A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 33


The red firelight reflected the pale face of Garlan, who was lying in Heimos's arms, and his lips were even less bloody. On the other hand, the lines drawn with blood red paint on the neck became more and more bright red under the firelight, and it formed a sharp and extreme contrast with the pale skin.

The child lay silently in his arms, his lips and cheeks were pale, his breath was weak, and his drooping eyelashes were like broken butterfly wings, extremely fragile, as if he would stop breathing in the next second.

The blood on the wrists and ankles was mixed with the blood-red lines drawn, which made it difficult to see in the dark. At first glance, there was only a large area of blood red, as if the blood was going to flow from this small body. General.

Heimos even saw that his arms around the child in his arms were stained with blood, and the terrifying blood red dyed the boy's eyes red. His mind was blank at this moment, and he was sluggish for a while. Overwhelmed in place.

With a slap, a small cyan bottle was thrown to the ground and rolled in front of him.

Heimos grabbed the bottle subconsciously and glanced up.

King Camos, who threw the bottle to him, didn't look at him, but turned his head and glanced around with a pair of piercing tiger eyes.

On the opposite side, those mad believers have come from all directions, their faces are twisted, they are not afraid of death at all, they are rushing towards them like crazy.

"Give him medicine."

King Camos said solemnly, simply and neatly.

Soldiers who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years have the habit of carrying medicines with them, especially medicines for injuries such as swords and swords. As a king, Camos, who has long been used to fighting on the battlefield, naturally carries it with him, and it must be the best medicine.

After speaking, he looked at the crowd of mad believers and snorted mockingly. In his eyes, those guys are like turkeys, rotten trees and dead trees.

A group of ants gathered together, still a group of inferior ants.

As soon as he pulled on the reins, he clamped his legs under his steed, and the steed he had been fighting with on the battlefield for a long time had long been in harmony with him. When Camos moved, it immediately lowered its head and rushed towards the crowd like a thunderbolt.

On the galloping horse, the mighty king raised his great sword aloft.

The two arm-wide giant swords of Kamos reflected a thunder-like cold light in the dark night. This great sword, which had drank the blood of the enemy, was like a sickle swung down by the god of death in the dark—

Without any fancy skills, to the nearly one hundred swarming mad believers, King Camos just made an understatement with a horizontal slash.

This time, the dozens of people who rushed in the front were severely chopped out, and the chest was split with deep scars visible to the bone, and they fell to the ground and could not survive.

King Camos just slashed the rushing mad believers with his big sword without any fancy, looking down at those people with contempt in his eyes.

The King of Beasts is not afraid because there are ten times as many mice as him.

To King Camos, no matter how many people rushed up, these guys were all scum and vulnerable.

This is indeed the case.

King Camos stood before the bonfire on horseback.

The mad believers who rushed up one after another were chopped to death by his sword, countless mutilated corpses piled up in front of him, and countless people who had been chopped and flew out rolled on the ground and screamed in pain.

Even the most terrifying and craziest fanatics of the religion of all things were shocked by the might of King Camos at this moment, and they stopped and shrunk.

They stood there, blushing, looking at the man on horseback by the bonfire with bated breath.

The King of Aaron Landis, known by the world as the 'Lion King'.

The lion-like king looked down at them with scorching eyes, contemptuous and arrogant, treating them like ants.

The firelight was jumping, shining on the side cheeks of King Camos, and the blade of the great white sword in his hand was dripping with blood at this moment, which made people tremble at a glance.

In the dark night, King Camos stood on horseback alone on the ground, and his whole body was empty for several meters.

When he was there, no one dared to come close to him.

Those believers were stopped by King Camos, and Heimos had time on his side.

He almost hurriedly poured out the white lotion from the medicine bottle and smeared it on Garlan's still bleeding wrists and ankles. Then he tore a few strips of cloth from the hem of his clothes with his teeth and bandaged the wound that had been smeared with medicine.

The light-colored strip of cloth was quickly soaked in a circle of blush by the blood that was still oozing out, but fortunately, it didn't take long for the medicine to work, and the blushes stopped and continued to expand.

Heimos breathed a sigh of relief. He stretched out his finger and placed it in front of Garlan's nose, and the breath that brushed his finger very lightly gave him a little peace of mind.

There was still a little lotion left in the bottle, and he poured it all out and gently smeared it on the thin bloodstain that had scabbed on the throat of the child in his arms.

Thinking of the scene he saw from a distance not long ago, he still has a heart-pounding feeling.

