A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 69


Although it was still a sunny morning, Garland had already yawned several times. He rubbed his eyes hard, trying to wake himself up.

"Your Highness, you don't seem to be in good spirits. Do you need me to call a doctor?"

The female officer Tapti looked at Garlan yawning from time to time and looked down, and couldn't help asking.

"No, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

Garland waved his hand.

I knew that I wouldn't sneak into the palace last night to entertain guests. First, I was frightened by the group of Tasda people, and then I heard something from Heimos that subverted his three views, which made him suffer. shock. After returning, he tossed and turned on the bed for half the night, and finally fell asleep almost in the early morning.

If you don't get enough sleep, you are naturally a little sleepy.

"Really? Please take care of your health," the female officer said. "Tonight, you will be attending the banquet for the Tasdar people. If you get sick, you will be in trouble."

Garlan paused while drinking fruit dew. The shock he suffered last night was so great that he felt a little subtle when he heard the word Tasda.

However, after thinking about it, other people's customs are their business, it has nothing to do with him anyway, he is embarrassed, and he still has to respect the customs and habits of this important ally.

Thinking about it like this, he suddenly got the idea. He raised his head and drank the fruit dew from the green plum, he raised his hand and stretched out.

Go loosen up your muscles.

The prince, who quickly put this matter behind him, stood up thinking so.

During the day, the spacious courtyard is brightly lit by the sun, and the pool with blooming white lotus is rippling and sparkling in the sun.

At this moment, in the square not far from the pool, a group of Tasda people gathered together.

When the Tastars do not need to wear bronze armor on the battlefield, they usually wear very simple and light clothes, exposing their arms and most of their chests. They believe that since human beings have been given a fit and strong body by God, they should expose it to the sun to show this beauty.


I saw that the young man standing in the open space raised his hand, used the iron spear to support the big sword that the opponent was slashing over, and kicked it out with one kick.

Immediately after that, he dodged vigorously, avoiding the attack on his side, and with a backhand, the gun slammed the other man's shoulder heavily, knocking him back several steps.

After it was over, he slammed the spear upright on the rocky ground.

This tall and well-built young man stood there with a long spear and slender limbs. He glanced at the people he had defeated. His dark brown forehead was scattered around his deep-set cheeks, and his dark brown eyes were piercing. The whole person looked arrogant.

The Tastars who were watching around him burst into cheers, expressing their admiration and respect for the young Tastar who had won consecutive victories in the fight.

The Tasda people admire the strong.

They believe that strong people should have everything, and strong people are worthy of their worship.

Therefore, they believe in Ashur, the god of war who represents war and destruction and is in charge of power.


A man threw a red apple at him while shouting the name of the young brunette.

Opada threw the iron gun to the people around him and caught the apple. Then, he casually leaned on the rockery next to him, just sat on the short fake rock, nibbled off half an apple in one bite, and didn't care that the water splashed from the rockery fell on himself.

He left the field, and the Tasda people over there were still surrounded by the open space, and someone had already stepped up to replace him who had left the seat and continued to fight.

Fighting, that's what Tarstars play when they're bored.

It is also a game that has been around since they were children.

"Opada, you are stronger again."

His companion sat cross-legged on a low rock, also nibbling on an apple, speaking as he nibbled.

The brunette young man, who had eaten the apple after a few bites, clicked his tongue.

"Strong?" The compliment from his companion didn't seem to make him happy, "I still can't beat that old guy."

His unconvinced answer made his friend of the same year laugh.

"Of course, you are talking about your father, the great military leader of Tasda, and the first warrior of Tasda."

Although Tasda also has kings, it is different from other countries.

In Tusda, the general, the supreme military chief of Tusda, has the same political status and power as the king.

King Tasdar was in charge of internal affairs, while military chiefs were in charge of armies and foreign campaigns. In wartime, the order of the military chief is even higher than that of King Tasdar.

If you want to be the military leader of Tasda, you must be the most brave warrior of Tasda.

