A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 64


The amazing little prince was packed and carried back to the palace by the black-faced Lion King.

Because of Garlan's unintentional words, King Camos rinsed his mouth with wine several times after he went back, and then he was relieved. Priest Shamash, who didn't follow him to pick up people and didn't see this scene, was inexplicable. He didn't know what was wrong with this willful His Majesty, and actually used the precious wine as mouthwash.

After all, all that can be presented to the king are top-quality wines that ordinary people can't see.

However, even after rinsing his mouth, King Camos still felt a pang in his heart when he thought of what Garlan said.

However, the person who said that was his beloved little brother. For the lion king who had sworn to scold his younger brother for slipping out of the palace the next second, he would put his arms around his own king's younger brother who couldn't be favored. Brother Wang is impossible, impossible in this life.

Therefore, King Camos, who was in a bad mood, spread his anger on others.

Gore was flogged, then stripped of his noble titles along with his parents and demoted to pariah.

Although he didn't lose his life, for Gore, being a pariah like a garbage bug in his eyes was more painful than killing him.

The West City Guard Chief was demoted and lost his real power to command the City Guard. At the same time, a large number of officials fell from their horses, pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, and dug up a group of nobles who often poked and poked things behind the back of King Camos.

After all, King Camos spends at least half of the year fighting outside, so these nobles are usually as honest as a good baby when Camos is in the royal city. nature.

In fact, this feast of the slums, they also planned to wait for King Camos to go out for a while before taking off their masks and feasting, taking all the wealth of those pariahs and turning them all into their own slaves. For so many years, some of the inspectors in the royal city directly under the jurisdiction of King Kamos have been coaxed and corrupted by them.

For a time, there was a bloody purge in the royal city. Seeing that every day several colleagues were dragged out and severely punished, the noble officials were extremely frightened.

However, it was only them who were terrified. For the common people, watching those who were invincible in the past fall from the horse one after another became their gossip after dinner, and they discussed it with great interest.

And for the pariahs in the slums, it was even more jubilant. All the money they were forced to borrow did not need to be repaid. Their great and just King Kamos sent messengers to come here, in front of them, from those who have been borrowed. All the IOUs taken out from the sealed money bank were burned.

At that time, many people cried and kowtowed, desperately thanking Wang for his kindness.

When they heard that the newly built house would still be given to them as promised, everyone cheered, and for a time, the slum was full of joy and joy like a festival.

And not long after that, a story about their young prince who made an unannounced visit to the slums and fought against corrupt officials with his wits began to circulate among the pariahs secretly... At first it seemed to come from a tall, thin boy. of.

Still later, this interesting rumor caught the attention of a bard, and after listening in detail, he compiled it into a poem and sang it out.

The bard had no idea that his sudden rise would endure his name for thousands of years because of this poem.

It is also famous in history.

Although the big purge made some people in the royal court tremble and couldn't sleep well, for others, they were very happy.

All the Shamash priests are among that group of people.

Integrity, impartiality, integrity, and integrity are the teachings of Shamash, the sun god who is also the god of justice and the god of judgment. All Shamash priests strictly abide by this teaching. Therefore, to them, corruption and bribery is a great sin, and it is even more unforgivable for them to attempt to deceive the Holy and Supreme King and distort the king's orders.

Their greatest hope is that all the places where the sun god's brilliance shines will be clear, and that all corrupt officials should be severely judged, and they should all be killed cleanly.

As one of them, Xie Muer is naturally very satisfied with this big cleaning.

Well, as expected, Prince Gallan was favored by the goddess of luck.

he thought with satisfaction.

Then, this time the prince sneaked out of the palace, he would not sternly reprimand it.

Therefore, when she met Garlan, she only said a few words to him symbolically, and then let it go.

This made Gallan, who was ready to be severely reprimanded by Xie Muer, stunned, and did not understand why Xie Muer suddenly changed his temper so well.

Then, he opened his mouth and watched Xie Muer hurriedly leave in a confused manner.

"Huh? It's probably because Lord Xie Mu'er is busy tracing the evidence of the Chief Secretary and others, so he's busy now."

To the bewilderment of the little prince, the chief female officer Tapti replied with a smile.

As far as she knew, all Shamash priests were the type whose combat power exploded instantly when they encountered corrupt officials.

At this moment, she was holding an emerald-green malachite comb, brushing the little prince's hair gently.

The snow-white skin of the child who has just finished bathing is like milk, and there is still a little pink smoked by the heat in the milky white. It is so tender that it can drip out of water. .

The pale blond hair was carefully dried, soft and supple. It felt like fine velvet, delicate and soft, and when it was scattered, it was like a rustling sound when the strands of hair fell.

It has a nice light golden sheen in soft lighting.

The lady-in-chief stroked the little prince's satin-smooth blond hair and couldn't put it down.

She thought, if such beautiful blonde hair can grow long, it must be beautiful.

As soon as this thought moved, she couldn't help but make up the appearance of the little prince's long pale blond hair falling on his snow-white shoulders.

OK, so it's decided.

Tapti made up his mind happily and made a decision.

Even if it is to coax and deceive, let the little prince have long hair.

Tapti put down the malachite comb and picked up a box of jade on the table.

