A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 41


The residents of Vernal City only slept for one night, and when they woke up, they found that the city had undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, hundreds of cavalrymen who had never seen before appeared in the city. They were said to be from the royal city or the guards of King Camos. Then, these knights captured at least one third of the officials in the city of Venar. When they got up, there were also several great nobles who were always afraid of people mentioning their names, and they were also arrested.

These townspeople were looking around, but in their hearts they also hoped that the arrested noble officials would suffer bad luck, because these arrested noble officials were very powerful in oppressing the commoners.

Later, the temporarily appointed acting consul issued a notice, telling everyone that these people were arrested because they embezzled the property for repairing the embankment and the relief supplies for the refugees, and at the same time colluded with the cult to capture the women and the refugees. child, and intends to let the cult invade the city.

And even though our wise King Camos was far away in the royal city, he also found out the misdeeds of these people, so he sent a guard to rescue the captured women and children, and arrested these corrupt officials.

As soon as they heard that they were in a dream last night, such a terrible thing happened in the city, the citizens of the city were terrified.

As long as they thought of the consequences of those cultists entering the city, they hated those damn corrupt officials and nobles. Now that those people were arrested, they immediately applauded.

Therefore, in their hearts, the King Camos, who was thousands of miles away and still knew about the city of Vernal, was deified by them, and they praised him one by one.

Others were puzzled by the content of the notice, because it said that King Camos sent his brother, the prince of Aaron Landis, to bring the guards over to investigate the matter, and the prince not only successfully completed the mission, and rescued the children who were imprisoned by the cult.


King Camos' younger brother

Did they Aaron Landis have a prince? Does King Camos have a brother

Some people thought in confusion that most of the residents of Vernal City did not pay attention to the edict about the two princes more than a month ago because of the flood.

The previous consul didn't care about this matter and didn't publicize it at all, so not many people in the city knew about it.

It just so happened that through this incident of the Religion of Everything, the originally little-known prince was made known to everyone, and what happened next made Garland gain a great reputation in the city.

In the large square at the entrance of the Consulate Hall, nearly a hundred knights lined up around the square, and several teams of knights patrolled back and forth.

The newly promoted clerk is announcing to everyone hoarsely that all the children rescued by Prince Gallan are here. Now, according to the prince's order, let the families who have lost their children in the city come here and claim their children.

The entire city of Vernal suddenly became a sensation, especially those refugees who were affected by the disaster, and they were even more grateful to the prince in their hearts. After the prince came here, the corrupt officials who oppressed them and robbed them of relief supplies were all arrested, food and medicine were properly distributed to them, and doctors were arranged to treat the seriously ill, which made them grateful .

Unexpectedly, the child they thought was lost forever was rescued by the prince and returned to them again.

So then, the shouting, crying, and noise in the square never stopped.

Many refugees hugged their children and cried when they found their children. Some even knelt on the ground with their children in their hands, and kowtowed towards the Consulate Hall, where the prince was located, thanking the prince for his kindness.

For a time, the prestige of Prince Gallan was extremely high in this city, second only to King Camos.

Everyone felt that the prince was the successor chosen by King Camos.

At this moment, the scenes that happened in the square, as well as those who were holding their children and crying with joy, all fell into the eyes of the middle-aged man who was detained in the prison on the side of the ruling hall.

Gia, who was once the leader of the rioting refugees, stood beside the barred window, looking down at the square, looking at the children with gloomy eyes.

Those kids are back with their parents again, and his kids are...

Suddenly, footsteps came, and someone walked to the iron prison where he was and called him softly.

"Second uncle."

Gia turned her head, and her eyes fell on the face of the little girl with a flaxen ponytail.

The once innocent girl has experienced too many things in these short days, she has grown up and matured rapidly, and she is much more sensible than before.

He looked at Kerry and couldn't help feeling distressed.

Understanding is never born, children have to be sensible, and children are forced to be sensible.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but Kerry's first words made his eyes widen.

Kerry said, "Second uncle, I found Kewu."

The heart suddenly beat violently, and Gia slammed up and grabbed the iron fence in front of her.

"Keu? He's still alive?!"

he asked eagerly, in disbelief.

Kewu, his child, he thought he had lost him forever.

"Well, my brother is still alive, in the group of children rescued by the prince."

Kerry quickly replied that she and her grandfather went to the square in the mood to give it a try, but they did not expect to find her missing cousin.

She said, "he is outside now, with grandpa, second uncle, shall I bring him to see you?"

Gia eagerly wanted to say something, he couldn't wait to see his child, but when his mouth opened and moved, he made a sound completely different from his heart.

"No, don't bring him to see me."

He said, his voice dry.

"Second uncle?"

"… "

The man's fingers gripping the iron bars were so hard that his knuckles turned white.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful.

If he didn't have innocent blood on his hands, but just killed those damn corrupt officials, even if he would be executed, he would go to see his son and tell his son that his father did nothing wrong Anything, he just did what he was supposed to do, with no guilt.

