A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 68


The reason why Garlan was surprised by the appearance of King Camos was that King Camos had been out on an expedition before that, which meant that it would take several days before he could return to the royal city.

Unexpectedly, both Heimos and King Camos returned to the royal city ahead of schedule.

As a result, these two people, who were triumphant just after their expedition, had not seen each other for a long time. They expressed their 'cordial greetings' to both parties with a ritual of violent physical contact with each other when they met for the first time.

The above is what Garlan complained about his female officer the next morning.

All of a sudden it made Tapuy laugh.

The long black hair is tucked behind her head, and the milky white moonstone jewelry with sky blue luster is embellished on the temples, making the female officer more and more revealing the charm and beauty of a mature woman.

Laughing, she tapped the crimson rune paste with a snow-white quill. The extremely bright red paste was made from impatiens juice, ruby powder and cinnabar, and only the royal family could use it.

Tapti used the crimson rune ointment to draw a sigil symbolizing Shamash's protection on Garlan's forehead.

The talisman on the forehead is a symbol of noble status, and only the royal family and high-ranking nobles have the right to draw the talisman of the gods on the forehead.

There are many kinds of sigils of the gods. As for what kind of sigils to use, it is basically based on one's own preferences. However, it is necessary to follow the occasion, otherwise, painting the symbol of the god of war on the happy banquet will be regarded as contempt and provocation to everyone.

And most of the sigils that Tapti drew for Garlan were the guardians of Shamash.

As for why...

The prince's skin is white, and the crimson talisman is the best match~~

The above is the answer given with a smile by the female official who is addicted to dressing up her little prince beautifully every day.

Garland: "..."

Oh, as you like.

This was the voice of Garlan, who had completely given up struggling under Tapti.

After all these years, he has been numb.

After all, apart from the shortcoming of being keen to dress him up, Tapti is an extremely good female officer in every aspect. With her there, everything in his palace was properly arranged, and everyone acted in an orderly manner, so he didn't need to bother at all.

"However, I have heard that the reason why King Camos left the army and rushed back early was because the Tasda people will arrive in the king's city tomorrow."

While speaking, the female magistrate braided a small crown of olive branches and leaves, which was interwoven with malachite and gold, and weaved it into the prince's golden hair.

"He's coming back to meet the Tastars."

As she spoke, she looked left and right at her beautiful young prince, with a contented expression on her face.


Garlan thought about it for a while, and soon remembered.

It was a neighbouring country of Aaron Landis and was said to have a strong military.

When Garlan walked out of the gate of the bedroom, he saw Heimos standing in the courtyard waiting at a glance. He was standing by the fountain under the statue of the Goddess of the Stars, looking up at the falling fountain, wondering what he was thinking.

Looking at that place, Garlan suddenly felt a little guilty.

He still remembered that when he had misunderstood Heimos a long time ago, he told Heimos that he hated him.

I don't know if Heimos stood there and pondered, because he remembered that incident.

Just thinking about it in my heart, Heimos who was under the fountain had turned around and walked towards him.

The black-haired prince, who was still sharp-edged yesterday, has put on light daily clothes today. The light-colored ones are still full of energy, but the whole person looks much softer, like a sharp blade has been sheathed and settled.

The rune of the god of war between his eyebrows has been replaced by the rune of the sky blue god of wisdom Solga.

"What are you thinking there?"

Garland couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice.

Seeing Gallan staring at him with a little guilty conscience, Heimoston laughed.

very nice.

he thinks.

In front of this young man, he can always laugh happily, as if the sunshine-like carefree mood of the young man was passed on to himself.

He raised his hand, as before, rubbing Garlan's blond hair habitually and skillfully.

He said, "What? Now you know what was wrong at that time?"

Garlan's eyes wandered to the side, pretending that I didn't understand, and then his head was rubbed again.

"I am very vengeful."

Heimos bent his eyes and said with a smile, suddenly raising his eyebrows playfully.

"I will always remember it in the future, do you understand, we Aaron Landis 'the wise prince'?"

