A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 5


Garland was embarrassed to the death because of the underwear thing, but Heimos didn't take it seriously.

Children who haven't started horse riding training don't wear underwear. Everyone is like this. He has grown up like this, and he is used to it. Naturally, he doesn't think there is anything wrong. These noble children still need to wear decent clothes to some extent, while many commoner children simply wrap a piece of cloth around them, even if they are clothes.

Therefore, what Garlan thought was embarrassing, he didn't think there was anything embarrassing. It's just that the little child's appearance of being too concerned and nervous made him feel a little funny.

Although he was knocked down by the child and made a back pad just now, he was not angry.

Anyway, the child was small and not heavy, and he was not injured. It would be fine if the child fell on him, otherwise, if such a delicate body fell to the ground, there would be a few bruises on his hands and feet.

Heimos thought so, stretched out his hand, picked up Garlan from himself, then got up, didn't say much, and carried the child back directly.

After losing face several times in front of his mortal enemy, Garlan didn't dare to do anything more, and was led by Heimos obediently.

He didn't know the current situation at all, and he didn't dare to ask where Heimos was going to take him, so he could only think hard for himself.

After all, although he returned to his previous and previous life, he did not have the memory of the previous and previous life.

No, the memory is still there, but only an outline, not detailed. It's like he only knows the outline of a novel, the beginning, middle, and ending of that novel, as well as the general outline of certain things, but the specific details are unclear.

The only thing he can guess now is that he, as a child, seems to have run out of the residence for some reason, and Heimos is here to find him.

He followed Heimos obediently, looking around.

The destination is not far, after all, he is still a child and can't run very far. After a few turns in the water pavilion, and through the gorgeous promenade supported by tall columns, he followed Heimos to his destination.

Heimos took him to the entrance, didn't say much, raised his finger to the stone path winding through the jungle, motioned him to go over, then turned and left, as if he had other things to do. to do it.

Garlan looked at the mortal enemy who had left with some mixed feelings, but felt that the back made him both familiar and unfamiliar. This time, suddenly throwing him at such a young age, and meeting the young Heimos, he couldn't think of how he should treat this mortal enemy who was destined to be drenched in blood in the future.

Moreover, how did this young boy who was still gentle to him now become the perverted appearance of the future

He sighed softly, put the troubles behind him, and stopped thinking about the things he didn't understand, Garlan cheered up.

Anyway, go back to his place first, find a piece of fabric and try to make panties, panties, panties—

Talking about the most important thing at the moment in his heart, he quickly ran forward along the bluestone path. Turning a corner, a small palace surrounded by tall palm trees appeared in front of him.

The small palace is not very tall and magnificent, but it is quite delicate. The entire hall is in an arc shape. Along the crescent-shaped pool, lavender hyacinths surround the pool and are reflected in the water. When the wind blows, the large hyacinths shake slightly, like a light purple of the ocean.

Garland was stunned for a moment.

He saw inside the palace, by the crescent-shaped pool, among the large hyacinth flowers, on the column corridor that supported the palace platform, and above the buildings—everywhere, wherever he could see, no matter where he was. It's kids in twos and threes.

At first glance, it is estimated that there could be thirteen or four children.

What's the matter, why are there so many little devils

Someone who was talking about it in his heart obviously forgot that he himself is one of the little devils now.

Confused, he looked left and right.

Those children were old and young, but they all seemed to be in the age range of seven or eight to thirteen or fourteen. Some of them gathered together, some stayed alone, except for a few who went alone, most of the other children had already hugged into a group, gathered together and whispered, whispering, not knowing what they were discussing .

Some of the children frowned and looked down, looking very unhappy, while others were full of excitement, and some had a look of obvious anticipation on their faces, and some pouted and lost their temper.

Seven or eight years old... Seven or eight years old...


Garland finally remembered.

The reason why the original body can compete with Heimos for the throne is because he and Heimos, as the younger brother of King Camos, both have the right to inherit the throne.

But neither of them nor King Camos are brothers, nor was he the younger brother from the beginning, but when he was seven or eight years old, as a collateral bloodline of the royal family, he was chosen by King Camos, who had no children, to become the king. Brother, this is the right to inherit the throne.

That is to say, now he is in a critical period when he can stand out from this group of children who have the same bloodline of the royal family as him and be selected by King Camos

Garland felt a headache.

