A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 53


The sky was completely dark, and a crescent moon hung high in the sky, shedding silver light on the magnificent palace.

Although it was late at night, the interrogation hall in a remote corner of the palace was still brightly lit.

A corpse in a black suit was lying in the hall, and a dozen maids or people dressed as attendants were tied tightly by ropes and knelt on the hall. They fell on the ground, bowed their heads deeply, almost pressed their foreheads to the ground, their faces were full of fear, and there were many scars left by torture on their bodies.

King Camos, dressed in a short dark robe, stood before the corpse, a black and red cloak fastened with gold trim falling from his broad shoulders.

He looked down at the corpse, his lion-like brown eyes were piercing, and there was a hint of majesty in the depths of his eyes.

He just stood there, even if he didn't move or speak, there was a force of his own to oppress him in all directions. At this moment, there seems to be a terrifying aura enveloping the hall, overwhelming everyone in the hall.

A team leader knelt in front of him on one knee, holding an arrow in both hands.

Xi Muer, who was wearing a white priest's robe, picked up the arrow and looked at it carefully.

"The material is mainly wood, and there is only a little iron sheet on the arrow. The purpose is to maintain the balance after the arrow is shot."

After reading it, he came to a conclusion.

"Obviously, this is not an arrow made for lethality," he said.

"Yes, Shemur."

The chief judge of the interrogation hall, who was also standing on the side, said, "This is not an accident, but an event that was deliberately caused by someone."

'Devil's blood' is a strange liquid that was discovered recently, because it exudes a foul odor that can make people faint, and it is difficult to clean if it is stained, and it may even cause some people's skin to be red, swollen and inflamed. Therefore, most people try their best to stay away from it.

"Now it seems that some people have mastered some of the properties of this liquid, for example, it is more flammable than oil." The presiding judge said, "According to these people, someone bribed them with money to provoke them. The relationship between the two princes, and smuggled this liquid into the palace and tricked the children into using it against Prince Heimos."

"Obviously, their target is not Prince Garland, but Prince Heimos."

The middle-aged presiding judge said with a serious look.

"If their plan is successful, then Prince Heimos is likely to be burned to death now, and a fire will be set in the atrium, and all the evidence, including this wooden arrow, will be burned, then the dead man will also be burned. You can escape the palace while the fire is in full swing."

It was precisely because the fire failed to start, that the soldiers rushed to the atrium in time, sounded the emergency horn, and blocked the palace, and then caught the dead man.

It's just a pity that the dead man swallowed poison and committed suicide when he saw that he couldn't escape.

Taking the wooden arrow from Xie Muer's hand, King Camos looked at it from beginning to end.

He chuckled softly and said, "Although there is no evidence... but I can probably guess who sent the bugs in this stinky ditch."

Although he is smiling, there is no smile in his eyes. If anyone who knows him knows, his low smile at the moment is because he is extremely angry.

He didn't even look at the maids and attendants who were kneeling in front of him tremblingly, and said lightly, "There's no need to keep these things."

He said, an understatement.

"Kill them all."

Amid the wailing and cries of those people, King Camos casually threw the arrow to Heimos.

The teenager knelt down beside the corpse on one knee. Before he came, he had changed into a clean clothes, and now he was looking down at the corpse with his head down. He heard all the words the presiding judge said, but the black hair fell down and covered his eye sockets, making it difficult to see the look in his eyes when he heard those words.

He raised his head, caught the arrow thrown to him by King Camos, and looked at it in front of him.

"You can almost guess it, right?"

King Camos said.

"… "

"I'm very upset and want to beat that guy, but now there's no solid evidence, I can't do anything to that guy."

He is the king of Aaron Landis, and without any evidence, it is impossible for him to do something to a powerful guy.

Because he is a king, he must obey the law of Aaron Landis.

Otherwise, the laws of this country will break down from him.

"… "

With a little force of the fingers, the arrow broke in two in Heimos's hand.

He lowered his eyes, but the messy black hair couldn't hide the cold light in his eyes.

He said, "Please lend me a team of guards."

King Camos raised his eyebrows, turned around and strode away, the black and red cloak flying high behind him.

He said: "Ximul, arrange for him a team from my Guards."

Although it was late at night, the side door of the palace was opened under the special order of King Camos.

The huge turntable turned in the hands of several gatekeepers, causing the huge iron gate to slowly drop down. It lay down on the moat and became a solid iron bridge.

Immediately afterwards, a group of cavalrymen dressed in black and red leather armor rushed out from the open city gate. Among them, there was a small black-haired boy.