The current Tasda military leader, Mesne, is recognized as the first warrior of Tasda. He has five sons in total, and Opada, the third son, is the most heroic and powerful among them. Seen as the next military chief of Tarstar.

Therefore, for this meeting with the ally Aaron Landis, Mosne specially asked him to come as a member of the envoy, which was also to inform Aaron Landis that this was his chosen successor.

The companion continued: "It is still ten years before you want to defeat Lord Mosne."

This man was clearly an admirer of General Mosne.

He said: "Lord Musnee met the prince of Aaron Landis not long ago, and is said to have admired him very much."

The Geshu kingdom in the north has always been the mortal enemy of the Tastars and the Aaron Landis.

Not long ago, General Mosne led the Tusda infantry and the cavalry of Aaron Landis to repel the aggressive Geshuites, and Opas was out on the expedition at that time and did not participate in this battle.

"That prince was called the 'Black Knight of Hell' by the Geshus, and it was said that his appearance would frighten the Geshus."

Listening to his companion's words, Opada sneered and snorted.

Young and vigorous, he was extremely dissatisfied with the Prince Aaronlandis, who was admired by his father and who was also feared by the Geshus, the mortal enemies of the Tastars.

"Come on, there is also a so-called 'Prince who was given wise and just by the sun god Shamash'."

He said with a look of disdain, "It's just a reputation made up by those boring people, it's just a nice talk."

"No matter what prince it is, it will not be my opponent."

Opada said so proudly.

His companion nodded approvingly.

"I think so too." The Tasda people are the most confident in their own strength, "No one can be stronger than our Tasda people."

A light refracted from Opada's chest and shook his eyes. The Tasda man couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Speaking of which, Opada, when are you going to send this thing out?"

The companion pointed to something around his neck and said.

Hanging on Opada's neck is a translucent azure blue gemstone whose color is like the sky, reflecting a clear halo in the sunlight.

This was the most valuable trophy that Opada got when he went out to fight for the first time at the age of fifteen.

"You've been carrying it for seven or eight years, you don't plan to carry it for the rest of your life, are you?"

His companion shook his head, tsk tsk.

"Not to mention the men who woo you, there are quite a few women who have asked you for this gem over the years, right? You don't like any of them?"

The men of Tasda would give their lovers the most expensive trophies they had won during their first battle.

While the Tasda people advocate same-sex romance, not everyone does.

The women of Tasda are not only beautiful and strong, but also very picky. In order to ensure that their children can inherit the excellent bloodline, they will only choose men who are strong and heroic enough.

Only warriors will gain their favor.

"Opada, what are you talking about, what do you like?"

"I can't tell."

The brown-haired young man answered, with his hands behind his head, leaning on the rockery, his eyes looking at the far-reaching sky.

"If it weren't for the kind that would make me look up... so high... that gave me a feeling of being unattainable..."

That kind of aloof... enough to make his heart move...

"I can not understand what you say."

His companion, who was good at using strength but not brains, said it honestly.

"Actually, I don't know it myself."

Opada said, then got up and turned to leave.

"where did you go?"

"It's too boring here. I'll go and borrow the training ground of the Aaron Landis."

"Hey, there is a banquet in the evening. It is said that the prince of Aaron Landis will also attend. Don't you prepare?"

"What's there to prepare for?"

Opada waved his hand without looking back.

Instead of thinking about these things, it's better to use this time to strengthen yourself.

As the son of General Tasda and one of the highest-ranking people in the envoy, Opada would naturally have no problem using the palace's martial arts training ground. Soon, the attendants in the palace took him to the martial arts field and provided him with a horse.

Opada did not refuse. Although the Tasda people are famous for their heavy infantry, it does not mean that they despise the cavalry. On the contrary, they have always attached great importance to it. The reason why they are friendly with Aaron Landis is also because the Tasda people, who admire the strong, agree with the strength of the Aaron Landis cavalry.

