A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 35


Garlan woke up in the middle of the night, and when he opened his eyes, he felt as if he was lying in bed, so he habitually thought he had restarted again.

After all, except for the last time, he woke up in bed every time he was reborn.

Have you been given another chance

Thinking so, Garlan looked left and right.

After seeing the surrounding scenery, an unfamiliar, very ordinary small house, he immediately understood that he had not restarted.

There was a faint pain in the wrist and ankle. He thought that he was probably rescued after he passed out. That is to say, Brother Camos and the others rushed over in time to remove him from the black at the critical moment. Pao Ren rescued.

Couldn't you be earlier

Ten minutes earlier, I don't have to suffer like this.

The tingling sensation from his hands and feet made Garlan complain in the bottom of his heart.

However, on second thought, if he hadn't insisted on showing off, in order to delay the time to release the child, he wouldn't have been seen as a sacrifice by the priest of the cult.

Even, from the beginning, if he didn't have to be a hero to do that kind of bait, he wouldn't be so unlucky.

So in the final analysis, it is still his own fault.

With a sigh in his heart, Garlan turned his head, he felt very thirsty and wanted to drink some water. But the room was quiet, and there was no one but him.

Don't even have one to take care of the patient

... Forget it, Brother Wang and Xie Mu'er, with their muscular muscles and thick nerves that can only fight, how could they think about the need for nursing care for patients.

However, very thirsty, he wanted to drink water.

Garlan hesitated for a moment, but his thirsty throat made him resist the pain in his hands and feet, slowly climbed down from the bed, leaned against the wall, and walked out of the room staggeringly.

It was a place he had never seen before, and when he went out, there was a small courtyard outside.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a small artificial rockery, and below it is a large bonsai with a height of half a person. On it, there is clear water flowing down the artificial stone wall, and it falls on the fine rocks in the bonsai, making crisp splashes. water sound.

The clear water glowed in the moonlight, and Garlan couldn't help but walked over, put his hands on the edge of the bonsai, leaned forward, leaned over, and took a few sips of water directly with his mouth.

The cool water moistened his somewhat chapped lips, and the coolness went down his throat, soothing the burning sensation in his body. And the splash of water that splashed out fell on his face and temples, and the cool feeling made him feel very comfortable. He raised his head and squinted his eyes subconsciously, enjoying the feeling of the cool water falling on his face comfortably.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the side, blocking his face, and blocking the cold water splashing on his face.

Garlan opened his eyes in astonishment, and before he could see who the owner of that hand was, he was suddenly hugged by the waist, and then his body lightened, and he was hugged horizontally by the person beside him.

When he looked up, he met those familiar golden red eyes.

The boy who picked him up looked down at him, frowned, and scolded him.

"You want to continue being seriously ill?"

King Camos ordered him to leave, but Heimos did not resist Wang Ling because he could hear a tone that could not be rejected from Xie Muer's tone.

He felt that if he refused to leave, the priest of Shamash would still take coercive measures to let him leave. Therefore, he obeyed the orders of King Camos.

And he knew that King Camos and the others were busy with their affairs, and even if they took time to visit Garlan, they couldn't stay there for too long. Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to resist King Camos and Xie Muer head-on, as long as they come back after they leave.

In the middle of the night, Heimos, who had rested in his residence for a while, opened his eyes and looked at the sky. He guessed that King Camos and the others had almost left, so he got up and came straight over.

The knights guarding outside the courtyard did not receive the order that Prince Heimos could not enter, and it was impossible for Ximuer to let King Camos issue such an order, so Heimos still entered smoothly.

Just as soon as he entered this small courtyard, a fire broke out in the young man's heart.

He saw that the child who should have been obediently lying on the bed and resting came out without a robe on such a cold night, and even got to the cold running water to let the water pour it—

It's simply not taking your body seriously.

So Heimos went up and directly picked up the disobedient child, and couldn't help but scold.

The child who was picked up by him raised his head and saw that it was him, his golden amber-like eyes suddenly widened.

It was big and round, and it reflected the moonlight like the brightest gem, which instantly drenched the fire in his heart.

The boy pursed his lips, and with a stern face, he carried Garlan back to the room and put him back on the bed with a clearly angry face.

