A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 39


Aaron Landis is the kingdom of the gods, the land that the gods have given to their people.

The people of Aaron Landis who live on this land have been industrious, brave, and wise since ancient times, and they have built their own kingdom with their own hands.

They are loyal and at the same time defiant.

They are loyal to the gods who have given them everything, but also dare to rebel against the nobles who oppress them and even the priests in the name of the gods.

But to the Aaron Landeans, there is only one person whom they must not offend.

King Aaron Landis.

It was the descendant of the gods, who inherited the blood of the gods, and was the king who ruled the land of Aaron Landis in place of the gods.

King Aaron Landis, the incarnation of the gods who came to the world.

He is the supreme being.

He is the one to whom all the people of Aaron Landis are willing to give their lives and souls—

In particular, the current King Aaron Landis, Kamos, is regarded as a living god, and has an extremely high prestige in the hearts of everyone.

"Who gave you the courage to point an arrow at the prince of Aaron Landis?!"

With a little childish but unusually clear voice, it sounded in the silent night.

The sentence 'Prince of Aaron Landis' was clearly heard by everyone present.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to stop for a second at this moment, and everyone looked at Garland in astonishment, with an unbelievable look on their faces.

And after that one second of pause, there was a buzzing sound, and the place that had been terribly silent suddenly exploded.

"prince… ?"


"How could the prince come to such a place—"

"It must be a lie!"

"But the boy doesn't seem to be lying..."

"Are we attacking the prince?"

"Then we are treason?"

"Do not… "


The flustered voice was suppressed by a sudden loud shout, and it was the leading middle-aged man who shouted.

Compared to other panicked refugees, he was much more composed. At this moment, he looked at the blond child standing in front of him. The kid stretched out his hand and pointed his finger at the sharp arrow in his hand.

It was clearly under the point of his arrow, but there was no fear in that little face, but an indescribable awe.

Even with a wounded little body, he had the courage to stand in front of thousands of rioting refugees, under countless bows and arrows.

And the gaze that looked at him calmly made this blond child look nothing like an ordinary child.

This child has bright golden eyes.

And the most strange thing for the middle-aged man is that when he was stared at by those golden eyes, his brain, which had been disturbed by hatred since yesterday, suddenly became cold, and the restlessness inside his body. It felt as if it was about to explode, the kind of pain that can only be alleviated through revenge. At this moment, when I saw this child's golden eyes, his whole face seemed to be poured by cold water, and he woke up a little from the fire of hatred. .

The man didn't know that when he looked into Garlan's eyes, the dark and light mist that was almost invisible to ordinary people wrapped in the depths of his pupils seemed to be suppressed by something and dissipated little by little.

He only knew that suddenly, he was a little more calm and a little more sober.

So, he used the extra calmness to start thinking.

The arrow he's pointing at... is the prince of Aaron Landis


the man asked loudly, he still did not put down the bow and arrow in his hand.

"How could the prince come to such a place? Do you think you can save your life by deceiving us in this way?" he said. "Do you have any proof that you are a prince? If not, why should we believe you!"

The man's series of questions suddenly awakened those who subconsciously believed and panicked when they heard Garlan's words. Many people even put down their bows and arrows facing Garlan in panic.

However, when the man said this, they also reacted. Looking at their unshakable leader, they subconsciously followed the leader and raised their bows and arrows to point forward again.

Garlan put down his hand and smiled at the countless arrow tips flashing in the cold light.

He looked very calm, like he wasn't worried that these people would really hurt him.

"Do you think that on the land of Aaron Landis, on this land where the gods are watching all the time, would anyone dare to pretend to be a descendant of the gods?"

"… "

Looking at the silent man, Garlan continued to speak.

"If you don't believe it, do it."

He said, "But, are you, and the people behind you, prepared to bear the consequences of letting the blood of the gods fall on this land?"

Many people's hands suddenly trembled.

They do not fear death, nor do they fear the powers and armies who oppress them. But the devotion of the people of Aaronlandis to the gods was a deep-rooted belief.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that after death, their sinful souls will be cast into hell and tortured, and will never be reborn. Also, they were not the only ones bearing the wrath of the gods, but their descendants as well.

Everyone fell silent at this moment, even the leading man was silent, without the aggressive aura when he questioned at the beginning.

