A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 61


When Fataya walked out of the dilapidated cabin, he looked up. The slum is full of tattered cloth, and there are horizontal baffles. The sun can't shine here, and the whole place looks very dark.

Staying in this kind of place for a long time will definitely make you feel bad.

She thought, and then found that the child hadn't come out yet, and turned around to see that the child was putting the large piece of malachite into a bag, which seemed to be going to take it away.

The young man stood by and watched, his lips twitched, but he didn't say anything after all, and lowered his head with a sad face.

"This kid did this to protect you."

Fataya stood at the door and said, "Such a precious thing, even if the fragments are left here, those people will see it when they come back, and you and your mother will die."

"...I know." The teenager lowered his head deeply and said, "Really, I'm sorry."

Garlan glanced at him and said, "Alright, if your mother is sick, you can go to the city guard by yourself."

After he finished speaking, he took the small bag and ran to Fataya's side, reaching out and handing it to her.

"Sister, here it is for you, hold it for me."

Fataya hummed, touched his head, and took the bag of malachite fragments. Then, she took the child with one hand and left the dilapidated house where the wooden fences were almost smashed.

Not long after walking, Fataya couldn't help but ask.

"Aren't you afraid of him running away?"

Garland shook his head.

"His mother's illness is very serious. He will definitely not leave his mother and run away because he can risk his life to steal things for her."

"That's right."

The female knight nodded.

The child who was holding her hand lowered his head in thought, then raised his head and looked around. In the slum shrouded in shadows, his golden eyes were particularly bright.

Then, Garlan raised his head and tugged Fataya's hand.

"big sister."

The child's voice was soft and sweet, and the female knight squatted in front of him with a smile upon hearing it.

"Huh? What's wrong? Are you hungry? Big sister will take you to eat something delicious~"

"Do you have time right now?"

"Yes, of course there is~"

"Then why don't you walk with me here?"


"I want to ask more and see if other people are in the same situation."

"Huh? But..."

"Can't you?"

The child's beautiful big eyes like amber gems looked at her flickeringly, with a look of anticipation on his face, that look was too lethal, and Fataya couldn't bear it.

She sighed.

"What's your name?"


"Gal, do you think they are pitiful and want to help them?"

"Yeah." Garlan nodded, "King Camos... uh..." He almost uttered the word 'brother', he choked for a moment before continuing.

"The order was given to help these poor people, but it made them even worse. It must be because some people did it wrong." He said, "If you do something wrong, you must find a way to correct it."

"Gal, you are a good boy."

Fataya said, rubbing Gallan's head, "But you are still young, and you don't know how powerful those who do it wrong are. Even if you know the facts, you can't do anything."

Just like her, even if she knew, there was nothing she could do about it.

What's more...

"Besides, those people are just pariahs."

The female knight said in an understatement, rightfully so.

If slaves, as the private property of the nobles, will still allow the nobles to shelter one or two, then the pariahs will not care about their lives or lives at all.

Untouchables are the humble and lowly existences in this country like weeds.

They were born with sin and were thus punished by the gods as untouchables.

Garlan smiled, the eyes that were bent like crescent moons made the child's face with baby fat even more cute.

"It's fun."

He grinned and said, "I've never met a pariah before, big sister, would you like to play more with me here? I don't dare to play here alone."

The child tilted his head to look at her, and shook her hand gently, as if acting like a spoiled child.

The way she looked up at her with her small head raised and her eyes wide open, and the little hand that was holding her, was so cute that Fataya's heart softened all of a sudden.

Who can refuse such a cute child's coquetry

never mind.

she thinks.

What does a child know? It is probably that he has never encountered such a thrilling thing and found it fun, and he has never encountered a pariah who is a little curious about their lives. Let him go shopping by himself.

Thinking of this, Fataya nodded.

Next, she was dragged by the child and wandered around the slum. Garlan was like a juvenile deer, running around, taking her from time to time into those shabby-looking houses that looked poor, or looked like they had been smashed recently, and looked at her curiously. People in the house ask this and that.

