A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 62


A steed rushed into the messy slum like a whirlwind. It rampaged on the winding and muddy path, knocking off many piles of debris on the side of the road, and bluffing the nearby pariahs to avoid them.

Shortly after the horse rushed over, they saw a group of horsemen chasing after them, all with spears and swords and other weapons. Looking at the group of people rushed over.

"Catch up!"

Someone was shouting, Gore was overjoyed, and urged him to get off the horse and run over, wanting to humiliate the woman he had long looked unpleasant.

As a result, he happily passed by, but only saw a neighing horse, but the horseback was empty.

"What about people?!"

He roared, his face turned ashen as if he had been slapped on the face.

"Master Gore, that woman may have jumped on a horse halfway..."

Without saying a word, Gore waved the whip in his hand and slapped the guard who answered the question heavily.


He angrily said, "It's all trash! With so many people, even a woman with a child can't be caught! What's the use of raising you trash!"

"Go, go and find it for me! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find that stinky bitch for me!"

After being whipped, the guard endured the pain on his back, and immediately arranged for his subordinates to search separately.

This slum was very dark, and there were shelters everywhere, so when turning a corner, the female knight decisively jumped off the horse with Garland in her arms, and let the horse gallop away on its own. And she hugged Garlan and ran into the dark alley and hid.


She knelt on one knee, touched the body of the child in her arms in panic, and asked nervously, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Garlan raised his head, grabbed the hand that the female knight was groping around him, and even wanted to lift his clothes, and quickly replied, "I'm fine."

As he said that, he even jumped on the ground in order to dispel Fataya's thoughts of removing his clothes, expressing that he was healthy.

"Don't worry, Sister Fataya, I am forced to practice martial arts by my teacher every day at home."

Although he is not as talented as Heimos, he also learns martial arts from Xie Muer every day. Xie Muer wouldn't keep his hands during training, so for him, it was common for him to fall, roll, and climb.

The level just now, that is, the degree of falling a little heavy when practicing martial arts, and leaving some bruises on the back, is not serious.

"Because I saw you were kicked out by him..."

Fataya was still nervous.

"I will stand still and resist that stick, and I will be injured even more."

Because he was young, most of what Xie Muer taught him was the technique of leveraging and unloading.

In the situation just now, he would definitely suffer internal injuries from the stick, but flying along with the stick's force could relieve a lot of the impact force.

"By the way... that's true." Fataya was relieved, "It seems that you have indeed practiced martial arts."

She looked around and saw that some of Gore's men had already run back on horseback not far away, looking for her everywhere, and her eyes suddenly froze.

"Don't make a sound," she whispered to Garland. "Come with me."

After speaking, she took Garlan's hand and got into another alley.

Next, Fataya and Gallan have been hiding, but Gore's men are pressing hard, plus they are asking the nearby untouchables about their traces, Fataya's hiding area is forced to be more and more smaller.

She stood in the shadow of the alley, frowning as she watched Gore's men searching around not far away.

At this moment, a ghostly figure sneaked out of the darkness and slowly approached them.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Fataya turned her head abruptly, her body tensed, and she stared vigilantly at the approaching person like a female leopard ready to go.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm not on their side, I'm here to help you."

A tall, thin big boy who knew at a glance that he was living in a slum waved his hand in a panic, indicating that he had no malicious intentions.

"Lord Cheng and Chengwei, I saw you hiding from them. I'll show you the way." He said, "I'm familiar with this place, and I know how to get rid of them."

As soon as the boy finished speaking, he slipped into the opposite path.

Fataya frowned and measured, and finally decided to follow.

She felt that if this little ruffian wanted to harm them, or Gore's subordinates, it was enough to expose her whereabouts by shouting, and there was no need to make such troubles.

Moreover, it is much easier to deal with these slum guys than to deal with Gore's well-trained subordinates, and these pariahs have no courage to do anything to their own city guard.

The teenager led them to drill left and right in the cobweb-like alley. He is not a local snake here. Many places that don't look like roads can be found by him to drill through. Garland feels like It's like drilling around in a giant ant cave.

After a while, he took Garland and the others to a clearing. This open space was surrounded by a dozen abandoned houses that had collapsed in half, with some messy things piled up in the middle, which looked like a place to throw away waste.

"You are hiding here."

The poor boy smiled and rubbed his hands.

Fataya nodded and took out a handful of copper coins for him.

"Those people are gone, you come to inform me."

The boy who took the money nodded his head like garlic, and his long face bloomed with a smile.

He thought, there is a reward here, and when the letter is reported, there is a reward there, and he really made a fortune today.

He grinned at the female knight and ran away in a hurry.

Fataya looked around, walked to the back of the collapsed house, found a fairly clean place, sat down and rested, thinking about what to do next.

Garlan sat obediently beside her, but his eyes were twitching like a squirrel.

Those people were really quick to respond.

he thinks.

He dragged Fataya around here for an hour or two before someone came.

In fact, at the beginning, he also thought about it, for the sake of safety, should he go back and report the matter here to Brother Wang immediately, and it would be better for Brother Wang to send someone to investigate. But he quickly thought that since King Camos had arranged this matter, he would definitely send people to inspect it regularly. However, nothing was ever found wrong.

