A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 318


In the afternoon, the city of Aaron Landis was as sunny as ever.

In the courtyard, the water droplets sprinkled in the air by the fountain of the stone statue of the Goddess of the Stars brought a cool breath to the air.

In the room, it was still the usual teaching time of the high priestess every afternoon.

For Garlan, it was quite rare to listen to Tapti's teaching, after all, it was Xie Muer who was in charge of teaching him in the past.

But in this life, Xie Muer became a general, a royal guard, and Tapti took his place.

Gallan also understood in his heart that everyone cannot be the same in every life.

It's just that even if he understands, thinking of the unfamiliar eyes that Xie Mu'er looked at him yesterday, he still...

Just when Gallan was in a trance, the high priestess, who had finished explaining the entire territory of Aaron Landis, took a sip of herbal tea and showed a dissatisfied look.

"I really don't know what your Majesty is thinking."

She said while taking another sip of herbal tea.

"Heymos is obviously the guard given to you by His Majesty, but His Majesty grabs him every day, saying that he wants to train his martial arts. Shouldn't this kind of thing be left to other generals?"

Garlan laughed dryly, not easy to talk to.

In fact, he was a little worried at first about the fact that Brother Wang was holding on to Heimos every day, and he had considered whether to talk to Brother Wang.

But Heimos said that although King Camos used the reason to teach him a lesson, in fact, he taught him a lot of modern powers very seriously, for example, the use of energy guns that he knew nothing about. of. And he also wants to learn the powers that he does not have in this era as soon as possible.

Therefore, Garlan tacitly acquiesced to the fact that King Camos brought Heimos to the past from time to time.

"It doesn't matter, Heimos is not here, isn't there still Kaijos?"

After Kaihos returned to Aaron Landis, he had been assigned by Camos to become a military attache. Because of his position, Kaihos usually had to stay with Camos.

However, every time Camus sent Kaihos to call Heimos away, Kaihos would stay and be responsible for guarding Gallan.

So now the guardian who is staying outside the palace is Kaihos.

"Well, it's not the first time that His Majesty's willfulness is..."

The high priestess, who had been tortured by this wayward His Majesty from the beginning, sighed helplessly.

She looked at Garland, suddenly thought of something, and said it with a smile.

"For example, your name should be from the late emperor, but at that time, His Majesty, who was only a teenager, just slapped around and snatched your naming right from the late emperor."

She smiled and looked at Garlan softly.

"So, prince, your name was given to you by your majesty."

"'Clear sky', he said, is a good name, and he wants you to live in the sun all your life, and that your mood will always be sunny and carefree."

Garlan thought for a while, then asked, "Mentioning my name, Tapti, there's one thing I've been paying attention to."


"Although you haven't taught me the history of Aaron Landis, but after I came back here, I read some myself, so I also know some of the more famous histories."

Garland asked curiously.

"Brother's name, my name, and your name, Kaihos, Heimos, and the head of the Shemuer... It seems a bit strange that so many identical names are just put together?"

When he learned that the names of Kaihos and others were still the same as in the previous life, Garlan was always puzzled.

Although the reincarnations may have similar appearances and personalities, it is impossible for them to have the same names. Isn't that a coincidence

Garland's question made Tapti laugh again.

She raised her hand to cover her lips, but the corners of her lips could not be restrained from rising, but there was helplessness in her smile.

"Actually, I didn't use this name before, neither Kaihos nor Commander Shemuer."


"I heard that His Majesty didn't have the same name before."


"Probably when His Majesty was in his teens, he suddenly said that he wanted to change his name. The late Emperor would not have allowed it, but His Majesty's character... ahem, in short, the late Emperor really had nothing to do with him, and in the end he could only change his current one. name."

"… "

"Afterwards, I was chosen as your majesty's clerk, and your majesty gave me this name directly. Kayhos, who was your majesty's guard at that time, was also named by majesty. Later, it was just a rest of the ordinary royal guard. Muer is the same."

Although some people have a sour sentence or two behind their backs, they are actually very envious of them.