There was nothing in front of him. As soon as he said the last sentence, Garlan, whose eyes were wandering away, felt like he was stabbed by a needle, and he almost didn't jump up.

"Who told you that?"

"It is already known that 'the wise... '"

Before he could finish a sentence, with a snap, Garlan's two hands had already patted his face, and he covered his mouth with force.

"do not talk."

With an embarrassed look on his face, the young man covered Heimos's mouth with all his might.

Every time he heard the name given to him by the people of the so-called Wangcheng, the chills all over his body trembled.

[The Wise Prince].

How embarrassing to hear this name.

It seems that Tapti, Kaijos and the others like this name quite a bit.

The wrists of the hands covering the opponent's mouth were grabbed and pulled apart.

Heimos, who was holding his wrist, looked down at him from his height, the corners of his eyebrows raised.

"Shut up other people's mouths and forbid others to speak, this is not what our 'wise prince' should do."

Garlan, who had his hands grabbed, looked up and stared at him. His puffy appearance was like a kitten with blown fur.

He was so angry and angry that Heimos took a bite of a 'wise prince'. Gallan stared at Heimos for a while, and suddenly, his eyes rolled away, and then he showed a brilliant look to Heimos. smiley face.

"You seem to have a point."

The blond little prince said with a smile, "But I can't compare to you in any way, Your Excellency the 'Black Knight of Hell' who returned from the north?"

With a smile on his face, Garlan shouted in his heart.

Come on, hurt each other—

And his tricks of hurting each other are indeed very effective. The 'Black Knight of Hell' made Heimos's eyes twitch slightly.

Then, very simply, he let go and raised his hand in surrender.

"It's my fault, I apologize, I admit defeat, please stop here."


In the first game, Prince Garland won the victory over Prince Heimos with an absolute advantage.

The maid who bowed her head and stood by the side quietly, who was a believer of the goddess Aphdomil, said this sentence silently in her heart.

Garlan, who didn't need to continue hurting each other, was relieved.

Speaking of which, he was also very puzzled, why every time he went out of the palace to play, there would definitely be an accident.

Xie Muer once said that he had always had good luck, maybe he was the one guarded by the goddess of luck, and Gallan hehe.

No, he is definitely the Son of Doom.

The ill-fated physique that is bound to happen when you go out.

Unluckily, he probably followed Xie Muer for a long time, and he was infected with the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the priest. If he did not solve the things that bumped into his hands, he would feel uncomfortable, and he couldn't bear to leave it alone when he looked at those poor people. .

So, he solved everything that hit him.

As a result, after a long time, he inexplicably became the 'wise prince' in the mouth of the people of Wangcheng...

Jia. (Son of Doom). Er. (There will be an accident when going out). Lan said that he did not want to speak.

Tasda is located to the northwest of Aaron Landis, on the plain of Nia, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and bordering Aaron Landis on the remaining half.

The country is small, probably less than one-fifth the size of Aaron Landis. But, as small as it is, the country is not to be underestimated.

If the cavalry of Aaron Landis is famous all over the world, then Tastard has the most powerful infantry recognized by the world.

You can conquer the world with three thousand Tastar hoplites.

The land above praised the infantry of Tarsdar.

But fortunately, although the Tasda people have strong military power, they have always had close diplomatic relations with Aaron Landis and are one of the important allies of Aaron Landis.

It was precisely because of this that King Camos rushed back to the royal city.

Garland had only heard of this country in books and in the knowledge taught by his mentor, and had never seen the Tastars with his own eyes. The Aaron Landis people are extremely friendly to this neighboring country. He heard from the maid that when the Tasda people entered the royal city today, many citizens cheered on the street to welcome their arrival.

Looking at the sky, it was already night. Although King Camos had arranged a dinner party to welcome the Tasdar people tonight, it was not very formal, it was just a banquet for the leader of the Tasdar. Well, the other Tasdarians should now be resting in the palace where guests are received.

Well, I have to take a peek at it.