Obviously, those who controlled the place used various means to disguise peace and force the pariahs to keep silent when the inspectors came over. Therefore, the inspector couldn't find out anything.

The thug of the person behind the scenes has already discovered that he and Fataya are here, so he will definitely report to the people above, and those people behind the scenes will definitely respond in time... If he goes back first and reports to Brother Wang, then whether it is Whether he brought someone to make an unannounced visit or the brother of the king sent someone to make an unannounced visit, the time difference is enough for those people to smooth out the loopholes, annihilate the evidence, intimidate the untouchables, whitewash the peace, and disguise everything here.

That way, even if it was an unannounced visit, nothing would come out.

With the means that those people can kill the poor, it is very easy to keep these poor people silent.

Therefore, he chose to take the risk and stay.

Just when Garlan was still thinking, he suddenly heard a bang outside, like someone being slammed onto the debris.

Immediately afterwards, the loud shout of the young nobleman sounded in the open space.

"Fattaya! Get out of here!"

Standing at the entrance to the clearing, Gore yelled at it.

"Don't hide and hide like a mouse, let me out!"

He was violently thrown out by one of Gore's guards, and the tall, thin boy who fell into a pile of discarded debris groaned in pain, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was paralyzed in the debris and couldn't get up for a while.

Gore didn't even bother to look at him.

Because he found this kid sneaking around him, Gore, who was already furious, made a random excuse to catch him up and beat him. This was just to vent his anger. The boy learned of Fataya's whereabouts.

At this moment, he stood at the entrance of the open space with a sneer, because there were debris piled up everywhere, so they all dismounted and surrounded the open space.

The space was quiet for a while, and then there was movement.

Fataya came out and stared at Gore with a frown.

"Gore, you need to know how to stop."

"Enough is enough? Hehe, I need to stop in this kind of place?"

Gore is extremely proud at this moment, and at this point, this stinky woman is unable to fly.

He hated him so much when he remembered that Fataya never gave him face since he was a child, and that he was better than him everywhere, so that he was often ridiculed that he was inferior to a woman.

It was rare to seize such a good opportunity that this woman dared to inquire about things here, and he thought that he must humiliate her severely today to vent his hatred.

He waved his whip.

"Give it to me! Teach her a lesson!"

Gore's men swarmed up.

Suddenly, a group of people formed a group.

Although Fataya is only one person, she is highly skilled in martial arts, and she is fighting fiercely at the moment. Although she is at a disadvantage, it can be seen that she will not be able to help her for a while.

Gore rolled his eyes and saw the blond kid standing in the corner secretly looking at this side, and his eyes lit up.

Pointing in that direction with his whip, he shouted, "Grab that kid!"

As long as he threatens Fataya with that child, he is not afraid that she will be captured without his hands.

"Gore! How dare you—"

Fataya, who was besieged, was in a hurry and wanted to rush over, but was surrounded by people and couldn't rush out, so he could only blushed and watched one of Gore's men rush towards Garlan.

The guard stepped in front of the child in a few steps.

The blond child stood quietly, raised his head, and looked at him with clear eyes, neither crying nor screaming, which made the guards feel a little strange.

Perhaps petrified

Thinking so, he stretched out his big hand, wanting to roughly grab the child's hair and pull it over.

However, his hand had just stretched out, before he even had time to touch a strand of the child's hair—

Suddenly, a dark brown hand slid in diagonally and grabbed his wrist firmly.

Before the guard could react, there was a sudden sharp pain in his wrist, and then the world was spinning.

With the sound of a broken arm, the guard turned over and fell heavily to the ground, gnawing his chin in the soil. His right arm was folded to the back by the dark brown hand, twisted abnormally, and the severe pain made him cry out uncontrollably.


Garlan looked at the boy standing in front of him with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "Why are you?"

Stepping on the guard under his feet, Heimos raised his eyebrows.

What Gallan said was 'how are you', not 'how are you here', that is to say, Gallan knew that someone must come to him

He kicked the man under his feet hard, knocked the guy who screamed so loudly and fainted, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Who are you! How dare you do something to my people! Brat, aren't you afraid of death—"

Seeing that he failed to catch the child, his subordinates were beaten to the ground instead, and Gore over there was suddenly furious and cursed at Heimos when he opened his mouth.

"Wait, bastard, you'll know what's going to happen to me!"

Heimos frowned, then raised his foot and kicked a rushing person out.

He was talking to Garlan with ease while knocking out those who rushed up.

He said, "I'm coming to pick you up."

He glanced at the scolding guy.

"Did he scold you too?"

The young man asked this question, and there was a hint of danger in his golden red eyes.

Just as Garlan was about to answer, he suddenly heard a creaking sound not far away. He looked down and saw a small black figure sneaking out of the debris, running up to him, standing upright, and screaming at him.

Approaching, he faintly heard the sound of countless horses' hooves running, coming in this direction.

Suddenly, Gore over there was like a goose being strangled by someone's neck, and the scolding stopped abruptly.

