A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 57


It was noon, when the sun was shining brightly, and Garlan, who had just finished drinking the porridge, lay on the bed, drowsy.

He was a little depressed. Because of the injury, the doctor said that in order to avoid scarring from inflammation in the burned area, it is best to only eat light food until the injury is healed.

So for more than half a month, fruit porridge, meat porridge, clear porridge, olive porridge... He ate them all, and Tapti made all kinds of porridge for him in a different way. Porridge has a nauseating feeling.

In order to eat something tasty, he once dropped his self-esteem and acted coquettishly and cutely to the Tapti female officer. However, the female officer who used to eat this kind of thing was very firm this time, no matter how coquettish he was, he would not agree to him.

"Prince, you must hold back during this time, otherwise the wound will leave scars."

Leave a little scar and leave it. Anyway, there are only three places, and it is not serious. He is a boy and not a girl. The clothes will block it and cover it.

Garland was puzzled by this.

no! How can my little prince's white and tender skin leave scars! I will never allow it!

The mature-looking female official was holding such a breath in her heart at the moment, and she was determined not to leave scars on her lovely little prince.

She supervises the doctor even more than King Camos.

Although he didn't like to eat it, he knew that Tapti was for his own good, so Garlan ate that bowl of porridge obediently.

When his stomach was full, he felt a little sleepy.

At this moment, he was lying on the bed, in a daze, his eyes gradually closed, and he was about to fall asleep.

It's just that not long after he closed his eyes and was confused, something kept touching his face, making him sleepless.

Garlan hummed, turned his face, and turned to the side, thinking that he could escape the harassment. However, after he turned his head, he was quiet for less than a minute, and something kept touching his cheek.

Something kept swept across his cheeks, soft, a little prickly, and tickled.

Under the persistent harassment of something unknown, the child opened his eyes with difficulty.

A small fluffy head came into his eyes, and the little brown lion leaned close to him, licking him with his little tongue, and arching him with his little head.

When he saw that Garlan opened his eyes, the little lion was instantly happy, his long tail flicked and the fluff on the tip of the tail shook. It came up more and more happily, and licked Gallan hard.

Garlan raised his hand and pushed the little guy who kept licking his face away.

It has been several months since we met, and the little lion Nega has grown a lot and has a lot of strength. He really can't push it away without a little effort.

The little lion grows fast, and it is no longer the small hairy ball when he first saw it, and he can no longer hold it.

In particular, the mane on the head and around the ears are long and dense, and the outline of the face is spread out, bringing a little power. According to the maids who took care of it, this little guy is very majestic among his brothers and sisters, and almost all the other little lions listen to him, and he has the might and courage of the king of beasts.

However, Garlan couldn't see the courage of this little guy, because as long as Niega came to him, he would still be like a furball when he was a child, rolling around at him cutely, begging for hugs and touching his head.

Even the shouting was oooooooooo, soft and coquettish.

Garlan sat up, hugged the lion cub who was approaching, and began to brush its fur.

He turned his head and looked at Caijos who was standing in the doorway.

"You brought it here?"

Kaihos leaned against the door and shrugged.

"I don't have the kung fu," he said. "It came by on its own."

Little Nega was very active when she was not weaned, and always liked to run around, making those maids in a hurry. This is a little bit older and more naughty, but fortunately Gallan can still control it and make it obedient.

However, Gallan didn't look for it for more than ten days, so little Nega became anxious, and finally couldn't help it.

As soon as Kaihos entered the courtyard, he saw this little lion lying on the door panel, waving two small paws and scratching the door hard, as if trying to scratch the door through.

The small appearance of that fluffy little body lying on the door made Kaihos couldn't help but want to laugh.

He smiled and walked over.

Little Nega glanced at him, probably because he often stayed by Gallan's side and was familiar with Nega. It purred at him, scratched the door with its claws, and bared its lower teeth.

Its meaning is obvious - open the door for me, uncle, or I will bite you.

Kaihos held back his laughter and opened the door for it, and it rushed in, jumped onto the bed, and licked at Garlan, who had already fallen asleep.

Found it myself.

Garland thought.

It's over, once this little guy comes over once, I'm afraid he can come over again and again in the future.

As he thought, he slapped Niega's little head hard.

The little lion leaned into his arms, was hugged and brushed his fur, squinted his eyes, and flicked his tail in comfort.

Just as he was getting comfortable, his head was suddenly slapped, it opened its eyes, tilted its head and stared at Garlan with a whimper, with a cute expression on his face, no matter how he looked, it didn't look like a ferocious king of beasts. .

Garland rubbed its chin, and it immediately forgot the slap just now, rubbed Garland's hand and groaned, looking very enjoyable.