The horse ran a few laps in the martial arts field. The martial arts field, which was much wider than the palace courtyard, made Opada much more comfortable.

Then, he dismounted and came to the training ground on the side of the martial arts training ground, intending to train his skills in using the sword and shield.

As soon as they entered the plaza, the Tarstar frowned.

He saw that on the other side of the training ground, three people were playing against a teenager.

What made him frown was that the three of them were all tall and sturdy adult men, and they were very strong at first sight. The boy with only one person was blocked by the three, so he couldn't see clearly, but compared with those men, he couldn't see clearly. Not only is he shorter in stature, but his body is also much slender.

For things like bullying the weak, the Tasda people are the most disdainful, especially those tall and big men who actually bully a child together.

Thinking like this, Opada ran over quickly, intending to help the boy who was surrounded by circles.

However, when he was just halfway through, the boy he regarded as the weakling who was being bullied suddenly moved.

As fast as the wind.

Obviously not tall and strong, or even a little slender, but like a golden cheetah that suddenly showed its sharp claws, its figure is agile and vigorous.

The young man did not fight head-to-head with his opponent, but his minions were still extremely sharp.

Often in an instant, the opponent's vital points can be torn apart, and the enemy can be killed in one hit.

Opada stood on the spot in astonishment and watched, the sun was so strong that his eyes hurt a little, but he didn't know why he was staring straight ahead.

He couldn't take his eyes off the boy.

The boy's fighting posture is like a war dance sacrificed to Ashur, the god of war in the sun.

Like a burning flame, it is breathtaking.

The blunt-edged dagger in his hand wiped down one's throat, then slammed into the other's chest, and finally, one hand pressed on the back of the man who was kneeling because he was kicked to the knee, and rolled over in the air. , jumped into the air.

The bent knee slammed hard on the last man's chin, and he turned to the ground.

Three tall men had fallen to the ground in a haphazard manner.

The young man stood on the ground with a dagger in his hand pointing directly at the throat of the man who was sitting on the ground, his figure was awe-inspiring.

Who is that

Opada thought.

He stood under the training platform, the teenager on the platform turned his back to him, and he could only see the back of the teenager.

A slender but straight figure, and a bunch of bright blonde hair that shone in the sun.

For some reason, at this moment, he was extremely eager to make the boy turn around, so eager that his chest was a little hot.

And this eagerness made him step forward, wanting to step onto the training platform.

However, before he could lift his legs, he saw the defeated men stand up and knelt in front of the boy to salute him.

He heard them call the boy, Prince.

Opada was startled.

Is this blond boy the prince of Aaron Landis? Is that the prince he talked about with his companions just now

The teenager nodded slightly to those people, then raised his hand and whistled.

In Opada's stunned and amazed eyes, a huge male lion whistled along with the whistle, leaped vigorously onto the training platform, and ran to the boy's side.

It was a terrifying male lion that even the brave Tasda people did not dare to face the enemy, but he meekly approached the boy.

The teenager touched the head of the big lion, then turned over and rode on the back of the lion.

When he turned over, he just turned around towards Opada.

Opada stood under the high training platform and raised his head.

On the high platform, the blond boy rode on the majestic and arrogant lion, and glanced at him.


Bright sunlight shone down from the sky and enveloped the boy.

The young man in the backlight looked down at him, as if the unattainable god looked down at him lightly.

At that glance, it was like a sharp sword pierced through his chest.

It made his chest hurt violently as if it was being scorched by the hot sun.

He stood under the stage and watched helplessly as the boy rode a lion into the jungle beside the martial arts field and disappeared into the depths of the green forest.

"Opada, you are back so soon, don't you practice much?"

Opada's return so early surprised his companions. As far as he knew, once Opada started training, it would not stop for most of the day.

"No, there is a banquet in the evening. Didn't you say that the prince of Aaron Landis would also be there?"

"Tsk, so what, what's there to care about, didn't you say that the prince's so-called reputation was created by making noise, it's nothing at all... uh!!!"

