A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 38


It was pitch black all around, I couldn't see my fingers, and I couldn't see anything. The little child sat on his knees in the narrow dark cave, his chin resting on his knees.

He opened his eyes in the darkness, as if looking at the past through the darkness in front of him.

The past that he didn't want to recall after this rebirth.

He could vaguely see him lying on the cold stone floor when he was a teenager, and the poison that erupted caused blood to ooze from the corners of his mouth, eyes, and even nostrils.

Everyone stood around him, looking down at him lying on the ground in an embarrassment, waiting for him to die.

Among them all, including the teacher he once trusted so much, the priest of Shamash, Shemur.

At the last second of losing consciousness, he saw Xi Muer walking towards him in a trance, standing in front of him, condescendingly looking down at him before his death with emotionless eyes.

He will never forget that scene.

He will not forget the heart-piercing pain he felt at that moment, when his limbs should have been numb and unconscious.

The noise outside continued to sound, the sound of sharp arrows being nailed to the house, the sound of swords colliding, and the sound of countless people shouting.

Bits and pieces mixed together, penetrated the floor, poured into his eardrums.

Garlan sat with his knees folded, his eyes kept open in the dark, looking at the void in contemplation.

After a while, he closed his eyes, nodded lightly, and hummed, as if he had made up his mind.


After all, he was still the prince of Aaron Landis.

Thinking so, Garlan raised his hand and pushed the baffle above his head a crack.

The light of the fire shone into the dull dark hole from the gap, and the raised gap was pitch black, and the only thing that could be seen was a pair of bright golden eyes that seemed to glow.

As soon as Xie Muer walked out of the gate, he looked up and saw another wave of arrows coming towards him.

He reflexively raised the scepter in his hand and blocked all the sharp arrows shot at him.

"Lord Xie Mu'er?"

"Master Priest!"

"grown ups-"

Seeing Xie Mu'er going out, the five knights who were guarding outside showed stunned expressions.

"I can't stay in there all the time for your protection."

Xie Muer said in a deep voice, pun intended.

"It's just me, there's no need to hide in the house!"

He emphasized the half-sentence 'I am alone', and the knights looked at each other and immediately understood what Xie Muer meant.

They stopped talking, silently raised the long sword in their hands, and stood firmly on the ground.

At their feet, dozens of corpses had already been laid. Where they are, it is like an invisible barrier, and no one can break through them and enter their defense line one step.

However, the price paid is enormous.

The knights were all wounded, bruised by sharp blades, and bruised by heavy objects—these were caused by the countless women, children and old men around them throwing stones at them, but the most serious thing was the sharp arrows to them. Injuries caused.

At this moment, each of them has more or less arrows stuck in them. One eye frame of the knight who tamed the little black mouse is already empty, because not long ago, the arrow in the eye had been pulled out together with the eyeball. , threw it on the ground, the blood flowing from the empty eye socket at this moment has dyed half of his cheek red.

Obviously, after dropping dozens of corpses, the leaders of these rioting refugees realized that these knights were not ordinary people, so they asked everyone to retreat and use bows and arrows directly.

The town is close to the deep mountains, so there are not a few local hunters, and there are many people who can use bows and arrows proficiently, not to mention that they have obtained war bows that are only available in the army, and their power is even greater.

And the five knights under King Camos, although they were all powerful knights who followed Camos from the battlefield, but their strongest strength as knights was to charge into battle on horseback. Now, in order to protect the prince, they can only stay here in the house and cannot ride on horses, and their combat effectiveness is almost abolished by half.

Originally, they could easily defeat the rushing mob, but now, facing the long-range attack of sharp arrows from all directions, they couldn't imagine it at all, and they couldn't hide in order to protect the people behind them, so they could only be passively beaten here.

The other mansions had already been captured, and all the wealthy businessmen and dignitaries who were arrogant and arrogant in their daily lives were all caught, squatting on the ground tremblingly, and being guarded.

At this moment, this solitary house is surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of rioting refugees, like a lonely boat sailing on a stormy sea. He kept holding on to the ground and refused to fall.


A command came.

Another wave of arrows hit like a hurricane.

Xie Mu'er was focusing his attention on the sharp arrow that was shot when he suddenly heard a scream beside him.


The knight with one missing eye hugged Tong Ze who was lying on top of him, and called out his name in grief.

He was blind in one eye and had limited vision, so he couldn't see the sharp arrow shot at him from the side. It was Tong Ze beside him who helped him block the deadly arrow with his body.

At this moment, the knight with his throat and head pierced fell on him, he was no longer breathing, and the blood that flowed out stained the leather armor on his body.

… can’t go on like this!

If this continues, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to use it, and will only be shot to death as a target!

Xie Muer stepped forward and pointed the scepter in his hand forward.

"Rebels, let your leaders come out and talk!"

he snapped.