Garlan looked at it, suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Kaihos.

"Speaking of which, I remember that you seem to have raised a little mouse, don't you?"

"Yes, I trained it to pass the word."

"Well, it's very smart." Thinking of the little black mouse who sent him a letter when he was locked in the cave of the religion of all things, Garlan laughed. He looked left and right at Kaihos, didn't see the little black mouse, and asked curiously.

"Kaijos, I don't seem to have seen it around you? Is it still there?"

"Yes." The blond knight replied with a smile, "but I usually let it move freely and won't stay by my side."

Having said that, Kaihos looked at the sky, then took out a miniature piccolo the size of a little finger, put it in his mouth and blew a beep.

After this beep, not long after, there was a slight rustling sound in the courtyard, and a small black shadow jumped out of the dense bushes and quickly entered the house.

The little black mouse is a circle smaller than an ordinary mouse, its black fur is shiny and fluffy, and its small eyes are bright, and it turns flexibly.

It stood upright in front of its master and squeaked twice.

Kaihos crouched down and put his hand in front of it.

The little black rat squeaked, ran to Kaihos's hand, and stopped obediently.

Kaihos just held it with the palm of his right hand and sent it to Gallan.

The little black mouse stood upright on the master's palm, with its small paws tucked in front of its chest, tilted its head to look at Garland, then raised a paw and waved at Garland, and squeaked again, as if it was pointing at him. Say hello.

Garland was immediately amused by it.

"Sure enough."

"Well, I have been trying to domesticate them since its grandfather's generation. It is the third generation and has the highest understanding of my instructions."

Garlan thought for a while, and took a piece of preserved fruit from the small table beside the bed, wanting to feed the black mouse.

But the little black rat squeaked and didn't eat.

"It was strictly trained not to eat food that didn't pass through my hands, in order to avoid it being lured by other people."

Kaihos said with a smile, then took the preserved fruit from Garland and handed it to Garland in front of the little black mouse.

This time, when Gallan handed it over, the little black mouse started to nibble on the preserved fruit with its two small paws.

Just when the little prince was very excited to feed the black mouse, he suddenly snorted, which startled Garlan, and the black mouse was so frightened that the preserved fruit in his hand fell.

I saw that the little lion that was leaning obediently in Garlan's arms did not know when it jumped out, and it was a snort at the little black mouse.

It stopped in front of Garland, as if trying to separate Garland from the black mouse, and stared at the black mouse aggressively, so frightened that the black mouse slid and climbed along the arm of Kaihos. shoulders, and then shrunk behind Kejos's shoulders.

The next second, it sneaked out its little head again and watched the movement of the little lion.

Little Nega was still whimpering, grinning, not only at the little black mouse, but even Kaihos was also angry, roaring to tell Kaihos to get out of the way.

Garlan hugged it by the neck and dragged it back, not knowing whether to laugh or cry for a while, so he could only keep rubbing his hair to comfort it.

The one-eyed knight folded his arms and stood there laughing.

The little black mouse huddled behind his shoulders, peeking at the little lion with small eyes.

Although the little lion was hugged by Garlan, it was still roaring at Kaijos and the little black mouse restlessly.

For a while, the room became a mess.

At this moment, a loud knock sounded in the room, and Garlan looked up and found that Heimos appeared at the door at some point.

He held a black wooden box in one hand, raised the other hand, and knocked his knuckles on the door, frowning at the room, his thin lips pursed slightly, looking a little unhappy.

"Kayhors," he said, staring at the little black rat on Kaihos' shoulders, "don't bring in dusty animals until Garland is well."

Kaihos froze for a moment, then lowered his head slightly.

The bundled blond hair hangs down his shoulders, and the little black mouse looks up at Heimos, and in the next second, he swipes, as if frightened by Heimos, and indents Kaijos's back. No more probes.

The knight bowed slightly to Garlan and said, "Sorry, Your Highness, I was negligent."

"No, it's fine, I asked you to see it first."

Garlan waved his hand and said, "Also, my injury is almost healed, so I don't need to be so nervous."

The doctor said that his wound had completely scabbed over, and he just had to wait for the scab to fall off.

He doesn't have to lie on his stomach now, he can lie down and sleep on his front.


Heimos refuted Garlan's words, and he glanced at Kaihos.

"You go out."

Kaihos shrugged, then turned and walked out.

The little paw digs at the clothes on his back, the little black mouse hangs on his back, turns his head and stares at Garlan with his small dark eyes, making a squeak, as if saying goodbye.

The child laughed immediately, raised his hand and waved to the little black mouse, saying goodbye to it.

