A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 56


All the physicians said that Heimos would not survive.

With that terrifying injury, all that awaits him is the call of death.

In the palace, preparations for the prince's funeral have even begun.

However, after being in a coma for a full ten days, the seriously injured Heimos opened his eyes.

The old doctor who said he was going to die could hardly believe his eyes.

However, Heimos did survive, with an incredible willpower that the physicians could not believe.

That, they thought, was simply inhuman willpower.

If you survive, you will suffer unimaginable pain.

The old doctor said so.

indeed so.

High fever, nausea, burnt body, inability to eat, body unable to take care of itself... Both physically and mentally, it is a pain that cannot be described in words.

No one could imagine what Heimos endured during this time, something that no living person could imagine.

That might be... living hell.

Heimos crawled out of hell with terrible willpower.

"You mean... he forgot?"


King Camos was silent and did not make a sound, so Xie Muer answered.

The doctor said that it was because the stimulation was too great and the mood swings were too intense to the extent that the child could not bear it, so the body instinctively chose to remove this memory for self-protection.

The boy sitting on the hospital bed did not say a word.

He lowered his eyes, and a little messy black hair covered his eyes, making it impossible to see the emotions in his eyes.

Thin lips, morbidly pale due to lack of blood color, when pressed tightly at the moment, are like sharp blades.

A thin blanket covered him below his waist, and from his right arm to his waist, he was bound by snow-white bandages, and his right hand was hanging to one side, unable to exert any strength.

His only movable left hand, at this moment, firmly grasped the thin blanket on his body, so hard that his knuckles turned white.


After leaving Heimos's ward, King Camos, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"Garlan will leave it to you."

"King Camos?"

"He committed irreparable sins... irreparable, even if it was just a child, that was his sin."

King Camos' voice was heavy.

"It all happened because of my preference for him, and my indulgence in him."

He said, "From now on, I will not interfere in the affairs between the two princes."

He sighed deeply, heavily.

"So, that child will be handed over to you."

"… Yes."

From that day on, King Camos gradually became estranged from Garlan, whom he once loved dearly.

Most of him are running around in the battlefield, and he hardly interferes in the affairs between the two princes.

In the room where night fell, the boy wrapped in snow-white bandages was still sitting there.

There was no light in the room, but the boy's eyes were terribly bright in the darkness.

He was tortured by excruciating pain all the time.

However, the child actually forgot.

Forget what he did, what drove him to hell!

Forget about it.

In the darkness, the boy's eyes were like blood.

Prince Heimos is always in bandages.

I heard it was because of terrible burns on his body.

I heard that once, a maid vomited while helping him change the bandage.

Yes, that maid was almost killed... It's so miserable...

Have you seen the prince's eyes? It was as cold as a poisonous snake—

All kinds of news spread little by little in the palace, and Prince Heimos was gloomy, uncertain, cruel, and a terrible prince.

Many came to know this, and then dreaded the fearful prince and trembled before Heimos.

From the bottom of their hearts, they were reluctant to approach the prince whose temperament had become strange.

And a year later, Xie Muer finally found out the truth of what happened at that time.

He immediately informed Heimos of it.

"You tell me the truth, you want to tell me, this has nothing to do with Gallan, is it?"

Dressed in black, only the boy with a snow-white bandage on his right arm was playing with a small dagger with his right hand and said lazily.

It's only been a year, and he seems to have changed a lot.

Xie Muer could feel that the young man exuded a terrifying aura just standing there.

A terrifying aura that makes people resist from the bottom of their hearts and are unwilling to approach.

Heimos raised his eyes, he and Xie Muer stood on the high platform, looked over from a distance, and could see the figure of the blond child in the courtyard.

The sun fell on the child, surrounded him, and enveloped him in light.

Many people surrounded the child, like the stars in the moon, the child was laughing, and the bright smile seemed to be able to hear the crisp laughter coming from the courtyard.

Heimos clenched the flimsy dagger in his hand.

There was no light in his golden red eyes staring at Garlan, as if he had fallen into a lightless hell.

Yes, that was orchestrated by his uncle who wanted his death.

He got it.

But so what

so what-

The most hated thing in the world is not being in hell,

But you are suffering in hell, but the person who pushed you into hell is living happily in the sun with no knowledge and no burden.

Then, after a few years.

It was a dark night, with no moonlight and not a single star. A little light flickered in the secret room, but it was not bright, but made the room darker and darker.