After all, there are only three of them who have the honor to be treated differently by His Majesty and given a name.

That was the proof that they were His Majesty's henchmen.

"… "

"Later, the late emperor and I talked about it. The late emperor thought that his majesty must have seen the deeds of the legendary hero lion king Kamos at that time, and his majesty admired him very much, so he had to change his name. He also gave us the names of the subordinates who had merit around the Lion King at that time."

"… "

Garland didn't know what to say for a while.

Brother Wang's actions really left him speechless.

However, the fact that he was considered his own admirer also made people laugh and cry.

Presumably, when everyone thought that he was an admirer of the Lion King two thousand years ago, Brother Wang must have felt unhappy and complicated, and was extremely depressed.

Thinking of this, Garlan couldn't help laughing along with Tapti.

"But it's a pity that the three of us failed to become those people in history according to His Majesty's wish."

Tapti continued with a smile and said: "I don't want to be a female officer, I entered the temple of the gods to become a priest, Kaihos disappeared and became a dark guard to protect you, and Xi Muer, bearing the name of the high priest, just became a priest. Head of the Royal Guard."

She said, "By the way, you should have seen him yesterday, didn't you?"

The palace is only one of the places that the Royal Guards are responsible for guarding, and the Royal Guards have other duties, so Xie Muer, who is usually the head of the regiment, will not stay there.

However, when His Majesty went there to worship the former kings, as the head of the regiment, he had to accompany him by his side.

Garland nodded.

"I see. He..."

He hesitated, then said, "He's a serious man."

"Yes, Xie Mu'er's character is actually more suitable for becoming a priest. It is said that an old chief priest once took the initiative to call him into the temple of the gods and let him inherit his position, but Xie Mu'er refused, instead Into the Royal Guard."

His Majesty Camos once privately and curiously asked Xi Muer why he refused.

At that time, she was also beside her and heard Xi Muer's answer.

Xie Muer said that he had a very strange delusion since he was a child. He always felt that he could not protect the people who were very important to him.

It feels like there have been many times in the past when he tried to protect someone and failed.

Therefore, he tried his best to make himself stronger since he was a child.

Because being a priest doesn't have the power to protect others, he doesn't want to do it.

At that time, His Majesty, who was used to being extremely curious, didn't say anything about the strange words that Xie Muer said.

He just raised his hand and patted Xi Muer's shoulder, sighed in a rare way, and didn't ask any more questions.


Looking at the prince who suddenly became distracted for some reason, Tapti called out softly.

"What are you thinking about?"

She said, "Is it because Xi Muer has a bad attitude towards you? You don't need to care too much. He is an unreasonable guy. He treats everyone like that, even his Majesty."

"It doesn't matter."

The recovered youth looked at her, the eyes in his eyes were clear and bright, reflecting the sunlight.

The boy's eyes curved up, like the curvature of a crescent moon.

"He'll like me," he said.

When he said this, he seemed to be smiling happily and full of confidence.

"I like him very much." The boy put his hand on his side cheek, tilted his head, and looked at Tapti's curved eyes with a star-like smile, "So I think he will like me too."

In every life, even the few times he failed, that person has always been by his side.

Even if he failed, that person stubbornly guarded him until the end.

Even if you are a stranger.

It doesn't matter if there is no memory.

The familiar soul still exists.

He should believe that the bond between souls will still exist.

So, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, as long as you get to know each other again, and create memories of each other again.

He believed in himself and also in Xi Muer.

At this moment, all the dark cloud that had accumulated in his heart since yesterday dissipated, and Gallan changed his hands to rest his chin, his eyes were bent, and he began to ponder with a smile.

It seems that he has to find some more excuses to see Xi Muer and bully... Oh, no, as a prince, he has to get acquainted with the head of the Royal Guards as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Garlan and Tapti thought that Kamos, who was in the training ground, was standing in front of the temple at the moment.

After two thousand years of inheritance, the temple has been very different from before.

Because there was a case of infighting between the Shamash Temple and the Nanna Temple that led to the decline of the country a thousand years ago, after that, the power of the temple was greatly reformed.

