A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 50


The sun has begun to set, and evening has come, and the maids in the palace are busy, delivering delicious food to their masters.

Kaihos followed Garlan back to his residence, entered the arched gate, and walked into the courtyard. Before he got close, he could vaguely smell the faint fragrance of lotus flowers coming from the edge of the pool.

The stone statue of the star goddess Isdar stands on the fountain pool. The water droplets that fell from her hands splashed into the pool water, forming small circles of water.

"Are you really going to do this? Prince."

Kaihos stopped and looked at Garlan's back and said suddenly.

Garland stopped and turned around.


His bright golden eyes looked directly at his knight and answered with certainty.

"I'm sure I want to do it."

The blond knight stared at his prince with his only one eye left, recalling the first order that Garlan gave him yesterday, in this place.

Garland said, Kaijos, from now on, do not let Heimos come near me.

Although he was surprised by this, he did not say anything and faithfully executed the order.

"Prince, the palace is a very dangerous place. Although it looks magnificent and beautiful, there are many dangers hidden under this beauty."

The knight said that although loyalty was his duty, it was also his duty to give advice to his master.

"Although you are the king's brother, I think it is irrational for you to push out an important person who has a good impression on you."

Although Prince Heimos is not valued by King Camos, the young prince has great potential. Over time, he will definitely become a strong man who is not inferior to himself and the priest of Shemuer, even, Can catch up in the footsteps of the Lion King Camos.

Therefore, on the road to the throne in the future, Prince Heimos may be the biggest obstacle for the little prince.

But fortunately, Prince Heimos has always been close to and doted on the little prince, so as long as this close relationship is maintained, he may be able to tie down that powerful enemy with affection.

This is the most beneficial approach.

Garlan snorted. He didn't seem to be angry at the objection raised by Kaihos, but nodded in agreement.

"you're right."

"I did a very stupid thing," he said.

Use Heimos's current intimacy to himself as a rope to hold that evil wolf...

This is what is best for him.

"Kaihos, although I can't explain it to you now, I hope you can know that my relationship with Heimos cannot be improved."

"I'll never be able to accept him or be friends with him."

Garlan said, his eyes swept over the tall goddess stone statue beside him.

He turned his head and looked straight at Kaijos with bright eyes, the child's eyes always so clean and clear.

"So, knowing that you can never give the same kindness to that person, you still have to take advantage of this, pretend you don't know anything, continue to accept the kindness of others as if nothing has happened, and let that person pay for yourself and enjoy that person. Be kind to yourself... I can't do this kind of thing."

Garlan's answer made Kaihos turn his head slightly, looking down at the little prince in front of him.

"It's really your style."

There seemed to be a bit of complaint in his tone, and he raised his eyebrows and said.

"Don't you think that you will cause trouble for me as your subordinate?"

Garland was startled.

"you're right… "

He looked up, looking apologetically at Kejos.

"I'm sorry to cause you trouble because of my willfulness."

Because of his wayward approach, it is likely to lead to a difficult situation in the future. In this way, he has indeed caused a lot of trouble for Kaihos.

"There will be trouble... well, a little bit."

The one-eyed knight scratched his head and said so.


He suddenly changed the conversation, raised his fingers back the strands of blond hair on his forehead, and raised his eyebrows with a handsome smile.

"If you, the master, are not in trouble, how can you show your ability as your guardian knight?"

"… what?"

"If everything goes smoothly, what do you want my subordinate to do? So, if there is no trouble for me to solve, that is the most troublesome thing for me."

"Ah, next I have to try to make myself stronger, and I must not let Prince Heimos surpass him."

Kaihos said that it was obviously a joke, but when he said it, it seemed especially serious.

He got down on his knees and hit the ground on one knee.

Malachite-like green eyes slightly curved, and looked at Garlan with a smile.

If the little prince was the kind of person who would use lies and the feelings of others for his own advantage, he would not have faced even the threat of death in that dark night. He also refused to step back half a step in front of the group of refugees and make promises that could not be fulfilled.

