A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 43


The sun shines through the open windows and into the room, illuminating this spacious bedroom.

The blond little prince sat on the bed, stretched out his hand obediently, and showed it to the doctor sitting beside the bed. The elderly doctor, whose hair was beginning to gray, held the prince's hand and carefully looked at the scar on his wrist. Then, he turned his head again, looked at the prince's ankle seriously, and nodded slightly.

When he looked up, he saw the little prince on the bed sitting on the bed, with a pair of big golden eyes looking at him eagerly, his eyes full of expectations.

That cute little appearance made the old doctor laugh a little. If it wasn't for the other party being a noble prince, he wouldn't have been able to help but touch the child's head.

He really likes this little prince, he is well-behaved, obedient, and sensible.

He is the best doctor in the city of Vernal. The children of noble officials are always looking for him when they are sick. Children are afraid of taking medicine. When they see him, they make a scene. It took a lot of effort to finish the toss every time, and even the pampered one pointed at him and yelled at him to kill him.

When he came hurriedly that day and was secretly reminded that this was the prince of Aaron Landis, he groaned and thought that he was going to suffer again. The prince is much more noble than those noble children. If he accidentally hurts him, maybe he will be dragged down and put in prison. How can he bear it with his old arms and legs.

However, as soon as he entered the door, the old doctor was taken aback. The child's injuries were not minor. The wounds on his hands and feet were deep, and the blood flowed continuously if he was not careful, especially the shallow one on his neck.

I don't know who is so ruthless and cruel to such a small child.

Seeing such a serious injury, the doctor's heart was overwhelmed, and he couldn't even think about it. He quickly cleaned the wound carefully, disinfected it, tried to stop the bleeding, and tied a bandage.

After waiting for the lap to finish, he wiped his sweat, and then realized that he had tossed for so long, especially when cleaning and sterilizing, such a deep wound would make people feel very painful, and I'm afraid even an adult can't stand it. live. But this little prince doesn't make a fuss, it seems that he just couldn't help groaning a few times from the beginning to the end

As soon as he looked up, he saw the pale face of the little prince, and there was cold sweat oozing out from his forehead. He was obviously in severe pain, but he still sat obediently and didn't shrink his hand when he reached out to him. You can see the tooth marks on the soft lips that he bit out in pain.

There was still a little mist in the big golden eyes, and that appearance made the old doctor feel so soft-hearted.

At that time, there was a tall man with brown hair who was anxiously circling beside him, getting in the way. He was scolded by the old doctor and kicked out of the door, so he could only squatted at the door and waited honestly. The other boy also stared at the little prince without blinking, but he had been standing beside him quietly, and occasionally helped the old doctor deliver things and fight, and the old doctor didn't drive him out.

Thinking of this, the old doctor smiled gently as he looked at the child whose face had changed back to a healthy rosy color.

"Prince, your injury is much better."

He deliberately paused for the look in Garland's expectant eyes, and hung up Garland's appetite before continuing.

"It's okay to get out of bed and move around a bit... But, you can't be too violent, you know?"

As soon as the old doctor finished speaking, Garlan's eyes lit up.

He hummed happily, then couldn't wait to get out of bed.

God knows that for a few days after returning to Wijnal City, he just lay in bed for a few days. Although he could bask in the sun and not get moldy, he felt that if he continued to lie down, his limbs would be paralyzed.

He got out of bed and walked happily up and down the house a few times, like a lively little squirrel that just woke up from hibernation and started to walk back and forth.

The old doctor looked at him with a smile, and was taken away from here.

It didn't take long for a servant to arrive, and he bowed his head and bowed his head to Garlan.

He said, "His Royal Highness Gallan, the king asked me to take you to meet him."

"Brother Wang? I see."

Under the leadership of the young attendant, Garlan walked through the corridor, and there was a suspended stone bridge between the tall building in the center of the government office and the tall buildings on the side.

