A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 55


On the bed, Garlan was sleeping.

And at this moment, while he was sleeping, those buried pasts began to play out in his dreams.

Scenes and scenes began to emerge in his dreams.

Those things that had happened, one after another clearly emerged in his dream.

He saw it all with his own eyes.

It was supposed to be just a prank by the kids.

A prank that does not have too much malice, but causes more terrible consequences than malicious...

Seven-year-old Garlan, and twelve-year-old Heimos, were chosen to be princes of Aaron Landis.

As the younger brother of King Camos, they also have the right to inherit the throne of Aaron Landis.

However, King Camos clearly prefers the younger Garlan.

However, Heimos's outstanding aptitude is obviously more than the relatively mediocre Gallan.

Therefore, in the palace, the people split into two factions.

One faction supported Prince Garland, the other supported Prince Heimos.

There is only one throne. As long as King Camos has no children for one day, the future king will definitely be born from the two princes.

Therefore, whether intentionally or not, those surrounding the two princes became hostile, provocative, and split into two distinct factions.

Obviously, the hostility of those around the prince has also affected the relationship between the two princes who had a peaceful relationship.

… especially under the calculations of someone with a heart.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Heimos must have deliberately embarrassed you, knowing that you are young and not good at riding and shooting, and you have to behave in front of everyone."

"Yes, you must pay attention and guard against Prince Heimos."

The little child was initially confused by the words of his companions.

"Brother Heimos is very kind to me and takes good care of me."

he replied.

Little Garland felt that although his relationship with Heimos could not be said to be very close, it was indeed not as close as he and King Camos, but in normal times, Heimos would still take care of him as his brother.

"No, Your Highness, he was pretending to be in front of you."

"Yes, don't trust him easily."

"He just wants to gain your trust."

"Okay, I don't like hearing you say that, Brother Heimos."

The young prince didn't believe it at first.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Garlan deliberately relied on his young age, and always likes to please King Camos. This reward should obviously be yours."

The same was said in front of Heimos.

"He is young, so King Camos should take more care of him."

The young prince didn't care about the complaints of his subordinates at first.

However… …

"His Royal Highness, Prince Heimos taught our people a lesson, he deliberately embarrassed you-"

"Your Highness, Prince Garlan's people are always looking for trouble for us."

"His Royal Highness, Prince Heimos bullies you because of his age. He always compares you to nothing, doesn't he?"

"His Royal Highness, it's obviously Prince Garland who made the mistake this time, but King Camos favors him and protects him, don't you think it's too much?"

They didn't care at first, but day after day, the same language kept ringing in their ears.

The two princes' impression of each other gradually deteriorated, and the relationship gradually began to alienate.

The mature Heimos is fine. Although he thinks the kid Garlan is wayward, but thinking about his status as an older brother, he is more tolerant of him, and what he can do is let it go.

And his style of doing things also makes people dare not make too obvious provocations in front of him.

However, Gallan was different. After all, he was only a seven-year-old child, and he still couldn't identify the right and wrong of each person's words and whether they were good or bad.

When everyone around him was coaxing him and encouraging him, he was gradually being coaxed into the past.

He began to feel that Heimos was indeed not a good person, he was someone who would rob him in the future, and he could not continue to let Heimos bully him like this.

However, Heimos is great.

Little Garland was very depressed.

He couldn't compare to Heimos at all.

"His Royal Highness, I have a way to teach Heimos a lesson."

One day, Garlan lost to Heimos again in class, and was criticized by Xie Muer. He watched Xie Muer praise Heimos, and after returning home, he was sulking in the room.

At this time, a young man said to him secretly like this.

The child thought for a while and shook his head.

"Forget it, that's not good."

Although encouraged by those around him, children still have their own thinking and judgment.

He vaguely felt that this approach did not seem very good.

"It's not a very dangerous thing, I just got some stinky black water, we can pour it on Prince Heimos, so that we can teach him a lesson."

The young man whispered to him, winking.

"Prince Heimos won't tell King Camos about such a small matter."

"Just splashing him with water?"

Garland hesitated.

