A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 72


Garland was a little skeptical at first, thinking that Heimos was probably unwilling to tell his love affair, but when he saw Heimos denying it so decisively, he even swore directly to Shamash, and with that look in his eyes. It really doesn't look like a lie, so I believe it.

Thinking about it carefully, Heimos was right. After all, he was Aaron Landis' guest of honor, and it was indeed embarrassing for that person to refuse something in public. It would be better to refuse in private in order to save his face.

And Heimos also said that tomorrow he will go to the Tasda to make it clear and return the gem.

Thinking of the scorching eyes of the brown-haired man who had been staring at this side during the banquet, Garlan shook his head.

Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless.

No way, after all, Aaron Landis didn't have that kind of custom, and Heimos didn't like men either.

But in this way, he was also relieved. It seems that he can continue to hope that Heimos will marry and have children.

He thought, Heimos is in his twenties, that day should be coming soon, and he should not be far from the day of liberation.

"Wait a minute, I'll take you back."

"Ah? No need."

Garland said, "I'm pretty good at sneaking in."

"It's not that easy now."

Heimos said, glancing at the boy who knew nothing about the matter.

"For some special reason, the palace is on emergency alert tonight. It should be after you sneaked out. If you go back now, you will find that the number of patrols near your palace has more than tripled than usual." He Say, "Are you sure you can sneak in without disturbing anyone without my help?"

Garland: "..."

I'm afraid not.

So, he nodded obediently.

Heimos smiled and said, "I'll change my clothes first, you wait for me here."

He had been training so intensively just now that his clothes were almost sweaty, so he naturally had to change first.

Garland watched Heimos enter the room. He was sitting at the stone table, and when he was bored, he reached out and picked up the long sword that Heimos had just placed on the table.

As soon as he picked it up, his hand sank immediately, but fortunately he quickly held it up with the other hand, so that the long sword did not fall.

This sword is so heavy!

He thought about it this way, and when he looked again, the blade didn't seem to be pierced, but even if it didn't, the heavy weight was like a hammer, and it was estimated that it could smash the stone table into pieces.

Does Heimos train with such a heavy sword every day

… No wonder he is so powerful, his arms are so strong.

Garlan glanced at his slender arms, sighed silently in his heart, and put the sword back on the table.

He felt that he had eaten a lot, but he didn't know why his body just couldn't get stronger. He also practiced martial arts with Xie Mu'er often. Although he had gained some thin muscles over the years, compared to Hui's Moss is just too far off.

Therefore, all along, Xie Muer taught him to be agile in fighting other people's martial arts, and he also trained his flexibility.

After so many years, he can fight three or so adult men by himself. In fact, among the aristocratic children of the same age, his fighting power is not bad, but compared with Heimos, Xie Muer, and King Camos, who can easily fight ten perverts...

Don't compare, the more you compare, the more heartbroken.

Anyway, he doesn't need to go to the battlefield in the future, he just travels the mainland, and his skills should be enough.

Even if he encounters a powerful one, tsk, he's not stupid, can't he run if he can't beat it

Thinking of this, Garlan felt a little thirsty, and there was a jade pot and a few cups on the table.

He poured a little and tasted it. It was sweet and sour. It seemed to be fruit juice.

When Heimos changed into dry clothes and came out, he saw that Garland was drinking the contents of the jug. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately walked over quickly and took the cup from Garland's hand.

But it was too late, the young man looked up at him, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes became dazed.

"Heimos, you are so stingy."

Garlan tilted his head and looked at Heimos with a dissatisfied expression.

He raised his hand, only to point to Huymos. But for some unknown reason, his hand didn't obey, and his fingertips stabbed Heimos's chest all of a sudden. The places he stabbed were tight muscles, hard, and his fingers hurt.

"It hurts..."

The boy with flushed cheeks muttered, looking unhappy, and poked a few more times.

"Why are you practicing here so hard, it doesn't feel comfortable at all."

Appears to be drunk.

Holding Garlan's hand that kept poking at his chest, Heimos thought helplessly.

He is fond of sweets, so some people brought him this sweet fruit wine that tasted like fruit juice in order to please him.

Garland must have drank a lot as juice.

The white face of the young man who was holding his hand was like a peach blossom in full bloom at the moment, red and he tilted his head and looked at him.

That ignorant little appearance makes people feel pity and love at a glance.

The young man tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly threw himself on him, hugging him and not letting go.

"It's not fair..." Garlan muttered, "every time...every time...why do you grow so tall?"

Garlan's 'every time' was very vague, but Heimos didn't hear it very clearly, only the latter sentence.

Suddenly, Heimos laughed.

When he left four years ago, Garlan, who was still a child, resented his unwillingness to grow in height. Now that he has grown taller, it seems that Garlan is still very dissatisfied.

"You're still young." Heimos hugged the man in his arms and coaxed him softly, "You will still grow taller."

He looked at Garlan with extremely soft eyes.

