A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 36


Garlan's current base is Ayr Town, a mansion of a wealthy businessman. Because the valley of the destroyed altar of the religion of all things was slightly closer to this town, after the cult was destroyed, King Camos temporarily settled in this town.

In this way, the believers in the city of Wiener will not be disturbed. After interrogating several believers alive, King Kamos learned that the All things religion had secretly colluded with some rights holders in the city of Venar, and had already allowed some followers of all things religion to work secretly in the city. The most important thing is that those believers who hide in the city will meet the mad believers who were secretly put into the city by the powerful and powerful in the city on the second night, disguised as thieves to attack the city or the refugees to riot, and directly rob the children in the city.

For this confession, King Camos sneered at the time and didn't say anything, but everyone could feel the anger that almost burned the air from him at that time.

Therefore, the king of Camos was busy secretly transferring his cavalry to the city of Vernal yesterday, ambush outside, monitoring the movement in the city, or breaking into pieces and sneaking into the city to wait for orders.

Although it is easy to directly lead the cavalry into the city of Vernal to crush the group of garbage, but this can only kill the pests that are on the surface, and what he wants to do is to lurk those deep in the city of Vernal. of silverfish swept away.

More than 30 children rescued from the altar of the cult, in order to avoid exposure, they were temporarily guarded in one place. Later, after inquiries, it was found that almost all of these children were from Wijnal City, so Camos decided to bring them back when he went to Wijnal City today. When everything is over, arrange for the group of children to go home.

Now, the vast majority of the cavalry under Camos' command are already ready to prepare near the city of Vernal, and Camos was ready early this morning and planned to set off with the remaining cavalry to go to Vernal City, prepare for the battle at night.

However, the local doctor said that Garlan's wound is not suitable for moving, otherwise it is likely to cause the wounds on the hands and feet to open. Therefore, Garlan could only stay in the town of El to continue to recover, and King Camos left five cavalry to protect him in the town.

Originally, Heimos volunteered to stay and take care of Garland, but was beaten back by Xie Muer.

"Prince Heimos, although your martial skills are beyond ordinary people, you still need more training on the battlefield. Therefore, please follow King Camos to Venar City, which is also for you to obtain more merits. ."

The priests of Shamash have always been synonymous with integrity, rigidity, and stubbornness. Once a judgment is made and a decision is made, he will stick to it.

Now that it has been decided to keep the two princes as far apart as possible, Xie Muer will always pay attention to this.

"As for Prince Gallan, I will stay in El Town to take care of it, please don't worry about it."


Originally worried that Gallan would not be taken care of, King Camos, who was hesitant to let Heimos stay, heard Xie Muer's initiative to stay, and immediately agreed.

"That's it, Ximuel, you stay here to take care of Garland," he said. "Heimos is going with me to the city of Vernal."

Heimos pondered for a while, remembering what Xie Muer said just now, that he needed more tempering on the battlefield to become stronger, so he nodded obediently.

He only made up his mind secretly yesterday that he must become stronger as soon as possible and become stronger than King Camos.

Before leaving, King Camos took Heimos to visit Garland and said goodbye by the way.

"Brother Wang, are you going to Vernal City now?"

"Don't worry, the matter will be completely resolved tonight. In two days, when the city of Vernal has completely settled down and your injuries are better, I will come to pick you up."

"Okay, Brother Wang."

The little prince who was sitting on the bed nodded obediently and answered.

He pondered in his heart that by the time he returned to Vinal City, the war should be over, and King Camos could also control Vinal City. Then, at that time, he can tell the brother Wang that the dead bodies cannot be discarded in the water source at will, and let the brother organize people to dispose of the corpses.

It's just that the practice of easily causing plague has always been the norm, and the people here still don't understand the infection of germs, so he has to come up with a reason to convince Brother Wang.

Garlan was still thinking about it when he suddenly heard King Camos speak again.

"Garlan, I'm leaving."

Seeing that Garlan didn't react or express anything, Kamos once again emphasized his tone.

"Brother Wang is really leaving—"

You see I'm leaving, you don't say anything

Kamos' repeated and aggravated tone lifted Garlan out of his contemplation. When Garlan looked up, he saw his brother standing in front of his bed looking at him eagerly.

Such a big man, such a sturdy man, his eyes looking eagerly like a big pet begging for hugs and rubbing his head made Garlan subconsciously think of the little milk who was left in the royal city. Lionega. Although they were different in size, the eyes that looked at him eagerly were exactly the same.

Ah, speaking of which, I have been away for so long, and I don't know how Nega is doing now. I haven't looked for it. Are I getting angry and refusing to eat

… Well, whatever, anyway, if you’re hungry, you’ll always eat.

Garlan raised his head, his eyes curved like the curvature of a crescent moon.

"You are invincible, Brother Wang."

The little prince's bright smile and his crisp, soft voice sounded in the room, like a priest's prayer.

"Whenever, wherever, you will embrace victory."

ooh ooh-

The big lion that was slapped with his hair instantly had MAX fighting power.

King Camos bowed his head happily, hugged Garlan, and rubbed his little brother's soft face with delight, only to feel that his whole body was full of strength.

Ow! I can play twenty of one now!

The Lion King, whose fighting power had exploded, left contentedly and proudly.

Garlan was waving goodbye to brother Camos while smiling, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

When he turned his head, he found that his brother was gone, but Heimos was still here. He didn't say a word, just stood, staring at Garlan with a pair of golden red eyes.

Garlan was staring at him uncomfortable, and he didn't know what he wanted to do, so he could only look back at Heimos with an inexplicable face.