Just a little bit, just a little bit more—

The fragile throat of the child in his arms would have been slit.

At that moment, he even felt that he had seen the blood spurting out of Garlan's throat into the night sky.

If it wasn't for the fact that King Camos shot an arrow through the palm of the black-robed man and knocked the dagger into the air, I'm afraid what he was holding at the moment was just a cold corpse.

This child is now in his arms, with a small body, soft, and warm breath, making people reluctant to let go.

But it is precisely because of the warmth at the moment, so as long as he thinks of the possibility of the person in his arms becoming cold, Heimos has an unbearable feeling.

Holding Garlan, he turned his head to look.

In the dark night, the young man's eyes slowly swept across the surrounding believers in similar black-blue robes. The firelight fell into his pupils, making the depths of those golden red eyes seem to be burning some kind of heart-pounding cold flame at this moment.

It is not bright, but it seems to come from the abyss, which is extremely terrifying.

Just when the mad believers could no longer bear the fear of the Lion King from the bottom of their hearts, some people began to back away, and some people began to turn around.

The first believer who wanted to turn around and run wildly just turned his head, and before his body had time to turn around, his eyes widened, and his whole body froze in place.

The countless knights in leather armor and riding warhorses had stood neatly behind them at some point, and the sharp silver spears in their hands flashed a terrifying cold light in the darkness.

This group of knights who followed King Camos on countless battlefields just stood there quietly, and the bloody suffocating aura gushing out from their bodies overwhelmed everything.

Standing in the dark, they are the invincible warriors of iron and blood under the Lion King's command.

Almost instantly defeated, the believer's feet softened, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Then, more and more believers who wanted to turn around and escape but saw the countless knights behind them all began to collapse. They either slumped on the ground or ran away screaming. Some people even tried to rush into the dense forest not far away, trying to get rid of these knights by virtue of the terrain.

On the dark horse, the brown-haired king raised the big sword in his hand and slashed heavily towards the void ahead.

It was the silent king's life.

The knights who had been standing still moved, just for an instant, just a sprint, and their silver spears pierced the throats or chests of the believers who were trying to escape.

This is a completely one-sided war.

Not one left.

This is the silent king's life issued by the sword in the sky of the Kamos Dynasty.

Loyal warriors meticulously carry out their king's orders.

The wide altar resounded with the screams of the believers enshrining the altar, and they wailed, begging their gods to save them. However, the gods whom they had sacrificed countless flesh and blood did not appear, let alone save them.

They could only run in all directions, and then fell one by one under the silver spears or swords of the knights.

It is extremely ironic that these believers finally dyed this black and bluestone slab sacrificed to God with their own blood.

But no one would sympathize with them. When these believers brought innocent and weak children to the altar, their bodies and even their souls were already marked with sin.

These sins can only be washed away by death.

Camos glanced around, and the bloody scene didn't move him in the slightest.

His long experience on the battlefield has already made him hard-hearted, he is the patron saint of his people, but to his enemies, he is like the devil.

These believers are not without women and children, but Camos has no plans to let these women and children go. He who has once conquered the sect of all things knows that these seemingly weak and harmless women and children, as long as they enter the cult, the degree of ferocity is no less than that of men - it is these seemingly poor women and underage believers who have personally beaten them countless times. Other innocent children were sent to the altar and sent to hell.

These women and children deserve no sympathy.

If they are let go of them today because of pity, they will not repent at all who have been completely brainwashed, which will only lead to the loss of more innocent lives at their hands in the future.

What he Camos wants to protect has always been the kind, upright and orderly people in Aaron Landis. These believers with blood on their hands are not the people he wants to protect, but the criminals who have seriously endangered Aaron Landis that he must exterminate.

It didn't take long for the screams to disappear gradually. After all, most of these believers of the religion of all things are ordinary people, and the mad believers are just stronger than ordinary people. In the face of this group of guards of King Kamos who has stepped on the mountain of corpses and blood, they have nothing at all. Fight back.

With a swing of his great sword, Kamos slashed the leader of a fanatic who was trying to escape heavily to the ground.

The mad believer clutched the deep wound on his chest, coughing up blood, and staring at Camos on the horse with vicious eyes.

"Persecute the King Camos I teach..."

He was spitting up blood, gasping for breath, and making noises intermittently.

"We're not going to die... Everything is there, I teach... God is watching us."

He looked at Camos with hatred, and his words were like a curse.