And he would not come to such a prince.

"It is my responsibility as a subordinate to solve the crisis."

The knight on one knee raised his head slightly, reached out to hold Garlan's right hand, and smiled at the little prince.

"So, my prince, please don't worry about anything and continue to carry out your will as you are now."

He says,

"—Even if this is the will that is considered 'stupid' by everyone."

There are people everywhere who possess the wisdom of Solga, the god of the sky.

They use so-called 'wisdom' to do all kinds of calculations for their own benefit.

There are very few people in the world who possess the integrity and radiance like Shamash, the sun god.

O my prince, you have a heart as upright and strong as Shamash.

Please keep your pure heart.

You will become the future king of Aaron Landis.

Please lead Aaron Landis to the light with your wisdom and justice.

Rumors of a bad relationship between Prince Heimos and Prince Gallan continued to spread inside the palace and gradually fermented.

Everyone began to pay attention to this matter without a trace.

And this doesn't seem to be a rumor. The relationship between the two princes who seemed to be still close to each other has cooled sharply during this period of time, and it has dropped to freezing point in just two days, and there is no sign of recovery after a period of time.

By now, the two princes had very little conversation with each other, and there was no contact other than necessary, courtesy conversations.

Underneath the palace, an undercurrent surged.

Countless people began to make choices, either explicitly or implicitly.

In the past, I thought that Prince Gallan was still young, and the relationship between the two princes was not bad, so there was no need to rush to stand in line, so many people just waited and watched. Now, the relationship between the two princes is bad, and the differences are beginning to become clear, and some people who are good at speculation are beginning to make a move, ready to bet on the two princes.

If you stand right, you can become a political central figure above the royal court of Aaron Landis in the future.

Obviously, Prince Garland, who was favored by King Camos, was more popular.

There are also many people who feel that Prince Garlan is young, children are easier to get close to, easy to talk, easy to fool, and easier to be manipulated.

And Heimos... Although he is still underage, his aggressive aura makes him not a good talker at first glance. Under the gaze of those sharp golden red eyes, it was difficult for people to raise the idea of playing tricks in front of this young man.

Therefore, the vast majority of speculators quickly moved closer to Garland and showed their affection to Garland.

But it's not that no one casts to Heimos. After all, Heimos's excellent posture and powerful strength have long been known to everyone. Therefore, although there are few people who cast Heimos, they are extremely firm and not easily shaken. people.

With a bang, the sharp arrow hit the target heavily, and even penetrated halfway through it.

The teenagers who were watching next to him showed admiration to Heimos who was shooting arrows. They had practiced against Heimos in the arena not long ago, and they were not the opponents of Heimos when they played together. .

In this way, their intention to follow Prince Heimos was more determined.

Compared with the few people around Heimos, there were far more people around Garlan.

However, as expected, the arrow shot by Garlan strayed from the target again, so everyone fell silent.

The archery instructor standing in the middle frowned and said nothing. Instead, some of the teenagers on Heimos couldn't help but snickered. But it just so happened that his smile was seen by the people over there.

"why are you laughing!"

A skinny boy stood up and shouted angrily at the snickering boy.

And the other party is not to be outdone.

"Why, I think of a joke, and I can't even laugh by myself?"

"You're clearly laughing—"

—Laughing at Prince Gallan.

The thin boy choked for a moment, but he still didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

So the kid who snickered was even more proud.

"Why, can't tell? You are so lenient."


Some people can't stand it anymore and start to join the battle.

"Hey, be careful what you say."

"Otherwise, don't blame us when something happens."

For a time, the two sides confronted each other and confronted each other.

The people here are all the children of high-ranking officials and nobles, each with their own arrogance, and they are still unconvincing, and the archery instructor in the middle can't stop them.

When it was about to make trouble, Heimos suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at this side, and the inexplicable heart-pounding eyes made the voices of all the teenagers choked.