In the past, every time he was reborn, he had become the king's younger brother for many years, and he didn't even think about how to become the king's younger brother. Now throwing him to the age of seven or eight, he still has to figure out a way to get King Camos to choose him.

How to do

To please brother Camos

But to be honest, he doesn't really know Brother Camos very well. He would be killed by Heimos every time he was reborn in less than a year, and that brother Camos had been fighting abroad for at least ten months a year, and he would be busy with government affairs when he came back. Therefore, he and his nominal brother Wang rarely meet, let alone get along.

Moreover, he has done his best to fight with Heimos, and his mind is full of Heimos, and he will not pay attention to the preferences of the prince who rarely sees each other.

So, he is now blind.

Wait, no matter what, he has to get his underwear done first.

Garlan looked left and right, and saw a piece of white cotton hanging not far away, like a curtain. Then, he used the white cloth to tie it around the left and the right, and managed to use the white cotton cloth to tie something similar to a loincloth to himself. Finally, he wrapped the key parts, and he would not feel empty and cold below. .

Ah, so much more comfortable.

The child, who no longer has to worry about the problem of disappearing, let out a sigh of relief, and continued to think about the problem just now.

Speaking of which... the exploits of that King Camos are quite commendable. It can be said that he is the hero who saved the kingdom.

The previous king was suddenly poisoned, and the underage King Camos ascended the throne at the age of seventeen. At that time, the country was in turmoil, foreign enemies were eyeing him, the whole country was in turmoil, and the throne under him was also crumbling.

But he was unexpected. On the second day of his succession, he ignored everyone's dissuasion and took the army to the battlefield. In a bloody battle that lasted for ninety-nine days, the invading armies of the three major enemy countries were forcibly killed. After the young king had retreated from the enemy, he turned around, returned to the country, and beat those guys who were secretly poking around in the country.

In the ten years of his reign, King Camos has made a name for himself on the battlefield. Everyone respects and fears that he is a lion in the sun.

In this way, he killed the majestic title of 'The Lion King' on the battlefield. His enemies were terrified at the sight of the fiery red Lion King flag fluttering in the sun, and even more so when he let out a roar, he was frightened and fled.

One can imagine how fierce and terrifying the battle value of his brother Camos is.

One hit ten is like playing.

Garlan's impression of his famous brother is that of his tall and majestic body, with messy brown hair, and a golden-brown beard densely covering his chin. Brown hair wrapped the general.

When he was unhappy, he swung his head and stared, and his golden-brown hair fluttered, just like a male lion shaking its head in anger.

Thinking of the tall stature that was two heads taller than him, the strong arms that almost had his thighs, the bulging biceps, and the steel-like muscles shaped the sturdy and sturdy figure, thunder sounded when he spoke. A voice like that, the shiny dark brown skin on the stout body, and the messy brown beard that covered most of his face...

Hmm... Not so much like a lion, Gallan felt that his brother's brother looked more like a big brown bear with a mane walking upright.

However, whether it is a lion or a brown bear, the fighting power is very violent... So it is inferred from common sense that the sturdy King Camos should also like his successor who can also fight very sturdy

Garlan looked down at his small arms and calves. When the sun shone, they were so tender that they could drip out of water. His fingers were also soft, and there were no calluses at all.

So how did the original body get selected in the first place

Garland was extremely puzzled by this.

Just as Garlan watched his delicate fingers twitch at the corners of his mouth, his neck was suddenly restrained by the clothes that slid backwards.

Because just when he was depressed and didn't pay attention to his side, someone grabbed his back collar from behind and dragged him back roughly.

Being taken advantage of by others, before he could resist, he was forced to stagger backwards. He wanted to break free, but his body was too weak to break free, and his throat was strangled by the collar, making it difficult to breathe.

The man behind him dragged him to a secluded place, threw him on the ground, and he fell to the ground.

Could it be that Heimos was going to attack him first—

The mild attitude just now was just numbing him? !

With a thump in his heart, Garlan raised his head suddenly, looking up in shock and anger.

Seeing this, he was startled for a moment, and then the nervous look on his face disappeared all of a sudden.


He tutted inwardly, sat on the ground, and looked angrily at the chubby little boy who pulled him over.

"Didn't you little bastard sneak out and cry, and what are you doing back here?"

The little fat boy raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes at him, as if he had a fierce look.

But because he was too fat, the chubby fat on his cheeks shivered as soon as he spoke.