The prince, who couldn't contain his curiosity, thought so, and made a decision without hesitation.

The prince, who tied up his blond hair and put on an ordinary guard costume, slipped out over the wall with ease.

Relying on his familiarity with the palace, Garlan slipped through a secluded path to the outside of the palace, which was specially used to receive guests. Because it was already night, the sky was dark, and there were not many guards patrolling near the palace, so he managed to sneak in and hide in a hidden path in the courtyard to look out secretly.

A large courtyard is now full of Tusda people, they are scattered in twos and threes, or three or five people gather to drink, or two people stay in a quiet place and talk in a low voice.

Garlan looked left and right, and immediately couldn't help feeling emotional.

It is indeed a country that claims to have the strongest heavy armored infantry. Looking at those Tasda warriors, they are tall and strong, with a strong and strong body.

But it's no wonder, because Tasda is a completely militarized country, and all Tasdars have been subjected to strict military education since childhood. Brave and fearless warrior.

At this time, two Tasda men walked towards the hidden woods while talking, and Garlan hurriedly took a few steps into the deeper forest path.

He saw the two Tastars standing in the woods talking, both of them were laughing and seemed to be in a good mood.

Looking at it, Garlan always felt a little weird.

I can't say why, but I always feel that the way the two of them are talking is very wrong.

Although he didn't understand the Tastian language, he just felt... the way these two people were talking... the way they looked at each other...


What did he use


The two big men looked like a ghost! Why did he use this inexplicable word

Just when Garlan was madly complaining about himself, he looked up again, and he was instantly dumbfounded.

I saw that the two Tasda men had already embraced each other and kissed eagerly, just like a couple in love.

No, what, wait!

Two big brothers!

Although the place where you are standing is a bit remote, it is still very conspicuous. People in the courtyard square can see it with a little attention. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by your companions

Subconsciously, Garlan, who was worried about the two parties who didn't care about the kissing party, raised his eyes and looked at the courtyard square.

Sure enough, someone has already seen this, not just one or two.

Garland suddenly became nervous.

However, the uproar he expected didn't happen. The Tastar people who saw this side glanced casually, and then turned their eyes lightly, and the reaction seemed to be normal. thing.

Garlan even saw that after looking at this side, a Tasda person gave a deep kiss to his companion next to him. And he just found out now that most of those Tasda people sitting in secluded places are mostly out of a state of intimacy, and they look like a pair of lovers.

Garland: "???"

What happened? What did he see

where is this place

where is he? What is he here to do? Why does his mind go blank...

Just when Garlan was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he was completely stunned, a big brown hand suddenly stretched out from behind and covered his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he was wrapped around his shoulder by another hand and dragged behind the wall next to him.

As soon as he looked up, Garlan saw the familiar golden-red eyes looking down at him.

Heimos covered his mouth with one hand, put his index finger in front of his lips with the other, and gave him a soft shush before letting go of his mouth.

"That... that's... Hey... uh, he, they're..."

Pulling Heimos hard, he pointed to the direction of the courtyard where the Tasda people were, and Garlan, who was stunned by the scene just now, stammered so much that he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Heimos touched his head, as if to soothe him.

"It seems that Xi Muer didn't tell you about the customs of Tasda."

He said, "I was going to ask Tapti to remind you a little tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to sneak here tonight."

"Tasda's custom?"

Garland was confused.

what custom

"Yes, the Tasda people have a very different custom from other countries."

"They espoused same-sex romance and saw fighting with gays in the purest form of the Tasda spirit," Heimos said. "They were often inseparable from their lovers when they were out on the field."

He paused for a while, looked at the boy who looked up at him with his head up and his eyes wide open, and stroked the other's cheek soothingly.

"Most of the Tastarians here are couples, so it's normal to be a little more intimate."

He comforted softly.

"You just get used to it."

Garland: "..."

The eyes are already in a dull state.

The young man who felt dizzy when he felt a loud thunder blowing down had only one sentence in his head at the moment.

How can you get used to it!