A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 310


Gallan thought that more than 2,000 years of time had passed, the stars had changed, the times had changed, and there might be ancient relics left on the earth, but the whole of Aaron Landis should be no longer similar to what he remembered. place.

However, when he looked down at the huge city with no end in sight, he was surprised to find that the city was similar to his time in terms of architectural style and the clothes of the people in the city. The difference at most is that the buildings are more majestic and elaborate, and the costumes are more numerous.

Of course, this royal city was dozens of times bigger than when he ruled.

Seen from a high altitude, the city presents a circular architectural form, surrounded by layers, from low to high, spreading out from the center.

Wide roads with all the ring towns, tall bridges over the galloping waters of the Enki.

At the intersection of the circular city and the wide road on each level, there is a huge arched stone gate, and the stone pillars of the stone gate are carved with reliefs of many gods.

The ancient royal city that Gallan was familiar with was the central part of this huge city, and it was also the highest point of the entire city.

A wide circular canal separates the 2,000-year-old Wangcheng from other circular urban areas that gradually developed in the later period.

The majestic and beautiful golden palace still stands at the highest point of the ancient royal city, behind it is the endless blue ocean, and in front of it is a ring city that spreads out layer by layer and can't see the end.

The whole city is like the pinnacle of art.

That's all, what surprised Garlan the most was the mode of transportation he was taking.

Because the information seen in the world history book is that Aaron Landis has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years, and still maintains the ancient system and civilization, so Gallan has always thought that compared to the outside world, Aaron Landis The level of technology in Sri Lanka is much lower.

But he is now standing on a spaceship, suspended in the high sky of the whole city, slowly flying towards the direction of the palace.

It's not the kind of spaceship in science fiction, it's a pure sea ship.

Huge wings are carved into the hull, with emerald green peridot gemstones embedded in them.

Standing on the golden spaceship, bathed in the warm sunlight, Garlan felt like he was in a myth.

Standing on the golden bow, he opened his eyes wide and looked down for a while before finally coming back to his senses and turning his head to look at the person beside him.

Camos was always beside him, looking at the surprised look of the young man in a good mood. When Garlan finally came back to look at him, without waiting for Garlan to speak, he directly held Garlan's hand and put a A golden bracelet was placed on Garlan's wrist.

"This spaceship will be yours from now on."

he said with a smile.

"Huh? Wait a minute, why does this ship..."

"Stone of Shamash."

Camos raised his hand, and there was a gold bracelet on his wrist that was similar to Garlan, only bigger.

A dove egg-sized hexahedral-cylindrical crystal stone is embedded in the bracelet. Under the sunlight, the halo inside the crystal is flowing, and at first glance, it seems to have absorbed the sunlight.

Garlan raised his hand, the same crystal on his golden bracelet.

"Eight hundred years ago, after that huge earthquake and tsunami, this stone appeared on the continent of Aaron Landis."

Camos said with a smile,

"It has a very special power, it can absorb sunlight and turn it into energy, so it is called the stone of Shamash."

For hundreds of years, Aaron Landis has gradually researched the various abilities of this special stone. With the power of the Shamash Stone, he has embarked on a path of civilization that is completely different from the outside world.

The floating spaceship that Garlan is currently riding is one of the ways it is used.

But this kind of stone is only useful on the continent of Aaron Landis, and when you take it out, it will immediately turn into an ordinary crystal stone.

It is precisely because of this that the Aaron Landis have been quietly staying on their own continent, showing no interest in the outside world.

Of course, this does not mean that the civilization of Aaron Landis is necessarily higher than the civilization of the outside world. It can only be said that the direction of their civilization development is different.

Just as Garlan listened to what Brother Camos told him with relish, the golden winged spaceship carried them across the bright sky and slowly drove towards the golden palace.

All Aaron Landis know that this golden ship is His Majesty's royal ship, and everyone who sees it naturally knows that their emperor has returned.

When he crossed the sky above the Enki River, Garlan's eyes involuntarily fell into the huge valley across the river from the royal city.

Countless pure white palaces stand in it.

That is the tomb of the dead.

The young man looked there, a little dazed for a while.

Over two thousand years, the times have changed, and the sea and land have changed.

It is said that in that earthquake, the earth cracked open, and the ancient tombs of the past had sunk deep into the ground, and no trace was ever seen.

Only the new white royal tombs covered it.

At the middle level of the palace, a white jade platform stretched out and hung high in the air.

The golden spaceship slowly landed on the platform, and dozens of people were waiting here at the stone gate of the platform to welcome the spaceship.

When Garland followed Camos from the spaceship, the dozens of maids immediately greeted him, ten embraced Camos, and the remaining six embraced Garland.

After entering the gate of the platform, Garlan was directly led into the side room by these maids.