However, Heimos didn't say anything, just glanced at it and turned around and walked straight away.

As soon as he left, everyone naturally died down, and the young men quickly followed his pace.

Garlan, who stayed there, was still practicing archery on his own, and turned a deaf ear to the words that surrounded him, complaining that Heimos was deliberately losing face.

When the practice was almost done, he left the archery range.

He left, and some people didn't. A dozen or so teenagers gathered together, muttered softly, and then smiled.


The last teenager fell heavily to the ground and fell face down with a dog eating shit.

A dozen or so teenagers who were majestic not long ago are now lying on the ground, or the corners of their mouths are cracked, or their foreheads are bleeding, or their arms are bruised, they all look miserable anyway.

They looked in fear at the Prince Heimos who had beaten up a dozen of them in a lighthearted manner. They didn't dare to say anything else and ran away with each other's hand.

The young man beside Heimos who snickered not long ago also had a bruised face at the moment. The group blocked them, as if they wanted to embarrass Prince Heimos and deliberately beat him in front of the prince. , but in the end it was easily taught by Heimos and ran away.

He looked at the backs of the fleeing teenagers and said angrily, "Prince Garland must have instructed them to do it!"

"That's right."

Several others also spoke.

"His Royal Highness, it must be Prince Garland who deliberately protested to you."

"Not this time, they will do it next time."

"We also have to find opportunities to fight back."

"Even Prince Gallan can't bully you like this, he must know how powerful he is."

Heimos said lightly: "No, this should have nothing to do with Garland."

He knew that Garland was not such a person.

Here, the teenagers who wanted to teach others a lesson but got beaten up gathered together and complained.

"It's abominable."

"It's not that I can't beat him. After all, he's a prince. I'm afraid I'll be in trouble if I really hurt him."

"Yes, that's it."

Everyone said so.

Immediately afterwards, a young man suggested.

"We can't really hurt him, but we can block him in other ways," he whispered, "I have a good idea."

"Ah? What method?"

The boy lowered his voice and secretly spoke his mind.

Everyone looked at each other.

"is this okay… "

"What's wrong, it will make him uncomfortable, but it won't really hurt him."

"Yes, this can only be regarded as a prank."

"Also, we can say that this is what Prince Gallan asked us to do. King Camos loves the prince so much, it's impossible to investigate such a trivial matter."

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid Prince Heimos doesn't dare to disturb King Camos with such a trivial matter, so he can only suffer from a dumb loss."

A boy said hesitantly.

"But His Royal Highness Gallan didn't ask us to trouble Prince Heimos. Wouldn't it be bad for us to do this?"

Another patted him on the head.

"You are stupid! Your Highness and Prince Heimos are obviously not dealing with each other, and Prince Heimos is always pressing him. If he doesn't say it, he must be very unhappy. Let's help him teach Prince Heimos a lesson. Dayton, Your Highness will definitely be happy."

When they are happy, they are willing to be close to them.

What a way to please Prince Gallan.

"It seems to be right..."

Thinking of this, the leading boy made a final decision.

"Then do it!"

The fiery flames, like a huge fire snake, tightly wrapped the black-haired boy in its terrifying body.

The black water is flowing slowly...

… the smell of burning flesh came…

The boy swallowed by the flames let out a cry of pain that was almost tearing...

The fingers that were burnt to black coals stretched out from the flames.

Ugly hands like a demon protruding from hell... As if to grab him and drag him into the flames...

Just like this towards him, slowly reaching out...

In the dark night, the sleeping child suddenly woke up.

The white moonlight came in through the skylight and fell on Garlan's forehead covered in fine sweat.

He sat on the bed panting rapidly, and his somewhat dazed pupils were slightly dilated.


He clutched his chest, his heart was beating violently.

It seemed that some ominous omen was coming, which made his heart skip a beat.

He thought blankly.

This dream that I haven't had for a long time... Why is it suddenly dreaming again now