Although there are still many temples of different gods among the people, the main temple under the control of the royal court can no longer be divided into different factions.

In the palace, there is only one pantheon.

Thirteen gods of Aaron Landis worshipped in the Pantheon.

That is to say, folk priests can worship and serve a certain god alone, but priests with official status cannot be divided into factions and must serve thirteen gods together.

"What did you ask me to bring you here for?"

Looking back at Heimos beside him, Camos asked.

Heimos stared at the imposing and magnificent temple in front of him, and the corners of his eyes raised a sharp arc.

A cold arc flashed across the edge of the golden-red pupil, and he said, "It's a debt."

After speaking, he strode inside.

After studying with Tapti for a whole afternoon, Garland felt dizzy and his brain was swollen.

Brother Wang also said that he doesn't need to take the exam... But what is the difference between him and those candidates who are reviewing and preparing for the exam

Garland thought bitterly.

The high priestess was standing behind the table and turned away from him.

The boy stretched out his arms and lay on the table, and his whole body was dizzy, but he weakly raised a hand and waved it, indicating that he heard it.

Seeing the prince's appearance, Tapti couldn't help laughing.

She smiled and turned and stepped back.

When she just walked to the door, she happened to bump into the returning Heimos head-on.

Heimos nodded slightly to her, then stepped inside.

For some reason, her heart suddenly moved, and the high priestess looked back at Heimos's back and frowned.

She seemed to have a strange feeling, as if there was something in this person that was very familiar to her, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Tapti shook his head, dispelling this strange feeling in his heart, turned his head, walked across the courtyard, and walked towards the gate of the palace.

Garlan, who had been lying on the table, heard the familiar footsteps, but was too lazy to get up.

"Why did you come back so late today?"

His arms were still stretched out on the table, but his face was raised, his chin resting on the table, looking extremely unsightly.

However, the way those bright eyes looked up was really cute.

"It took a while to get the debt."

Huymos said, an understatement.


What debt do you want

In just a few days, who did he lend money to? It can't be the king, can it

… No, where did he get the money

Garland was wondering when Heimos had come over and stood across from the table.

With one hand on the table, he leaned forward slightly.

"You said you don't like flowers very much."

He says,

"So this time, I was going to woo you with something else."

I just didn't expect that before he opened his mouth, he was actually ahead of him by Garlan.

Heimos stretched out his right hand, which seemed to be holding something.

Garlan stood up and looked curiously at the hand Heimos held.

"Is it for me?"


The boy blinked and said with a smile, "Since it was originally intended to be used to woo me, if it's too bad, or if I don't like it, I'll dislike it."

Heimos smiled.

"you will like it."

he said firmly.

"I took it as a gift just so that you would never be able to reject me."

"It's really confident to say it, I'll see what you do when you get slapped in the face."

Garland muttered softly.

He said so, but there was an inevitable look of curiosity on his face.

He stood with his hands on the table and leaned forward, looking unblinkingly at Heimos's hand.

Under his gaze, Heimos slowly spread his hand.

What appeared in the palm without palm print was a transparent sphere the size of a pigeon egg.

The outside of the sphere is like a crystal flake with no impurities, it is crystal clear, with a layer of shimmer.

The thin layer is like a flowing streamer, the brilliance is flowing, and the brilliance is brilliant.

The inside is hollow, and among them, there are three bright fluorescent dots fluttering softly inside the crystal ball.

The three dots of fluorescent light alternately rotate in the sphere with seemingly irregular, but unusually harmonious and rhythmic trajectories. Even under the sun, they flash with dazzling luster, like a living being.

Wherever the fluorescent light passed, there were still traces of light, like scattered stardust, and like a little bit of snow scattered in the crystal ball.

It looks like a dream.

Even though he had seen countless rare treasures in the past, Gallan couldn't help but be attracted by this beautiful crystal ball.

To be more precise, it was the three bright fluorescent dots in the sphere that attracted him and made him watch, a strange familiarity that made him stretch out his hand and want to touch it.