His stern shout made the people on the opposite side startled, temporarily stopped the attack, and subconsciously turned his attention to their leader. It was a middle-aged man, tall, with a square face and a resolute profile, looking like a taciturn man. At this moment, the leader of the refugee was squatting on the wall of the house, holding his bow towards Xie Muer, apparently one of the archers.

When Xie Muer spoke, he was silent for a few seconds, put down the war bow in his hand, jumped, jumped off the wall, landed on the ground, and faced Xie Muer face to face.

"What do you want to say, Lord Priest."

The middle-aged man asked, his expression was very calm, and he could not see any emotions.

"Listen, I know your reasons for doing this."

Xie Muer said quickly, trying to convince the other party.

He knew that they all had a herd mentality towards the riot of refugees who gathered like a burning fire. As long as they could persuade the leader who led them, they would have a great chance of dissolving this riot.

"We are not from the city of Vernal, but from the king's city. King Camos already knows what's going on here and sent us here to help the refugees here. The food, grass and medicine you need will be delivered soon, Those powerful and corrupt officials who swallow the relief items without authorization will be punished by the king - so stop your actions immediately!"

"… "

The man was silent for a few seconds again, and then, he said.

"I know that you are from the royal city, and the clerks who were caught have already told me."

He raised his head and looked at Xie Muer with a burning gaze.

"But, I don't believe you!"

There was deep anger, even hatred in his eyes.

"All of you nobles and officials are the same raccoon dog! Whether it's from the royal city or the city of Vernal, it's all the same!"

"You teamed up to swallow the relief that was supposed to be distributed to us, took our wives and children, and drove us civilians out of the city of Venar! Even caught up and sold them as slaves - you nobles don't care about us at all Live or die!"

"it's not true… "

What Xie Muer wanted to explain was interrupted by the man again.

"You said no? Then, Lord Priest, as long as you return the children you took away in the morning, I will trust you, how about that?"


Xie Mu'er was startled, and then reacted immediately.

This civilian man was referring to the group of children that King Camos took to Venal City in the morning. I am afraid that someone saw it by accident, so these refugees mistakenly thought that this group of people were also noble officials who colluded with the religion of all things. , those children were sent to teach everything.

But this is really a misunderstanding!

He explained eagerly: "Wait a minute, those kids are just being escorted back to Wijnal!"

The middle-aged man smiled, with an indescribable sarcasm.

"Master Priest, do you think I will believe your words?"

"… "

Shemuel could not refute.

He looked at the hostile eyes of the group of refugees staring at him on the opposite side, and everyone's eyes were filled with intense anger and hatred, as if burning him to ashes.

He pursed his lips, and said, "Do you know how the rebellion will end? When the army arrives, all of you will be killed."

The man looked at Xie Mu'er, and the depths of his pupils seemed to be enveloped by a very light black mist.

There was bitter hatred in his eyes.

He said, "What can I be afraid of when I have lost everything?"


How could that be compared to the pain of losing his beloved wife and children

"Listen, as long as you stop now, you can still—"

"Enough, Lord Priest, enough, I don't want to hear it anymore. We don't believe a word of what you noble officials who drink human blood and eat human flesh say."

The man said this, word by word, with awe-inspiring eyes and a cold tone.

Then, he waved his hand.

Another wave of arrows slammed, and among them, there were countless large blocks of stones that were smashed at them from all directions by the angry refugees who gathered around.

Suddenly, the corner of his eye was hit by a stone, and Xie Mu'er's perspective was blacked out for a second, but this pause made him unable to block the sharp arrow.

The sharp arrow pierced through his body, one arrow pierced into his chest, one arrow pierced the base of his thigh, one arrow pierced his ankle, and even his neck narrowly missed a sharp arrow. .

But he didn't fall down.

In the dark night, Xie Muer tapped the ground on one knee, the scepter in his right hand plunged deeply into the ground, and the veins on the back of the hand clenching the scepter burst out, trying his best to support his body.

The priest of Shamash gritted his teeth and braced himself abruptly, refusing to fall in front of his enemy.

He raised his head, the blood flowing from the big hole on the side of the neck cut by the sharp arrow stained most of his neck red, and the blood from the wound on the forehead that was smashed by the gravel stained his temples.

Beside him, the remaining four knights did not fall, even if they were shot by arrows, they were still struggling to support their bodies. They gasped violently, blood stained their leather armor, and every time they moved a little, thin blood spurted out of their bodies, especially the blood-red face of the knight who had lost one eye. terror.

But they still stood, standing on the ground, clenching the long swords in their hands against their enemies.

On the opposite side, the middle-aged man who was the leader of the refugees silently looked at these noble knights who he should have hated so much, but his heart was inexplicably filled with emotion and respect.

