A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 70


The entire hall was dead silent at this moment.

The musicians stopped playing and the dancers stopped dancing.

The Aaron Landis figure seemed to have been pressed the button to stop time at this moment, one by one maintaining the movement of that moment, all froze.

On the contrary, the Tastars showed a wow expression, or showed a look of enthusiastic onlookers, or constantly looked at the courtship of the successor of their military chief.

Clearly, enthusiastic and daring Tasdarians have long been accustomed to this.

The crimson fire was reflected on the faces of everyone with different expressions, and the Huamei Hall was so silent that it seemed that only the inaudible crackling sound of the flames could be heard.

Above the hall, the brown-haired king sitting on the golden throne was holding a malachite-carved wine glass in his hand. He had not had time to bring it to his mouth, so the hand holding the malachite glass was hanging in the air.

The maid who was serving next to him stole a glance and saw that the hand of King Camos was clenched tightly and trembled slightly.

After raising her gaze a little, she saw Wang's face was tight and solemn. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to take a sip, she lowered her head abruptly, and no longer dared to look around.


The maid clenched her fingers nervously.

Wang was so angry that he was trembling.

She was terribly frightened.

It's over.

There's going to be a big mess at the party!

Indeed, if you look closely, you can see that the hand of King Camos holding the malachite cup is shaking slightly, and the bright red liquid in the emerald stone ripples with this slight shaking.

The brown-haired king stared at the side door, his eyes wide open, his face stern, his expression extremely serious, and the muscles on his broad shoulders were tensed, as if he would be furious in the next second.

hold back.

King Camos, who was holding his face tightly, was trying his best to control his facial muscles, clenching his teeth hard.

Must hold back.

He endured to the point where his hand holding the cup trembled.

Absolutely not to laugh!

King Camos tried his best to hold back the wild laughter that had piled into his throat and was about to burst out, so that the corners of his eyes were slightly distorted.

The reason for the stern face is because the expression on his face will be exposed immediately if he does not exert himself.

As the king of Aaron Landis, in order to ensure the majesty of the king, in order to maintain the national image of Aaron Landis...

He endured...

Damn, I really want to slap the table and laugh wildly ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no, he can't take it anymore, hahahahaha! ! !

King Camos looked bluffing, and others thought that he was angry because he was angry, and some people who knew him, such as a priest of Shamash, kept staring at him.

You dare to laugh out loud and try.

Xie Muer stared at King Camos expressionlessly, and said so to his majesty with his eyes.

Not to mention that King Camos, who did not burst into laughter, and the priest who stared at the king to supervise his image, on the other side, the center of everyone's attention, at the side door, the two parties were still deadlocked there. All motionless.

As the initiator, Opada knelt on one knee on the ground, feeling terribly uneasy, and couldn't hear anything in his ears except the heartbeat of his heart that was about to burst out of his chest.

He knelt on the ground and held the sapphire, which he had been wearing for many years, in front of the young man who made his heart move, but he didn't dare to look up.

Opada, what about your praised courage? You look like a coward now!

He rebuked himself in his heart.

The scene of the blond boy riding on the lion looking down at him in the afternoon vaguely appeared in his mind, and he felt that his heart was about to burst.

What if the teenager rejects him

He couldn't help thinking about it, his chest panicked.

no, I can not.

He was the mightiest warrior of the young Tastards, and he was so brave, so handsome, and so strong that no one would refuse his courtship.

But... Aaron Landis doesn't seem to be the same as Tastar.

They don't admire the strong... and seem to rarely accept same-sex lovers.

For the first time now, the heroic and decisive Tasda warriors felt the feeling of worrying about gain and loss and feeling restless.

Will the boy reject him

It's been so long, why is there no movement at all

Does he refuse to accept the jewel of his courtship

… Or, just take him directly... Well, he is the prince of Aaron Landis, and it is a bit difficult to take it away...

... However, it's not impossible... As long as he grabs it back, he will be his lover.

The nervous Opada was in a mess and lost his head. He actually started to think about taking the prince of Aaron Landis back to Tasda.