Most of the impoverished pariahs are cowardly and timid people. Seeing that Garlan is next to a city gate guard, they are terribly frightened. Garlan will say whatever he asks. Honestly, he does not dare to let out a sigh of relief. , dare not hide anything.

It didn't take long for Garlan to hear about some important things.

Fataya sometimes couldn't help but ask a few more questions. Although she felt that these were pariahs, the tragic experience of these people still raised her natural sympathy as a woman.

Thinking of what these untouchables will experience in the future, she couldn't help sighing.

Although the untouchables live in embarrassment and hardship, they are still free. Once this place is remodeled, those powerful people will instruct thugs to come over to force debts. I am afraid that all the pariahs here will be ruined and become slaves whose life and death are controlled by others.

The female knight, who was sighing in her heart, did not notice the thoughtful look of the child who was walking by her hand.

I need to collect a little more information before I can go back and tell Brother Wang.

Garland thought so.

Fataya also didn't notice that her and Gallan's behavior of inquiring around also fell into the eyes of some conscientious people.

In a dark corner, the tall man who broke into the boy's house not long ago stared at Fataya with cold, lizard-like eyes.

Naturally, he wouldn't care about that child. In his opinion, the female knight was leading the matter. She asked around, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Go, report to the master, saying that the female knight Fataya has been looking for news in the slum."

After the man finished speaking, a strong man following him nodded, turned and walked away quickly.

Soon, the news spread to Kabe Qianxing. Of course, the real powerful people behind the scenes will not show up easily. Therefore, a lower-level aristocrat who is the front-end controller of Kabe Qianxing and a distant relative of the chief director received this news and was immediately furious.

"Which one without eyes dares to oppose us?"

You must know that it is not only the chief director who participated in this feast, there are several very powerful existences in the royal city.

They intertwined into a cobweb, deceived and deceived, and joined hands to block the sight of Wang and the people around Wang, and wanted to eat this piece of fat together.

How dare a small city gate guard dare to meddle in this kind of business - he has eaten the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard!

You must teach that woman a hard lesson!

It was approaching evening, and the slum was extremely dark even at noon, and by this time, it became even more dim.

The winding path was like an open spider web, it was so dark and cold, the end of each place was blurry, and only the endless darkness could be seen.

The skinny pariahs silently shrunk in the corner, and some ruffians and gangsters are brazenly making noises here, bullying those cowardly guys if they have nothing to do.

At this moment, a dark boot stepped into the muddy road.

The black-haired boy looked around, the smell of garbage piled up faintly wafted in the air.

"...It's a familiar taste."

Heimos muttered to himself in a low voice.

This smell, this place, the atmosphere of this garbage gathering place, is like a stinky gutter where only rats and bed bugs gather, exuding a rotten and fishy smell.

He grew up in this stinky ditch, and now, he's back here again.

However, that child is not suitable for such a dirty place.

Heimos thought.

He had to find Garlan as soon as possible.

Just when he found out that Garlan was missing, the little fat man who wanted to ask for help from the female officer or knight also ran back, and the two bumped into each other. The little fat man who was stared at by Heimos was frightened to death, and quickly told everything. Without saying a word, Heimos decided to come out and find Garlan himself.

In order to prevent the fact that Garlan sneaked out of the palace from being known and punished, he also let the little fat man continue to lie on the bed pretending to be Garlan.

So, he had to bring Garlan back before dinner.

Thinking so, the boy's eyes turned to a few ruffians who were laughing not far away.

In the stinking ditch, the most well-informed is naturally the mouse that lives here.

Those young people who were not good guys at first glance were looking at this stranger who suddenly entered the slum, and swept their eyes on his decent clothes and a few scattered accessories. Filled with greed and calculations.

Seeing the young man's eyes looking at them, they no longer concealed it, hehe smiled and walked over to the fat sheep to be slaughtered in their eyes.

"Little guy, this is not a place where young masters like you come to play."

The leader laughed and said, "Come on, get acquainted, this is my brother's territory, little brother, if I pay my brother enough protection fees, my brother will let you go, otherwise..."

