A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 52



"His Royal Highness Garland?!"

"Wow, how could it be-"

After a second of solidification, the pot exploded in the Weir Atrium.

The teenagers standing opposite Heimos looked at the scene in front of them and let out a scream.

Garlan knelt on the ground and hugged his shoulders, his fingertips digging deeply into the skin of his shoulders.

He couldn't tell whether it was the sweat from the violent running or the cold sweat from the pain. The blond hair was sticking to his pale cheeks, and the fingers that were pressing against his shoulders were shaking.

The severe pain made him unable to even shout.

Just now, he almost pressed his whole body up, and barely pushed Heimos away from the fallen brazier, and all the charcoal fires fell on his back—he could even hear it himself That chirping sound of burning flesh.

At this moment, he knelt on the ground and hugged his shoulders, his whole body trembling with pain.

He couldn't see what his back looked like now, but the indescribable pain made him unable to speak.

"Your Highness!"


The teenagers ran towards him, surrounded him at a loss, screaming one after another, making his forehead aching sharply.

He wanted to tell them to shut up, but the pain in his back made him speechless.

Sim rushed to Gallan's side in a panic, but his mind was blank, he could only stand stupidly, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, over his shoulder, grabbed his face, and a sticky black liquid smeared half of his face.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force slammed from that hand, it was a terrible force that could almost twist his brain off his neck, pushing him to the side of the grass in one fell swoop.

Heimos shoved the unsightly guy away from him with one hand, and when he saw the little child who was kneeling on the ground and trembling with pain, he knelt down subconsciously, stretched out his hand, and wanted to pick up the child.

"do not come!"

A voice that was clearly trying to get out of his throat made his outstretched hand freeze halfway.

Heimos knelt there.

Garlan was right in front of him, within reach.

So close, as long as he stretched out his hand again, he could touch it.

But the child only made such a faint sound, as if there was an invisible powerful force, forcibly restraining his hand in the air, unable to move.

The screams that he tried to hold back touched the skin on his neck and even his back, and the severe pain that surged from the burnt area made Garlan tremble violently again.

He took a deep breath, gasped a few more times, and tried to calm his breathing.

"… do not come…"

He didn't dare to raise his head, for fear that he would tug on the burnt area if he moved, so he could only maintain this movement, lowered his head, and said softly.

"Oil...you...the black..."

He spoke in an extremely weak voice.

The few pieces of charcoal that rolled down from him were still burning and fell on the ground beside him.

"Burn on fire..."

Heimos froze for a moment, a look of astonishment on his face.

He glanced at the charcoal scattered around Garlan, didn't speak, didn't dodge back, just set his eyes on Garlan again.

Instead, there was a piercing scream from the side. The Sim, who was pushed to the ground by Heimos with one hand and his face stained with jet-black liquid, screamed in horror after hearing Gallan's words. While looking at the bright coals of fire that rolled down beside Garlan with fearful eyes, he just lay on the ground and crawled back hard.

He seemed to be afraid that the charcoal would jump up and fall on him, so he just wanted to stay as far away from Gallan as possible.

Because at first, Heimos avoided more than half of the dark oil, which was spilled on the ground.

Hearing Garlan's words, the teenagers who had panicked close to Garlan suddenly exploded, and they all stepped back in horror, for fear that they would accidentally get caught.

But fortunately, the coals that fell from Garlan were still some distance away from the black oil spilled on the ground.

So, as soon as the boys who were close to Garlan dispersed, only Heimos, who was covered in black liquid on half of his body, squatted and knelt in front of Garlan.

Only he remained by Gallan's side.

This scene was extremely ironic for a while.

"There! It's there. Ah!!!"

A sudden scream broke the awkward and ironic situation at the moment.

The little fat man Tal, who hurried over with a group of soldiers, let out an astonishing scream and rushed over at a speed that did not fit his body.

While rushing, he also let out a terrifying scream.

"Prince! Ah—Prince Garland ah—"

He rushed over and looked around Garlan in a panic, wanting to extend his hand to help, but looking at the terrible burns on Garlan's back and the painful expression of Garlan, he didn't dare to do it easily, so he could only cry in mourning. His face, while calling out to the prince, circled around Garlan.