As soon as she opened it, there was a translucent milky white liquid inside, and a medicinal fragrance wafted through her nostrils. It was a good ointment for removing scars and scars. Happened, the back and calf were almost gone, only a little pink trace on the back of the neck.

She hadn't used this ointment for a while, and this time, she took it out again.

She gently applied the ointment to the scabbed scar on Garlan's arm.

Although Garlan felt that this little injury was really unnecessary, he knew that he was no match for this female officer, so he obediently let Tapti wipe it off.

Tapti couldn't help but talk while applying the medicine.

"His Royal Highness Garland, you are still too risky."

She said, "How noble are you as a prince, how could you do such a dangerous thing?"

"Even if you encounter such a thing, if you want to help those pariahs, you should put your own safety first. You are still young after all."

Holding the medicine box, Tapti looked at Garlan and said so.

"At that time, you should go back to the palace first, tell King Camos, and ask him to send someone to investigate."

"But in that case, after a long time, as long as those people do some tricks, they won't be able to find out anything, right?"

Garlan said, tilting his head to look at Tapti and laughing.

"Anyway, even if I do get caught, I'll just be beaten at most."

No matter what Gore was, he didn't have the guts to actually kill another noble in the royal city, and at most beat them to warn them.

If neither Heimos nor Kejos came in time, he was ready to be beaten.

The child gave his female officer a bright smile.

He said: "I was beaten by myself, but it was worth it to save many lives."

Tapti's breath paused.

Those people are just lowly pariahs.

She wanted to say so.

Everyone thought that the lives of thousands of pariahs would not be worth a hair of a noble prince—even the pariahs themselves.

Therefore, Tapti could not understand what the prince said, nor could he understand what the prince did.

She was baffled by this.

this is not right.

Her education all along told her so.

However, when looking at Prince Gallan's eyes, she somehow couldn't say the words 'Prince, you did something wrong, you shouldn't do it'.

Suddenly, she suddenly remembered the words she heard once when she went to the temple of the sun god Shamash to listen to the teachings of the elderly high priest.

[The sun god Shamash is just and selfless.]

[Even if they are despicable pariahs and filthy slaves, he is still willing to sprinkle light on them and give them light and warmth.]

The little prince looked up at her, golden eyes, as if a stream of light was flowing, as bright as the sun in a cloudless clear sky.

Just when Tapti was startled, someone suddenly came in and reached out and took the medicine box in her hand.

When the female officer raised her head, the figure of the black-haired boy caught her eye.

She subconsciously frowned, but she still stood up calmly and bowed her head to the boy with impeccable etiquette.

"Prince Heimos."

Huymos hummed, a response.

"Let me do it."

As he spoke, he sat down directly, applied the ointment to the bruise on Garlan's shoulder, and then rubbed the milky white ointment on the bruise with his fingertips.


The bruise was rubbed like this, and Garlan immediately cried out in pain, subconsciously trying to hide, but Heimos held it down.

"It hurts longer without rubbing."

Heimos, who is very good at this kind of bruises, naturally knew that when he used medicine to rub and disperse the stasis, it would hurt a lot, so he pressed Garlan and coaxed him.

"Good, it won't hurt in a while."

Because he had to press the struggling Garlan, Heimos forcibly embraced the child from behind with one hand, as if he was forcibly holding the young Garlan in his arms.

The corner of the Queen's mouth twitched, and without being rude, she reached out and retrieved the ointment from Prince Heimos.

"Prince Heimos," she said with a dark face, "this is a salve to remove scars, it's useless for removing bruises."

So please let go of Prince Garlan.




However, Heimos didn't seem to understand the hints in the female officer's words at all. As soon as he heard the scar removal, as if he remembered something, his eyes fell on the back of Garlan's neck.

There is a pale pink mark on the back of the neck where it connects to the shoulders.

At first glance, it looks like a small cherry blossom dotted on the white and tender skin, which is indescribably beautiful.

A move in his heart, unable to say why, Heimos poked lightly on the pink trace.

The child in his arms struggled immediately.

"Don't touch it, itchy!"

Garlan struggled while muttering, for some reason, the back of his neck was so sensitive after the wound was healed, and it was very itchy when touched.

Although he struggled hard, Heimos put his arms around him, and he couldn't break free at all. Instead, his small head was swaying in Heimos' arms, and his hair kept swept across Heimos' neck and chin.

The feeling of tickling on his neck and face as if being scratched by a feather made the corners of the boy's lips rise up uncontrollably.

He put his arms around the child in his arms, bowed his head slightly, and let his cheeks rest on the soft blonde hair.

"Well, it's so itchy."

He said with a smile, his face turned sideways, his lips raised as if he were kissing the blond hair of a child in his arms.

Garlan turned his head to look at him, his big eyes blinked slightly, and his eyelashes seemed to touch the ends of his hair.

Heimos hugged Garlan, his jet-black hair as deep as the night sky scattered from the corner of his smiling eyes, entangled with Garlan's bright pale golden hair.

His dark brown hands held small white ones.

Night and day.

black and white.

Those should be extremely opposite colors, but at this moment, for some reason, it gives people an indescribable harmony, as if they were born to be intertwined.

Ah, she really still doesn't like this Prince Heimos very much.

The above is the slander of the female officer who clenched the medicine box in her hand and stood on the side expressionlessly.