While walking across this suspended stone bridge, Garlan looked down and saw the mountains of corpses piled up by the Vinal River outside the city.

Almost forgot!

I originally planned to tell Brother Wang as soon as possible, but as soon as I was interrupted by the refugee riot, I didn't remember it for a while.

No, he has to find a way to solve this matter, otherwise, if this continues, a plague will soon appear in the city.

However, what reason should I use to convince Brother Wang

The world's current level of medicine is far from being able to understand things like bacterial infections.

While thinking about it, Garlan followed the attendant, and soon arrived in the government room where King Camos was staying.

There were several knights standing beside King Camos. All of them wore a two-finger-wide lion badge on their chests, glowing with a quaint brass sheen, symbolizing their status as the Thousand Cavalry Commander who commanded thousands of cavalry. In Aaron Landis, those who can become a thousand knights are all knights.

Seeing Garlan coming in, the three knight commanders bowed their heads and saluted him.

If it was said that their respect for Garlan was purely for the royal family and for King Camos before they came to Vener City, then at this time, their salute was a little more sincere.

Although the little prince looks weak, he has the courage they agree with and the caring heart for his subordinates.

And they also feel that even if he is a little weaker now, the prince is still young. As long as he works harder in the future, maybe he can become as strong as King Camos when he grows up

King Camos didn't care about the presence of the knight commanders, and walked straight over, laughing and hugging Little Garlan.

He himself felt that in front of others, he was very restrained to not kiss his lovely little brother.

"Garlan, you did a great job this time."

He praised his younger brother without hesitation.

"At risk, rescued the young people of Aaron Landis, and then successfully stopped the rioting refugees. No one can do better than you. This time, the achievements of Vener City, You are at least half."

He said, "So, I'll reward you, say, Garlan, what do you want?"

When Garlan, who was still worried, heard what King Kamus said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't that just right

He thought happily, grabbed his brother's head and turned half a circle, pointing to the front to let King Camos go to the window.

The knight commanders next to him all stood by with a calm expression.

If anyone else dared to break ground on the head of their great King Camos, they would have been furious and even started.

But for the little prince who was spoiled by King Camos to the sky, scratching their king's head, pulling his hair and even slapping his cheeks from time to time, they were used to numbness.

Anyway, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, haven't you seen the happy appearance of their king

If they did step forward to stop the little prince's offending behavior, they would be beaten by King Camos himself if they said no.

Not knowing the murmurs of the knight commanders behind him, Garlan motioned for his brother to go to the window, and then pointed in a direction outside the window.

"Brother Wang, look there."

Looking in the direction Garlan pointed, Kamos subconsciously frowned.

Because he saw mountains of corpses piled up on the banks of the Wiener River outside the city. Most of the buried ones were drowned when the river flooded, and the outermost layer was almost filled with the corpses of people who died recently. Looking from a distance, you can see countless flies flying on the carrion, lingering.

"Those people are so pitiful."

Garland strives to show a child's sympathy for the dead whose bodies are left uncollected.

"Brother Wang, you ask someone to bury them in the mountains, okay?"

In fact, Garland really wants to say burn it directly. Cremation is the best way for this pathogen, but the customs on the earth are very old now. People here believe that people have a soul, and even if they die, the body and soul are deeply connected. contact. If you get the blessing of the gods, the dead soul may return to the body and be resurrected. Therefore, they attach great importance to the integrity of the corpse, and have always respected burial. Some special groups will bury the body in the sky or water, but there is absolutely no such practice as cremation.

For them, the so-called cremation is the smashing of bones and ashes, and even the soul is annihilated. Unless there is a deep hatred with the other party, no one will do such 'vicious' things.

So Garlan had to take a step back and let people drag these corpses into the deep mountains for burial.

"Gallan." Camos smiled at him and said, "I know you are soft-hearted, but now everyone is very busy, and the river is still in danger of flooding, so everyone went there."