"What are you doing out there?"

Heimos asked with a stern face.

Not understanding why Heimos suddenly appeared unhappy, Garlan replied subconsciously.

He said, "… thirsty and want water."


Heimos left a sentence and went out.

While Garlan was still stunned, he soon returned. However, the returning boy had a cup in his hand, and then, Garlan saw Heimos sitting beside the bed and handed the cup to him.

He reached out his hand subconsciously, wanting to take it from the other party. But Heimos glanced at the snow-white bandages wrapped around his hands, raised his hand, avoided the hand he stretched out, and then directly brought the mouth of the teacup to his lips.

"Uh, myself..."

Although it is the body of a child, it is not a problem to be fed by the king, but to be fed with water by the mortal enemy is really...

"If you keep moving your hand, the wound will open again."

"… "

Indeed, there was a tingling sensation in the wrist. The slightest movement of the hand made the tingling worse.

Garlan, who was really afraid of pain, weighed the pros and cons. Anyway, he had already been fed by Brother Kamos as a child, and it didn't matter if he continued to be a child in front of others.

He made an excuse for himself like this, then opened his mouth obediently and drank water.

Heimos watched Garlan open his mouth obediently, sipping water one by one, his lips no longer as pale as they were not long ago, but a little blood.

The white bandaged throat moved as he swallowed, and the white bandage was very dazzling. It gave him the urge to reach out and touch it, but he finally resisted it.

The kid finished drinking and looked up at him.

Soft and fluffy pale blond hair wrapped around the palm-sized face, and big golden eyes looked at him.

"Did you save me?"

Putting down the empty water glass on the table, Heimos's hand paused.

With his back to Garlan, he replied in a low voice, "...No."

"It's King Camos," he said.

At the last moment, it was a lightning-like arrow shot by King Camos, which penetrated the hand of the black-robed man.

Therefore, the one who saved Garlan was King Camos, not him.


Garland breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay that Brother Camos saved him, so that's okay.

He thought happily.

If he was saved by Heimos, by his mortal enemy, he would be ashamed.

"next time… "

Just when Garlan was rejoicing in his heart, Heimos suddenly came over.

The boy leaned over and put his hands on the edge of the bed, his eyes staring at Garlan without blinking.

At this moment, his expression was extremely serious, as if taking an oath.

"Wait until next time, when this happens to you—"

It's up to me.

In the future, I will definitely be stronger than King Camos.

When you are in danger again, I will protect you with my own hands.

There was a sudden cry from the door, interrupting what Heimos was unable to say. The two subconsciously turned their eyes to the door, and saw a maid standing there, covering her mouth, showing a panicked look.

"Yes, I'm sorry, because I suddenly had something to do, so I left for a while, that, that—"

She was the one who was in charge of taking care of Garland at night. She was so sleepy that she couldn't hold it until the second half of the night. Seeing that Garland didn't wake up, she left for a while and went out to find something to refresh herself.

Unexpectedly, just when she was leaving, Garlan woke up. At this moment, seeing the two people in the room looking over, the negligent maid lowered her head in a panic and desperately apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

Half of the words were interrupted, plus there were many strangers, Heimos did not intend to continue the words.

He touched Garlan's head and said softly, "Stop running around."

After speaking, he turned to leave, but as he walked past the maid, he lowered his voice and said something.

"Take care of it, and next time, you will be severely punished."

"Yes, it is!"

The maid trembled.

He was obviously just a boy who was younger than her and shorter than her, but just listening to that voice made her terrified.

Garlan sat on the bed, watching the back of Heimos leaving, and always felt that there was something wrong with what Heimos said just now.

He pondered for a while, and finally realized what was wrong.

Immediately, he was angry.

Heimos, wait a minute, what do you mean by that

next time

Are you cursing me

Wait until I encounter that kind of thing again? Do this unfortunate thing happen again


joke! I don't want this next time at all! Your curse will not work!

Garlan, who was inconvenient to drop objects because of his injured hands and feet, slammed the table in his heart.

Everyday #heymosThis guy is definitely mean to me - #series.

… … … …

He slept until dawn, and after noon the next day, Camos finally had time to visit his little brother again. Naturally, Xie Muer also followed behind him.