When the little fat man jumped in a hurry, the group of soldiers hurried over.

It was a group of soldiers that Tarr, who didn't keep up with Garlan, met halfway along the way to catch up. Although Tar didn't know what happened, but seeing the prince's anxious look, he felt that it must be a big thing.

Just in case, he brought the group of soldiers who were patrolling the palace in the name of Prince Garlan.

The leading team took a look at the chaos in the atrium, and his heart suddenly froze. First, he immediately called a few soldiers to urgently send the little prince to the hospital, and then immediately ordered his subordinates to start controlling the scene.

Heimos followed Garlan every step of the way, and naturally left here, but before leaving, he reminded the team leader that the black liquid on the ground was flammable, so the team leader was very careful to use a kettle to douse the ground. charcoal.

Then, he picked up the copper fire plate that was turned down and checked it carefully. The marks on the side of the copper fire plate that were hit by sharp objects made the middle-aged team leader frown sharply.

That's the trace of an arrow!

Having judged this, he said nothing, pulled out the small horn on his waist, and blew the horn of emergency alert.

Almost at the moment when his horn sounded, all the patrol teams in the vicinity rushed in this direction immediately, and under the command of their respective teams, all nearby places were blocked.

Unless they have wings, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to break out of their blockade.

The group of teenagers who got into trouble looked blankly at the soldiers who came in, wondering what happened.

The middle-aged team rate did not have time to control them, just let the soldiers take good care of them.

Soon, the soldiers he arranged to search nearby found foreign objects.

"Captain! Here's an arrow!"

The soldiers who found the arrow from the nearby dense bushes hurriedly sent it to the front of the team.

In the royal court hall dealing with government affairs, King Camos was sitting at the table busy reviewing official documents. The scrolls on the side of the table were piled up like a mountain, almost covering Camos' face.

Therefore, Camos, who wanted to go to the martial arts field to exercise his muscles and bones, could only stay there honestly, and it was late at night when he corrected the official documents. If he doesn't finish the piled up official business tonight, I'm afraid he won't even want to sleep.

The priest with slightly curly shawl and brown hair stood beside him, took out the parchment rolls expressionlessly, uncovered the intact red fire lacquer marks on them, and unfolded the rolls in front of King Camos.

For each official document, he will summarize it in the simplest language, and remind King Camos of the key point of this official document, helping Camos make the fastest judgment.

"Speaking of which, it's been a little strange lately..."

Halfway through processing the mountain of official documents, and while taking a short break in the middle, Xie Muer said something thoughtful while drinking the strong tea brought by the maid to refresh himself.


King Camos is stretching, yawning, and rubbing his eyes in a very unimpressive manner.

He reviewed fifty or sixty official documents in one breath. Although the lights in the hall made the surroundings bright as day, he still felt a pain in his eyes.

"Prince Garland and Prince Heimos have not behaved quite rightly recently. They seem to have quarreled, and they don't talk much."

"Is that so? Hahahaha, did those two little guys quarrel and get angry?"

King Camos laughed.

"Don't worry about Garland, this little guy is very willful and often noisy, but it's a bit rare for that little kid from Heimos to do this."

After all, compared to the childish Garland, Heimos is much more mature, and his thinking is almost the same as that of an adult... Well, when facing Garland, he can still feel a little bit like a child.

"Although it's just a quarrel between two children, other people in the palace don't think so."

Xie Muer said, his eyes were slightly cold.

"It's not been quiet in the palace lately."

"Let them go, a group of screeching fellows who have to figure out how far they walk, can they still turn the world upside down?"

King Camos mocked unceremoniously.

"As for those two little guys... Haha, let the children handle the affairs of the children themselves, we adults can just watch it."

He waved his hand indifferently.

"I understand."

Xie Muer nodded and stood up.

"Please continue."

King Camos let out a whimper, and after the howl, he suddenly raised his head and touched his chin.

"Ximuer, how about a bet? Well - just bet ten bottles of fine wine."

He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"I bet that this quarrel is Cold War, and Heimos must be the first to admit defeat."

Xie Muer spread out a piece of parchment in front of King Camos, and tapped his fingers on the key points.

He said blankly: "... I can't bet."