He hehe twice, and several people around him who also showed malicious smiles have surrounded Heimos.

"Give me the purse, and this, this."

The man pointed to Heimos's golden yellow fluorite earrings and the finely carved sterling silver armbands on his arms, signaling his companions to peel off these valuable accessories. Although it is not a very expensive thing, it can still be exchanged for some money and items for them to play for a while.

"Oh, young master, if you don't want to suffer, you'd better listen to our boss obediently."

The person standing on the left of Heimos smiled strangely, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed him.

The man's outstretched hand was caught before Heimos could be touched.

"Yeah, you little brat, why do you still want to resist?"

Seeing that the young man dared to resist, the leader was angry, and he had to threaten the young man for a few words, when he suddenly heard a shrill scream from his companion.

Accompanied by the screams, there was the sound of a crack.

The boy who looked no more than 13 or 14 years old actually crushed his companion's wrist with his hands in front of them.

Everyone was shocked and then angry.

"You fucking dare to fight back!"

"I'll kill you—"

They waved their fists and rushed towards the boy.

At this moment, the young man raised his eyes, and his golden red eyes glanced at the leading young man lightly.

The man was shocked, and he suddenly shouted.


He stopped his companion who wanted to do something, and then bent over and said to Heimos with a smile: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, I don't know that you are my own, otherwise we would definitely not dare to do this. something."

"I want you to help me find out if a female city guard came here with a child this afternoon, and where are they now."

The young man said that whether the young man acted vicious at first, or now acts servilely, his expression is indifferent, and he can't see any emotions.

After speaking, he threw a silver nugget to the leader.

"This is the deposit. I've found someone, and I'll give you the rest."

"No problem, wrap it on our brother, I'll find it for you right away!"

The man said with a smile, clutching the silver nugget, and watching the young man open his feet and leave here quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But his companion was not convinced.

"Boss, what are you talking about, who are you?"

"Yeah, why let that kid go, it's a fat sheep."

"My hands were broken by that kid—"

"Okay, it's just a broken hand, it's not bad to save your life."

Interrupting the complaints of his companions, the man whispered, "That kid... don't look at Xiao, his eyes... eyes..."

He paused, remembering the look in the boy's eyes just now, like the icy vertical pupils of a poisonous snake lurking in the dark.

Just looking at it makes me shudder.

Those are the eyes that only those who have survived in the dark world will have, and they are not something that a little ruffian and hooligan like them can provoke.

"...Damn, I've provoked a malefic star." He slapped the companion who approached him with a irritable slap, and said, "Go find someone, contact more people, and go find it."

Although he felt that the collection was not enough, looking at the sky, Garlan could only regretfully drag the female knight and leave first.

After all, if it is delayed, the matter of his sneaking away will be exposed, and the palace will probably be in chaos. I just hope that Tal can help him hide it well before he goes back.

Then, he started thinking again.

How to get rid of this female knight who said he was going to send him back was another big problem.

While he was thinking about it, he followed the female knight back to the entrance where he had just come. The tied horse was still standing there obediently, and he snorted when he saw the master coming.

Fataya touched the horse's neck, untied the reins, and was about to turn around to carry Garlan onto the horse's back, when suddenly the sound of hoofs sounded, and a group of people rushed from the front to surround her.

The leader was a young man on horseback, with high eyebrows and eyes, looking at people as if he was always looking down from the top, his chin slightly raised, with a domineering aura.

The dress is gorgeous, with a gold sash at the waist and a fringed shawl with delicate embroidery.

"Fataya." He pointed at the female knight with his golden whip, and shouted her name, "What are you doing here?"

"Gore." Fataya replied with a frown, "You are not qualified to manage where I go, right?"

Gore sneered.

"Of course I'm not interested in where you go, but if you want to cause me trouble and cut off my money, I'll naturally take care of it."

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

The above major forces have joined forces to cover up the slums. If they are exposed, their fortunes will be cut off.

Therefore, they absolutely will not allow any possibility of leaking this thing.