Recently, the Vinal River seems to have a tendency to rise again. Most of the city guards who maintain the order of the city have gone to the river embankment to urgently repair the embankment. And the remaining city guards are already very reluctant to maintain order in the city and resettle refugees, and it is impossible to assign people to do something purely to make the little prince happy.

And the guards under his command... King Kamos never even thought about it. After all, the knights under his command were all nobles, and it was absolutely impossible to carry the corpses of civilians and slaves.

He coaxed the little brother in his arms and said, "But our Garland is kind, so wait a little longer, when the flood season of the Vinal River is over, I'll ask them to bury those corpses, okay? it is good?"

Garland was anxious.

Wait a little longer? Is it ten days or half a month? I am afraid that at that time, the plague in the entire city of Wiener had already broken out.

He struggled to come up with the right language for contamination of water with germs.

"But brother Wang, you see, many of those people died of illness. They got sick, and now they are soaked in water, the disease on their bodies may melt into the water, and the people in the city have to drink water, so They will have the same disease as them!"

That kind of child's words made King Camos laugh for a while, only to think that his little prince's words were so cute.

Not only him, but the knight commanders next to him also laughed in a low voice.

Although the prince has done great things, he is still a child after all, so whimsical.

They all thought so.

King Camos smiled and rubbed the worried Garlan's head.

"Little guy, are you dazed? How can a person's disease melt into the water?"

Seeing that King Camos and the knight commanders were all smiling and didn't care about his words at all, Garlan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

Everyone thought that he was only saying such childish words out of sympathy and wanted to bury those poor refugees whose bodies were not collected, and no one took his words seriously.

Due to the limitations of this era, even if doctors were called, those doctors would not agree with his words.

It's impossible to act like a spoiled child... Gallan is very aware of the temper of brother Kamos, although the brother is very fond of him and used to him, but he will never change his mind on business affairs in order to make him happy.

After coaxing his little brother, King Camos continued to stand with his knight commanders at the square table covered with a map, and discussed how to prevent the flooding of the Vinale River in front of the map.

And Garland was placed on a soft chair, with a plate of fragrant milk cakes and a cup of sweet juice in front of him, but Garland pursed his lips, apparently not in the mood to eat it.

He bent his knees into the soft chair and blinked, his mind spinning fast.

While thinking hard, he unconsciously swept his eyes from the people on the opposite side.

A golden light flashed in his eyes for a moment, and he took a closer look and saw a four-finger-wide pure gold armband on King Camos' upper arm.

In an instant, his eyes lit up.

The little prince jumped out of the chair at once, ran to King Camos' side, stretched out his small hand and tugged at the corner of King Camos' clothes.

"Brother Wang~~~"

He shouted and tugged hard again.

As soon as Camos lowered his head, he saw the child who looked up at him with a small face, and his golden eyes stared at him brightly.

He couldn't help laughing, and lifted Garlan up and put it on the table.

"What? Have you figured out what reward you want?"


Bai Bai's small hand stretched out in front of King Camos, and Garlan looked at Camos with bright eyes.

"Brother Wang, give me gold coins, Aaron gold coins."


King Camos was startled.

He didn't expect that after thinking about it for a long time, Gallan actually wanted gold coins.

Is his little brother short of money

He thought, he has never treated this child materially

Garlan's words changed the expressions of the knight commanders next to him. For them, it is not a good thing for the heir to the throne to love money.

"Brother Wang~~"

Garlan shouted again, the child's voice was still a child's voice, soft and sweet, like a sweet little milk cake, and his big golden eyes gleamed at him.

All of a sudden, the hesitant King Camos softened.

"Yes, yes... But you have to tell Brother Wang, what do you want gold coins for?"

"Go hire people."


"Brother Wang, didn't you say that there is a shortage of manpower? But I see that all those refugees have nothing to do now, so I'll pay them to hire them and let them help me bury those bodies, isn't that enough?"