They ran out of the city gate and plunged their horses into the dark depths of the night.

Menister City, one of the five major cities of Aaron Landis, is located in the north of the royal city and is an important intersection of the Aaron Landis Highway. An important port on the Enki River, one of the two mother rivers of the Ministry.

And it is this land and water hub that makes it one of the five major cities in Aaron Landis by accumulating wealth through trade and commerce.

It is a family-inherited city. The previous city owner was a loyal and kind person. He treated the people well, was very tolerant to the people, and did not collect high taxes. There were also special shelters for the elderly and the disabled in the city. Loved by the citizens of Nestor.

It's just a pity that the old city lord's child who was born in his old age unexpectedly disappeared. Therefore, before he died, he could only pass on the city lord's position to his younger brother, Earl.

When the old city lord's child was found later, Earl had already taken his place as the city lord.

But to the relief of the townspeople, their new city lord took his brother's only son back to the castle, and it is said that he treated his nephew like a parent.

At this moment, it was sunrise time. The city gates in the four directions of Menister City had just opened, and the sound of horseshoes running on the ground like thunder was heard. As soon as the guards raised their heads, they saw a group of cavalry rolled up in the distance. The billowing dust came, and he was shocked at once, thinking that he had been attacked by the enemy.

Taking a closer look, those knights were all wearing uniform black and red leather armor and dark armor, and there were special patterned armbands on their arms, and they were relieved.

Because he recognized it, and it was the garb of the guards around the king of Aaron Landis.

That group of about thirty or forty riders rode their horses to the door, and the leader held the reins.

It was a slightly smaller figure than the other burly knights, and under the watchful eye of the head guard who was approaching, the man pulled back the hood of his cloak.

The jet-black hair scattered in the air, exposed to the bright morning sun, was a handsome face that belonged to a young man.

The golden red eyes are like the sun in the sky dyed with fire, the sword eyebrows are high, and the slender eye corners are like sharp blades. Although he is only a teenager, his whole body exudes an overwhelming sense of oppression, like an unsheathed sword, already sharp Be exposed.

"Young Heimos... No, Your Highness, Your Highness."

The chief guard of the city gate greeted him happily, then stammered and changed his mouth.

The edict from King Camos came to Menister City more than two months ago and caused a sensation. Many city residents rejoiced and celebrated that the children of their old city lords had become princes of the country. As a member of the townspeople who respected the old city master, this chief guard was also sincerely happy for their little master.

Heimos looked down at him, nodded to him, and didn't say anything, and took out a token with the middle-aged knight beside him.

The golden bottom, the black and red flag on the pattern, and the protruding lifelike golden lion head made the chief guard kneel down at once.

It is a token that only the king's bodyguard can hold, and symbolizes the king's order.

A group of cavalrymen quickly entered the city gate, but did not dismount, but slowed down their horses after entering the city. Seeing this group of burly and sturdy knights, everyone on the avenue avoided them one after another. Some people recognized that the leading boy was the child of their old city lord, and he immediately started to whisper on the side of the road.

The child of their old city lord became the prince of Aaron Landis, and maybe he could become the king of Aaron Landis in the future. Now, they watched the grown children come back to Menister City, which immediately attracted the attention of many city residents.

They gathered around and watched Heimos lead the knights straight to the gate of the castle in the center of the city, and then dismounted.

"He, Heimos... Your Highness."

The guard standing in front of the castle gate looked at the young man striding forward in amazement, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"You, you are..."

"Why, I'm coming back to see my dear uncle, aren't you going to let me in?"

The boy standing in front of the castle gate asked in a deep voice.

The guard was stunned for a moment, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw the group of townspeople on the opposite side who gathered together and looked hard at it, and subconsciously shut up.

"Open the door! Open the door immediately! Didn't you see His Highness Heimos coming back?"

As he yelled at his subordinates, he turned back and smiled at Heimos.

"How could it be? Lord Earl said it, this place will always be your home."

The young man glanced at him.

Just a glance made the guard's chest choked. He watched helplessly as Heimos strode into the open door.

Half of the group of knights who followed the boy followed behind the boy, and the other half took over the horses of their companions and waited outside the gate.

In the early morning, the maids and servants who were busy in the castle were all stunned when they saw Heimos who suddenly appeared.

Heimos, who entered the castle, didn't say hello to anyone. After looking around the familiar place, he turned around and walked straight in one direction.

It was early in the morning, and the person he was looking for must be in the martial arts field.

Everyone in the hall was so surprised and stunned as they watched the knights leave behind Heimos without saying a word. A squire turned around and ran desperately. He wanted to immediately report the news of Heimos' sudden return to the Lord of the City.