The golden hair reflected the moonlight, and the light reflected in his eyes, making him look at Garlan's eyes brightly.

"You lied, obviously you were taller than me when I was my age..."

Garlan hummed softly in his arms, very dissatisfied.

Heimos smiled, patted Garlan's head, and then with a little force in both hands, he hugged Garlan.

The boy who was suddenly picked up by him seemed a little stunned, nestled in his arms, looking at him with misty golden eyes, with a somewhat confused look, that cute little appearance softened the hearts of those who looked at him. a pool of water.

He coaxed the boy softly and said, "It's too late, can you sleep with me here tonight?"

Being so drunk, it was a little difficult to escape the eyes and ears of the patrols several times over.

Heimos thought.

It's better to let Garlan rest here tonight, and let the attendant go to tell Lady Tapti tomorrow morning.

In this way, if that Opada really secretly broke into Garland's palace, it would only be in vain.

Well, it was a bit difficult to send back a drunk Garlan.

With Heimos' skill, it's actually just 'a little'.

The drunk boy naturally wouldn't protest the decision Huymos made on his own.

He cuddled obediently in Heimos' arms and was carried into the room by him.

Heimos put Garlan on the bed, and on the snow-white bed, his long golden hair was scattered.

The young man lying on the bed looked at him, his cheeks were lightly flushed, his golden eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist, and he looked very much like a white deer looking at him with innocent eyes. .

Clean and pure.

But it makes people unable to control an ugly desire in their hearts to control that beautiful creature in their own hands.

Heimos suddenly thought that if Garlan was sent back, if the guy named Opada really sneaked in, he would be able to see what Garlan looked like now.

His chest tightened inexplicably.

No one will see it.

he thinks.

He will guard and never let anyone see it.

He thought, reaching for a strand of blond hair scattered on the snow-white bed.

The delicate and soft strands of hair rustled down from his rough fingertips, with a velvet-like touch that made people want to stop.

Lying on the bed, Garlan tilted his head and looked at the tuft of blond hair he was holding, and suddenly showed an unhappy expression.

"Too long."

The boy said angrily like a child.

That expression made Heimos couldn't help but smile.

"I don't like it, so why stay longer?"

He remembered that when he left four years ago, although the female officer Tapti always wanted Gallan to have long hair, Gallan refused to agree.

Now it seems that the female officer finally succeeded.

"Because as soon as I go out... I always get into trouble, and then the king told me not to go out..."

The teenager said in a low voice, "Tapti said that as long as I have long hair, I will go to Brother Wang to help me clarify... so that I can continue to go out... "

Even if he knew that he would run into something when he went out, he still couldn't hold back.

No way, in order to be able to play outside the palace, he can only sell his hair.

"very nice."

Heimos said, with a smile in his eyes, softly coaxing the teenager who complained to him angrily about how inconvenient long hair was.

When Garlan was tired of complaining and stopped talking, he patted Garlan's head.

"Go to sleep."

He said softly.

Garlan, who was tired after reading it for a long time, hummed, and closed his eyes obediently.

However, just after closing it for a while, he suddenly opened it again.

He stared at Heimos with his eyes half-open, and he said, "Heimos, do you have a woman you like?"

He blinked and continued to ask, "Are you going to marry that woman?"

If there is a woman you like, you should quickly marry her and have a child.

Garland thought sadly.

Look how many years I've been waiting, you're wasting my life.

As long as you get married and have children, I don't have to stay here any longer.

He wanted to continue to say these words, but a sense of tiredness struck, and he was so sleepy that he couldn't say those few words, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Heimos was stunned by Gallan's sudden question, but after Garlan finished talking, he immediately fell asleep.

[Do you have a woman you like? Are you going to marry her?]

Thinking of Garlan's unhappy expression when he asked him, Heimos suddenly moved in his heart.

Which woman did he like, or which woman did he marry... Would Gallan be upset

Is it because Garlan doesn't like him being close to others

Is it possible to think that Gallan is actually the same as him, and has a somewhat exclusive mind towards him

Heimos thought, his mood suddenly cheered up.

Under the leadership of the attendant, the maid walked forward in the palace of Prince Heimos.

Early this morning, Prince Heimos sent his subordinates to tell the lady officer that Prince Garlan was resting by his side last night.

The maid was standing next to her, and when she heard this, she saw that the lady officer was smiling, and for some reason there was a terrifying aura all over her body. The people around were so frightened that they were instantly silent, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

Originally, the female officer was going to come to pick up the person when she raised her foot, but at that time, King Camos sent someone to summon the female officer and asked the female officer to come over.

There was no way, Lord Tapti could only hand over the task of picking up people to her and several other maids and attendants.

After Prince Heimos's palace announced his identity, the female officer here conveyed Prince Heimos's order and took her into the inner palace alone.

She was a little confused and didn't know why. But he didn't dare to talk too much, so he could only follow the other side silently.

Bypassing a curved corridor, she was taken into the interior of Prince Heimos's palace.