"Uh... that's a way."

King Camos thought for a while and felt that this idea was indeed a good idea.

Although those refugees have been properly resettled, it is easy to cause riots if they don't do anything, so it is better to give them something to do. Although he felt that what Gallan wanted to do was unnecessary, as the king of Aaron Landis, he was not short of wealth, and it was no big deal to spend some gold coins to make his younger brother happy.

After thinking about it, he smiled and patted Garlan's head, praising him.

"Yes, that's good, Garlan is really smart."

Several knight commanders looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the little prince does not seem to be the kind of person who is greedy for money.

Just when King Camos was satisfied, the knight commanders breathed a sigh of relief, and Gallan, who had achieved his goal, was also happy. When everyone was happy, a cold voice suddenly interjected.

"King Camos, you dote on Prince Gallan too much."

Priest Shamash, who stepped into the administrative room, said with such a blank expression, and glanced at Garlan who was sitting on the table.

"You shouldn't let him do this kind of meaningless thing with his temper."

Camos scratched his head.

"I have promised him."

"So please pay attention next time."

Xie Muer said, walked to the table and looked down at the map on the table.

Then, frown.

"The rise of the Vinale River is getting stronger and stronger?"

A knight commander replied: "Yes, the silt has accumulated a lot, and the river bed is very high. I don't know if I can survive this time, but I have seen the river embankment. It's hard to hold on."

He pointed to the location of Wiener City on the map, and the nearby stretch of the Wiener River.

"Here and here, the riverbed is already more than one meter above the ground." He frowned and said, "Even if someone is arranged to clean up the silt in the dry season, when the water starts to flow again, the riverbed that has been dug down will be restored. It will be filled with silt brought in."

"We can only find a way to raise the embankment again, but the problem is that with our technology, the height of the embankment is almost reaching its limit, and it is difficult to ensure the stability of the embankment if it is increased."

Xie Muer looked at the map carefully, then reached out and clicked nearby.

"There's a valley here," he said, "and a dry river."

"If we can't continue to raise the levee, we can only find a way to dredge the water to other places. It's best to connect the Wiener River with this dry river."

"Do you mean to build a channel in between? The distance is a bit far, I'm afraid it will take a long time..."

"Yes, that's what we have to do in the future. At present, we have to build a temporary channel to divert the water of the Vinal River into this nearby valley, where the terrain is low."

"However, to dig a channel in such a short time, we need a lot of manpower to rush the work, and it is too late to adjust from the nearby cities..."

King Camos touched his chin and thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Almost at the same time, Xie Muer also raised his head.

At the same time, the two of them looked at Garlan, who was sitting on the table looking down, wondering how much he should pay to move a corpse.

"Those refugees."

Xie Muer said that the words were concise and to the point, and the others understood in an instant.

That's right, they can use the money to hire those refugees to dig channels, as Prince Gallan did.

Not only can it prevent the river from breaking down the embankment again, but it can also find long-term jobs for those refugees, so that the poor can earn money, and those refugees who have exhausted their energy in this kind of high-intensity physical work will no longer have the mind to cause Rebellion or something like that.

Three birds with one stone.

King Camos hugged his little brother and kissed him fiercely.

"Garlan, you are my god of luck!"

After the kiss, he rushed out the door in a hurry, and asked people to prepare for the recruitment of refugees.

The little prince, who was still thinking about sending money, was suddenly kissed fiercely, and was a little stunned for a while.

As soon as he looked up, he saw King Camos leaving in a hurry, inexplicably, when he turned his head, he saw Xi Muer standing beside him, staring at him faintly.

The look in his eyes made him a little hairy.

…have a very bad feeling.

"His Royal Highness Garlan, your injury seems to have healed."

Shamash's priest said, that tone cannot be refused.

"Then, starting tomorrow, you will study with me for two hours a day."

Garland: "!!!"

Wait, what am I doing? !