After all, grabbing what you want is the first reaction and consistent thinking pattern of the Tasda people.

Just when he was still thinking about it, his eyes suddenly swept in front of him.

At this glance, Opada was stunned for a moment.

The man standing in front of him was wearing light, cool, thin-soled sandals, with white straps that crossed over the calf and extended below the knee.

Tangled with a white cord, was a slender, sturdy, muscular brown calf.

Opada was stunned.

He remembered that the boy's complexion was very fair.

He still clearly remembered the scene in the sun, looking down at him, the young man's skin was as white as it was glowing.

He suddenly raised his head in surprise, and what caught his eye was the face of a stranger who, although handsome, had never seen before.

He still maintained the posture of kneeling and holding the gem in his hand, with his mouth open and his head raised to look at the man.

And the dark-haired, brown-skinned youth who looked similar to him stood in front of him, frowning and looking at him coldly.

Opada was stunned.

Who are you

He looked at Heimos with a bewildered expression, only to feel as if a group of big black bears galloped past and were trampled to pieces in his mind.

When he was stunned, Opada suddenly saw the young man behind him.

The beautiful blond boy with red lips and white teeth was standing only three or four steps away, and his golden eyes bright as stars were looking at him curiously.

When he saw him look over and the two looked at each other, the young man smiled at him.

Opada's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't have time to think, or should be said that he couldn't think at all in his dazed brain. He instinctively wanted to get up, clenched the gem in his hand, and wanted to run towards the boy—

But just before he had time to get up, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder, pressing his body back heavily.

At the same moment, the sapphire in his palm was also taken away.

Looking at the Tasda man kneeling in front of him, Heimos frowned.

Because he had also cooperated with the Tasda infantry in the four years in the Northland, he had a certain understanding of the Tasda people, and also understood the customs of the Tasda people who were very enthusiastic and bold in love.

However, understanding is understanding, and this is Aaron Landis. This guy he didn't even recognize suddenly rushed over, knelt down in front of him without raising his head, and said something without thinking - this made him very unhappy.

If the other party was not a member of the Tasdar Mission, if he was not surrounded by people in the palace hall now, he would have kicked the person away unceremoniously.

Just when Heimos frowned and was about to open his mouth to refuse, he just opened his mouth, and before he could make a sound, the Tasda man who had been bowing his head suddenly raised his head.

And the expression on this Tasda man's face looked very strange, staring at him with a confused look, his eyes were full of astonishment, and his eyes looked as if he didn't know him at all.

The next second, the Tasda man's gaze passed him and landed behind him. Then, his brown eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found some treasure, showing a look of surprise, and his eyes were straight like this. He stared behind him and didn't move, then made a gesture to stand up.

behind him

The person standing behind him now is... Garlan.

Could it be—

The thought that quickly flashed through his mind made Heimos's heart jump, and he almost guessed the reason for the strange behavior of the Tastar in a second.

Seeing that the man was about to run behind him, he didn't have time to think, he stretched out his right hand and pressed Opada, who was about to get up, back to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his left hand took the sapphire from the opponent's palm a second before the opponent clenched his hand.

The Tastian who saw his sapphire taken away by him was startled, then raised his head and glared at him.

Heimos looked down at the young Tasdar.

If the eyes he looked at this man just a moment ago were just impatient and unhappy, then now there is a hint of danger in the depths of his golden red eyes.

And this dangerous aura was immediately felt by the Tasda who had a keen sense like a beast. The muscles on the shoulders he was holding tense suddenly, and the Tastar's whole body instantly switched to the state of responding to the enemy. .

Heimos didn't do anything, his right hand patted Opada's shoulder lightly, as if to express friendliness.

Then, he leaned over, lowered his head and leaned into Opada's ear, and said softly.

"Say one more word and do one more thing, and I'll crush this gem into pieces."

After speaking, he straightened up, clenched the gem in his left hand, and patted Opada on the shoulder with his right hand.

Opada, who was about to get up and retrieve the gem from Heimos, froze for a moment, and he looked at Heimos' left hand with fear.