His movements are light.

However, at the moment when his fingertips touched the crystal ball, the crystal ball that had been lying in Heimos' palm turned out to be like a fragile bubble, and with a snap, the whole thing exploded.

The three fluorescent dots rotating in the sphere instantly crossed three arcs in the air, flying in different directions like arrows from the strings, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Garland was startled.

"what happened?"

He looked at Heimos in surprise and said, "I didn't break it on purpose, I really just touched it, just very lightly."

Seeing how Garlan nervously explained to him, Heimos laughed.

His empty right hand reached out and touched Garlan's head.


He stroked Garlan's hair and said, "It's yours."


Garlan looked at Heimos in bewilderment, and felt very puzzling no matter what he thought.

He simply leaned over and stared at Heimos.

"Stop playing dumb, what exactly is that thing you gave me?"

Heimos looked at Garlan who was in front of him, and the corners of his lips raised.

However, instead of answering directly, he suddenly mentioned something else.

"Do you remember, Garland?"

He said, the golden red eyes reflecting the shadow of the boy in front of him seemed to melt and flow red gems.

With the fiery heat of a flame, he gently wrapped Garlan in it.

As he had always done, he carefully and lovingly held the boy in his palm.

"I said, as long as it is what you want, I will do it for you."

"Don't try to digress, answer me first..."

Before Garlan could finish speaking, there was a sudden bang, and the door was slammed open.

Garlan, who was startled by the sudden sound of the door, turned his head to look over there subconsciously.

The high priestess, who had just left, didn't know when she returned here, and slammed the door heavily and broke in.

She was panting violently, as if she was about to lose her breath, and her chest heaved violently.

Her neatly groomed sideburns fell from her forehead, and fell slightly messy to her cheeks.

Her eyes were fixed on Garlan, the hand that pushed the door hard just now was still pressing on the door, and her fingertips were trembling slightly.

The two worlds combined had never seen Tapti make such a rude or even offensive behavior, and Garlan was surprised.

He looked at Taputi in astonishment and asked, "Taputi, did you forget something here..."

The high priestess did not answer.

She stepped through the door.

The long brown hair flew up in the air, leaving a long arc behind.

The hands that couldn't wait to stretch forward, in just one breath, embraced Garlan, who was too late to finish the second half of the sentence.

She hugged her tightly and hard, as if she was hugging the most precious treasure that was lost and found.

She lowered her head, pursing her trembling lips deeply into her soft blond hair.

She didn't say anything, or maybe she couldn't make a sound at the moment, so she could only hold her prince tightly in her arms with both hands.

The room was silent for a long time, and no one spoke.

It was so quiet that time seemed to stop at this moment.

Garlan let the other side hold him in a daze, and couldn't react for a while.

An absurd and impossible thought flashed across the chaotic mind.

"Tap... mention?"

A little fluorescent light flew out lightly, leaving a shallow light trace in the air it floated through, and then dissipated without a trace under the sun.

Deep in the garden, Caijos was sitting under a big tree beside a briskly flowing stream, obviously taking this opportunity to be lazy for a moment.

He leaned against the sturdy tree trunk, put his hands behind his head, closed his eyes, and looked relaxed and comfortable.

The sun pierced through the dense canopy, and speckled on his short, dark blond hair.

Suddenly, my heart throbbed.

Kaihos opened his eyes sharply.

He saw a strange fluorescent light fluttering in front of his eyes, spinning in circles.

Very strange fluorescence, which should have made him vigilant.

But for some reason, he looked at the fluorescent light and felt inexplicably intimate and familiar.

As if it belonged to him, was part of him.

After watching for a while, Kaihos stretched out his hand to grab this fluorescent light.

But the moment he just stretched out his hand, the fluorescent light that was spinning in a circle in front of his eyes suddenly rushed towards him and fell into his eyebrows.

Kaihos instinctively raised his hand to press his eyebrows.

The eyebrows suddenly became hot, as if a flame was burning on his forehead.