But now...

Just as the prince said, he killed too many innocent people in the name of justice.

"Claire, tell Keu, I died in the flood."

"I don't want him to know that he has such a father," he said bitterly.

"...Second uncle."

Hearing what Gia said, Kerry also nodded sadly.

"Keli, I'm sorry, father, and Kewu, I have to ask you."

The little girl took a deep breath, and then, she looked at Gia with red eyes, tried to show a bright smile, and patted her chest with her hands.

"Don't worry, second uncle, I have grown up, and I will take good care of my grandfather and younger brother."

she says,

"With King Kamos and Prince Garland here, we will definitely be able to live well!"

Gia looked at Kerry with gentle eyes.

He said, "Yes, there are kings, there are princes, and they will protect everyone."

There was deep sadness in the tender eyes he looked at Kerry.

"Kerry, you must live well."

The little girl didn't speak any more, tears blurred her eyes looking at her second uncle. At this moment, she was so choked up that she could no longer make any sound.

In a room in the tall building on the left side of the Consulate, Garlan was sitting on a soft bed with a snow-white pillow behind him.

He sat there staring blankly at the air ahead.

Brother Camos said that he was inconvenient to show his face, so he gave all the credit to him.

For the past two days, all the people in the city of Vernal have looked at him with admiration. Everyone said that, Prince, you can do such a big thing at such a young age. You are indeed a person who has inherited the blood of the gods like King Camos.

It made Garland feel guilty.

There is always a sense of impostor...

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and a young man with dark hair like the night walked in quickly. At that moment, the thin cloak that slanted down from his shoulders flew backwards for a moment, and then gently landed on his shoulders. behind.

Heimos walked over to the bed, first reached out and touched Garlan's forehead to make sure there was no fever, then looked at Garlan's hand to make sure that his wrist had been medicated and replaced today. new gauze.

Then, he looked into Garlan's eyes.

"I've heard what happened."

In addition to the more seriously injured priest Ximul and the knight who lost an eye, who needed to be quiet and cultivated, the other knights who were less injured had already explained to King Camos in detail what happened at that time.

Heimos was beside him, so naturally he heard everything.

"You're taking too much risk."

he rebuked.

"You are a prince, you shouldn't let yourself take such a big risk. Since Xie Muer has let you hide in the dark cave, you should hide in it honestly and wait for us to come."

Garlan looked at Heimos and blinked.

He whispered a little unconvinced: "But in that case, Xi Muer and others will die..."

Heimos interrupted him unceremoniously.

"You are a prince, and your safety is more important than anything else."

He continued, "And at that time, you can completely follow the words of the rebel leader, agree to his conditions, and wait until we pass."

"Saving your life is the most important thing, but in such a dangerous situation, you still have to fight against that person—you never thought about it, in case that person is provoked by you and really does it, you What shall we do?"

"… "

Garland was silent.

Although he knew in his heart that Heimos was right, he was really taking a great risk by doing so, and he was almost on the verge of life and death.

He also thought for a moment whether he should pretend to agree to the other party's conditions first, save his life, and then plan for the future.

But somehow, at that time, he just couldn't do it.

So in the end, he refused the man without hesitation and insisted on his own judgment.

... God knows that when he confronted that man, his entire back was already wet with sweat... Even now, when I think about it, my hands and feet are a little cold.

Looking at the stubborn little boy in front of him, who pursed his lips and said nothing, Heimos, who originally wanted to reprimand this guy who was always taking risks, softened, thinking of Garlan spending so much time alone. After a thrilling night, he couldn't help feeling distressed again.

He changed the subject, whispered a few words to Garland, and asked Garland if he had anything he wanted to eat and play, and he went to find it for him. But the angry Garlan turned his head and ignored him and refused to talk to him, which made Heimos both angry and funny.

He thought about it and said, "There's a girl who wants to see you, and she says her name is Kerry."

When he came to see Garland, he happened to meet the girl who was begging the guard who was guarding the gate, saying that he wanted to see Garland. He didn't care at that time, and he didn't bother to bring any cats and dogs to see Garlan, so he ignored the girl and came in by himself.

Now Garlan lost his temper and refused to pay attention to him. He thought that he seemed to see the girl by Garlan's side last time, maybe he knew him, so he said it and wanted to invite Garlan to talk to him.

Sure enough, when he heard him say that, Garlan turned his head.

"Claire? She wants to see me?"

"Well, do you want to see her?"

Garlan thought for a while and nodded.

Heimos smiled at him, rubbed his head, and got up to go out.

After a while, he brought the girl in.

As soon as the girl entered the door, she stared at Garlan for a moment, then quickly knelt down and lowered her head.

"His Royal Highness, King."

Kelly's voice was a little panicked.

"I'm so sorry, I know it's very rude to want to see you... But I really have something to say to you... "

"Get up, it's not necessary."

"But, but you are the prince..."

"Get up, Kelly."