His important gem was in that person's hand. Although the gem was very hard, he had no doubt that the person in front of him had the power to crush it.

He stood up, staring at Heimos's eyes that were breathing fire, but did not move.

The first trophy of the Tasda people has great significance and is irreplaceable. Therefore, although he was furious at the threat of this person, he still managed to endure it.


Seeing that the Tasda fell silent, Heimos turned around and shouted, extending his right hand to Garlan.

Garland, the melon-eating crowd at the back, was watching vigorously, and when he was suddenly called out, he subconsciously walked towards Heimos.

Heimos put his right hand around his shoulder and led him forward.

His body isolated the Tasda on the left from Garland, because being led by Heimos, Garland couldn't even look back curiously.

The strange silence remained in the hall until the two princes came to their seats, and after they were seated, everyone seemed to wake up from a dream.

The musician played again, and the dancers continued to show their graceful dancing postures. Everyone in Aaron Landis continued to talk loudly with the people around them with expressions on their faces that nothing had happened and nothing had been seen. .

The hall, which seemed to have stagnated in time, finally became noisy again.

Opada stood there for a while, then returned to his seat depressed.

As soon as he was seated, his companions winked at him one after another, and the friends sitting beside him even came over and congratulated him with a smile.

"Opada, you finally gave your gems away, and you will be free from the single team from now on."

His friend smiled while glancing at the other side.

"Your vision is really high, you actually took a fancy to the Prince Aaron Landis known as the 'Black Knight'. Well... He does seem to be a very powerful man."

"Aaron Landis is different from us, and I was worried that you would be rejected in public..."

The friend kept talking to himself, and suddenly found that Opada didn't listen to him at all, and just stared straight at the opposite side, as if he couldn't see enough.

Looking at Opada's gaze, sure enough, he was staring at the seat of the two princes of Aaron Landis, his eyes burning to the extreme.

The friend couldn't help shaking his head.

Hey, Opada seems to be really stuck this time, to the prince of the 'Black Knight'.

He said so emotionally in his heart.

Then, he took a sip of wine with a smile.

pretty good.

he thinks.

Anyway, the prince also accepted Opada's gem.

Not only him, all the Tasda people on this side glanced at Opada from time to time, with expressions of relief and emotion on their faces.

Garlan sat on the right seat closest to King Camos, and Heimos' seat was naturally next to him.

He originally wanted to sneak in and ask about what happened to Heimos just now, but Heimos has been lowering his head since he sat down, looking at the gem in his hand, pursing his lips and wondering what he was thinking.

Because he lowered his head, the fine black hair fell down to block his eyes, and he couldn't see Heimos's expression clearly.

Looking up again, Garlan saw the Tasdar man on the opposite side staring straight in this direction.

Uh, is that guy looking at Heimos

should be.

Garland thought.

It seems that person really likes Heimos.

"It's a pity, but Heimos will definitely reject him."

Garland whispered something to himself.

Thinking of this, he felt that the other party seemed a little pitiful.

The maid next to him was kneeling beside him and holding a cup of fruit dew to him. Hearing Gallan's words, her eyes flashed, and she couldn't hold back and whispered to Gallan.

"Not so, Your Highness, Prince Heimos has already agreed."


As a follower of Avtomir, the goddess of love and beauty, you must be thoroughly familiar with the ways of expressing love and passionate love for all countries and nations on the continent.

Therefore, when Heimos took over the Tasda man's gem, the maid was sluggish, and only recovered a little just now.

"His Royal Highness, according to Tasda's custom, the Tasda people will give their lovers the spoils of their first expedition." She leaned into Garlan's ear and said softly, "If you accept it, it means you are willing to Accept each other's love and promise to be each other's lover."

Garland: "..."

Confused by the maid's words, the boy looked left at the Tasdar man who was staring at him with hot eyes, and looked at Heimos beside him who had been looking down at the gem in his hand.

Heimos just accepted the gem.

That is, he agreed to the man's courtship.

That is to say, Heimos and that Tasda man... are they in love with each other? !

This melon is too big! ! !