After a few seconds of silence, he shouted again.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it for me!"

This time, his voice was full of panic.

All his subordinates stopped and stood there, looking at each other for a while, half dazed and half stunned.

Fataya, who was about to lose her breath, walked quickly to Garlan's side while panting. She glanced at Heimos, then at the little mouse in front of Garlan.

She was a little surprised.

Because she still remembered that when Garlan dragged her around here, he once said that he had to go to the toilet and go out. A little black mouse. At that time, she was afraid that Gallan would be bitten by a mouse, so she hurried over to drive the little black mouse away.

... Now this little black mouse, how is it so similar to the one not long ago

However, Fataya has no time to think about the little black mouse.

The earth vibrated slightly in the sound of horses' hooves. She raised her head and saw countless tall and burly knights in unique black and red leather armors galloping up not far away, with special badges on their arms in the setting sun sparkling.

The female knight suddenly opened her eyes.

King's Guard!

The place where all the most powerful knights of Aaron Landis gathered, the army that was sent only to protect the king.

Why does it come here? !

With a swish, the rushing knights restrained their horses and parked neatly outside the open space. They rode outside the open space and stood solemnly.

The three leading men turned over and dismounted, and one of the knights with a pitch-black blindfold walked over here quickly.

Seeing the man, Gore was stunned for a moment, then hurried up to meet him.

"Lord Kejos, why are you here?" he said flatteringly. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

The blond one-eyed knight ignored him and strode into the open space.

Gore also followed behind Kejos with a flattering expression on his face.

You know, this one-eyed knight is quite famous.

He was the guardian knight of Prince Garland, who was very much favored by King Camos.

At the beginning, because of Prince Garlan's injury, King Camos was furious, killed a large number of people in the palace, severely reprimanded many noble officials, and even flogged the children of those noble officials regardless of anyone's pleas. Dayton, out of the palace.

Seeing that King Camos was so furious because of Prince Garlan's injury, one could imagine how much favored the little prince was.

However, the little prince was always in the palace and rarely appeared in front of everyone. Even if he wanted to please him, he couldn't find a chance. As a result, many people took the second place and went to please the little prince's guardian knight Kaihos.

Gore squinted.

If he can climb on this knight and win the favor of the little prince, then he can basically walk sideways in the royal city in the future.

Thinking of this, he spoke to Kaihos more attentively.

Cayhoes strode forward, ignoring the people behind him who were trying to please him.

He walked a few steps to the blond child who had been standing quietly, glanced at Heimos, and then, under the unbelievable gaze of Gore who was chasing after him, he knelt down in front of the blond child, Bow your head respectfully.

He said, "Prince Garland, I have been ordered to bring the guards to take you back to the palace."

The entire open space was silent for a moment.

Fataya opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

Gore was dumbfounded.

All the people under him turned pale.

Even the tall, thin boy with a bruised nose and a swollen face in the pile of junk stopped groaning and screaming in pain, and his eyes widened.

Only Heimos, who pursed his lips, looked a little unhappy.

At this moment, in the quiet space, only the conversation between the little prince and the knight continued.

"Slowly, Cayhorth."

Garland said angrily.

"Why are you slower than Heimos?"

Just in case, he took the black mouse with him when he went out of the palace, and secretly released it when he got to the street.

As long as he wears a bracelet made by Kayhorst, and those little black beads, the little black mouse will circle around him, and he will whistle, and the little black mouse will come to him.

So when he was wandering in the slums, he asked the little black mouse to deliver a letter to Kaihos. He remembered that Kaihos had said that the closed special training camp of the guards was also in the outer city, and Kaihos who received his letter should be able to rush over soon.

As a result, until he left the ghetto, Caijos did not show up.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, after the special training camp of the Guards was closed, no one is allowed to go out without the king's order." Kaihos said, "It took a little time to get the king's order, so it's late."

"Uh, is that so..."

It turns out that the training camp still has this rule, um, he miscalculated a bit.

Ah, wait.

"Get the king's order?"

Garland reacted instantly.

"According to what you said, brother Wang knew that I ran out?"

"Yes, prince."

Cayhorth smiled brightly at the little prince.

"After all, I don't have the right to order the guards."

Only when King Camos issues a royal order, the guards will be dispatched.

Garland: "..."


This is being caught.

"You... what are you talking about, what are you talking about."

Gore, who was standing beside him for a long time, stammered and opened his mouth.

He felt like he was in a nightmare now, in the dreamland, the conversation between the child and Kaihos, what prince or brother... He didn't seem to understand.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to feel that his mouth was dry, his tongue seemed to be in a knot, and it was only after stumbling and stumbling that he could make a sound.

"What are you... talking... saying... king... what what... prince?"

"Ah, that's right."

As if he suddenly remembered something, the blond child turned around and looked up at Gore.

Those big eyes were curved up and curved into the arc of a crescent moon.

"It's the first time we meet, so let me introduce myself a little."

Garland gave him a smile as bright as the sun.

"I am Garland, prince of Aaron Landis."


With a pale face, the gold-lined riding whip in Gore's hand fell to the ground.