As soon as she entered and looked up, she was stupid on the spot.

I saw that on the large bed in the room, Prince Heimos was lying on his side, with his arms around the man in his arms.

And His Highness Garlan, who had his back to her, seemed to be still asleep, and he was nestled in Heimos's arms.

From her point of view, she could only see the soft blond hair scattered on the prince's fair and slender shoulders, the long hair spread out on the snow-white bed, and the ends hanging down from the edge of the bed.

Heimos, who was lying on his side, hugged Garlan, and the loose clothes had already slipped from his shoulders, revealing his sturdy honey-colored upper body, and he didn't seem to care.

The sleeping boy's white arms were placed on the thin brown waist of the young man.

He was nestled in the other's arms and seemed to be sleeping soundly, his head almost resting on one of the other's arms.

The pair of brown arms wrapped around him, although not very hard, but inexplicably gave people a feeling of firmly shackled the boy in his arms.

The scene where the white limbs and the brown body were intertwined, for some reason, gave people a great sense of impact. The maid only felt her brain buzzing inexplicably, and her face instantly burned like a volcanic eruption. stand up.

She lowered her head quickly, for fear of being seen by others.

She was a little confused.

I don't understand why my heart is beating so fast all of a sudden, and my face feels like it's on fire.

But her rapid heartbeat at the moment was not the blushing caused by the sight of the beautiful man.

It was a horrible heart palpitations.

She couldn't say why, but she just felt that she saw a very dangerous scene.

That extreme sense of danger made her unable to contain the violent beating of her heart.

"You wait there for a while."

Just when the maid was in a panic, a hoarse voice came from the front because she had just woken up.

"Let Garlando sleep for a while."

That low and somewhat hoarse voice revealed a bit of indescribable sexiness.

The maid took a light breath, still lowered her head, whispered yes, and then stood there quietly and waited.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat.

The maid lowered her head, not daring to look up at the scene that gave her a great impact, but even if she didn't watch it, the scene of white and brown limbs intertwined inevitably came to her mind...

Although it gave her an indescribable sense of danger, in the name of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphdomir... She actually wanted to take a look.

However, this silence was quickly broken, and the female officer who came in again after leaving the dormitory leaned over to report to Heimos.

"Your Highness, His Excellency Opada of Tarstar wants to see you," she said. "He is already outside, and he has declared that if you don't go out, he will come in directly."

Heimos, who was leaning on the head of the bed and looked at the boy in his arms softly, paused, but when he raised his head, his eyes became extremely sharp.

Then, he got up with very light movements, got out of bed, instructed the maid to stay beside the bed, put on a coat that the female official held, and walked out quickly.

It's just that he didn't notice that as soon as he walked out the door, the boy on the bed raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, as if he had woken up.

As soon as he walked out, Heimos frowned.

The young Tasda man was already standing in the courtyard, with a few guards standing beside him. It seemed that he wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare to really hit the VIP hard.

He raised his hand and asked all the people next to him to retreat.

Opada stared gloomily at the prince known as the 'Black Knight'.

Last night he grabbed one of Aaron Landis's hospitality officials and asked him what it was.

So, early this morning, he unceremoniously came to find someone.

"Give it back to me."

he said firmly.

Tasda people have always been straight to the point, straight to the point.

"Prince Heimos, that's not for you."

Opada's expression was cold and hard, and Heimos's expression was not much better.

"I can give it back to you."

He said, "However, I want to remind you that Aaron Landis is not the same as Tastar, and your rash behavior will only be offensive."

The golden red eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting the morning sun.

There was a shimmer in the bottom of his eyes, which made one's heart chill for no reason.

"So, I suggest you, if you don't want to be disgusting, you'd better not do such a thing again."

He increased his voice and called out the name of the Tasda man word by word.

"Lord Opada."

At the moment when the two were battling each other, suddenly, with a snap, the door closed by Heimos was pushed open from the inside.

Garlan ran out from the inside.


He opened his eyes wide and looked at the Tasdar man across from him.

The blond hair, which was a bit messy in sleep, was draped over his shoulders, and the boy apparently ran out before he had time to change his clothes.

He stood in front of Opada, looking up at him.

"Are you Opada?" he asked.

Garlan stared at the Tastian man in surprise and eagerly and asked.

He didn't notice it at all, and Heimos, who was standing beside him, darkened instantly.

In previous lives, Tarstar had severed relations with Aaron Landis.

The reason for the breaking of diplomatic relations was that the Tasdar mission was attacked by Aaron Landis' thieves on the way back to Tasdar from the royal city, and none of the Tasdars survived.

General Tasda, who lost his beloved son and his most valued successor, was furious and immediately led his troops to attack Aaron Landis. Although he was finally repelled by King Camos, the two countries have since changed from friendly relations to friendship. mortal enemy.

The young man who was regarded by all the Tasdars as the successor of the next Tasdar General, but was accidentally attacked and died, was called Opada.