If he just splashed black stinky water and let him go back with a stinky smell, it doesn't seem to be fine, right

He thought so.

"Well, we don't dare to do it if it's too much."

The young man shouted vigorously.

"Think about it, Your Highness. When the time comes, let him go back with stinky water and smoke him to death, and no one will come near him, hehe. Besides, I heard that it will be unlucky for a long time to be touched by that stinky water."

The child tilted his head for a while, then nodded.

"OK then."

Everyone is complimenting Heimos, saying that he is good, saying that he is powerful, and letting himself learn from him.

Every time he likes to be very strong in front of everyone, pressing himself down, causing himself to be scolded by Xie Muer.

Everyone always said that the king favored himself, otherwise he would not be as good as Heimos at all.

It's really disgusting to hear!

Hmph, pour water on Heimos to let him know how powerful he is.

The child thought so angrily in his heart, and nodded in response to his companion's suggestion.

However, the essence of the child is still good, although he thought so when he was angry at the time, when the day came when he really wanted to do it, Garlan thought and thought, hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"just forget it."

Even though the people around him were chasing him like this, he still felt that it was wrong to do so.

"It's not good to do that."

If you really want to teach Heimos, you should be aboveboard.

Shemuer had taught him that, as a prince, he could not do anything against his self-respect.

With this thought in mind, Garlan once again rejected his comrades' push.

Moreover, he also found a very good excuse.

"I will make Brother Camos angry."

After saying that, little Garlan ran away.

Look at me, and I look at you, for the remaining teenagers, they are all a little discouraged.

It was all coming, and they were all waiting to see the good show of the guy who made them very unconvinced. Who would have known that Prince Garland was so timid, but he flinched because he was worried that King Camos would be angry.

"Really, King Camos won't teach the prince a lesson for this trivial matter."

"Yes, the king is very fond of His Highness. This is not a serious matter. How could the king be angry with the prince?"

"And Prince Heimos will definitely not report this trivial matter to the king."

"Obviously said, why change now."

"Yeah, everything is ready, isn't it a waste?"

"Your Highness will not go, otherwise, let's go by ourselves."

A young man suddenly proposed, and there was a strange look in his eyes.


"It's just about the door, and I feel very unwilling to retreat like this."

"Yes, yes."

"I also feel that way."

"After we help His Highness teach him a lesson, His Highness will definitely be very happy."

"Well, that's what you said too."

A group of teenagers said excitedly and decided to act on their own.

And one of them looked left and right in embarrassment. He was very timid and did not dare to follow the crowd, so he left the team and secretly ran to report Prince Garland and the others that they had acted without authorization.

As planned at the beginning, Heimos was splashed with black water on half of his body.

The viscous black liquid slowly dripped from the boy's body, giving off a pungent smell.

He looked up and frowned at the child who appeared in front of him.

"Garlan? What are you doing?"

He frowned unhappily.

"Is this what you told them to do?"

Garlan was originally enjoying the cool air and eating sweet pastries in the pavilion, but when he was suddenly told that the teenagers were acting without authorization, he hurried over.

Just when he ran here, it was already too late. Just when he appeared, Heimos had already been splashed with black water.

He wanted to shake his head and say no, but he didn't open his mouth when he saw the begging eyes of the teenagers next to him.

The child's heart is soft.

He thought that if he was the one who took it down, he would at most be scolded by Brother Camos and Xi Muer, but if it was known that these teenagers did it without authorization, they would definitely end up being rude to the prince. People will also be kicked out.

Thinking like this, Garlan didn't refute, and whispered: "Who made you keep me being scolded..."

When the child said this, it seemed to others that he had done bad things and had a guilty conscience.

Heimos narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were sharpened when he stared at Little Garland.

Although the child has become a little more self-willed recently, he thought that he was just a child after all, so it would be okay to let him go.

Just as Heimos was about to speak, Garlan suddenly stepped forward and leaned beside him.

"Are you going to my place?"

The child grabbed Huymos' left hand and dragged him.

"Don't be angry, I'll clean it up for you, okay?"

He grabbed Heimos's hand, stood beside him, looked up at the boy with his small head raised, and spoke to him softly, as if to please him.

