A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 316


On this day, a grand banquet was held in the royal city of Aaron Landis.

In order to welcome the prince who returned to Aaronlandis, and also to announce the prince's status to everyone.

Under the gazes of everyone, Camos held Garlan's hand and led him through the long black and red carpet in the hall to the throne at the end.

The emperor sat down and let the young prince stand beside the throne.

Everyone understood at this moment.

They understood how much His Majesty the Emperor favored the little prince who had just recovered, and that the throne would have a definite first heir from now on.

Before the banquet was held, the story of the little prince of Aaron Landis who had been exiled to another country by accident spread quickly among the people.

It can be said that although it has not been announced yet, everyone in the banquet hall knows about it.

Before this banquet, what kind of attitude did His Majesty the Emperor hold towards his half-brother, whether he took the initiative to take him back, or brought him back to Aaron Landis as a last resort.

All of the above are not clear for the time being, so most people are a little curious about this little prince, but they are watching cautiously.

Just as everyone watched quietly, a series of events that happened next clearly conveyed the emperor's attitude to everyone.

The maid who had neglected the prince was severely flogged and kicked out of the palace.

The mastermind behind the vain attempt to investigate the prince's palace was traced to the bottom of it. Even his noble status as a sideline of the royal family was directly banished by the emperor to a remote area, and he was never allowed to return to the royal city.

Camos declared to everyone with his tough attitude that Gallan occupied an extremely important position in his heart.

He did not allow anyone to neglect his brother.

The resplendent hall was filled with gentle music like a gurgling stream.

Everyone had their own thoughts, but they couldn't help but cast their eyes forward, falling on the prince who was favored by the emperor.

The beautiful blond boy stood on the high platform, beside the throne.

The beauty of the appearance, even the most demanding person can't pick one or two.

But the most striking thing is not his beauty, but his demeanor.

Obviously, the appearance is completely different from the emperor sitting on the throne, but the partial birth just gives the illusion that the two are very similar.

The young prince stood on the high platform, condescending.

When his eyes swept across the crowd lightly, it was like looking down at all beings.

There is clearly a childish face, but the corners of the eyebrows reveal an invisible majesty.

The speed with which Brother Camos moved and the speed with which the matter was resolved surprised Garland quite a bit.

Before he even asked a question, those who stumbled him disappeared without a sound.

Nothing needs him to do.

In the past few days, he has been crammed into the situation in the palace of Aaron Landis by Tapti, and learned that there is only one brother Camos who is the direct royal family of Aaron Landis.

Because in the late emperor's generation, the late emperor's two brothers wanted to snatch the throne and tried to assassinate the late emperor and the only prince of the late emperor Kamos many times. The reason for Gallan's existence is concealed from the outside world.

Of course, they failed and were finally killed by Kamos' army.

Therefore, only the first emperor and Camos are left in the direct line of the royal family.

However, in the collateral line, there are still a few cousins and cousins beyond a generation or two.

Because Camos has never given birth to a descendant, these collaterals have other thoughts, and they have been secretly pushing for the past few years, wanting Camos to choose one of their youngest sons as a prince.

This way, when Camos dies, their children can inherit the throne and become the next emperor.

For this reason, these collateral lineages have been fighting secretly, using all means to push their young son up.

At this time, Garlan's sudden appearance was like a bolt from the blue, and it suddenly blew them into a dizzy, making everything they did before was useless.

Therefore, when they learned that Camos was going to pick up people, although they could not follow Camos, they secretly hired the killer group of that country to kill Gallan.

That's why Garlan was attacked in the first place.

After that, when she greeted her, she instructed the maid to deliberately bite the civilian origin of Gallan to suppress Gallan, and after that, she sent people to the Gallan Palace to follow and investigate the details of Gallan. It's all the little things these people do.

After all, they have calculated the throne for such a long time with all their hearts and minds, how could they allow a prince who appeared out of nowhere to take it away

But they never thought that Kamos, who had ruthlessly led his troops to kill his two princes and uncles, would pay so much attention to and care about an unmasked younger brother.