"Fataya, since we've known each other for so long, I warn you, don't meddle in your own business, or you'll be courting death yourself."

"Gore, you're just a minor character."

The female knight said angrily.

This Gore was also a lower-level noble with a similar family to hers, and he actually dared to put on this arrogant and commanding appearance in front of her.

"Doing such a dirty thing, are you afraid that others will say it?"

"Hmph, don't you know that the adult is standing behind my little character?"

Gore sneered, "Do you have the guts to offend that lord?"

Fataya's face was ugly, but he didn't refute it again.

So Gore laughed more and more arrogantly. Since his parents took refuge in the adult to work for him, let alone ordinary nobles, even nobles with a certain status did not dare to offend their family easily.

Being held high by everyone, his mentality has already expanded infinitely, and naturally he will not put Fataya, who is the chief of the city gate guard, in his eyes.

"Fattaya, I'm here today to teach you a lesson. You'd better be acquainted and guard your city gates. It's best to leave unrelated things alone. Otherwise, next time it won't be something that can be solved with a fight. ."

Gore finished threateningly, then waved the whip in his hand.

"Go on, teach her a good lesson." He said coldly, "I will bear all the consequences!"

The group of family guards he brought forward rushed forward, and the front man stabbed Fataya with a shot.

Fataya's expression suddenly changed, he raised his hand and pulled out the two short barrels on his back, and with a click, the two short barrels joined together to form a silver gun.

With a bang, she held up the long spear that stabbed at her, and then picked it up with a backhand, and immediately picked the guard off the horse.

She danced the silver spear like water, and instantly forced back three or four cavalry.

A female knight's martial arts are naturally very strong to be able to sit firmly in the position of the city gate guard as a female style. But her two fists are invincible to four hands, and it is very difficult to be besieged by everyone. She has to protect the children around her, and she can't use her hands and feet for a while.

Opposite, Gore rode on his horse and looked at Fataya's embarrassed appearance, feeling extremely good. He has long seen that this woman is not pleasing to the eye, and a woman should serve a man honestly, what kind of martial arts? Tsk, actually got the official position of a military general.

Garlan, who was guarded by Fataya, was in a terrible mood. The young man in front of him was probably one of the lackeys behind the black hands.

This guy is going to jump out at this time, and he will definitely not be able to go back in time.

Wait for me.

the little prince thought gloomily.

When I go back, I will find Brother Wang to arrest you.

He was thinking so, when suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw a long spear slanting down towards the female knight's thigh.

However, the female knight was gritting her teeth and holding the two people in front of her, so she didn't have time to take care of this side.

Seeing that the point of the spear was about to stab into Fataya's thigh, Garlan suddenly pulled out the dagger hidden in his boots.

With a bang, the tip of the spear slammed into the snow-white dagger blade, causing a series of sparks.

Garlan only felt that his arms were numb from the shock. If he hadn't used the unloading skills taught him by Xie Muer, the strength of a child would definitely not be able to stop this blow.

However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, the man on the horse saw that his gun was actually stopped by a child, and immediately became angry, raised his spear and swung it hard at Garland.

Although it wasn't the tip of the spear, the barrel of the spear slammed heavily on Garlan's body, instantly knocking the small body out and hitting the wall behind.


The female knight was so angry that she scolded swear words out of control.

"A man as big as you fucking attacked a child! His face was bitten by a dog?"

She slammed into the person next to her, and stabbed the person in the thigh with a backhand shot, blood spattering everywhere.

Then, she slammed away the people around her, rushed over to pick up Garland, quickly got on her horse, and took a few more blows, but she still kept her head down to protect the child in her arms, just like that rushed out of the crowd.

"Follow me all—"

Gore shouted, grabbing the reins and one chasing after him.

"I must let her know the fate of offending me today."

The fight at the entrance of the slum finally stopped, and the people around were already hiding far away, shivering and not daring to approach.

In the far corner, a dirty big boy watched the group of people go away, and immediately turned his head and quickly got into the alley, intending to report the letter.

Found, the female knight with a blond child.

he thought happily.

That prize belongs to him.