A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 44


The bright sun shines on the earth, the water in the lotus pond is crystal clear, reflecting the light more and more sparkling, the blooming lavender lotus is brewing a faint fragrance, lingering on the water.

The carved pattern on the gate surrounded by arched arc columns is embedded with gold threads, glittering in the sun, and the malachite carvings hang on it, intertwined with the olive branches and leaves wrapped around the arched gate posts .

Entering the golden arch, near the lotus pond, is a white jade statue of a woman with a warm and beautiful face. She looks down at the earth with loving eyes, holding stars in her hands and wearing a moon crown.

Isdar, the goddess of the stars, who gives light to people in the dark and brings luck to the earth.

According to legend, those who are favored by her will have unparalleled luck.

Inside the golden gate, graceful maids and attendants stood on both sides, bowing slightly to salute.

Amid the warm welcome from everyone, Prince Garland, who had been away from the palace for almost a month, finally returned to his residence once again. He glanced at everyone and showed a bright smile.

"During my absence, everyone has worked hard."

Everyone who was praised by the prince bowed their heads and said they did not dare, but they were in a very good mood.

The great deeds that the young prince had done in the city of Vernal had already spread to the royal city, and he was amazed by everyone. And as the servants of Prince Gallan, each of them is also honored. No, I heard that the prince came back today, and everyone started busy early in the morning, so he must give the returning prince a warm feeling of coming home.

An older female official came up to meet him, squatting and kneeling in front of the little prince, looking at the little prince's emaciated cheeks, her eyes were full of distress.

"You are still young, how can King Camos let you do such a dangerous thing?"

There was a complaint against King Camos in her words, and everyone held their breath and dared not speak up. Here, only this older female official dared to say such a thing.

She is a female officer assigned by King Camos to manage the affairs of the palace of Gallan, and she was previously in charge of the affairs of King Camos. She is a few years older than Wang, a childhood sweetheart who grew up together. Originally everyone thought that she would be brought into the harem by the king, but when she grew up, neither King Camos nor herself seemed to have the will.

However, no one dared to underestimate her for this, because this female official has won the trust of King Camos, and you can see that she can complain about King Camos casually.

Seeing the little prince who had lost a lot of weight, the female official who was so distressed didn't say a word, and hurriedly took Garlan and left, leaving a bunch of maids and attendants looking at each other in dismay.

Then Garland was thrown into the bath and had a good soak. After being picked up, he immediately smeared the best oil for skin care and gave a full body massage. While massaging, there was a gentle maid. The elder sister squatted beside him and put the frozen fruit into his mouth.

In the end, the female official gave him a savage feeding, and he couldn't hold it, and his belly was bulging. Then the female official let him go, sent him to the bedroom, and told him to take a good rest.

So, Garlan, who was completely relaxed, slept in the dark, and he didn't know how long he had slept. He only felt that when he woke up, everyone was already asleep.

He lay on the bed with his limbs wide open for a while, looking at the sky through the skylight, it should be morning.

After thinking about it, he got up and planned to go for a walk in the lion park.

After going out for such a long time, the little milk lion who likes to entangle him and act like a spoiled child doesn't know what to do. Although it is usually annoying to be entangled by it, but after not seeing it for so long, I still miss it.

The arrival of Prince Garlan almost made all the maids who worked in the lion park, especially the little lions in charge of taking care of them, burst into tears of joy, cheering like a festival to welcome the prince's arrival.

God knows that this month they are about to be driven mad by that angry little lion.

The first two days were fine, but when the prince didn't come, the little lion became angry and refused to eat, so it was useless to coax them.

A few days later, probably because of starvation, the little lion started to eat by himself, and the maids just breathed a sigh of relief when they realized that it was even worse. The little lions that were full began to run away every day from then on. No matter how defensive they were, they always slipped out when they weren't paying attention, and ran all over the palace, scaring many people.

They searched hard everywhere, but couldn't find it, they were too angry and too tired.

Fortunately, the little lion would come back by himself at night, but every time he came back, he was listless and sluggish.

They all vaguely guessed that the little lion was probably looking for the little prince everywhere.

This kind of guess made them feel distressed and helpless, and they could only let the little lion toss like this for a whole month.

On this day, as usual, the lion cub sat on the ground and was eating. Now that it has been weaned, its fur is thicker, and its teeth and claws are sharper.

The maid was watching it eat. Nega always eats quickly and devours it. It will never stop until it is finished, but this time it has just eaten half of it, and it actually stopped.

The round ears suddenly stood up from the hair and shook as if they had heard something.

Then, the maid was surprised to see that little Nega left the half-eaten food and ran to the door with her short legs.

But after a few steps, it stopped again for some reason, and then it turned around and ran to a corner of the greenhouse directly opposite the gate, with its back to the gate, and squatted there and huddled in a ball.


Just when the maid was confused about the situation, a voice came from outside the door, the door of the greenhouse was pushed open, and a child with bright blond hair walked in.