The familiar soft voice came, and the 'Kerry' seemed to hit the softest part of the girl's heart. It was a bit astringent and a little painful. Kerry was stunned for a while, forcibly resisted the sadness in her heart, and stood up. Come.

She raised her head and looked forward.

The blond child was lying on the bed, looking at her with jewel-like pupils and smiling at her.

That smile was very much like the smile that Gal, who had led them away, stood up to himself in the dark night of that day when the cultists were chasing after them.

It was imprinted in her memory, so that she could never forget it.

"His Royal Highness, I want to thank you. You are obviously a prince, but you risked yourself to save my grandfather and me at that time..." she said, "Also, you helped me save my brother. , I, my grandfather, and my second uncle are all very grateful to you."

"So, even though I know it's rude to ask to see you, I still want to thank you in person."

Kerry's words startled Garlan for a moment.

"Really?" he said. "I thought... you would hate me."

After all, he personally committed the crime of Kerry's second uncle, the man named Gia.

That man is about to be executed in a few days, along with other rebel refugees who have killed innocent townspeople.

"How could we..."

Kerry lowered her eyes and whispered with a little panic.

… Actually there is.

There is actually some grievance against you.

Obviously, with just one word from you, my second uncle and everyone else can live.

But you handed down that verdict.

... Even though I knew that Second Uncle and the others did something wrong and your judgment was right, I still complained about you selfishly in my heart...

I am grateful to you, but also blame you.

And this grateful heart, this complaining heart, I will never forget.

I want to keep them together in my heart so that I can always remember you.


After a long silence, Kelly suddenly spoke.

She said, "Prince, may I kiss you?"


Kerry's sudden words caught Garlan off guard.

He suddenly remembered that when he had just met Kerry, the girl suddenly kissed him on the face and said that he would support him for the rest of his life.

Now, is this girl going to do it again

… No, wait, there are still people around, Heimos is still here!

Garlan looked at Heimos in a panic, but found that Heimos didn't look at him at all, just stared deeply at Kerry.

Seeing Garlan's stunned expression, Kerry was also startled, remembering what she had done before, her face flushed red, and she quickly waved her hands.

"His Royal Highness, it's definitely not the kind of kiss from before. I was offended at the time, but how could I dare to—"

She blushed and said, "I mean, I want to kiss your hand."

Garland took a deep breath.

Personally, you made it clear, it scared me.

He originally wanted to refuse, but when he looked up, he saw the unspeakable look that Kerry was staring at him, he hesitated, and finally nodded.

He said, "Okay."

Kerry came over, and she leaned over and took Garlan's hand beside the bed.

She looked at the pale hand still wrapped in snow-white bandages for a while, and then she knelt down.

She lowered her head, closed her eyes, and held the prince's hand in both hands.

The girl bowed her head in a very pious manner and kissed the back of the prince's hand.

She said: "His Royal Highness, I believe that you will be the wisest king of Aaron Landis in the future."

She said softly: "Please protect me and my relatives, please protect the people of Aaron Landis..."

My prince.

My future king.

Wherever I am in the future, I will pray for you...

The girl was taken out, and Garlan found Heimos staring at him with a look that made him uncomfortable.

He subconsciously turned his body to the side, trying to avoid the gaze of the other party.

"That commoner kissed you before?"

Heimos asked suddenly.

As soon as Garlan stayed, he panicked and quickly explained to Heimos.

"It's not the kind you think - it's just the face, the cheek, the kind that kisses your face when you wake up in the morning, you know, my brother often kisses my face, just this kind of kiss!"

Garlan explained in a panic, with an air of resolute assurance that he absolutely did not have any ulterior male-female relationship with that little girl.

Kerry is in her teens, and I'm not a perverted lolicon—

For fear of being regarded as a perverted lolicon, he probably forgot the fact that he was younger than that girl now.

Heimos pursed his lips, and suddenly said: "Garlan, I am also your brother."


In name, Heimos is right, and he should call Heimos his brother.

Although he never called it that.

How could he call his mortal enemy brother Wang!

Heimos didn't seem to have paid much attention to it, but why did he suddenly mention it now

Garlan, who was confused about the situation, looked at Heimos in confusion.

"… never mind."

Heimos stared at the confused Garland for a while, and finally said this, without saying more, got up and left.

He brought the civilian girl in, and he naturally had to take it away.

He quickly took Kerry to the gate outside, and Kerry bowed her head to thank him, but she bowed her head for a long time and didn't hear an answer.

She couldn't help it, and looked up secretly.

Then, she was taken aback by the young man staring at her.

The dark-haired boy looked at her strangely, making her hairy and uncomfortable.

"Big... lord?"

she cried tremblingly.

The boy looked at her with that strange look again, then nodded and said, "You go, don't come again."

After saying that, the boy turned around and left.

Kerry stood there, vaguely hearing the boy mutter something to himself.

"...I haven't even kissed..."

Kelly: "???"