Heimos walked briskly across a long corridor that ended with a richly carved black wooden door.

He walked to the door, paused, then raised his foot sharply.

With a bang, the delicate carved door was kicked open by him, and an ugly gap appeared where he was kicked.

The sudden loud noise made the young man who was practicing marksmanship in the martial arts field almost let the long spear in his hand fall to the ground. He turned around angrily and wanted to scold the servant who disturbed his martial arts practice, but saw a familiar figure from being kicked and broken. came through the door.


He subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand.

"Why are you here?"

Heimos, the son of his father's elder brother, his cousin.

He is obviously several years younger than him, but he is much better than him, a guy who can easily crush him.

The guy he hates so much.

He had secretly designed this guy several times, but never succeeded, this guy always looked down at him with a cold, disdainful look.

Ever since he heard that Heimos had been chosen as prince, he had grown mad with jealousy.

My father obviously said that this guy Heimos is dead this time, why is he now—

"Because Uncle Earl and you seem to miss me a lot, so I came back to see you."

The boy said so.

"Buck, are you practicing martial arts? Well, how about we two cousins come and learn from each other after so long?"

As he spoke, he grabbed a sharp gun from a nearby weapon rack.

"No, no need..."

Buck didn't finish his sentence.

A long spear suddenly fell from the sky, hitting him like a huge sharp arrow.

It rubbed the side of his cheek exactly, cut a bloodstain, and nailed it hard to the training stake behind him.

The young man who had just grown up sat on the ground.

The spear thrown by Heimos was deeply nailed to the stake, still humming, and the tail of the spear above his head trembled slightly.

Buck, who fell to the ground, opened his mouth, but was speechless.

As long as the spear is slightly biased, it can penetrate his head.

The young man who strode forward pulled out the spear from the wooden stake. Although he was a little shorter than him, he stood in front of him and looked down at him.


There is a cold light in his eyes, which is unprovoked and heart palpitating.

"Go on," Heimos said.

When Earl, the city lord of Menister, who got the news, rushed to the training ground, what he saw was a terrifying scene that made him feel extremely distressed.

The son he valued the most and loved the most was lying on his back on the ground, and the damn little bastard had one foot on Buck's chest.

Looking at the extent of the collapse of the chest, it was obvious that several ribs had been broken.

What made his eyes black even more was that the sharp head of a long spear penetrated Buck's right palm and nailed that hand to the ground.

His son cried out in agony on the ground, and the sound was driven into his heart like a nail.

Earl was so distressed that he could not wait to order the guards behind him to rush up and chop that damn little bastard into meat sauce.

However, his sanity stopped him.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and walked forward, showing a serious expression to Heimos.

"Heimos, I said, this is your home, you can come back anytime."

He said in the same stern but heartfelt tone that elders are to younger generations, and uncles are to nephews.

"However, how can you bully your cousin just because you are a prince?"

There was a hint of threat in those heart-wrenching words.

"If this is to let King Camos know that you did this kind of thing... He certainly doesn't want Aaron Landis to have an arrogant prince who doesn't know how to respect and love his brother."

The boy who stepped on Buck's chest turned his head and glanced at the city lord of Earl.

He raised his lips and smiled.

"Long time no see, my Uncle Earl."

He said, and then raised his foot, Earl thought his secret threat had paid off, and he was just relieved to see the black boot that had just been lifted stomped down again.

Crack, a slight crack, and a scream from Buck, who apparently had another rib broken.

The Lord of Earl turned pale, and he looked at Heimos sadly and said, "Heimos, I took you in, and I have always treated you as my own child, but now I have taught you to be like this. I'm sorry for my big brother."

There was an expression on his face, but the blue veins on his forehead that were hidden under his forehead were beating violently.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the dozen or so tall and burly knights next to him. The familiar attire made him not dare to act rashly, especially the lion badge on the chest of the leading middle-aged knight.

That is the badge of the Thousand Knights.

These knights are the knights of King Camos' direct guard.

... If it wasn't for these people present, he would have ordered his subordinates to swarm up and teach that damn bastard a lesson!

Why is he still alive, he should have been burned to death in the palace!

"My uncle, I have disappointed you. I am still alive and not burned to death."

Heimos's words made Lord Earl's heart beat violently.

However, there was a puzzled look on his face.

"Burn to death? Heimos, what happened to you?" he said. "Have you misunderstood your uncle, your cousin? Actually we—"

"Uncle, it took me a day and two nights to arrive here not to debate with you about the question of whether there is a misunderstanding or not."