Camos, who has always been too lazy to pay attention to those sidelines who can't make any waves, was furious this time, ordered the investigation to the end, and mercilessly dealt with the few people who shot Garlan with thunder.

One was imprisoned, and the two were driven out of the royal city and exiled to a remote place.

So fast.

Garland thought.

Having said that, it was probably the king who had been a king for several years in the previous life. He had to take care of everything, and he had been so busy all the time that he was a bit unaccustomed to being a salted fish who didn't need to take care of anything.

However, this is also good.

When the banquet was about to end, Garlan left first.

Anyway, it was only necessary for him to make an appearance at the beginning.

Leaving the banquet hall, he avoided the crowd and walked quickly to the nearby garden.

The crescent moon is already hanging high in the night sky, and the clear light falls on the earth, casting a layer of shimmering light on the garden in the night.

After walking in for a while, Garlan saw a familiar figure under the olive tree ahead.

The handsome black-haired man leaned against the thick olive tree trunk and kept looking in this direction. When he saw Garlan, his sharp eyes instantly softened.

The corners of his eyes were slightly curved, and a slight smile appeared in his gaze as he stared at Garlan.

"Wait for a long time?"

Facing the boy who trotted in front of him, Heimos reached out to hold Garlan's side cheek, lowered his head, and kissed Garlan's lips directly.

"As long as I can wait for you, I can wait as long as I can."

He whispered, looking down at the boy in front of him with satisfaction in his eyes.

"You're getting more and more proficient in saying this."

Garland raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I don't feel ashamed to say what's on my mind."

Heimos replied with a calm face.

Of course, what he said made Garlan completely unable to refute.

So he changed the subject.

"What are you doing during this time?"

Heimos raised his hand, and there was an additional bracelet on his wrist, but it was white and silver.

"Use this to understand what's going on right now."

The current world is too different from the world he used to live in, and he is trying to understand all of this as soon as possible.

He already knew that there were more powerful forces in this world now.

The golden red eyes narrowed slightly.

He wants to get himself that power as soon as possible to make himself stronger.

Only in this way can he protect his beloved ones well in this world.

Originally walking side by side with Heimos, Garlan suddenly stopped and took a step behind.

He stretched out his hands and hugged Heimos' waist from behind.

He lowered his head and placed his forehead on Heimos' back, and he whispered the other party's name.



"Do you feel wronged and not used to being my bodyguard?"

Garland asked quietly.

"You've been an emperor for so long, but now..."

As soon as Heimos heard it, he immediately guessed what Gallan was thinking.

He laughed.

"I'm not like you."

he said, the corners of his eyes curled up.

"I'm tired of being the emperor."

Garland: "..."

After all, don't get involved with me, okay

"The emperor is tired of doing it. Now, I want to change my identity."

"Then what do you want to change?"

Garlan was thinking seriously about what kind of identity should he change for Heimos.

Sure enough, it's more suitable for warriors

However, the current war is definitely different from before. It seems that he has to go to the king and ask him to teach Heimos.

Just as Garlan was thinking about it, Heimos had turned around and faced Garlan.

Holding Garlan's face with both hands, he leaned over and lowered his head, the tip of his nose almost touching the tip of the other's nose.

Their breaths were intertwined with each other.

"Now, I want to do..."

Suddenly, he lowered his voice.

The deep voice seemed to slowly sweep away the waves, seeping into the depths of the other party's eardrums.

"… 'The Emperor's Man'."

Bewitched by the low and seductive voice, his mind became dull for a while, and when Garlan finally realized what Heimos had said, his face instantly flushed red.

He raised his hand and slapped Heimos in the face, as if to warn him not to talk nonsense.

But the force was very light, like a tickling for Huymos.

Golden eyes stared at Heimos, but even if the cute face with red cheeks stared at him, it was the same as little Nega's whimper. People find it too cute.

Heimos smiled and leaned forward, blocking Garlan's lips that seemed to want to say something.

What he said was the truth.

He doesn't want to be an emperor at all now, he just wants to be an emperor's man.

Then, this man with lofty ideals was bitten on the mouth by the displeased Garlan.

There was an obvious tooth mark on the thin lips.