The sixteen-year-old boy was sitting on a chair, most of his body was naked, with only a thin white cloth slanting over his waist and crotch.

He sat there quietly, without saying a word, his cold eyes staring straight ahead.

A middle-aged doctor knelt at his feet, trembling, afraid to raise his head, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

After a long time, the young man spoke quietly.

He asked, "Can't it be cured?"

The doctor lying on the ground was shaking, and his face was full of fear and panic.

"No, I'm very sorry, Your Highness."

His voice was shaking.

"You...you're afraid...you can't...you can't..." He stammered, his heart slammed, his teeth clenched, "that place is dead, so, so, I'm afraid you can't...you can't bear your own offspring. "

"… "

After a long silence, the doctor's face was buried on the ground, not daring to look up at the prince's expression.

Not a single sound.

But it was this terrifying stillness that almost drove the doctor mad.

After a long time, he was so frightened that he finally heard a voice that made him feel relieved.

"...you go."

With just a few words, the doctor stood up immediately, as if he had been granted amnesty, and wanted to rush out the door as if he was running away.

However, just when his hand touched the door panel.

A sharp dagger was thrown from behind, pierced through his throat, and nailed him to the door.

The blood slowly slid down the door panel, reflecting the faint light, making it even more eerie.

Like an open door to hell.

The boy who had been sitting on the seat for a long time got up, and the thin cloth slipped from him with his movements.

He stood there, his naked body reflected in the mirror opposite.

Half of the body on the right side is a bumpy black-red fleshy mass, wrinkled everywhere, and scarlet polyps are tangled like scales...

The teenager stared at the ugly and disgusting body in the mirror, like the body of a monster.

The swaying firelight reflected on his side cheeks, and his eyes were as sinister as a viper.

He smiled slightly.

It is extremely light, but it is inexplicably chilling on the back.

He laughed one after another, softly, lowly, and madly.

The golden-red eyes fell into darkness, deep to the deepest hell, and there was no more brilliance.

Because he is too weak, no one will care about his feelings.


He ended up like this because he didn't have enough power and power.

Therefore, he must sit on the throne.

He will stand in the highest place, and take the power in his own hands,

He wants to trample all those who have trampled on him and hurt him under his feet!

Amidst the extremely light yet heart-piercing laughter in the dream, Garlan slowly woke up from the dream.

He opened his eyes and saw Heimos sleeping on the edge of the bed.

The young man who had completely fallen into despair and madness in his dream was quietly crouching beside him, sleeping peacefully.

Those eyes that were relaxed in sleep looked like a child.

Garlan saw that his hand was grasping one of Heimos's fingers.

He squeezed a little harder, and then slowly released it.

He raised his hand, touched the back of Heimos's hand, and then his gaze followed the hand up and fell on Heimos's arm.

Dark brown skin, firm muscles and a little radiance, it was a very nicely lined arm.

Garlan remembered that in his dream he saw that half-body full of scars and polyps that was so ugly it was hard to see...

He pursed his lips.

In the past, he always thought that Heimos was a person who was greedy for power, ruthless and unscrupulous in order to gain the throne.

He doesn't like this kind of person.

So, he doesn't like Heimos either.

He never imagined that the truth would be so tragic.

Gallan remembered what he had heard from that voice before. Although Heimos was on the throne, when he died, he left no descendants. The throne was empty, and there was chaos. Aaron Landis was also there It went to ruin soon after.

Heimos did what he said—

He's going to take everyone to hell.

So he took the whole of Aaron Landis into hell.

Garlan's gaze fell on Heimos's face again, and the sleepy face of the young man was in front of him.

He raised his hand and touched the handsome face.

In the dream, he was like a bystander, watching that scene.

When in the sea of fire, when Heimos was huddled in the darkness, when Heimos was shaking with pain, in that moment of low, crazy laughter...

He wanted to reach out to the desperate teenager countless times and grab him.

However, it was a dream, it was just a dream, he couldn't touch that person.

He could only helplessly watch Heimos go to destruction step by step, stepping into hell, but he couldn't do anything.


Gently touching Heimos' cheek, Garlan thought so.

You still have time.

This time it was finally time.

Garlan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if something was brewing.

Then, he opened his eyes and raised his hand.

Clap clap clap!

A crisp and fast slap suddenly sounded in the quiet room, and the child slapped the sleeping teenager forcefully four times on the face.