The burning sensation became more and more intense, spreading from the eyebrows, and in just a moment, it penetrated and spread to his entire body.

The brain exploded with a bang, and the green pupils suddenly enlarged.

Kaijos gritted his teeth and pressed his fingers hard on his head, but the corners of his eyes were twitching uncontrollably.

Countless familiar scenes flashed across his mind, as if they were right in front of his eyes, as if it were just yesterday.

He saw a raging battlefield.

He saw him kneeling on the sea cliff with the roaring waves and weeping.

He could feel his heart surging when he saw the young man put the golden crown on his head under the bright sunlight with his own eyes.

He saw the resolute back of the young man on the wall of the sea city...

Time seemed to be rewinding rapidly, imprinting scenes in his memory.

What finally settled in his mind was the moment he knelt down in front of the young blond child.

My prince.

From now on, I am your guardian knight.

I will protect you until you die.

The fluorescent light fluttered lightly, like a small butterfly, dancing in the sunlight.

It slid silently into the residence of the Royal Guards on the side of the palace with a breeze.

In the depths of the training ground, a cold and severe scolding could be heard faintly.

Xie Mu'er, who was wearing a simple and powerful outfit, stood in front of the subordinates with a cold face and scolded them mercilessly.

The subordinates who had lost one by one to their team leader in the previous training session bowed their heads and were trained honestly.

Anyway, it was not the first time they knew about the severe attitude of their head.

Although they were a little unconvinced at the beginning, after seeing their own regiment leader's harsh training that could almost be called self-abuse, and the uninterrupted terrifying deeds every day, they only had admiration.

Obviously already very powerful, and now the only one who can fight against the head of the regiment without losing the wind is probably only His Majesty.

But even if he has reached this level, the head of the regiment has not slackened in the slightest. He has still tempered himself like a day for ten years, so that even those who don't like his rigid character can't help but respect him.

It is customary to reprimand his subordinates, and Xie Muer did not stay any longer, and turned to leave the training ground.

The subordinates who were left looked at each other and couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

Although a strong boss is a good thing, it is a bit overwhelming to be too strict...

Stepping out of the gate of the training ground, a beam of sunlight shone down on Xie Mu'er, illuminating the traces of dust on his clothes extremely clearly.

He frowned, but quickly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

Although he's a bit of a clean freak, getting dirty in training is unavoidable, and he's gotten used to it over the years.

He glanced at his hands, a little anxious.

No matter how strong he becomes, he always has the feeling that it is not enough, far from enough.

He always felt that something very important was missing from his hands again and again.

He couldn't protect it.

He didn't know what that was, he just instinctively wanted to make himself stronger.

Maybe if you become stronger, you will no longer feel that powerless feeling.

In a moment of absence, suddenly, a reflective light flashed across the corner of his eyes.

Xie Muer raised his eyes subconsciously and looked at the place where the light was refracted.

He saw a little bright fluorescence circle around his eyes, and then fell lightly towards him.

He subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

But that spot of fluorescent light passed through his palm, instantly disappeared between his eyebrows, and disappeared.

The scorching flames suddenly spread between his eyebrows, burning his entire body.

In an instant, countless scenes passed before his eyes.

He saw that that night, he stood in the dark night, looked in the direction of Wang Ling, and watched silently all night.

The dew wet his temples.

He saw the red glow of the burning wooden palace illuminating the sky...

He saw the figure that fell from the cliff and he didn't have time to reach out and grab it...

He saw the unwashed bloodstains left on the dazzlingly pale stone walls...

… Under the stone statue of Isdar, the boy fell into his arms, blood stained his hands, and he heard his own sorrowful cry...


An inaudible sound.

A drop of water fell on Xie Muer's palm.

He lowered his head and stared blankly at the wet trace in his palm.

In the sunlight, there was a water light on his brown cheeks.


But it can't be controlled.

My prince.

Even if I give up everything, I want to protect you.

Even if I have to give up my beliefs.

The author has something to say: Shemuel is the only companion who has experienced Garland's death several times.

Therefore, his obsession is actually the deepest.