Looking at the hesitant expressions on those people's faces, Garlan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that foxes and tigers are still very useful to deter these civilians under the banner of the gods.

In his heart, he casually thanked the so-called gods that he had always had an opinion on, and then threw them into his head. Gallan's mind was running fast at this moment.

Now, these refugees who are in the midst of the rioting passion seem to have calmed down. For this riot, they are afraid of blood rushing. Now, the leader seems to have recovered a little bit of sanity.

Reason is good, he thought, and as long as there is reason, negotiations can take place.

"I know that you are all people who have been harmed by nobles, so don't believe them..."

Garlan pointed to Xie Muer and others behind him, and continued, "It's understandable."

He said, "Then answer me, people of Aaronlandis, do you believe in your king, my brother Kammos?"

When the name of Kamos was uttered, the refugee crowd suddenly caused a commotion.

Almost the vast majority of the refugees had expressions of awe on their faces, and even some old people and women had already held their hands in front of them, lowered their eyes and began to whisper the hymn of King Camos that was circulating throughout the kingdom. .

When Aaron Landis was about to fall, the king who single-handedly turned the tide and guarded all his subjects had supreme authority in the hearts of the people of Aaron Landis.

Everyone firmly believes that King Camos is the incarnation of God.

They believed in King Camos just as they believed in the gods.

They believed that with this hymn, King Camos could protect them.

Even the leading middle-aged man had an expression of awe on his face. He said, "King Camos, it is unquestionable."

Garland nodded.

"As the priest said, Brother Camos already knew about the corruption of relief supplies and the persecution of civilians by officials in Vernal City, so he sent me here to investigate the matter."

He looked directly at the other party and said sternly.

"That's why I'm here as a prince."

When he said this, someone suddenly shouted from the crowd.

"No! The previous king has only one child, and King Camos has no brother at all. You are lying to us!"

With such a shout, many refugees who were stunned by the banners of the gods and King Kamos also responded, and immediately countless suspicious eyes were cast.

Yes, the previous king had only one descendant of Camos. They had never heard that Camos had a younger brother, and they never knew that there was still a younger brother in this country.

Seeing that the refugee, who had finally calmed down a little, became agitated again, and Xie Muer, who had been watching everything silently behind him, shouted loudly.

"King Camos issued a royal order to the whole country more than a month ago, telling all the people to select two outstanding descendants from the collateral bloodline of the royal family to become his royal brother! Don't you have a chance to pick up Vinal City? to this edict?"

"You are talking nonsense."

"We haven't heard of it."

"There's no such thing as..."

There was a mess of denials among the refugees, but they were quickly stopped.

"No, they're right."

The man who was the leader of the refugees raised his hand to stop the rioting behind him.

He said with a complicated expression: "There is indeed such a thing. I saw this edict in other cities at that time, but at that time, our city of Wijnar happened to be flooded, so this edict did not apply to us. Spread the word here…”

He looked at Garland.

In his eyes, Garlan doesn't look like an ordinary child at all.

No... It should be said that the aura of this child calmly confronting him at this moment is not like a child at all.

... Could it be that this is really His Royal Highness

The man hesitated for a moment, then said, "If you..."

After a pause, he changed his name.

"If you are really a prince, then why are you taking all those children?"

These people from the royal city used cavalry to take away a group of children. This is what someone saw with their own eyes.

"My priest has already answered you this question."

Garland said, "We didn't take those children, but rescued them from the teaching of all things, and then escorted them back to the city of Vernal."

"As long as you go back to the city, you can see them."

"...But you don't have any proof that what you said is the truth."

After saying this, the man didn't speak any more, he was hesitating, wondering if he should believe the words of the child who claimed to be the prince in front of him.

Even if this child has a great momentum, it may be just a child of the nobles, using this excuse to delay time, and then mobilizing the army to encircle and suppress them.

He hesitated.

If it's just him, the big deal is his own life. However, behind him are countless people who believe in him and follow him, and his judgment will determine the fate of these people.

Therefore, he still maintained the posture of raising the arrow, unable to make a judgment for a long time.

While the man hesitated, other people naturally focused their attention on him, waiting for his decision.

Just when everyone was in a stalemate, a loud child's voice sounded in the dark night, breaking the dullness at the moment.