Heimos was a little angry, but when he saw the little child coming over, he pulled him to his place as if he wanted to apologize, and his tone was soft and flattering, and he immediately calmed down a little.

He thought to himself, forget it, it's just a prank by a kid, there's no need to bother with children.

He was a little relieved, and he was about to answer Garlan's words when he suddenly heard a slight bang above his head.

He looked up instinctively.

The overturned brazier was reflected in the boy's dilated pupils.

Almost subconsciously, he shoved the child who was holding his hand violently out—

The burning coals fell.

It landed on the right arm of Heimos, which was covered in viscous black liquid.


The crimson flames burned hotly.

On the body of a young man, there was a sudden explosion and burning.

In just an instant, half of the boy's body was swallowed into the crimson flames.

Half of the boy's body almost became a man on fire.

Heimos let out a shrill cry from the intense pain scorched by the flames.

He fell to the ground, his burning body wriggling in pain.

The flames wrapped around his body, and the hand stretched out of the flames, fingers pushing forward with all their might, as if trying to grasp something with difficulty and hopelessness.

The flames illuminated the boy's eyes.

Those eyes that turned blood red at this moment stared at the child who was sitting not far in front of him.

At this moment, the boy's originally handsome face was distorted by pain, and it was extremely hideous.

Gallan, who was pushed away by Heimos, fell to the ground and stared blankly at the boy who was swallowed by the flames in front of him.

And the blood-red eyes staring at him stubbornly.

He sat there blankly, motionless.

The child seemed to be completely dumbfounded, his eyes were dull, and he stared blankly at those blood-red eyes.

Screams and shouts sounded all around, resounding through the dark night.

Soon, the night sky was dyed red by flames.

The tumbled charcoal fire ignited the pitch-black liquid spilled on the ground, and the dense bushes were ignited in an instant, and the entire atrium was set on fire, reflecting the night sky like day.

In the panic, no one will notice.

The wooden arrow that has been burned to ashes in the flames, and the copper brazier that has been twisted and deformed in the fire...

And, someone who secretly escaped from the scene of the accident while taking advantage of the riot caused by the fire...

"How about it?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, almost one-third of Prince Heimos's body was burned. This kind of injury is really..."

Thinking of the terrifying and miserable appearance of the young man lying on the hospital bed, even this old doctor who had seen countless patients in his life felt his heart skip a beat and his heart palpitated to the extreme.

From the right arm all the way down, half of the body, including the flesh on the right leg, was burnt, as if it had been peeled off, revealing blood-red muscles.

There are even some places that have been browned and have traces of carbonization.

His lips trembled slightly and he said, "With such a degree of burns... it's impossible for the prince to survive."

It is impossible for anyone to survive such a terrifying injury.

That level can even kill people.

For a while, there was a dead silence in the room like suffocation. After a long time, the brown-haired king standing there spoke in a low voice.

"Do your best to keep him," he said.


The old doctor replied, but from the look on his face he could see no hope.

The prince's injury was so serious that he might die even in the next second, unless there was a miracle and inhuman willpower to survive.

"His Royal Highness Garland! Are you awake?"


In the bedroom on the other side, the young child woke up leisurely, and the maid who served him cried out in surprise.

With the maid's shout, Garlan sat up and looked around in confusion.

Xie Mu'er stepped forward and looked at him sternly.

"Prince, do you know how much trouble you've gotten into—"

Just half a sentence, the child glanced at him, and the confused look made Xie Mu'er's voice pause, and he couldn't continue.

Kind of weird.

Xie Muer looked at Garlan and thought.

"Why am I here? Not at the gazebo?"

The child looked up at him and asked suspiciously.

"Ximul, did you bring me back?"

"…Prince, do you remember what you did not long ago?"

"Not long ago? I was eating in the gazebo not long ago, and fell asleep after eating."

"… "

Shemuer did not speak.

He was speechless for a moment.

He looked at Garlan's eyes, and the child's eyes looked at him, bright, clear, calm.

The child didn't lie—it should be said that Garland didn't think he was lying.

… The terrifying and intense stimulation made the child forget everything that happened in the flames…