When the maid saw it, she hurriedly knelt down.

"King, prince!"

Garlan nodded and motioned her to get up, then turned his eyes and saw the little lion squatting in the corner.

The fluffy little body squatted there, curled into a ball of fur, turned his back to him, and didn't move.

The female officer in charge of this place froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, she couldn't help laughing.

Then, she walked over, squatted beside the little lion, and coaxed softly.

"Nega, your favorite prince is here~"

The little lion was still squatting in the corner with his back to the crowd, motionless.

At a glance, it is obvious that he is angry.

The female officer smiled and looked up at Garlan.

Garlan raised his foot and walked towards the little lion. It was obvious that no one else responded, but as soon as Garlan walked over, the little lion seemed to be able to hear his footsteps, and his round ears moved. .

Garlan squatted down, stretched out his hand, and poked Negana's fluffy little head.

"Nega, I'm here to play with you."

The little hairball who was poked in the head moved a bit, as if to turn around, but finally held back.

Coax me, you must coax me well, if you don't coax me well, I will continue to be angry.

The little hairball that still had his back to Garlan exuded such aura all over his body.

"Don't you want to play with me?"

Do not move.

"Look, there's your favorite little jerky~"

not move.

"It's my fault for leaving you for so long, don't be angry, okay?"

Humph, ignore you.

"Nega is good~ I'll play with you every day from now on, okay?"

A little excited... No, hold back!

I'm not that easy to coax, hum!

Gallan coaxed for a while, but little Nega's round butt was facing him, and her face was still facing the wall.

Ah, the little guy has such a big temper.

Garlan scratched his head, he really didn't know how to coax him.

When he was distressed, he suddenly heard a snort next to him, and turned his head subconsciously, and saw a brown-haired lion that was very similar to Nerga but a little smaller standing not far from him, tilted his head, black bean The small eyes looked at him curiously.

The cute little appearance made Garlan smile, and he waved his hand, signaling the little lion to come over.

The little lion looked at Garlan, and then at Garlan's outstretched hand. With short legs, he ran towards Garlan.

Just when the small hairball was about to roll into Garlan's hands, a shadow suddenly rushed over and knocked the little lion out.

The little lion was hit and rolled in a circle on the ground, and then stood up, covered his head and covered his head, and saw his eldest brother standing opposite him.

Little Nega rushed over from the corner at some point. At this moment, it stood in front of Garlan, all the hair on its body exploded, and opened its mouth at the other little lion, showing sharp teeth.


With a loud roar, the sound shocked Garlan and the maids next to him to cover their ears.

The little Nega who made this roar widened his eyes angrily and stared fiercely at his little brother who was trying to take advantage of the vacancy to hook up with the person he liked. He didn't know how his small body made such a loud roar.

At this moment, he stood majestically in front of Garland, angry, like a beast defending his territory.

After intimidating his brother, little Nega turned around.

Sitting on the ground with his butt up, he raised his small head and snorted at Garlan.

This time, the wailing sound lost a little of the prestige just now, but it was soft and accusatory, and it sounded pitiful. Doudou's small eyes stared at Garlan, looking very aggrieved.

That small appearance made the maids next to her couldn't help laughing out loud.

Garlan smiled and hugged the little lion, reached out and nodded its little head.

The little lion looked at him, stuck out his tongue and licked his fingers, making a humming sound while licking, and holding his fingers, acting like a spoiled child.



Gallan, who had brought little Nega back to his palace, was lying on the bed, playing with the little lion, when someone suddenly came to report that someone was asking to see him.

Garlan put down the little lion, walked into the hall, and saw a tall and tall young man walking in.

The young man was wearing a strong suit, a cyan top with a black waistband wrapped around his waist, slightly tight black pants underneath, and black cyan boots almost covering most of his calf.

There was a short black shawl around his shoulders that only reached his back. He had blond hair, different from Garlan's pale blond hair, but a darker blond, slightly longer, tied in a bundle behind him.

When Garlan looked at him suspiciously, the young man raised his head. Under the blond hair was a handsome face with a high nose and deep eyes. It was a pity that only one of his eyes was exposed, and the other was covered by a black blindfold. Living.

Looking at the one-eyed, Garlan was stunned for a moment, the memory flashed in his mind, and he immediately remembered.

"Ah, you are..."

As he spoke, he walked quickly to the man and looked up at him.

The one-eyed young man smiled at him, then leaned over and knelt down in front of him on one knee.

"His Royal Highness Prince."

Looking at the eye blocked by the black blindfold, Garlan didn't know what to say for a while.

The young knight knelt before him, looking at him, his face very close to him. He could clearly see the remaining eye of the knight, which was as beautiful as malachite aquamarine. He could imagine how heroic, handsome and handsome this blond knight would be when that eye wasn't hurt, making all admirers unable to look away.

