twelve or thirteen years old at the moment, with childishness in the corners of his brows and eyes, and the fine black hair scattered in the corners of his eyes looked a little messy. The chin is slightly pointed, and the outline of the face looks thinner, but because of the large skeleton, the whole person does not look thin. Although he was only three or four years older than him, he was a full head and a half taller than him.

Garlan stared blankly at that face.

In my memory, the face of that person was always extremely sinister, as if it was always shrouded in deep shadows, and there was a trace of suffocation in the corners of the eyebrows and eyes, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark.

However, now, on the childish face in front of him, there was no trace of the gloomy aura that lingered on the person in his memory.

As he was thinking, he suddenly saw the young Heimos glance at him from top to bottom, and then reached out to him.

Garlan, who had almost formed a reflective psychological shadow at the person in front of him, stunned, and instinctively raised his arms in a resisting posture.

His hand was in front of him, naturally blocking his line of sight, so he couldn't see what the other party wanted to do.

Then, the next second, he felt a slap, and his ass was slapped.

The child jumped up suddenly.

What does this guy, Heimos, want to do? !

After being patted on his butt for the second time, Garlan, who had reacted, jumped up instantly, turned around, and faced the young Heimos who turned to his side.

He put his hands behind his ass, looking up and glaring at the guy who slapped his ass.

The boy who was glared by him was stunned for a moment, and smiled when he saw the child in front of him covering his butt angrily and staring at him.

Is this kid afraid of spanking him

The young man who thought so couldn't help but laugh a little. He didn't care about the child staring at him, instead he reached out and rubbed the child's head. Then, he bent down slightly and continued to put his hand on the clothes on the other side of him. Take a shot.


This person... Could it be... In fact... it seems... maybe...

Are you dusting his clothes

Looking at Heimos's movements, Garlan faintly had such a conjecture that he himself felt incredible.


Always feel like... What's wrong

The man who looked at him with viciousness or murderous intent every time he saw him, and killed him four times in various brutal ways... No matter how he looked at him, he didn't look like a child who could help him up and fall. the gentle person

Garland thought deeply.

He felt that he might have met a fake Huymos.

While he was thinking about it, the boy Heimos, who he thought was fake, had already patted off the dust on the hem of his clothes when he fell to the ground.

Heimos looked at the child in front of him, his white and tender face was round and round, and the baby fat on his cheeks made the little face look like a bun, making people want to stretch out their fingers and poke them. The urge to poke that soft cheek.

Just now, when he picked up the child who fell down because of being frightened by him, and looked at the child's blushing face, Heimos couldn't help frowning, looking at the child's delicate skin and tender flesh. She looks like she's been spoiled, I'm sure she'll cry and make a fuss later. He was very annoyed by this kind of kid, and he thought about picking up the child, leaving it behind and leaving quickly, so as not to hear the child's cries.

But what surprised him was that the child he picked up didn't cry or yell, but just looked up at him. On that small face the size of a palm, a pair of big eyes stared at him with round eyes, looking silly and a little pitiful. Heimos moved for some reason, seeing that the little lotus root-like arm and calf had ashes on it, which was a little unpleasant to the eye, and unconsciously reached out and patted the ashes for him.

As soon as he took a shot, the child who was standing obediently staring at him without making a noise or making a fuss suddenly jumped up, covered his butt with his hands, and then glared at him.

It was probably the staring eyes that the child thought was very powerful, but, from Heimos's perspective, the child standing in front of him tilted his head slightly, looking up with a little red face. A pair of big watery golden amber eyes stared at him, and the soft eyelashes moved. The pale blond hair around the little face was slightly curly, fluffy, and wrapped around the child's face, making the little face with baby fat even smaller.

It looked like a newly-born cub was trying to gnaw at people's fingers with its soft teeth that were not yet fully grown.

He couldn't help but want to laugh for a while.

But in order not to make the child more angry, he held back and just rubbed the fluffy blond hair.

Well, it's soft and feels great in the hand.

So, he kneaded again.

What should I do if I'm destined to fight to the death in the future, and my nemesis on the battlefield sees the most embarrassing side, gets spanked on the butt, and finally gets rubbed on the head

Garlan, who has been being manipulated by Heimos since the moment he met him, thought bitterly.

However, no matter how frustrated he was, he also knew that it was definitely not a good idea to fight with Heimos now.

Although he knew that he was only eight or nine years old, he immediately thought that his mortal enemy must be only twelve or thirteen years old, but he had not waited for him to be mentally prepared to meet Heimos, who was still a teenager. , when he hadn't figured out how to deal with the mortal enemy who was still young at the moment-suddenly, he bumped into each other face to face.