The Tasda man who was speaking suddenly suffered a heavy punch from Opada in the abdomen, causing him to bend over in pain.

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready."

The successor of their military chief said so solemnly.

"Also, Aaron Landis is our ally, and we are not allowed to say such things in the future."

"… "

Obviously you said it first!

Someone who was speechless due to the severe blow to the abdomen cried out in his heart.

It was already evening, and in the gorgeous golden palace, the soft melody played by the harp echoed in the brightly lit hall.

The light and thin white gauze fluttered softly like the graceful dances of the dancers. On both sides of the hall, the long sides from head to tail, the olive oil flowing in the water ditch carved by jade was burning with flaming flames. The whole hall was lit up like daylight.

King Camos sits high on the golden throne.

On both sides of the hall, the noble officials of Aaron Landis sat on one side, and the Tasdars sat on the other side.

While drinking, the crowd admired the dancers' dance, and chatted and laughed loudly in the soft music.

There was only one young Tasda man, sitting on the seat, looking restless. The golden bottled sake and jade dishes on the table did not attract his attention at all. He sat there, looking around frequently.

Not long after, a servant walked over quickly.

Standing on the lower side of King Camos, he reported a few words to the king.

"...The prince is here."

Opas was relatively close to King Camos and heard this sentence, but because of the voices and music of his companions, he only heard half of it.

He knew Aaron Landis, so he could hear the words 'here comes the prince' clearly.

So, he turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the attendant.

There is a side door there. Although there is a tulle in the middle to hide it from here, it is difficult to see clearly, but you can vaguely see someone walking over in the crowd, and the maids and servants standing at the door also knelt down and salute. shouted the prince.

Closer, closer, he even saw the bright blond hair in his memory.

He drank a large glass of wine suddenly, and gave himself a hard heart in his heart. Opada stood up abruptly, and walked quickly towards the side door under the surprised eyes of his companions.

His heart was beating violently and he couldn't control his violent heartbeat while he spurned himself like a young devil.

He felt more nervous than he was on the battlefield for the first time.

Opada raised his hand and tightly held the azure blue gemstone pendant on his chest, the cold touch barely calmed him down.

But he was still so nervous that he didn't even dare to lift his head.

He didn't dare to stop, didn't dare to look up, for fear that when he stopped and raised his head, he would let out his breath.

So he took a big step, almost rushing to the side door.

The prince who happened to be surrounded by the crowd just came in.

Opada gritted his teeth sharply, ripped off the blue sapphire on his chest, knelt down in front of the man on one knee, and held the gem with both hands.

He shouted: "Prince of Aaron Landis, please be my lover!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked.

His kneeling, one sentence, one action shocked everyone.

Even the musicians forgot to play, and the entire hall was silent at this moment, and the needles could be heard.


This is really... awesome.

Garland was so amazed in his heart.

Garlan, who came to the dinner party, was in a good mood.

He stretched his muscles and bones on the martial arts training ground in the afternoon, and felt that he was in a lot of energy. After he figured out that the customs of the Tasda people had nothing to do with him, he didn't take it seriously, and came to the dinner party lightly and happily.

When he came to the banquet hall, he happened to bump into Heimos, who also came at this time, and the two naturally left together.

However, when he was about to enter the side door, Garlan felt like he was stepping on something, which made his foot crooked. So he stopped subconsciously and looked down to see what he stepped on.

This stop, naturally, a few steps behind Heimos.

So Heimos stepped in before him.

next second...

"Prince of Aaron Landis, please be my lover!"

With a sudden loud voice, Garlan instinctively looked up.

I saw a Tasda who looked a little familiar kneeling in front of Heimos, holding a blue gem in both hands and sending it to Heimos.


Courtship in public.


Heimos was wooed in public.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa-

so amazing.

Huymos was wooed by a Tasdar man—

The melon-eating crowd Garlan standing behind watched the courtship scene strongly, while exclaiming in the bottom of his heart.