"you… "

Garlan opened his mouth and made a sound, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only stop.

Then the young knight smiled at Garlan.

He said, "Prince, my eyes don't hurt anymore."

He was answering what the little prince had asked that night, in that dangerous place.

At that time, the little prince asked him, "Does it hurt?"]

At that time, he couldn't answer, so, he answered now.

He looked at the little prince in front of him and said softly, "I am Kaihos, Your Highness, from today onwards, I will be your guardian."

Guardian... what... eh? and many more.

Kay, Kay what

Kaihos? !

Garland's eyes widened at once.

This person is Kaihos, who will be called the 'Knight of the Hot Sun' in the future? !

Garland was stunned.

Kaihos, even if he has been in the palace for several lifetimes, has heard about it.

Everyone on the earth praised this 'Knight of the Hot Sun' or 'Knight of the Sun', saying that he had a handsome and sunny appearance like Shamash, the sun god, and made countless ladies and even princesses heart-warming. ', and also has the 'martial bravery that the god of war also praised', and is 'the most powerful knight in the world second only to the Lion King'.

At a young age, he became the cavalry commander of tens of thousands of knights in command of Aaron Landis, and won the trust and admiration of King Camos.

It is said that he was appreciated by King Kamos on a battlefield to suppress a large-scale rebellion in the country and was promoted to the Hundred Riders Commander, and then followed King Kamos's southern expeditions to the north and made countless achievements, successively becoming the Thousand Riders Commander, and the cavalry commander. handsome.

Wait, suppress the rebellion

Could it be the refugee riot this time

Garlan looked at the future cavalry commander kneeling in front of him, his mood was really complicated.

You must know that in the whole of Aaron Landis, there are no more than five cavalry commanders who can command tens of thousands of cavalry with military exploits. They are all brave and famous.

He remembered that no matter which life, this 'Knight of the Hot Sun' never participated in the war between him and Heimos for the throne, but stayed away from the two of them and followed King Camos all the time.

Um? What did he just say

…become my guardian

No, no, that's not right, that's not right at all!

"No, no, Cayhorth, you are a knight on the battlefield."

Or a powerful knight who wants to become a cavalry commander in the future, and who can let the whole earth know your name of bravery.

When Garlan thought of this, he couldn't help but persuade.

"You should stay on the battlefield, it's a waste to follow me."

In particular, I might be able to sit in the prince's seat for a long time.

Even if I continue to be the prince, if you are killed by Heimos with me in the future, Aaron Landis will be missing an outstanding knight.

No matter how you think about this decision, it's a huge loss-

"If it is the order of the king, then I will persuade him, Kaihos, it is what you should do as a warrior to make achievements on the battlefield."

The blond knight looked at the little prince who seemed to be trying to persuade him with the expression of 'I am for you'. He thought for a while, lowered his head, and looked a little disappointed.

"Because I lost an eye?"


Kaihos bowed his head, a look of loneliness on his face. Even if he lost an eye, the young knight's face was so handsome that one couldn't take his eyes off it.

Coupled with the melancholy revealed in the handsomeness, I am afraid that it will be easier to gain the love of women.

"You don't think... a cripple like me is not qualified to be your guardian, do you?"

"No, not so! You misunderstood."

I really just think it's a waste of you to follow me!

"I lost an eye, so King Camos asked me to leave the Guard. Now, Prince, do you think I'm useless?"

"Wait...that's actually..."

"I understand. If you despise a crippled person like me, Prince, I will leave."

After that, Kaihos stood up with a resolute look and planned to leave.

"Huh? Wait, wait!"

Garlan grabbed the hand of Kejos who was about to leave.

He thought about it for a while with a tangled face, then glanced at Kaijos, who had a resolute look and strong self-esteem, and then nodded his head helplessly.

He said, "Okay, I accept you as my guardian."

"Yes, Kaihos obeys your will."

As soon as Garlan's words fell, the knight who had been threatening to leave a second ago immediately knelt down and took over as if he was afraid that Garlan would go back on his words.

The handsome face gave the little prince a sun-bright smile.

Garland: "..."

Ah, forgot.

This is the complete description of the 'Knight of the Sun', which is widely known in the world.

'He has a handsome and sunny appearance like the sun god Shamash, but inside he has a cunning heart like the dark god. '

Simply put, it is black when cut.

"Prince of Garland."

Holding the small hand that had been pulling him with his backhand, Kaihos, who would be called the 'Knight of the Sun' in the future, knelt down on one knee in front of Prince Gallan.

His hands held the little prince's.

He still remembers the softness and warmth of that hand touching his blood-stained face that cold night.

He lowered his head, his lips resting on the small hand.

He closed his eyes, his face was more solemn than anything else at this moment.

"I swear to the gods of Aaron Landis, I swear to Shamash, the god of judgment, I swear by my honor and my soul—"

"From now on, I will be your guardian knight."

"I will protect you until you die."