King Camos was startled, then burst out laughing, picking up the parchment while laughing.

"Hahahahaha, this really can't be gambled hahahaha-"

The two bets are the same, how to bet

Just when King Camos was still laughing, an attendant hurried into the government hall.

"King Camos," he said nervously, "Prince Garland has an accident."

King Camos stood up abruptly, his eyes narrowed, and the parchment in his hand was torn in half by him with a hiss.

When King Camos arrived with Xie Muer, he saw that many people came and went in and out of Gallan's residence.

However, although there are many people, their behavior is very orderly, and they are all in a hurry to do their own things, and there is no collision with each other. Apparently, someone inside was directing.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Camos saw a familiar figure of a young man standing under the fountain pool.

Heimos stood there quietly, motionless, pursed his lips and lowered his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking. Two maids were beside him, busy wiping his body. But even if it was wiped, Camos could vaguely see the black liquid remaining on his body, from his arms to his calves.

The skin can barely be wiped off, but the clothes on the body can't be cleaned at all. The black stains dyed half of the clothes on the body, and they look dirty, so Xie Muer couldn't help frowning at a glance.

However, Camos didn't stop, just glanced at Heimos and hurriedly entered Garlan's room.

As soon as he entered the door, his eyes passed the crowd in the room and landed on Garlan on the bed.

At this sight, the corners of his eyes twitched violently.

His little brother was lying on the bed, and the scorched marks that seemed to have been scalded by a soldering iron appeared on the tender and fair skin of the child.

There was one spot on the back of the neck, several spots on the back, and another spot on the calf, as if a soldering iron had rolled and fell from a child.

On the snow-white back, those terrifying burn marks looked shocking at first glance.

Garlan was lying on the bed, his face turned sideways, half of his face sank into the pillow, the exposed half of his face was extremely pale, fine sweat oozes from his red forehead, and his hair was sticking to it.

The two doctors were standing on the edge of the bed, bent over, carefully helping him clean the wound.

The child's fingers clasped the pillow tightly, and the fingers were so hard that their knuckles turned white.

He was obviously in severe pain, but he didn't cry out, but his big golden eyes were filled with tears, his lower lip was almost bloodless from the bite of himself, and the tears fell down his pale cheeks, hitting him. Wet pillow.

That look makes people look really distressed.

"Roja! Bring the towel wrapped in ice!"

"Shaqi! Bring the freshly boiled water and use ice cubes to cool it down!"

"But, tell those who brew the concoction to move quickly!"

"Ruffia, have the concoction-soaked bandages and fabric dried out—"

A female officer who looked about the same age as King Camos was giving orders in the room, orderly directing everyone to do things. She was a female official who was arranged by King Camos to take charge of the inner palace of Gallan, and it was precisely because she gave orders here that everyone seemed to be in order, and at the same time, they would not be in a hurry when doing so many things.

Instead, King Camos, who rushed in, blocked the door and let a maid who hurriedly came in through the door with ice cubes hit him, and the ice basin in her hand almost overturned.

Seeing that it was King Camos, she panicked and quickly knelt down to apologize.

Before King Camos could ask her to leave her alone and get up to continue working, the female official over there had already looked over, frowned, walked over, and bent down at will as a salute.

"Wang, there is no need for anyone other than a doctor here." The unsightly female official said, "Please go out with Lord Xie Mu'er immediately, and don't interfere with us."

In the same way, she also told the Prince Heimos who was obstructing the room like a wooden stake not long ago, and drove him out, and arranged for two maids to wipe his body.

In the room, King Camos, who only got in the way, and the priest were driven out by the sturdy female officer.

As soon as they arrived outside, the soldiers sent by the team led to report to them.

"What? Caught a dead man, but that man committed suicide by taking poison?"

King Camos frowned tightly, and he glanced back at the room where people were constantly entering and leaving.

Yes, it's useless for him to stay here. The only thing he can do is to find out the mastermind behind the king's brother who killed him as soon as possible.

"Where is the body?"

After getting the answer from the soldier, King Camos walked forward quickly.

As soon as he reached the gate, he stopped and turned to look at the boy who was standing on the bottom half of the fountain pool, all wet.

"Heimos," said King Camos, "you come with me."