As soon as the fight was over, one hand suddenly lifted up and grabbed Garlan's wrist.

He was suddenly woken up when he was falling asleep. Heimos was about to reflexively throw the person he grabbed out. When he looked up, he saw those golden eyes staring at him.

He was a little awake, but still a little dazed.

Heimos grabbed little Garlan's wrist and stared at Garlan in a daze. The messy hair fell on his face. He was probably not fully awake, and looked stupid.

He blinked his eyes, his face blank, and that face was rarely cute at the moment.

He just looked at Garlan so cutely, and Garlan looked at him too.

Suddenly, smiled at him.

"Does it hurt?"

The child asked him that.

Before Heimos could react, he nodded subconsciously, and then immediately shook his head.

The child nodded in satisfaction.


"It hurts," Garland said.

Well, he thought, if Heimos wasn't hurt, his character wouldn't be so scary.

Then, in the future, even for the throne, Heimos should not kill him again, nor will he kill Xie Muer again.

Although his back hurts a lot, but he successfully saved Heimos' future, and thus saved himself and Xie Muer, so it was worth it.

Garland thought to himself.

In this way, he changed the key point, and such tragedies will not happen in the future, will he be able to retire

After all, he still has self-knowledge, and it is still impossible to win the throne with Heimos.

And although he knew the truth, the shadow in his heart could not be eliminated by eliminating it. Although he sympathized with Heimos and hated him less, he still felt a little worried when he looked at him.

Therefore, he felt that he still managed to get rid of the identity of the prince according to the established goal, and it would be better to go out to travel to the mainland.


A voice rang in his ears, and Garlan suddenly shuddered.

No, not right.

he thinks.

The reason why Heimos became like that was because of the conspiracy of his uncle. Although he saved Heimos this time, that uncle is still there and will continue to do it—

Therefore, he worked so hard to save Heimos this time. Maybe the next time his uncle makes a move, Heimos still has an accident and starts to become extreme again.

Wasn't he injured in vain

Heimos is injured - temper becomes extreme - he reckons he will die - Heimos has no descendants - so Aaron Landis has to be destroyed -

No no no no no, that's not going to work!

He finally pulled up the flag that he was going to die and that Aaron Landis was going to die. How could he see it being pushed back

It seems that he can't run now, he has to be optimistic about Heimos.

Until Heimos grows up, that uncle must not be allowed to kill him.

Otherwise, it is estimated that all previous efforts will be abandoned and will return to the trajectory of previous lives.

After turning around in his head, Garlan made up his mind.

He raised his eyes and looked at Heimos.

He said, "In the future, I will take good care of you."

Will take good care of you until you grow up well.

Garlan said seriously: "I will protect you."

To protect Heimos is to save the lives of himself and Shemuer, which is to save Aaron Landis.

As long as Heimos has descendants, Aaron Landis will certainly not perish.

So, Garland concluded.

He must have seen Heimos kill the uncle, and then have a child, so that he can go out and travel the land happily and freely.

Garland thought so in his heart.

Okay, then, his next goal is to protect Heimos until the birth of Heimos' child—

He was suddenly woken up by Garland, and Heimos was still a little stunned when he grabbed Garland's wrist. He suddenly heard Garland say this, and he couldn't help but want to laugh at the serious look of the child.

But the pair of golden eyes that looked at him earnestly, as well as those earnest eyes, inexplicably moved his heart slightly, perhaps because Garlan looked at him with too bright eyes.

Perhaps it was because of those golden eyes, which reflected his figure so clearly for the first time.

He didn't know why Garland suddenly did this, said that, but he didn't want to ask.

Because he liked the way Gallan was looking at him intently at the moment.

Just look at him alone.

Heimos nodded.

He said, "Okay."

He smiled and replied to the child who said he would take good care of him in the future, holding the slender wrist in the palm of his hand and letting that soft little hand rest on his cheek.

The corners of his lips raised a soft arc.

Heimos did not expect that Garland was full of thoughts at the moment to let him find a woman and have a baby quickly.

At the door, the one-eyed knight has been watching the movement in the room. At this moment, he perked up his ears and listened to all the conversations in the room.

For a time, Kaihos's face was a little strange.

[I will take good care of you and protect you in the future.]

Prince Garland, are you really saying that

Don't you think this sounds a bit like... a marriage proposal...