However, as soon as he waved his hand, the little lion nestled in his arms grabbed the wrist guard of his hand and pulled it down hard, as if he was very unhappy with the little black mouse waving his hand.

Immediately afterwards, it was coquettishly arching back and forth in Garlan's arms, with an arrogant look of 'I'm angry, come and coax me'.

However, before it could be coquettishly successful, a hand stretched out from the side.

The slender fingers grabbed the back of its neck.

The little lion that was grabbed by the back of the neck seemed to be hit by a dead spot, and his whole body was paralyzed.

Heimos grabbed it by the back of the neck and picked it up. The paralyzed little lion couldn't help but struggle. He could only open his eyes and stared at Garlan, making a little ooh ooh. cry.

The fluffy little body was carried and swayed in the air, and the whole lion looked pitiful.

"Wait a minute, Heimos..."

Before Garlan could finish speaking, Heimos had already carried Nega and threw Nega out the door at once.

I saw the fluffy little lion rolling on the grass, and then stopped. He didn't react for a while, and sat there with his head and head covered.

When it reacted, it immediately screamed and ran towards the door again.

As soon as he rushed to the door, he was about to return to that warm embrace. Suddenly, with a snap, the little lion slammed into the suddenly closed wooden door, and slid down the door.

After driving out the unsightly guys, the boy picked up a snow-white cloth towel, wetted it in the water basin, and wrung it dry, then walked towards Garlan.

"Give me your hand."

He says.

He wanted to plead for little Nega, but before he could say it, Gallan, who saw Nega being thrown out by Heimos, waved his hand.

He said, "No, I myself..."

… Come.

Before the last word was uttered, a hand that was still waving was grabbed by Heimos and dragged him over.

Heimos grabbed him and carefully wiped his face, shoulders, arms, and even his fingers, including the hair of Nega that was stuck to his clothes.

Hey Moss, when did you become the same virtue as Shemuer's obsessive-compulsive disorder

The child who was pressed and wiped by Heimos couldn't help but complained in his heart.

After wiping him clean, the boy sat down beside the bed and handed him a box, which seemed to be the one he brought over just now.

As soon as the box was unscrewed, a bunch of small squares made of black and white agate and jade fell, and the surface of the unscrewed box had criss-cross patterns.

"Ulur Chess?"

This is a kind of chess handed down by Aaron Landis since ancient times, and it is extremely popular among nobles and commoners.

But it seems that few people play in the palace, and he has only played it a few times. It feels a bit like a combination of military chess and chess at that time.

"Can you play?"


"Then play a few games with me."


Looking at this chess piece, Garlan became interested for a while, so he sat cross-legged on the bed and started to play chess with Heimos.

Heimos was sitting beside the bed, and the chess box was placed on the bed, between the two of them.

Not long after Garlan went down in high spirits, he heard the sound of squeaking and squeaking from the door. He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the door, presumably it was Nega, who was locked outside, scratching the door and trying to come in.

He was a little worried, and was a little distracted for a while, and when he played chess with Heimos, he became a little absent-minded.

Heimos looked at the child who looked at the door from time to time and was not attentive.

He put down a black agate stone piece and said, "It's your turn."

"Huh? Ah... oh."

Garlan quickly put down the white agate stone in his hand.

There was a creaking sound from the door, and a humming sound.

Garlan glanced at Heimos secretly.

The young man lowered his eyes, the fine black hair scattered on the handsome face, I don't know if he didn't hear the scratching of the door at all or didn't care at all.

"How about... let it in?"


Garland was choked back.

He played a few chess, and glanced at the door secretly again.

Heimos looked at his absent-minded appearance, and pursed his lips, revealing a bit of displeasure.

Garland thought for a while, then continued: "But, if you don't let it in, it will keep scratching the door, scratching, and screaming—"

He said so, trying to convince Heimos to put the little lion in.

The young man raised his eyes, looking at him like a golden-red gem dyed with fire.

On the face as handsome as Chaoyang, the slender eyes slightly curved upwards.

He suddenly leaned forward, his hand was still on the bed, one hand was on the chessboard, and his upper body came over and got close to Garlan.

He suddenly got so close, his face was only slightly lower, and his jet-black forehead almost touched the tip of Garlan's nose.

Then, the boy's thin lips suddenly opened.


Suddenly, there was a low whimper.

Right under Garlan's eyes, right under the tip of his nose, a low voice sounded.

Deep, can't tell why, just listen to the inexplicable voice that makes the back of the neck numb.

"I will call too."

The young man who suddenly let out a low whimper stared at him with his golden red eyes and said.

And Garland...




There must be something wrong with the way he played chess with Heimos!