There was a faint incense burning in the room, and there were more than a dozen maids waiting in the room, some holding warm water, some holding clothes, some holding white towels, and when the boy entered the door, they swarmed up.

Garland was just startled for a moment, and then he stood there openly, letting them surround him and take off his clothes for himself.

There was a small bathtub when he walked in from the room. Soon, he was lying on the side of the bathtub with a comfortable expression, and most of his body was immersed in the water. The temperature of the water was suitable, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

He was soaking here, and the maids waiting outside the room were whispering in low voices.

"I heard that this prince grew up outside."

"Well, it is said that he is still an orphan."

"Sounds so pathetic."

"Yes, yes, he is obviously a noble prince, but let alone no one to serve since he was a child, I heard that he has to work to earn money to serve others in order to make a living."

"Ah, it's so pitiful. If you grow up here in Aaron Landis, you will definitely be pampered and grown up."

Just as the maids were whispering, a maid's eyes flashed secretly.

She suddenly interrupted and said, "Isn't this what he grew up with as a commoner? After living as a commoner for so long, can he really be a prince?"

"Hey? Why do you say that?"

"It's very worrying just about the manner, not to mention other aspects."

"It's a little bit..."

"Ah, I don't mean anything else." The maid bowed her head weakly, with an 'I didn't mean to' look, and said cautiously, "I just think that the prince who has not received royal education since he was a child must be I don't understand a lot of things. I'm just worried about him. If I accidentally do something wrong at the banquet or somewhere, wouldn't it be a big shame?"

"Well, you're actually right."

"Yeah, even if that Highness has a distinguished status, but after all, the growth environment is really not good, I am afraid that the bearing is also..."

The sharp-eyed maid noticed that the door seemed to be about to open, and quickly gave her companions a wink and told them to shut up.

So these maids quickly stood up and looked up at the open room.

The door opened and the boy came out.

The ends of the strands of hair, like melted gold, were still a little wet and fell to the cheeks. There is still a little water vapor on the milk-white and supple skin, and there is a touch of heat in the air, and the moist lips are like cherry blossoms that have just bloomed in early spring.

Ornate ornaments of pure gold wrapped around his neck, but were eclipsed by his bright golden eyes.

Although Aaron Landis's royal costume was worn on him for the first time, it didn't give the slightest sense of awkwardness.

He walked forward, the snow-white cloak fluttering behind him as he walked.

The sunlight from the skylight fell on him, hugging him tenderly.

The maids who were still talking about it just now looked at the young prince who seemed to be walking from the light, stepping on the light and leaving, and fell silent for a while.

Because it was very late when he returned to the palace, Camos, who felt distressed about his brother, did not chat with Gallando and sent him directly to the palace that had been prepared for him.

Anyway, Gallan has already returned, and he is not in a hurry at this time, so let him rest for a night before talking about it.

In the gorgeous palace, the stone fountain of the star goddess Isdar stands quietly in the courtyard, and the spring water sprinkles into the basin.

Garlan couldn't help but widen his eyes at the all-too-familiar scene in front of him.

Although the location has not changed, after two thousand years, Aaron Landis has risen and fallen several times, even the palace has changed owners several times, and even burned down.

The palace today is very different from the palace in his memory, but the palace in front of him is exactly the same as the palace he lived in before.

Camos, who sent Garlan over, looked at Garlan's wide-open eyes and was in a very good mood.

It took him a year to supervise the work himself to demolish the previous buildings here and build this palace, just to give Garlan a big surprise.

"Okay, you rest early, and everything will be discussed tomorrow,"

Camos patted his brother's head again, then left contentedly.

Silent night.

The king city, which is a giant on the ground, also fell into silence, and only scattered lights dotted the city.

The golden palace stands above the earth with the brilliance of the stars. Around the palace, more than a dozen huge hexahedral column-shaped crystal stone pillars stand, emitting a soft light.

There is also one in Garland's palace.

Standing by the window, he looked curiously at the crystal pillar of the Shamash Stone, two people tall and one wide.

According to Brother Camos, this crystal column is the energy source of Aaron Landis.

More than 2,000 years is too long to make the sea and land change.

But now, he has returned to Aaron Landis. In this familiar and somewhat unfamiliar place, there are probably still many places he needs to know one by one.

However, he was in no hurry.

After this, he still has a long time.

The night wind blew into the courtyard, passing over the clear water of Crescent Lake, shaking the green lotus leaves in the water.

It blew into the room and lifted a soft veil.

Looking away from the crystal stone pillar outside the window, Garlan turned his head.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were open, and the translucent tulle fluttered softly in the night wind. Through the veil, you can vaguely see the lotus flower in the crescent pool outside.