The hair of Garlan who was still sitting on the bed was messed up by Kamos who was standing beside the bed, like a bird's nest.

"You little guy, you really scared me to death, you don't even think about the consequences?"

King Camos rubbed his little brother's head vigorously, and kept reciting like an old mother.

"Why are you so stupid and reckless? You made an appointment with me to protect yourself, but you did such a dangerous thing. You are violating Wang Ling!"

"I was wrong, Brother Wang."

Garlan looked at King Camos and said, very honestly and frankly admitting his mistake.

But no one noticed that he looked at Camos with a look of anticipation hidden in the bottom of his eyes.

"Will you punish me?"

Since waking up, Garlan has made up his mind even more.

No matter what, he had to find a way to get rid of the identity of this king's younger brother.

It was too dangerous to be in the royal family, beside King Camos, beside Heimos who was still cursing him.

When he was the king's younger brother, he acted as if his life would be in danger anytime, anywhere.

He had a feeling that as long as he was still the king's younger brother, bad luck would haunt him and linger.

Next time or something... If it goes on like this, maybe Heimos's curse will really come true.

So, Brother Wang, look at how useless I am, how reckless I am, I can screw up such a simple thing, and I have no ability to protect myself - you see, I am not suitable for being a king brother, what to do. Aaron Landis' heir.

So, hurry up, hurry up, get rid of me.

Thinking like this, Garlan looked at King Camos expectantly, and only hoped that he would continue to reprimand him, the more severe the reprimand the better, and the more disappointed he was with himself, the better.

I saw the little prince looking up at Camos with a small face, the messy blond hair scattered on his cheeks, a small face pale, almost bloodless, the long eyelashes blinked, and it looked again. It's pathetic and cute.

Upon seeing it like that, King Camos suddenly groaned, and the heart of our mighty Lion King on the battlefield softened into a puddle of water in an instant.


My little brother is so sensible, so cute, so well-behaved, how could he be willing to be punished

King Kamos, who had wanted to continue to scold Garlan, was shut up at the sight of Garlan, and tenderly touched Garlan's pale face.

"Forget it, pay attention next time."

Garland: "???Aren't you angry, brother?"

King Camos: "Don't be angry, Brother Wang is not angry at all, darling~"

Garland: "..."

Brother Wang, how can you not be angry

There was a coughing sound, and Xie Muer, who had been standing quietly, finally found a chance to speak.

"King Camos is right, Your Highness Gallan, your behavior is too reckless."

He said it blankly.

"Although I have always known that you are a dull, persevering and weak person, I never imagined that you would act so stupidly."

"As the prince of Aaron Landis, everything you do is not in line with your status."

"You have no self-knowledge, you misestimate your abilities, and you do things you can't do at all; you have the courage to lead things to such a dangerous level; you are too weak to even protect yourself. Can't do-"

As soon as the priest of Shamash opened his mouth, he criticized Gallan for nothing.

Suddenly, King Camos, who was protecting the calf, was not happy.

"Hey, Xie Mu'er, that's a bit too much."

Garlan looked at Xie Muer eagerly.

he said.

It's okay, go on, talk more, the more the better, I don't care, I really don't care.

Hurry up, Xie Muer, continue to criticize me, it is best to immediately propose to the king to abolish this useless king, don't be polite, come and criticize me to your heart's content!

Xie Muer, who had severely criticized Garlan, suddenly paused and coughed.


He coughed and said, "His Royal Highness Gallan, for your bravery in the face of danger, and for your protection of the people of Aaron Landis, these are worthy of appreciation."

The priest of Shamash looked at Gallan and spoke with a straight face.

"So, I would like to apologize to you and take back the words I once said, 'I have no expectations for your future.'"

After speaking, Xie Mu'er bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Behind him, the little prince sitting on the bed was completely dumbfounded.

No... no no no no no, Xie Muer, you wait for me.

You misunderstood, really misunderstood.

I am really a useless waste with zero future growth value, just like you said, stupid, stupid, weak, courageous and foolhardy, absolutely fighting the five scumbags!

Shemuel, don't go—

Don't take back that sentence!

Believe me! I'm really a piece of trash that doesn't deserve your expectations—