Then, he opened the war bow in his hand, and the sharp point of the arrow aimed at the eyebrow of the priest opposite.

Behind the man, the nearly 100 war bows were also drawn together with him, and the arrows that shone with cold light were aimed at the knights who were already covered in wounds, or the vital points such as the throat or the forehead. Just waiting for their leader to give an order, they will shoot all arrows to kill these damn nobles completely.

Shemuer let out a breath.

This time, he may have been doomed.

He just didn't expect that he didn't die on the battlefield against foreign enemies, but at the hands of these mobs, which made him somewhat unwilling.


He remembered the small figure who was staying in the dark cave at the moment, and his eyes softened a little at this moment.

At least, Prince Gallan is safe, that's enough.

In the darkness of the night, the two sides faced each other, and at this moment the space between heaven and earth also quieted down.

The air was dead silent, and even breathing seemed to freeze at this moment.

Under the gaze of Xie Mu'er's eyes, the man's calloused fingers moved slightly, and he saw that the extremely tight string was about to open—

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound.

This voice is not usually loud, but it is unusually abrupt at the moment of silence.

That is human instinct, and almost everyone subconsciously turns their attention to the place where the sound is made.

I saw that the door of the house that everyone thought was empty was opened, and someone walked out from there.

It was a young child who looked no more than seven or eight years old, with snow-white bandages still wrapped around his wrists, calves, and even his neck.

The child who pushed open the door looked up at everyone, and then stepped forward.

At the moment when all the minds and hearts are tense in the battle, at this moment when the tension is so tense that one can hold one's breath, this child suddenly appears, and then calmly walks into the middle of the warring parties, showing an indescribable appearance. Weird.

It was so strange that everyone couldn't react for a while. Even the middle-aged man who was about to shoot the arrow was stunned, and the hand that was about to loosen the string stopped.

At this moment, the entire earth was inexplicably quiet to the extreme.

Then, a high-pitched voice suddenly broke the eerie silence.

"Why did you come out!"

Even in the face of the sharp arrow aimed at his eyebrows, Xie Muer's expression changed at this moment.

He wanted to get up, but his severely injured body could no longer stand up, so he could only half squat on the ground, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of the child walking by, trying to drag him behind him with a desperate look.

"How can you-"

"Go back."

A crisp and clean voice sounded in the dark night, and Garlan turned his head to look at the priest who grabbed his wrist.

He looked at Xi Muer's eyes at this moment to a terrifying level.

He said, "Ximuel, leave me."

Xie Muer, who was kneeling on the ground, was stunned. He looked at Garlan, perhaps because he had never seen such a look on this child's face.

Garlan also looked at him, his golden eyes were extremely bright, like the golden sun in the sky.

Unable to say why, as if being overwhelmed by the aura of those golden eyes looking at him, Xie Muer released his hand in silence.

Garlan turned around, took two steps forward again, and stood in front of Xie Muer, who was kneeling on the ground, and also in front of the seriously injured knights.

He raised his face and faced the countless torches held in the hands of the mob opposite, and the firelight illuminated his face.

At this moment, the small body seems to be protecting Xie Muer and the knights behind him.

"Do you want to use the child as a shield?"

The middle-aged man who had reacted to the child's astonishment suddenly shouted angrily, and the war bow in his hand was once again full and aimed straight ahead.

"Despicable dignitaries! Do you think I'll let you go by doing this?"

"You took our children, do you think we will show mercy to your children!"

Thinking of his dead wife and missing child, he shouted angrily, mercilessly aiming the arrow at the body of the blond child standing in front of him.

"Go away! Kid! Or I'll shoot you—"

The fiery flames flickered on Garlan's face, as if a cluster of flames had also ignited in the depths of his golden pupils.

In front of him, the tips of countless arrows aimed at him flashed a terrifying cold light in the dark night.

Perhaps in the next second, the countless sharp arrows will penetrate his body in an instant.

"Put down the arrow in your hand."

In the dark night, under the moonlight, the blond prince stretched out his hand.

His hand points forward.

"I am Gallan, the younger brother of King Camos, the prince of Aaron Landis, the descendant of the gods of Aaron Landis."

Gallan stared at the man and the eyes of everyone as if a golden flame was burning, illuminating all the darkness.

"As the children of Aaron Landis..."

At this moment, his small body seemed to have an invisible and powerful will surrounding him, making people hold their breath.

His fingers pointed forward, pointing at everyone, inexplicably giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Tell me, who gave you the courage to point the arrow at the prince of Aaron Landis?"

… can’t lose.

Can't lose can't lose.

Can't lose, can't lose, absolutely can't lose! !

If you lose your momentum now, you will die ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Facing the countless sharp arrows shining with cold light, the little prince, whose back was already soaked with cold sweat, continued to try his best to stubbornly hold his neck and pretend to be intimidated even if he panicked in his heart.