The intimidated Garlan looked at the 'fierce' face, expressing that there was no turbulence in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

"Hey, talk."

Then Garland was kicked.

There were three children with the little fat boy, all two years older than him. Seeing the indifferent appearance of the bullied object, he became more and more angry. One of the taller people kicked him.

Garland's expression changed instantly.

He was killed by Heimos, although it was painful when he died, but other than that, he was always held in the palm of everyone's hands, and even Han Mao would not be touched, let alone now. was kicked directly.

He is the younger brother of King Camos, the first in line to the throne, one person is less than ten thousand people.

Heimos is only the second pick, and his status is still below him, so even those followers of Heimos, at least on the surface, do not dare to be disrespectful to him.

He changed his face, so the bullying children were happier.

That's right, it's boring if they don't respond. It's this kind of unwilling grievance that gives them the sense of accomplishment to bully others.

He is obviously a bastard, pretending to be arrogant and always looking at them with contempt.

Thinking like this, they happily kicked one another.

Didn't get kicked this time.

Garlan turned over before kicking in the next second, dodging the kicking foot.

The place where he was kicked for the first time was aching, he rubbed it a bit, thinking to himself, those children are also very treacherous, the kicks are all where he was blocked by the clothes, even if his skin is tender and easy to be kicked blue, others will also can not see.

"How dare you hide?"

Seeing that everyone else was kicked, his own kick was dodged, and the little fat man shouted angrily.

"Looks like I haven't learned enough-"

"Why teach me a lesson?"

Garlan asked, took two steps back, touched a bush with his hand behind him, and stood still.

"Just like a bastard like you who confuses the bloodline, you have tainted the bloodline of the royal family, and you dare to come to the capital. Of course, I want to show you a good look!"

"That's right, right, you can tell by the color of your skin that you are mixed with lowly blood, and you dare to delusional throne-"

"How can a bastard like you be with us?"

The little fat man pointed at him and said, raising his fist threateningly and waving it at him.

"If you stay here again, I'll beat you once, my lord!"

Hearing those little brats scolding him, Garlan glanced over those children, and thought about the appearance of the other children he saw in the palace just now, and suddenly realized.


I was targeted because I was too conspicuous among the group of children.

He was the only child with a white complexion, the other children were all dark or light brown.

Brown skin is the skin color of the upper-class nobles in this kingdom. For many years, both the royal family and the high-ranking nobles would only intermarry each other, for the sake of pure blood.

Therefore, in this country, brown-skinned people are regarded as higher people.

Garlan ignored the little devils who were still yelling at him and fell into deep thought. He remembered that although the original son of the city lord was raised as a delicate child, he was not loved by his parents, and was even quite alienated.

When he was reborn a few times before, he didn't think much about it. He just thought that he might have been raised in Wangcheng since he was a child and was estranged from his biological parents, so he was not liked. But now, he seems to have guessed the reason for his poor relationship with his parents.

— because of his skin color.

His father, the city lord of the upper-level nobles of the collateral blood of the royal family, was brown-skinned, but he was confused by hormones when he was young, and for love, he just married a woman of lower-level nobles, and that was his mother.

However, he was born with the color of his mother's skin, and his father is probably very unhappy about this, so he doesn't like him either.

When he was reborn several times before, his skin was light brown, so he didn't think about it at all. But he remembered that he had seen, in the palace, occasional encounters in the palace where nobles of other skin colors were coldly treated, excluded, and ridiculed by those brown-skinned nobles... Presumably, the original body may have experienced the same thing when I was a child...

and many more.

Garland suddenly thought of an extremely strange possibility.

When he was with Heimos not long ago, he had wondered why his complexion was white when he was a child, and became light brown when he grew up? And my skin was fine when I was a kid, but it got rougher when I got older.

Garlan felt that he had probably guessed the reason by now.

Q: How do I change my skin tone from white to brown

Answer: In order not to be laughed at, tan yourself.

Good, this operation is very slippery.

The surrounded Garlan sighed, the hand behind him had already snapped off and a branch was held in his hand.

Because he felt that now that the background was almost clear, it was time to start a healthy physical and mental exercise called 'beating the bear children'.

The Son of Destiny, Garlan, was reborn for the fifth time, fighting the first battle against the bear children.

One pick four.

The author has something to say: We don't do things like whitening that have no technical content.

We want to be black.


That's right, our brother Camos is a muscular brother, as strong as a bear, majestic and majestic, who can tear beasts with his hands.