In a trance, time seems to be back to two thousand years ago.

Lifting the veil, Garlan walked to the spacious balcony outside, raised his head, and saw the stars in the sky.

The bright moonlight fell on the white jade fence, jumping in the golden hair of the boy who raised his head, and the night wind brought the familiar sweet smell in the lotus pond.

It was only at this moment that he finally felt the real sense of returning to Aaron Landis.

Only in Aaron Landis can you see such a starry sky.

Breathing out a breath, Garlan lowered his head, his eyes fell on the crescent pool in front of the balcony.

It is still winter, although the city of Aaron Landis is still warm, but at this moment it is not the time when the lotus flower blooms, and the lotus flower in the water shows a little green sharp horn.

He suddenly remembered that night.

It is also such a night, such a starlight.

The water of the Crescent Pool was sparkling.

He was lying on the stone fence.

The man stood in the pool below and held up a half-budded lotus flower and sent it to him.

Golden red eyes stared at him, like a cluster of burning flames.

The man's eyes were full of anticipation.

At that time, he looked at him and said yes with a smile.

The moment he said yes, he saw those golden red eyes suddenly light up.

Even the thousands of stars in the sky can't compare to the sparkle of that person's eyes at that moment.

Being watched by those amazingly bright eyes, his chest felt inexplicably hot and became hot.

He stretched out his hand, trying to catch the lotus that had not yet bloomed.

He looked into that person's eyes, wanting to see his own shadow reflected in the other person's eyes.

But in the end he couldn't do anything.

A black shadow suddenly enveloped him, and he could feel his hands falling weakly, but he could no longer see the expression on Heimos' face at that moment.

… the expression on that person’s face…

Suddenly, Garlan felt a dull pain in his chest.

The fingers on the stone fence clenched tightly for a few minutes, and he closed his eyes.

The night was silent, no sound could be heard, as if he was the only one under the starry sky.

The young man raised his head and let the cool night wind brush his cheeks.

The wind made his slender eyelashes move slightly.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

The wind grew louder and swept across the silent courtyard, shaking the lush olive tree canopies in the courtyard and rustling in the night.

One last glance at the stars in the sky, Garlan turned around and wanted to go back to the room.

Just as he turned around with his eyes down—

Suddenly, a pair of arms stretched out from behind,

He crossed his shoulders and hugged him whole.

He was caught off guard and fell into the arms of the man behind him.

Those arms hugged him tightly and hard.

The fingers that clasped his shoulders and waist were so hard that he even felt pain.

The fighting instinct developed over the years made Garlan raise his hand reflexively almost at the moment he was hugged, clasping his fingers into the fingers of the hand that was tightening his waist, he was about to fight back—

The wind picked up.

Violent, violent.

The jet-black hair fluttered forward in the wind, brushing the corner of Garlan's eyes.

Among them was a strand of snow-like white hair, which was extremely eye-catching.

Garland's eyes paused.

His fingertips were already tucked into the fingers of the hand clenching his side.

He could feel the bumpy, scarred skin inside the fingers he touched.

so familiar.

His heart was beating so violently that it almost burst out of his chest—

Garland turned back sharply.

The violent wind lifted his forehead high and brushed the corners of his eyes.

Starlight shone down from behind the tall figure behind him.

In the backlight, he couldn't see the faces of the people behind him hidden in the shadows.

But he saw that pair of pupils that were as hot as flames.

His reflection was deeply reflected in the bottom of his eyes, as it was a thousand years ago, and it has never changed.

Thousands of years are fleeting, and only golden red eyes staring at the youth in his arms are immortal.

Time seemed to stop for eternity at the moment when the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across the dark night, breaking the momentary stillness.

It was so fleeting that it was impossible to catch a trace.

But click.

That little sparkle landed lightly on the boy's cheek.

Garland's eyes widened suddenly.

The moonlight reflected a light of water, and the water marks dripping on his face slowly slid down his cheeks.

After a while, Garlan stretched out his hand.

Holding Heimos's head in both hands, he raised his face.

Gently resting his forehead on the other's forehead with a few strands of snow-white hair, Garlan closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes, didn't see anything, didn't say anything.

But he could feel the drop of liquid falling on his cheek, hot, scorching, as if it could penetrate into the deepest part of his body and finally merge with him.

The night was silent.

The man whose whole body seemed to melt into the darkness, stronger and terrifying than anyone else, opened his eyes.

He lowered his head and stared fixedly at the young man in front of him, like a child who had suffered all the grievances.

He kept his eyes open, as if he didn't dare and was reluctant to blink.

The thin lips pursed tightly like a knife blade, oozing pain marks.

Big big tears rolled from his golden red eyes.

That is... Tears that finally fell after being late for two thousand years...