The boy cut him off coldly.

"I'm here just to give you a warning."

He said that he still stomped his cousin on the ground with one foot, and shook the long gun nailed to Buck's palm, causing Buck to scream again in pain.

"From now on, you move your hands and feet again, and I will come to my cousin once."

The golden red eyes stared at the Lord of Earl, Heimos said.

"I came to my cousin who was five years older than me to learn martial arts, and accidentally injured my cousin."

The corners of the boy's eyes were as sharp as the blade of a blade, slightly raised, looking extremely sharp.

And the corners of his equally raised lips revealed a deep sarcasm.

"Why, you were injured by your younger cousin, and then as an elder, did you come out and avenge him?"

The man he called his uncle did not dare to touch him for this reason.

Heimos had already seen this man clearly.

A sweet-smelling sword, posing, good-natured, good at acting, and fond of fame.

A grown man gets injured by his cousin five or six years his junior, and then goes to take revenge on his nephew as a father—a disdainful, humiliating thing that the reputation-conscious Earl would never do.

Especially now that the king's bodyguards are present, when things may spread to the king's city and the ears of King Camos, he will not make such an unwise move.

"'I'm still a child, I'm ignorant, I just accidentally hurt my cousin'—I said so, my uncle, what can you do with me?"

The back-chilling smile on the corner of the boy's lips became clearer.

"So, I'm here to warn you, Lord Earl."

The cold-eyed boy didn't even call this man his uncle anymore.

"You move your hands and feet once, and I'll come to my cousin once."

"This time, it's a hand, next time, this arm will be cut off entirely."

Huymos said, he was chuckling.

The young man's handsome face smiled like the morning glow, which was pleasing to the eye, but it made everyone staring at him stunned.

There was no reason for it, they just felt that the words that the boy said, and the way he laughed, made their backs shiver.

"Next time, one leg."

"And the last time..."

The last half sentence, not a loud voice, made Lord Earl's chest tighten.

"Heimos, if you have a grudge against me, come at me and let your brother go."

He said sternly.

"No matter what you do to your uncle, your uncle recognizes it."

"No, Lord Earl, it's normal for my cousin and I to discuss with each other. It's easy to be criticized if you do something to you as an elder. And..."

Heimos stared at him, and in the depths of his eyes covered by his forehead hair, there was a cluster of fiercely burning red flames.

"Besides, you probably won't feel any pain if you go at you. Only hurting the people who matter most to you can make you unforgettable, doesn't it?"

It just hurts a bit when the knife pierces him.

And the knife stabbing the person on the heart will make people go crazy with pain.

Earl, I want to thank you for letting me know this.

Seeing Heimos's unfathomable appearance, the city lord of Earl no longer continued to pretend, and his face suddenly sank.

He said coldly: "I am the master of Menister City, do you think I will let you do evil in this city?"

"Unless your precious son will never leave the city of Menester in this life, as long as he leaves this city, let him be prepared to break his hands and feet."

Heimos answered, drawing a spear from Buck's palm.

Then, once again, pierced Buck's thigh hard.

Buck's shrill screams sounded again in the martial arts field, like a slap in the face of City Lord Earl, making his face turn blue.

But he couldn't do anything, didn't dare to do anything.

The knights of King Camos are watching here, and a group of knights are waiting outside.

Heimos was his nephew, an orphan, and now a prince, and still young, just 'discussing' and 'accidentally' hurting his older cousin, he couldn't really do anything to him - just Knowing this made the Lord of Earl hate him.

Lifting the foot on Buck's chest, Heimos turned to leave.

"That's all I have to say."

He said, "If you don't want your precious son to be in trouble, stay calm, Lord Earl."

"No, Heimos, you dare not do that."

The Lord of Earl said with a livid face and said solemnly.

No matter what, Buck is his cousin, and he is his uncle. How could this little bastard have the guts to kill his relatives—

Heimos passed by him.

At the moment when they passed by, the boy turned his head, glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and smiled.

The golden red eyes were a little shimmering, like a trace of blood—

That look caused a chill in Earl's heart.

He dares.

A voice shouted in Earl's heart.

This man really dares!

Papa, that was the sound of the departing boy throwing the blood-stained spear to the ground.

He left the castle where he grew up with no remorse.

He left his uncle and cousin completely behind.

The Lord of Earl would not know that in the world where he had succeeded, Heimos really killed him and his son Buck with his own hands.

The black-haired prince who killed his own relatives with his own hands was called the 'Son of the Devil' and was feared by everyone.