"I can prove it!"

A girl pushed aside the crowd, got out of it, and stood in front of the crowd.

There was dust all over her face and body, and her whole body looked embarrassed, probably because she was running in a hurry, and she was still panting violently while standing there.

After taking a few breaths, she glanced at Garlan with complicated eyes, then turned to look at the middle-aged man.


The man was startled, and then showed joy.

"Why are you here? I heard that both you and your father have—"

"Second uncle."

The little girl with a flaxen ponytail called out to the man and said loudly in front of everyone.

"I can testify for him - he was the one who saved those kids!"

She said cautiously, "The religion of all things is in the valley. The thieves took many children into the valley. He saved me, those children, and grandpa."

"Father also..."

The man was startled for a moment, then saw an old man walking in from the crowd.

"Father!" the man shouted.

The old man ignored him and stood there, looking at Garlan deeply.

"Golden eyes..."

He seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Proof of inheriting the blood of the gods... the characteristics of the royal family... I forgot about that."

He raised his hand and slapped his son hard.

"Drop the arrow!"

The old man said sharply, his slap was merciless, and his son's face became red and swollen at once.

Then, the old man took two steps forward, stood in front of Garlan, and bowed his head deeply.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive my son's disrespect."

There was deep sadness in the old man's voice.

"He lost his wife and children to do this terrible thing, please forgive him."

Kerry stood beside her, holding her grandpa, still panting.

That night, Gal led away the group of people. She and her grandfather did not dare to move and hid in the forest for a whole day. After making sure that no one was looking for them, they walked out of the valley with difficulty and returned to the town.

The two of them, an old man and a child, were originally weak, and it was already late at night when they got to the town.

Unexpectedly, the town of Ayr was in a panic in the middle of the night. She heard familiar townspeople say that her second uncle attacked the town with refugees, and now he was attacking the nobles from the king's city, so she rushed over with her grandfather.

did not expect…

The little girl looked mixedly at the blond child standing opposite.

Unexpectedly, this child, whom she regarded as her younger brother, was actually the prince of Aaron Landis.

... no, anyway, whoever Gal is, he's still alive, not dead, so she's already very happy.

Garland was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the little girl and the old man he saved were actually the relatives of the leader.

Does this count as good intentions

For the old man's bow and apology, he did not answer immediately, but raised his head and turned his attention to the leader.

The man was slapped by the old man, the bow and arrow in his hand had already been put down, and the bow and arrow of the others behind him had also been put down.

When the old man saw that Garland didn't answer, and saw Garland looking at his son, he immediately understood.

He turned around and said loudly to his son: "Jia, don't take everyone back!"

The man named Gia was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"No, I can't do that."


"No, father, if it were my life alone, I would do what you said. But I am leading now thousands of people who trust me to entrust their lives to me. If you go back like this, wait What we fear is the siege and death of the army."

Gia said in a deep voice, turning her attention to Garlan.

"We must get a result! An explanation!"

He stepped forward.

"If you are really the prince of Aaron Landis, then, here, in the presence of the Aaron Landis gods, please listen to my voice—"

Garlan looked into the man's eyes, and the man's eyes were staring at him with a determination to die.

He nodded.

"Okay," he said, "in the presence of the gods, I am willing to listen to your request."

After finishing speaking, Garlan was about to walk forward, but was suddenly grabbed by Xie Muer behind him.

"Don't mess around!"

Xie Mu'er whispered, "This is not what you should do, let me negotiate with them."

Garlan looked at Xie Muer and tilted his head slightly.

He said, "You can't."

He looked at Xi Muer calmly and said, "Do you know why you failed to negotiate with them the first time?"


"Xie Mu'er, as a noble, you have a high self-esteem, and you have no idea what these refugees really want."

Garlan pulled out his hand from Xie Mu'er and smiled lightly at Xie Mu'er.

"So I said, you can't."

He said, "You're on, the talk breaks down, and we're all going to die."

"… "

Under the silence of Priest Shamash, Garlan turned and walked forward.

Well, he succeeded in hitting Xie Muer.

Well, it's a good feeling that Xie Muer has nothing to say.

At this moment, the little prince who walked towards the mob with a calm face and a calm expression in front of the crowd was at ease in body and mind.