"Those who persecute God's followers... tyrannical king, you will be punished, and this kingdom will be punished... God will not forgive you, God will bring disaster on the land of Aaron Landis... We curse You, curse Aaron Landis..."

Before the last sentence was interrupted, the long sword penetrated deeply into his chest, causing the believer's voice to stop abruptly.

King Kamos drew out his great sword, and without hesitating, threw the blood dripping blade and carried it on his shoulders.

He looked down at the corpse, grinned, and his posture was arrogant, but the tall and majestic figure somehow made people think that he was arrogant for granted.

"I am the king of Aaron Landis, no matter who it is, as long as he is in Aaron Landis, he must obey my king's orders, and your god is no exception."

He said, an understatement.

"If your god has any dissatisfaction, let him come to me, and I shall answer."

He is the king of Aaron Landis, and he will guard the country and guard his people.

The guy who wants to harm Aaron Landis, even the so-called god, he dares to fight against it!

Night fell, and the rising sun had risen from the distant horizon.

The brilliance of the morning light came over, illuminating the golden-brown hair of King Kamos, who was riding on the ground, like a burning sun.

Xie Mu'er got off his horse and walked over quickly.

Looking at the little prince whose hands and feet were stained with blood and whose breath was weak, he frowned.

From the very beginning, he disapproved of the fact that Gallan, a prince, would risk his life for the children of low-level civilians, even now he still thinks so. However, he had always thought that Gallan, who had been considered almost incapable and would not do anything in the future, could do such a thing, which really surprised him, and somewhat changed his mind.

Even if Garlan's behavior was out of order, at least he appreciated the boy's courage in the face of danger.

Although this little prince usually looks squeamish and naive, he is still reliable at critical moments.

The priest of Shamash thought so, and leaned over, trying to take Garlan from Heimos. But just as his hand reached out, the boy who had been sitting quietly on the ground holding Garlan suddenly raised his head and glanced at him.

The gloomy aura that passed through those golden red eyes actually made his heart palpitate for a moment.

After being stunned for a moment, Xie Mu'er's expression became serious.

"Prince Heimos, please hand over His Royal Highness Gallan to me, he needs better placement."

Heimos lowered his eyes and didn't say a word, didn't move, just pursed his lips, and the scattered black hair cast a deep shadow in his eye sockets.

He stood up without a word, grabbed Xie Muer's horse, put Garlan on it, and then got on the horse himself.

Xie Muer wanted to say something when a voice came from beside him.

"Ximuel, just let him take care of Garlan." Camos said, "You have to deal with the follow-up, over there, you have to deal with those children."

Xie Muer glanced at the corner of the altar, where there were a group of children half-stunned and half-crying.

"Yes, King Camos."

He replied, looking deeply at Heimos again, then turned and walked over there.

… … … …

The sun rose, then the day passed, and it slowly sank into the horizon again.

After a busy day, King Camos, who had finally dealt with the follow-up work, finally found time and slurred while gorging on the dried meat.

"How is Garland?"

"The prince is fine, there will be no danger, but he has lost too much blood and needs to rest for a while."

"That's good."

Camos breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's Heimos? Still there?"

He has something to do, so no matter how worried he is about Garlan, he must get up and deal with it first.

I heard that the boy Heimos was with Garlan all day.

Tsk, why can that kid accompany Garlan, and he has to worry about his injured little brother, while he has to be busy and miserable

Gee, it's so frustrating.

Xie Muer frowned, then spoke.

"… Speaking of which, King Camos, I have something to tell you."


"Because of some accidents, the living environment of Heimos is very different from that of ordinary descendants of the royal family since childhood... Perhaps his excellence beyond others is due to his experience that is different from ordinary people, but that The experience brought him not only outstanding talent, but also some other problems."

Xie Muer remembered the look Heimos gave him not long ago, and even he was stunned for a moment.

Yes, he has always been very satisfied with Heimos' outstanding aptitude, but Heimos is only twelve or thirteen years old now, and he has such eyes, which is simply—

Now, he has to admit that in terms of mind, Heimos is probably not as good as Gallan.

"Prince Heimos seems to be developing in the direction of paranoia in character. And... um, maybe it's my illusion, but I vaguely feel that his paranoia seems to have a tendency to fall on His Highness Gallan. If this continues, I am afraid it will not be good for the two princes."

Xie Muer looked at King Camos and said.

"So, King Camos, I think, even for these two princes, we'd better keep them at a certain distance."