Heimos stood silently for a while, and when he saw that Garlan didn't respond, he spoke.

"I also need to go."

Garland: "Huh?"

I know you are going, I said it just now, why do I say it again

Heimos said again faintly: "Me too, I'm going to the battlefield."

"… "

Finally feeling the anticipation in Heimos's eyes staring at him, the corner of Garlan's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Heimos seems to be, may be, seems to be, should be... He wants to tell him what he just said to Brother Camos.

Do not.

How could he possibly say that.

Brother Wang, forget it, Heimos is the enemy, the mortal enemy who has killed him many times, how can he bless a person who has killed him so many times

Impossible, impossible in this lifetime.

Seeing Garlan pursing his lips and staring at himself without saying a word, the look of anticipation in the boy's eyes dimmed. He stood there, like a black wolf pulling its ears down, and even the tail that seemed to be swaying constantly behind him drooped down, looking listless.

… there is always a sense of conscience being tortured.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the big wild wolf who was stunned, Garlan was very confused.

You are the guy who will be the Great Demon King in the future, what's the matter with this kind of abandoned eyes now

Okay, I'm afraid of you.

"Then you... also be careful, don't get scared off the horse."

Although he couldn't match Heimos' foul eyes in the end, Gallan compromised, but he couldn't help but arrogantly mixed something with a curse.

But the cursed person didn't care, or didn't hear it at all. Heimos's eyes lit up instantly when he said this. The young man looked at him, his eyes bright and even slightly bent.

Then, Heimos said good, smiled and patted his head, then turned and left contentedly.

As a result, a lion and a wolf that were ripped off happily rushed to the battlefield.

The little prince, who was left alone, pondered the reason for reminding his brother to dispose of the corpses in the water source after a few days, and continued to think hard about how to make his identity as a prince abolished... Oh, no, not alone, Xie Muer also stayed and was responsible for taking care of him.

So, soon, Garlan had no time to think about those two difficult questions.

Because the priest of Shamash, who was supposed to take care of him, came in with a book, sat beside his bed and opened the book.

Although your hands and feet are injured, your brain can still be used.

With this as a reason, Xi Muer began to teach him one-on-one.

Before, it took Gallan a full month to make Xi Muer completely disappointed with him. But now, Xie Mu'er has returned to the state of enthusiasm at the beginning, and he must work hard to carve out this piece of waste wood.

You are not as talented as Prince Heimos, and you have to make up for it with diligence.

The priests of Shamash scolded Garland in this way.

So, at the end of the day, Garlan only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Ah, the road ahead is bleak, and there is absolutely no (destroyed) hope in sight.

The little prince was very sad.

It's impossible to say that you don't want the throne at all, and no one will believe it. Instead, people will think it's just pretending to show the so-called comity.

Garland pondered.

Then, I said directly, I think that I am not as good as Heimos, and I think Heimos is more suitable to be the heir to the throne... Will this be useful

… it probably worked a little bit before, but now…

Now that I know that my aptitude is not as good as that of Prince Heimos, I have to make up for it with diligence!

Now Xie Muer will probably teach him a lesson in such a righteous manner, and then use every means to forcibly reverse his 'decadent' thinking to a 'positive' side.

As for Ximuer's methods of forcing people to be 'positive'... Garlan shuddered at the thought.

No, no, this method will not work, absolutely not!

So, in the end, do you still have to find a way to let Brother Wang and Xie Muer take the initiative to abolish themselves

Xie Muer was giving a lecture there, and Garlan, who was sitting on the bed, seemed to be listening obediently, but in fact, he had already lost his mind, thinking about how to make Xie Muer give up his method.

For a time, the thinking of the two went against each other, and they couldn't match up at all.

If the High Priest, who with unparalleled enthusiasm wants to teach Gallan to be an excellent successor to the throne, knows what Gallan is thinking about at the moment, he will probably be very angry.

Just when one was teaching seriously and the other was unwilling to learn, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside.

Xie Muer turned his head, followed the sound, and frowned sharply when he made a fine distinction. He had already heard it after a long battle. In the noisy voice, he could vaguely hear the sound of metal crashing, which was probably the sound of swords clashing.

However, King Camos led the remaining cavalry to the city of Vernal early in the morning. At this time, it was impossible to return to the town of Ayr to catch the slippery fish of the cult and those dignitaries who secretly communicated with the cult.

Just when Xie Muer got up and planned to go out to find out, a burst of hurried footsteps sounded, from far to near.

Then, the door was slammed open.

"Lord Xie Mu'er!"

Someone pushed open the door and walked in quickly. It was one of the five cavalrymen left by King Kamos to protect Garlan, and there were two people behind him.

It was already late at night, but they were all dressed in leather armor, fully armed, and looked at Xie Muer with awe.

Xie Muer got up and glanced outside through the shoulders of several people. In the dark night in the distance, an abnormal fire was faintly visible, as if a house was burning.

"What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?"

The leading knight replied solemnly.

"My lord, those refugees who gathered in Ayr Town started a riot tonight! Now they are attacking the town's ruling house, and a group of rioting refugees are coming in our direction!"


Xie Mu'er's pupils shrank for a moment, and without saying a word, he walked out quickly, and several cavalrymen immediately followed behind him.

Garlan, who was left in the room, watched in astonishment as Xi Muer and the others filed out. Through the open door, you could vaguely see a dangerous fire swaying in the dark night in the distance.

… what

Refugee riots

Now? it's here-

Garlan subconsciously remembered the half sentence Heimos said to him late last night.

[If there is another time, you encounter this kind of thing again...]

Heimos, you crow's mouth!

This is definitely your curse fulfilled!