Moreover, there was a big ugliness in front of the other party.

When he thought that his mortal enemy would probably remember the ugliness he made today for the rest of his life, and that he would have to take it out from time to time to deal with him in the future, Gallan's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys began to ache.

and many more.

Speaking of which, the culprit who made him look ugly is actually this guy, right

If this person slapped him from behind suddenly, he would not have fallen if he was frightened by the sudden appearance of this person.

…Wait a second, why did Heimos shoot him

Garland once again began to guess the other party with the greatest malice.

Could it be that Heimos just planned to sneak him into the pond to drown him

#Heimos always wants to kill me, this is definitely not my murderous delusion that I was killed four times#

After thinking about it, Garlan, who was still a little hesitant and didn't know what to say, immediately became vigilant.

Even if he was just a child, he was his mortal enemy, and he must not let his guard down because of this. You know, he has the last life left now, and if he is killed again this time, he will really die.

He thought about it and felt that he should figure out what the other party was looking for, so he spoke.

"Are you looking for me?"

The child's voice was soft and soothing, like sweet water dripping into the soft white clouds, and anyone who heard it couldn't help but soften his heart.

As soon as he made a sound, Garlan was taken aback by himself.

His voice was cute and soft, as delicate as a girl's.

Ah, right.

Garland thought sadly.

Eight or nine-year-old children have not yet reached the period of voice change, and the childish voices they speak are so delicate... It really makes him super unaccustomed.

Well, regardless of the voice change period, it will be fine to endure these few years. The most important thing now is to solve the problem of underwear first. He can't bear not wearing underwear for a few years.

"Come with me, I'll take you back."

Heimos opened his mouth to speak, his voice was the exact opposite of Garland's, hoarse. Because he is now thirteen years old, he is currently in the period of voice change, so his voice is a little hoarse, which is very unpleasant.

He stretched out his hand to Garlan, who hesitated for a moment, and was not used to holding the hand that stabbed him to death with a sword not long ago.

Now he still doesn't know the situation, so it's better to follow the other side first.

Probably because he is in the period of voice change, and the teenager does not like to talk. He held Garlan's little hand and walked away. Although he is only three or four years older than Garland, he is much taller than Garland and has long legs because he has already begun to develop, so he walks very fast, while Garland, who is still a child, has a pair of short legs. Just trot to catch up with him.

Just two steps away, there was a sudden tingling pain in his left ankle, and Garlan stumbled forward. If it wasn't for Heimos' grasp of his hand, he almost fell forward.

Heimos stopped and looked back at him.

I'm afraid I twisted my leg when I fell just now.

Garlan thought, and as soon as he looked up and met someone's questioning gaze, he quickly shook his head.

"I'm fine, I didn't notice that I stumbled just now."

Before he could finish speaking, a pair of hands reached out, reached under his armpits, grabbed him and lifted his small body up. Then put it on a white rock next to it.

The teenager squatted down on one knee in front of him, took his left foot with one hand, and lifted it up.

Garlan reacted very quickly. The moment his feet were lifted, he suddenly pressed down the hem of his clothes, blocking the key parts. Now he finally knew that girls wearing miniskirts should pay attention at all times. It's hard work that can't go away.

He thought angrily, he is now wearing a short skirt, which is still empty, empty, empty!

Damn custom!

He glanced at Huymos angrily.

Heimos is different from him, wearing slightly tight soft cloth trousers and black boots half calf high. This is the advantage of being older. Children generally don't wear underwear, but when they grow up, they will wear trousers.

In fact, people in this dynasty did not wear underwear even when they grew up, because there was no such thing as underwear in this period. When they grow up, they put on something similar to a loincloth and wear trousers directly. The reason why trousers are usually worn around the age of twelve is because from this time onwards, boys will learn to ride horses and be trained to fight on horseback.

Heimos, who was half-kneeling in front of him, was startled by Garlan's action of holding down the hem of his clothes. After he understood what Garlan was doing, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. Then, he looked at Garlan's ankle.

The child's feet are so small that he can hold them all with one hand. He looked at the slightly red and swollen place and tried pinching it.

The tingling sensation from his ankle made Garlan come back to his senses.

He looked down.

The foot injury was thrown aside first, and the underwear was thrown aside first. At this moment, Garlan realized something important.

Something that made him extremely happy.

After the fifth rebirth, in less than an hour, he succeeded in realizing the dream that only existed in his fantasy, which had failed in the previous four desperate struggles.

Look! He managed to bring his mortal enemy to his knees at his feet—

What a high end and successful start!